The Alpha's Fight for His Omega

Chapter 57

Chapter 57

Chapter 57


When we walked into the dining room I looked around. There was a big sign hanging on the wall that said Welcome Home, and there balloons tied to little weights in several corners. The table was set beautifully with a purple table cloth, and some of our best china. It all looked beautiful.

Everyone was standing behind chairs, waiting on me. What I noticed next was that Alpha Joseph was not standing behind his usual seat. He was standing behind the one next to Dimitri, at the foot of the table. Rowen was standing next to the one next to the seat at the head of the table. I crinkled my brow in confusion.

“The guest of honor takes the seat of honor tonight.” Alpha Joseph said with a smile.

“Oh. But….” I started.

“We are here to celebrate you being home with us, and we should all be able to see you.”


I slowly moved to the head of the table, Lexi right behind me. I was surprised to see the seat to my left was also empty, but Rowen quickly told me it was for Lexi so she could sit next to someone she knows. I only nodded. Once I was seated, everyone also sat. I looked around at everyone, and smiled. Next to Lexi was Braxton with an empty seat next to him, followed with Gina then Gamma Peter, and Alpha Joseph. Next to Rowen was Jax, Molly, Gamma Ross, Melissa, then Colby.

Within minutes Lucy, Beth, and Tina came rushing into the room carrying trays of food, wearing huge smiles. As soon as they set their trays down they came to me, and greeted me. They all looked happy. healthy, and calm. I was very happy to see them. I asked Tina when she was due, and she informed

me any day. I asked her to let me know when she went into labor so if I was home I could be there for it which she agreed. Once they left the room to gather dishes to join us, Lexi leaned to me.

“Can you ask her if I can come too please? I know it’s rude, but I’d like to get an idea of what I’m facing before I make final decision on my specialty.” Lexi whispered to me.

I quickly mind linked Tina to ask. To my surprise she agreed. She even said her mother would love it because it gave her to opportunity to teach. I informed Lexi than Braxton spoke up.

“Chastity, please, please, please tell me you’ll make your fruit filled croissants while you’re here. I’m dying without them.” Braxton whined dramatically.

“He’s been whining about not having those since the day you left so please put us all out of misery.” Gina giggled.

“While you’re at it please show Lucy how to make your coffee. I need that stuff back in my life.” Colby begged, and Lucy shot him a dirty look.

“I’ll have you know my coffee is perfect young man.” Lucy sniffed.

“I never said it wasn’t Lucy, but Chastity’s is….well it’s perfection.” Colby whimpered.

“Yes everyone I will make my croissants, and coffee while I’m here.” I responded with a laugh.

“Oh thank the goddess!” Colby whooped.

Suddenly Greg shuffled into the room. He looked awful. I glanced at Braxton to see his eyes widen. Greg still didn’t join meals much, but Braxton did tell me that Greg had started telling him a bit about his family, and life before Aurora. I was glad Braxton was finally getting to know his father.

Greg dropped into his seat and muttered, “Sorry I’m late.”

“It’s ok. Thank you for coming. It’s nice to see you Greg.” I said with a smile.

“Yeah.” Was his only response.

“By the way Chastity, I got my first math test grade.” Braxton said excitedly.

“Oh yeah? How did you do?” I questioned.

“Because of your help, I received a B. My first ever in math! Thank you so much for your help!”

“That’s wonderful Braxton! Congratulations! I knew you could do it.”

“You helped.”

“If you say so.”

“How is school going so far Chastity?” Gamma Peter asked.

“It’s hard, but I’m enjoying it, and learning a lot.” I respond with a smile.

“What are you trying to learn about with more education that you can’t learn from doing?” Greg grumbled.

“I’m working on becoming a nurse, and midwife.” I responded.

“Huh. So trying to further yourself in the pack? That’s good. Really. I probably should have done the same, but I liked farming.” Greg stated.

“Farming is a positive thing. We wouldn’t have food without farmers.” I said with a smile.

“Yeah. True.”

“Chas, I finally figured out what I want to do with my life.” Melissa said excitedly.

“What’s that Mel?” I asked, smiling at her excitement.

“I actually am learning about conservation of our resources, rotation of crops, and about keeping our resources healthy, and producing.”

“That’s wonderful, and a great idea. I don’t know much about stuff like that, but I’m sure it will be a positive thing.”

“It really is. We want to be able to continue to provide for our pack for years to come. Learning the best ways to do that is important. She’s even taught us a few things we’ve been sharing with those that in charge of our resources, and crops.” Gamma Peter said with pride, causing Melissa to blush.

“I’m only just starting. I enrolled in an online college, and am already learning interesting things.” Melissa said with a smile.

“Good. I’m glad.” I smiled back at her.

