The Alpha's Shatter Zone

Chapter |31|

Chesca yanked the cupboard open and sighed after her eyes skimmed over the contents. “Nothing!” she exasperated.

She pulled open the next one beside the fridge. “Come on, come on,” she rummaged through the packets and boxes of healthy food. “Ah ha! Thank you, Jackson,” she pulled out a jar of nutella and retrieved a spoon from the cutlery drawer.

It was early, the sun was shining in through the kitchen blinds, and pretty much everybody in the mansion by the sea was still asleep, including the washed-out Alpha of the place who had consumed way too many drinks last night. Kaiden also was resting peacefully up in his and Chesca’s room, but she was wide awake. She didn’t seem to have the ability to sleep in even on her holidays, but instead her mind was spinning, tumbling, racing, doing everything but resting. How could it when her mate slept only feet away, his presence filling her every sense, and his kiss from the night before still tingling on her lips.

So here she was, in the massive and fancy kitchen that was filled with expensive appliances. She wondered who used them all, as Jackson didn’t look like the kind of man to cook much. He probably spent every spare second in the gym downstairs, judging by the size of his muscles these days.

Chesca pulled out a bar stool and sat at the island. The decor and colour scheme of the kitchen said modern but beachy, and her eyes roamed over it all while she ate a spoonful of the chocolate spread.

It wasn’t long before she was back to pondering her predicament.

Kaiden had been the perfect gentleman the last few days, going out of his way to do nice things for her and make sure she was well and comfortable. Ever since he’d rescued her from the cold stream the other night, he seemed to appreciate her as a person, and not just someone he could use for his own gain. But it was still hard seeing his old girlfriend around, and wondering how he felt about her still. If he had never stumbled across Chesca and discovered she was his mate before killing her, would he still be with Miranda? Was she Kaiden’s type? Was she the person he desired, and would have chosen had he had a choice?

Miranda’s arrival in Jackson’s pack had caused the whole stupid argument between him and Chesca and the ensuing accident in the first place.

But Kaiden’s words the other day and last night were telling her he might in fact really care about her, and be in it for the long run. He didn’t seem intent on rejecting Chesca anytime soon. But the other extreme—liking her for her pack only, and using their bond as a means of gaining total control—was just as likely, and twice as dangerous.

All this thinking was giving her a headache. And all this stress-eating was making her fat, she groaned as she saw her reflection in the polished fridge doors. She poked her tummy and screwed up her face.

Chucking the Nutella back in the pantry, Chesca quickly went upstairs and threw on her workout clothes.

It was only a few minutes later that she was running along the sand by the waves, feeling the cool breeze on her skin and the tingle of the sun as it cast its rays further across the land. The salty air cleared her mind, and she sung a song in her head to push thoughts of Kaiden out. Seagulls were her only company until the sound of footsteps reached her ears.

“Mind if I join you?”

“Jackson! You nearly gave me a heart attack!” She jumped and spun at the deep voice that rumbled beside her. “Shouldn’t you be in bed nursing a hangover? Or did your girl for the night kick you out already?”

“Very funny. You’re very funny, Chesca,” he drawled. “Contrary to how bad the tabloids make me out to be, I barely get drunk at my parties. I hold my alcohol very well.”

“Really? I find that hard to believe.”

His eyes twinkled down at her with mischief. “And I’m not sleeping with anyone currently. I’m…. I’m waiting for my mate.”

“Oh, and you decide that now?”

I guess your good-girl morals have rubbed off on me.”

“Ha, undoubtedly,” she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. “No, I don’t have any influence over any Alphas. My pack maybe, but not Alphas.”

“You’d be surprised.”

She cut him a questioning sideways glanced, but he just smiled knowingly, something that twisted her insides strangely. It was frightening how Jackson could still have that effect on her.

They jogged together in silence for a few minutes, then Jackson broke it abruptly just when her thoughts had resettled.

“So, you and Kaiden, huh? You got your tall, dark, and handsome after all. Should I be expecting pup news any time soon?”

“I don’t….Huh?!”

“You know what I mean,” he winked with a sly grin.

“Oh! Uhh no.. We haven’t even—that is, I mean to say, we are….oh goodness,” she blushed fiercely at the surprise on Jackson’s face. “You probably think I’m an idiot now.”

“No actually. I think you’re smart. Completing the mate bond is a big deal.”

