The Alpha's Shatter Zone

Chapter |32|


The deep voice that she knew all too well jerked her from the moment. She stepped back, pushing on Jackson. Her eyes swivelled to Kaiden.

His appearance was hurried, as if he had just jumped out of bed, with mussed hair and a crinkled shirt wrapping around his defined muscles.

But he was clearly furious, the orbs that were once a warm brown now ablaze with such dark anger. It crashed into her like tidal waves, making her tremble and want to bury herself in a hole.

She looked away in time to see Jackson teetering on the edge of the pool. Then with a massive splash he fell into the water. Chesca hadn’t realised how close they were standing to the edge, or how hard she’d pushed him back when Kaiden caught them kissing. A nervous chuckle escaped from her lips, releasing the pent up tension.

“Were you really just kissing Jackson?” Kaiden stormed up and grabbed her arm, turning her to face him. The jealousy and spite that radiated off him scared her, but she quickly saw the funny side.

“Why, are you jealous?” yanking her arm free, she looked back at Jackson who grinned from the pool. Suddenly, the water looked more inviting than Kaiden’s wrath. With a swift motion, she jumped in, disappearing beneath the ripples. Holding her breath, she watched the blurry form of Kaiden pacing back and forth on the edge like an enraged lion. It felt like five minutes later, but might only have been seconds, when two strong arms reached around her and pulled her up.

“What do you think you’re doing? Trying to drown yourself?” Kaiden asked as soon as she surfaced and gasped for air. Her mate was crouched by the edge of the pool, reaching out his arms for her, and Jackson released her with concern in his blue eyes.

Not feeling any need to really explain herself, Chesca gave a glib response, “The water is so much more calm than you are right now, it was rather peaceful underneath.”

Kaiden growled, shifting his focus to the male behind her. “You, Jackson, are in way over your head,” he pointed his finger at the grinning Alpha. “When I get my hands on you—”

Jackson held up his hands in a show of innocence. “Me? I was just listening to Chesca talk about her problems. Which are all caused by you! So don’t you dare—”

“I’m her mate! So don’t think you can take advantage of h—“

“For goodness sake, Kaiden! Lay off!” Chesca splashed water up at him, annoyed with this stupid argument between the two Alphas. The anger was tangible as it rolled off her mate, causing him to physically shake. Chesca watched his clenched fists with unease, afraid he’d shift and rip someone to shreds.

Reluctantly she’d admitted to herself that spending time with Jackson alone had probably been a bad idea. Letting Jackson kiss her had been like playing with a fully loaded assault rifle. An angry and territorial Alpha male staking his claim and protecting his mate was something not to be trifled with, but Chesca refused to be intimidated by Kaiden’s reaction. For her sake as well as Jackson’s. “You’re my mate and no one is going to come between us and change that. What happened just now was a silly mistake and nothing more. So don’t get your big boy panties in a twist, and stop plotting Jackson’s death. Do you want to start a war?” she tried reasoning with Kaiden, hoping her words would be enough to calm him down. He could probably hear how annoyed and frustrated she was with him though, which wouldn’t help matters any.

Kaiden removed his deadly stare from Jackson long enough to focus on her. “Get out of the pool now, Chesca. Head up to our room and get changed,” he demanded in his alpha voice.

His words only served to make her more mad at him. “Why should I do what you say? You’re not my Alpha. I don’t need to submit—”

“No, but I’m your mate,” his growl cut short her high-pitched words.

“That’s obvious, but so what?” she shrugged, swallowing back a more harsh remark. She could feel Jackson’s hand rest lightly on the small of her back as he stood behind her. It was comforting in an unsettling way.

Kaiden narrowed his eyes, as if he could see through the both of them, but she continued quickly before he could spit out more nonsense from those gorgeous lips of his. “You agreed to our acceptance ceremony to help me get the land from Asa. Our relationship ends there, you said this yourself.” She clenched her teeth and dared to poke the hornets’ nest. But it occurred to her, did she herself really believe what she was saying? Hadn’t their relationship become something more, something deeper, over the time they’d spent together? There was no denying the bond that had strengthened with each passing day, the sparks she felt even from just being in his presence.

“That was before we got to know each other. I was willing to help you even then. Does everything that’s happened between us since mean nothing to you?” Kaiden rose to his full height and asked with incredulity, pushing his hair back from his face in an alluring way that always had her staring. He was right. Her heart and wolf both agreed on this one. But, being true to her stubbornness, she determined that the slightly hurt tone of his voice wasn’t going to sway her.

“You may say many things, Kaiden, but your actions tell me something else. You know full well you haven’t earned my trust yet,” her attempt at a steady voice came out with slight more treble than she wanted. Would Kaiden see through her wall to the fear she tried to hide? Because after the talk with Jackson, she realised she had plenty to still fear about him. What she’d learned the last few minutes had flipped on its head the perceptions she’d formed of her mate. Second-guessing everything Kaiden did from now on was going to hurt more than she wanted to admit.