“I’m going to start working at the pack daycare next week. I want to work with pups.” Gina said as she bounced a bit in her seat.

“That sounds like a lot of fun.” I responded.

“I hope so. I’ve decided I want to be a teacher. This will help me with preparing for that. I’m hoping that once I graduate I’ll be accepted at the Teaching college at Dark Moon so I can get a degree to come back, and teach here.”

“I’m sure you can do it, and you’ll do great at it.”

“Thank you.”

The rest of the dinner was spent chatting about each of our lives. I loved hearing about how well everyone was doing, and how happy they were. I had been nervous about how this dinner would go, but it went wonderfully. When I went to help with clean up though, Lucy stopped me, and shook her head. She told me I could help another time, but tonight was about me. I only nodded, and went back to enjoying

those surrounding me.

As everyone started breaking up from the meal I decided I wanted to make what I needed for the croissants so I could serve them to everyone for breakfast. I wasn’t surprised when Molly, Melissa, and Lexi followed me into the kitchen. I was surprised that Gina did. She said she knew she wasn’t much of a cook, but she wanted to watch me work. I was determined to eventually teach her how to cook so that if one day she moved out of the pack house, she could feed herself, her future mate, and future family.

With that thought in mind, I pulled out the cookbook I had used for years, and handed it to her. As I began. to prepare the dough for the croissants I went over the first chapter with her, and explained the importance of each thing. I told her how important it was to start out with making sure each measurement was exact, and correct, but also told her that as she got used to cooking she would likely make some changes based on her tastes. She seemed a bit confused at first, but caught on quick. By the time the dough was set to rise for the croissants she seemed more confident to me.

“Maybe I’ll be less likely to burn water with this.” Gina giggled as she put her hand on the cookbook.

“How do you burn water?” Lexi asked.

“I put it on the stove, and forget about it.” Gina admitted sheepishly.

“Ah. Yeah. That’ll do it.” Lexi giggled.

“Don’t worry I did the same thing too. When I first started.” I admitted.

“You? But you’re such a great cook!” Gina gasped.

“I was just starting out, and learning. It takes time, effort, and focus.” I explained.

“Well that makes sense.” Gina agreed, and I nodded.

“Alright. Well that’s all set. I think I’m going to head up now. It’s been a long day, and I’m getting a bit tired.” I said to the four females sitting in front of me.

“Yeah. Ross is starting to whine at me that the boys are annoying him.” Melissa said with a giggle.

“Jax is grumbling too.” Molly admitted.

“I’m gonna get to bed too. I’m helping with getting decorations made for the Independence day barbeque.” Gina said with a yawn.

“Oh. That sounds like fun. Can I help?” Lexi asked.

“Of course. You all can if you want.” Gina agreed.

“I’d love to help.” Molly said excitedly.

“Me too.” Melissa said.

“I’m in.” I agreed.

“Great. We’ll get started after breakfast tomorrow.” Gina said then waved, and left the kitchen.

We were leaving the kitchen when Rowen mind linked me.

“What are you doing sweet girl?” He asked.

“Heading up to Jax’s apartment.” I answered.

“Oh good. Jax is driving me nuts whining for Molly get here.”

“We’re coming.”

“I have to tell you he let Lilac out of your room. He’s been trying to teach her to play fetch.”

“You’re kidding? She’s not a wolf or dog. She doesn’t play catch.”

“I don’t know. He throws a toy, and she hops after it.”

“Does she bring it back?”

“No. He gets grumpy about the fact that he has to go get the toy to throw it again. It’s pretty funny to watch. Did you bring her wand toy?”

“Yes. It’s in my suitcase.”

“Oh. He’s going to lose his mind with that.”

“I’ll get it when I get there.”


I hadn’t realized I was giggling out loud when Molly asked me what was so funny.

“Jax is trying to teach Lilac to play fetch.” I answered.

“She’s a cat! Cats don’t play fetch.” Melissa said.

“I know. Rowen said he’s getting annoyed because he keeps having to get the toy after she chases after it.” I responded with a giggle.

“That man.” Molly said with a shake of her head.

“Wait until he has her wand toy.” I said.

“Do I want to know?” Molly asked.

“You’ll see.” I answered as we entered the apartment.

I could hear Jax yelling to Lilac to bring back whatever toy he threw for her. I shook my head, and grabbed Lilac’s wand toy. When I walked into the living room I found Rowen, and Ross shaking their heads as Jax looked annoyed. I walked up to Jax who was just getting ready to get up to grab the toy.

“Here. Try this.” I said, handing him to toy.

“What the hell is this?” Jax asked looking at the toy, and shook it a bit.

When the bell buried in the feather jingled, Lilac came hopping over, jumping to try to catch the feathers.