“Says you,” she pointed out. Everyone knew how much of a playboy he was, and hadn’t in any way saved himself for his mate.

He shrugged. “That was the old me. But back to you, how well do you know Kaiden anyway?”

“Well, he’s an alpha, and his dad and brother are jerks,” she replied offhandedly.

“Aren’t we all?”

“Whatever. But I think Kaiden is different. He’s ...growing on me.”

“I think you should still be careful.”

“Careful?” She was suddenly defensive. “What do you mean?”

“Well, his dad is probably certifiably crazy, for one. I’m sure you’ve heard the rumours.”

“But that’s his dad. Kaiden’s his own person and can make his own decisions.”

“Still, you’ve got to be wary.”

“But he’s my mate!” She turned to Jackson, her eyes blazing. She didn’t understand these aggressive and protective emotions rising up inside her, but guessed it was because someone was attacking her mate. Even though Jackson finally was someone who seemed to distrust him as much as she did. All everyone was telling her was, trust Kaiden, he’s your mate. Just be together and your life will be perfect.

But no, she’d seen enough of Kaiden to cast doubts in her mind. A hundred contradicting doubts, because while he might be arrogant and drive her nuts, he could also treat her special and make her heart flutter at the sight of his smile.

“What do you actually know about him?” Jackson continued, watching her carefully. “What’s his favourite colour? When’s his birthday?—“

“Well, he wears a lot of black, so maybe..” her heart hammered for some reason, not liking where this conversation was going.

“Black is not a colour. It’s the absence of light--”

“And it could be in ...November,” she continued quickly.

“You’re just guessing.”

“Well, I had a one in twelve chance…” she muttered, her expression turning sullen.

“And is he a hard worker? Or does he lounge around all day, watching television and eating seaweed crackers like a couch potato?” The somber look on Jackson’s face was hilarious considering his words, and Chesca burst out laughing.

“Seaweed crackers?! You mean like the ones stuffed in your pantry?”

Jackson spun towards her and glared down at her, “You’ve been snooping in my kitchen?”

“Well…” she scrambled for some witty retort, but his suddenly dark Alpha stare was unnerving.

“Do you know what happens to people who illegally trespass on my property?” his words were slow, his voice deep, and his frown made her cower in response.

“I think I have a pretty good idea, seeing as I’m an Alpha. And I happen to have much experience in that field,” she smirked, straightening her shoulders. “You mate them, apparently.”

“Oh that’s right,” Jackson chuckled, instantly changing mood. “Just how did you two meet anyways?” He cocked a serious eyebrow at her.

“Well, Lexi actually met him first. She brought him over for dinner.” She embellished the truth.

“Interesting,” he tapped his chin. “I could’ve sworn the rumors said you nearly killed him for trespassing.” “Well, he nearly killed me because he wanted to take my land!” she threw up her hands in exasperation.

“Ah ha! So you admit Kaiden is a power-hungry, ruthless Alpha, who was planning to murder another Alpha to take over their pack?”

“No-o..I don’t think he actually would have …”

“What would you have done if he wasn’t your mate?”

“Uh..I would’ve treated him like every other trespasser, and locked him up.”

“So you’re saying, two people who wanted to destroy each other are suddenly soul mates and best buds purely because they’re mates? That’s the only thing stopping you from tearing each other’s throats out?”

He had a point. A disgustingly true point. “Well…”

“And you’re both Alphas. How do you plan on both being in charge of packs, while still being together? Does he respect you as Alpha of your pack? ”

She squirmed under Jackson’s serious gaze.

“Have you thought through any of this?” he threw up his hands in an exasperated question.

“Of course! Everyday I think about it and turn it over in my mind, every angle and outcome possible. I swear it’s giving me an ulcer,” she rubbed her stomach and grimaced.

He looked over at her and his expression changed. “Interesting choice of jewellery,” he remarked, motioning to her neck where the arrow pendant hung.

“Kaiden gave it to me during our acceptance ceremony,” she looked down and touched it fondly. “His mom made it, actually, and gave it to him when he was 18.”

Jackson tilted his head as if processing this information for a moment. “Do you know his mother died?” the question spilled from his lips, catching Chesca off guard.

“Yes, I do.”

“And that doesn’t bother you?”

“No. Why should it? Dying is a natural part of life. I admit it hurts when the people you love go before their time, but there’s nothing you can do about it. I should understand that better than anyone.”