“I see,” Kaiden’s expression wasn’t giving much away as glared down at her. “Get out. You’re standing between me and the cocky Alpha I need to give a piece of my mind to,” his fists balled.

“No. I’ll only move if you promise not to hurt him.” A determination settled in the pit of her stomach, and she was not going to let Kaiden’s arrogance and dominance force her to do anything. Not now, not ever.

“After all this, and you’re going to defend him? Chesca, get out of my way,” he growled.

“Only if you promise,” she stood her ground. The heat between their gazes was hotter than the morning sun.

“Fine. I won’t kill him,” Kaiden’s jaw ticked. He crossed his arms, and Chesca stared at his bulging biceps for a moment before walking up the steps of the pool. Her exercise clothes were soaking wet and clung to her figure, but she didn’t care. It was worth the gaze her mate trailed after her.

“Remember what I asked you, Ches,” Jackson called out from the pool.

“You’ll owe me big big time, Jacks!” She flung over her shoulder before stepping inside the cool air inside the house and hurrying up to her room.

“Ready to go?”

“Sure, she’s all set,” Roman smiled as he ran his hand along the propeller of his plane.

Chesca threw her bag on the back seat before leaning against the side door. The hanger was warming up with the sun beating down on the tin roof, but despite the rest of the private airport being nice enough, she was impatient to go.

“Where are the others?” Roman asked as he strapped himself in.

“Oh, who knows. Elah is probably in the arms of a clingy woman, and Kaiden is probably stewing over nothing.” She grimaced while replaying this morning’s events in her mind.

Soon though, the two brothers joined them, this time Elah claiming the front seat which earned a glare from Chesca. If he had eyes in the back of his head, he’d surely be six feet under from her deadly gaze.

With a smothered sigh, she opened the door to the back just as Jackson entered the hanger.

“Trying to leave without a goodbye?”

“Sorry, Jacks, I thought you’d be— what happened to your face?” Her eyes widened at the sight of a bruise blooming around his left eye and cheek bone. “No wait, did Kaiden…?” She didn’t need to complete the thought as she spun to her mate and saw the brooding anger simmering in his expression. “You promised!”

“I promised not to kill him,” Kaiden growled. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer against him. Looking up at his face, she couldn’t help noticing the glare he was directing at Jackson. Disentangling herself, Chesca stepped away and Kaiden just huffed before climbing into the backseat.

“Jacks, I’m so sorry,” she gave the hunky Alpha a hug, choosing to ignore her jealous mate for a moment.

“Don’t worry about me,” he whispered as he patted her back affectionately. “You have enough of your own problems to sort out,” he gave her a serious look before nodding his head towards another very disturbed Alpha.

“I’ll be ok,” she nodded reassuringly and squeezed his hand.

“Oh, and I forgot to mention yesterday,” he lowered his voice, as if to divulge sensitive information. “I’ve received numerous threats over the past few months, most possibly from Kaiden’s pack. If you get any notes or anything—“

“Actually, I have,” she speculated slowly while remembering the one she’d found a month or so ago. It was the night of the ceremony, she recalled with a heavy dread weighing on her shoulders suddenly.

“Be extra vigilant, and keep me posted,” Jackson rubbed her back soothingly, erasing the frown that had creased her complexion.

“Sure. You too. And thanks,” She hesitantly got on board the plane and Roman taxied out. After receiving clearance from the control tower, they accelerated down the runway and took off. Chesca watched the beautiful coastal scenery fade in the distance as they headed back towards her territory, not even turning to her mate for the first hour of the journey.

But when Kaiden laid a hand on her thigh, she knew she couldn’t ignore him any longer.

“I’m sorry about earlier,” he began slowly, a dark look in his eyes. It was part remorse, part possessiveness, and probably part anger—towards her or Jackson, she could only guess. “But surely you understand I can’t stand by and let another male touch you like that,” he frowned.

“I understand,” she said quickly, knowing that her mission to find out more about her mate began with getting closer to him. Trust, even though forced, was key. If he wanted to manipulate her for his gain, she’d manipulate him right back. “I like feeling wanted,” she smiled up at him sweetly, “and right now that possessive look in your eyes is kinda hot.”

Ok, maybe that was overkill, but acting had never been her strongpoint.

With a smirk, Kaiden leaned in and kissed her temple, and she wound her hand around his arm. Leaning her head on his shoulder, they settled into a comfortable silence. She didn’t even mean to, but between the whir of the propellor, the hum of the wind whistling around them, and the calming presence of her mate, she must have nodded off to sleep, as none too soon they were landing back in her pack territory.

Home sweet home.

“...And then Charles told them to either get back to work or we’d suspend their pay until the June quarter. Thankfully most of them chose the wiser option.”

“That’s good. Maybe I should go away more often, considering you two make a great team,” Chesca joked as Lexi gave her a run-down on what had been happening in the pack while she’d been away.

