The Alphas & The Heiress

Chapter CHAPTER 26 - BONUS


Magnolia has been gone most of the day. I thought she’d be back after lunch but I haven’t seen her. I’ve been out and about throughout the day too, I managed to get a tuxedo last minute with Runidar since Kat’s party is tonight. Perhaps she snuck back into her room while I was gone.

I open her door without knocking but don’t immediately see anyone inside. I hear someone rummaging through something in the closet so I push open the door without warning in a vain attempt to surprise her.

“It’s almost impossible to surprise a wolf you know.” Kat says from inside the closet.

“Well I wasn’t trying to surprise you, was I? What are you doing in Syble’s room anyway?”

“I brought up our dresses, I thought she and I could get ready together.” She deflates with a shrug, “but she’s obviously still out.”

“She’ll be back in time, Kat. She wouldn’t miss it.” I try to reassure her.

“Tell that to my brothers.” She mutters angrily under her breath.

I let my wings unfold, stretching them as much as I can from within the closet. “You want me to drag her back here?” A sly smirk tugs at the corners of my mouth.

She smiles and laughs a full, uninhibited laugh. “Good luck with that. My brothers have been dying to show her the lake.”

I want to ask if she’s sure that’s all her brothers want to show my sister but I bite my tongue. I’m not overly thrilled by how they so obviously lust after her, but I know she can take them in a fight so I’m not as worried about them making a move.

“Are you upset that she’s out with them?” She asks me in a small voice with downcast eyes.

A strange hurt pulses through my chest at her saddened expression. I don’t know why she cares so much what I think about Magnolia’s activities, and more than that I don’t know why her sadness affects me.

“Yes…and no.” I answer honestly. “It’s complicated.” I back out of the closet and motion for her to join me in the sitting area in the room.

We make ourselves comfortable in the armchairs, sitting across from one another.

“You love her.” She says it to me so matter of factly.

I’m overwhelmed by the urge to explain that I love Mags like any big brother loves their little sister. I’m sure it’s not dissimilar to the affection the Alphas hold for Kat. I’m tormented by the way Kat looks at me and it’s aggravating that I can’t figure out why I care so much what she thinks, all I know is I do care. I’m caught between protecting my sister, my queen, and protecting the heart of a girl I barely know.

“Kat, it’s…complicated.” The ache in my chest grows as she registers the words. “What about you Kat? A beautiful girl like you must have guys falling over themselves for a chance to love you.”

“It’s not as complicated for wolves, there is only one that we want. Our mate.” She gives me an amused look when I cock my head to the side at the mention of a mate. I’m not entirely sure what she means by it.

“You have no idea what I’m talking about, do you?” She giggles.

“No, sorry. But, I’d like to understand.”

Kat sits up with renewed energy, tucking her legs under her on the chair. “Well, every wolf has a mate out there in the world, their other half, like a soulmate.” She’s so animated when she talks, using her whole body to tell the story. “When we turn 18 we can finally find our mate, the one person we’re destined to be with.”

“How do you know you’ve found your mate?” It’s completely fascinating to me. We don’t have mates in the grove. We date, fall in love, suffer heartbreaks just like humans. Secretly, every dragon chases The Spark. It’s as close to an affirmation that you’ve found “the one” as we get.

“There’s this invisible pull towards each other, two halves of the same soul calling out to one another to be reunited. Mates are also attracted to one another’s scent. It’s a unique, intoxicating scent. When they touch, it’s like electricity, like sparks that ignite where they connect.”

She speaks so animatedly about what it’s like to find and be with a mate. I’m completely entranced by the passion, the reverence, she has for this bond.

“It sounds like you speak from experience. Have you found your mate?”

“It’s…complicated.” Her expression is as serious as it is cheeky, I believe her when she says it’s complicated, because I know the feeling, but I also get the sense she’s teasing me for the way I answered her questions about Mags.

“But I’ve seen enough people find their mates to know, watching my parents and friends find their mates.”

“And your brothers? Have they found their mates?”

“Well that is an even more complicated situation. Since they’re the Alphas, their mate would become our new Luna. My mom has been helping out with the Luna responsibilities until my brothers claim their mate, but she’s eager to retire and spoil her grandpups.” Kat giggles at the notion.

Thoughts I have no right to imagine flood my mind, images of Kat heavy with child, cradling a baby girl that looks just like her in her arms.

These ideas evaporate at the sound of my sister’s voice. “What are the two of you doing in my room?”

I whip around to find Mags standing in the doorway. I’m trying my best to look casual but it’s hard when I’ve been fantasizing about Kat and the way she’d look glowing with a swollen, pregnant belly. My face flushes with heat, embarrassed by my errant thoughts.

Kat looks terrified of Mags, like she was caught doing something naughty and is about to be punished for it.

“Well I came to find you so we could get ready together and then Incandis came knocking looking for you so we’ve just been —“

“Talking… and now we’re done, so I’m going to go.” I have to get out of here before either of them notices my growing erection.

I take an ice cold shower, attempting to abate the heat that simmers beneath my skin’s surface.

I get dressed in my tux, don the mask Runidar gave me, and make my way downstairs to meet with everyone so we can head out to Kat’s birthday festivities.

The girls aren’t down yet, everyone else is waiting in the lounge. The Alphas are pacing the floor impatiently while their parents stand calmly off to the side answering questions from wait staff and trying to tell the Alphas to be patient.

“Finally.” Ro breathes a sigh of relief but I don’t see what he’s referring to. It isn’t for a few more seconds that I finally see Kat descend the stairs into the common room. She looks stunning in her red lace gown and feathered mask.

There’s a collective murmur of appreciation at the birthday girl before everyone stills and goes silent. Magnolia makes her way down the stairs in a truly enchanting black, glittering gown. I look over to the Alphas but they only have eyes for my sister, eyes as black as her dress. Magnolia has always radiated power and elegance, a fearsome combination that has always frightened off most of the men who have even thought to pursue her.

But not the Alphas.

They’re not intimidated by her in the least, they meet her dominance head on, drawn to her. In fact everyone in the room is drawn to her in one way or another. It’s the queen in her.

At this moment, though everyone else is mesmerized by my queen, I find myself drawn to another.

Kat’s eyes lock on to mine and she rewards me with a dazzling smile that dimples her flushed cheeks.

I can’t explain the warmth that spreads through my chest at her smile, nor the overwhelming need to get closer to her. Perhaps tomorrow I’ll come to my senses, but tonight is her night, and I’m resolved to make sure that she smiles like that all evening long.

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