“Yes, but do you know how she died?” Jackson probed, continuing seriously, “That she was killed?” His blue gaze bore into her own, and her breath caught at the intensity and somberness of it.

“I didn’t...I’m not… She was killed? Kaiden didn’t mention that…” Stuttering was all that her mind seemed able to spit out. This was news to her, and she wasn’t sure how the implications would affect her if it was indeed true.

He nodded gravely. “It’s mostly speculation, and no one knows how for sure….” he narrowed his eyes in thought. “Chesca, I need you to do something for me,” he gripped her hands suddenly.

“You can’t be serious. Don’t you remember what happened last time you asked me that?”

“How could I forget? Especially after you reminded me last night. But this is different. You’ll be doing it for yourself, too.”

“Is that so?” she kept walking and brushed her ponytail over her shoulder.

“I want you to keep an eye on Kaiden. Figure out what it is he’s up to.”

“What??” She whirled around, wondering if he was actually serious.

“I’ve had a lot of trouble with him and his pack over the last couple years. And now his father is saying Kaiden ran away—“

“Which you know isn’t true. His dad pushed him out of the top job.”

“That may be what you want to believe. But think about it. All I’ve been getting is mixed messages and empty promises from him. Razestone pack and it’s Alpha may be strong and cunning, but I think it’s falling apart internally. Something had to give and it makes sense that Kaiden left. If his father really is as manipulative as the rumours say, then there’s no way things were working out,” Jackson puffed, clearly having a very big opinion on this matter. They’d reached a headland and had turned back a few minutes ago. The long stretch of beach before them fainted Chesca with the way this conversation was going.

“So where do I come in?” she asked with bitter tones.

“Tell me, do you know what Kaiden gets up to all day? What does he do?”

She shrugged. “I’m working. I don’t follow him around all the time.”

“Well, Im thinking he has something up his sleeve. Whether it’s a way to take back his own pack, or take over yours, or another—it can’t be good. You need to find out what.”

“Excuse me?” She looked at Jackson’s serious expression. “You’re asking me to spy on my mate?”

“What better person to do it?”

“But that’s ridiculous! Almost as stupid as what you asked me to do last time.”

“And that was seriously important, like this is now.”

“It was the night before my finals, Jacks! You couldn’t have picked a better time.”

“I know, I know. And I’m sorry. I owe you, and will make it up to you.”

“You better! I failed those exams, and nearly got in such deep trouble. Lexi still mentions the fact I bailed on our final revision session, and haven’t ever given a satisfactory explanation.”

“You know you can’t,” Jackson said sharply.

“I know. And that’s what kills me. Now you’re asking me to do it again,” her voice came out choked. They’d reached his mansion and were walking up the path to his beach access.

“It’s not that bad. You owe it to yourself to really see what’s going on. For your pack’s safety, and everyone else’s.”

He made perfect sense but Chesca felt like screaming. The last thing she wanted to find out was how dangerous Kaiden could be or what he might be planning, if there was anything at all. She hadn’t ever trusted him, but it had become easier to just assume the best of him and not hold onto the crazy past.

“But he’s my mate. It’s not like I can leave him now. We’ve already marked each other,” she tried to process the implications.

“It’s just a mark. You said yourself that you haven’t know,” he wiggled his eyebrows. “If it all goes pear-shaped, you have an out.”

“Well, that’s just great,” she grumbled, not liking the prospects if she had to leave Kaiden. Second-chance mates weren’t common these days.

“Lighten up, Ches,” he grinned suddenly, with a goofy expression lighting his eyes. “Forget about all your problems for a moment. Don’t you have any good memories from that night years ago?” he paused as they walked across the deck beside the pool. Jackson’s warm fingers lifted her chin so her eyes met his. The frown between her brows melted as he peered down at her. The deepness of his blue eyes nearly swallowed her whole, like she’d been flung into the ocean without a life preserver. It took her back; back to that night under the moon and stars when Jackson had tumbled into her life. It hadn’t been all pretty, but there was a mysterious strength about him that had drawn her in. And nearly ruined her.

The feeling of his hand on her arm and warm fingers cupping her face intensified, and the memory flooded in. Rising on her toes, she came within inches of him.

Then Jackson leaned down and kissed her, wrapping his arm around her waist to pull her closer.


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