“Ok, now it’s your turn. I want all the details,” Lexi scooped a spoonful of ice cream and ate it slowly, watching Chesca with mischief in her eyes.

“Do you want the long version or the short version?”


“Hmm, where do I start? The part where I nearly drowned? The part where Kaiden’s old girlfriend showed up? Or how about...oh yes! The part when Jackson kissed me?”

“He what?” Lexi choked.

It had been fun watching her guard’s eyes grow larger and larger with each crazy story. It sure was one eventful trip away. “Ok, well, I kissed him..I think. I honestly don’t know for sure how it happened,” Chesca mumbled with a huge red stain growing on her cheeks. “I think I just got caught up in the moment, we’d just been for a run together and Jackson had been telling me how I can’t trust Kaiden, and he was way too good looking with the sun in his blond hair and those muscles… oh boy,” Chesca rubbed her hands down her face. “I am so stupid, aren’t I?”

“Nah, you’re just...confused, and Jackson is dreamy, and you haven’t mated Kaiden yet, sooo…”

“Not you too! You’re the one who convinced me I should just go for it with Kaiden and the rest will straighten itself out,” Chesca groaned and leaned her elbows on the kitchen bench in defeat. “I’m so sick of this.” She rubbed her eyes tiredly.

“Chin up, honey, it won’t always be this bad. Just ask Kaiden whether he wants two pups or five, that will answer all your questions.”


“And steal one of his shirts,” Lexi nodded and reached into the pantry for a bag of pretzels.

“You’re ridiculous. And I’m pretty sure you’re going loopy,” Chesca shook her head.

“I know.”

“But I guess...I still love you despite your nonsensical advice.”

“I know that too,” Lexi threw a pretzel at her Alpha.

Chesca caught it and pegged it back. Both girls dissolved into giggles.

“Did I miss the joke?” Charles walked in and ran a drink from the water filter.

“Chesca has two Alphas fighting over her, that’s all,” Lexi tried to control her giggles.

“That’s dangerous,” Charles frowned.

“That’s also an exaggeration, coz I certainly don’t even have one Alpha chasing me. They’re all just after my pack.”

“Will you quit with that already? You’re seeing ghosts in the daylight or whatever the saying is,” Lexi sighed and rolled her eyes. “You’re going to make us all paranoid soon.”

Charles came up behind Lexi and wrapped his arms around her waist. “It’s better to be safe than sorry. We always need to keep our vigilance up in case there really is an attack against our pack.”

“Yeah, I suppose so…” Lexi conceded and twisted her head to kiss her mate’s cheek.

“I agree,” Chesca nodded and sent a grateful look to her Beta. “One can never be too careful. Kaiden may try his hardest, but I will never let him do anything shifty on my watch,” she declared with more resolution than she felt. It was getting all too hard to keep fighting him.

“Where is he anyway?” Charles asked with a raised eyebrow.

“He’s not with you?”

“No, Alpha, I haven’t seen him since you all arrived home yesterday.”

“Then maybe he’s out working with Roman. I sent him and a few guards to inspect the Eastern borders this morning.”

“I don’t think so. I saw the patrol leave after giving them some last minute instructions,” Lexi chimed in. “Your mate wasn’t with them.”

Chesca felt her chest tightening. She took a deep breath to steady herself. “Then where is he?”

Lexi shrugged, “Maybe he’s with some girl called..Marilyn? Madeliene?...”

“What?!” Chesca growled at her Head Guard.

“Well….I may have heard Elah talking about inviting someone to come and stay here… Miranda! That was her name,” she snapped her fingers.

“He wouldn’t dare!” Chesca thumped the bench with her fists.

“Hey, don’t shoot the messenger!” Lexi put her hands in the air with a flurry of drama.

“Just wait till I find that scoundrel…” Chesca seethed and twisted her hands around an imaginary object, probably someone’s neck.

“Can you find him? Feel him through the mate bond?” The sensible suggestion came from her Beta, as he paced the kitchen slowly.

Chesca closed her eyes and tried to feel Kaiden. He had never been far from her thoughts, but his presence in her pack had been like a tiny grain of sand against her skin. Annoying, and something she wanted to get rid off. But right now she had to focus on it and pinpoint his location. “His scent is everywhere, making it harder to track, but I think….after he had breakfast he went this way,” she headed out into the hall and turned left. Lexi and Charles hot on her heels, they followed their Alpha down the stone corridor and and around the north side of the large pack residence. A few twists and turns later, Chesca’s agitation was growing, her wolf sensing her mate was not too far away. They went down a few sets of stairs to a sub level. The stone lined hall was dimly lit, the ancient carpet musty under their feet. This part of the residence was hardly used anymore.

“He’s close by, I can feel him. Just around this corner, behind those doors--” Chesca stopped and tilted her head. “Why…?” she muttered and balled her hands into fists when suddenly the doors opened.

Kaiden was pushing his way out, hidden behind a large box in his arms.

“What are you doing?” Chesca’s voice grated in the still air around them.

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