“What the….” Jax sputtered.

“Wiggle the feathers in the air a bit, and watch.” I told him as I sat next to Rowen.

I watched as Jax did what I told him, and Lilac jumped for it. He flicked the toy, and Lilac tried everything she could to catch it. It was only a minute or two before he, and everyone started laughing as Lilac flipped, and chased the toy. When she wiggled her little butt before she jumped Jax would lose it.

“What a weird creature.” Jax finally said when it was clear Lilac had enough.

“No kidding.” Ross agreed.

“She’s so cute though.” Melissa said as she snuggled into Ross’s side.

“How does Leila do with the cat?” Jax asked.

“Pretty well actually. Now that Lilac is spayed, and has her shots she can go on walks outside on her harness, and leash. Sometimes I shift into Leila. Leila will take the leash in her mouth, and try to walk Lilac. Lilac usually ends up riding around on Leila’s back, but neither seem to mind. Leila finds it funny when they’re laying out in the sun, and Lilac starts pouncing on her tail.” I explained.

“So they actually get along?” Ross questioned.

“Yes. Pretty well actually. Leila picked her out.”

“Does….does Lilac really help you emotionally though?” Jax asked hesitantly.

“Yes she does. She goes to my appointments with Dee-Dee with me, and will curl in my lap and purr when I’m talking about difficult things. The night of my panic attack she stayed close to me, doing all she could to calm me down.” I responded.

“I can vouch for that. Lilac wouldn’t leave Chastity’s side for a second. She curled right into Chas’s neck, purred, and rubbed against her constantly. Even when Chastity calmed down Lilac never moved away. She may still be a kitten, but she seems to know when Chastity needs her most.” Lexi explained.

“Good. I’m glad.” Jax said with a nod.

“How do you deal with the litter box though? I heard they stink.” Ross said crinkling his nose.

“Fun fact. Cats can be taught to use the toilet, and she was before I got her.” I answered.

“Bullshit.” Ross exclaimed.

“Nope. They start by having a special litter box set up covering the toilet bowl. As the cat gets used to using that they eventually take the litter box away, and boom, instant toilet training.” I explained.

“But animals go any where when they feel the need.”

“No. You can teach a cat to go in one specific spot. Once they’re trained they always go to the same spot. The only time they change that is if they are sick or injured.”

“Wow! That’s crazy.”

“Yeah it is.”

“Well Mel and I are going to head to our apartment. Good night all.” Ross said as they both stood from the couch.

Jax, Molly, and Lexi went off to bed as well. Rowen helped me collect the toys Jax had thrown all over the place for Lilac, and of course Lilac before heading to my room. Rowen set the toys down, grabbed his pajamas, and went to the bathroom to change. I pulled out my pajamas, and sat on the bed to wait for him to finish.


As I sat there I thought about Rowen sleeping on the cot. It seemed unfair to him. He shouldn’t have to sleep on that. I considered telling him that I would be fine, and to go back to his apartment, but I wanted him there. I looked over to the opposite side of my bed, and thought about my last night home. I remembered how good it felt to fall asleep in his arms that night. As much as it scared me to share my bed with him, I think I wanted him there. I wanted to fall asleep next to him again. At least to see if I would still feel that same comfort.

Rowen walked out of the bathroom, and told me I was good to go change. The whole time I was in the bathroorn I thought more about Rowen sleeping in my bed with me. If I let him, I hoped he wouldn’t try anything I wasn’t ready for. I didn’t want to give him the impression that I was ready to take things further, but I always wanted him next to me. With a sigh I left the bathroom.

At first I didn’t see him when I came out, but then I heard a noise in the closet. I walked over to it to find him unlocking the wheels of his little cot to roll it into my room. No this was definitely not fair to him. He

shouldn’t have to sleep on that. I made my decision at that moment. I just had to hope that he wouldn’t read more into it than what I wanted to give.

“Um….You don’t need that tonight.” I whispered.

“Huh? Do you not want me to stay?” Rowen’s head popped up, and he looked a little hurt.

“Uh. No. That’s….uh….that’s not what I mean.” I sputtered.

“Um. Ok?”

“What I mean is that….well…if….if you want you can sleep in the bed with me.”

“Really? Are you sure? I don’t have to if you’re not comfortable.”

“No. It….well it was nice having you hold me in my sleep that one night, and. And well I would like you to hold me again tonight.”

“I….Ok. As long as you’re sure.”

“I am…..It’s just that. Um…’s only sleeping, and holding. OK?”

“Of course. Absolutely. I would love nothing more than to hold you.”

“O…Ok. Um….I’m going to get into bed now.”

Rowen just nodded at me, and I walked out of the closet. I was so nervous about this, I was trembling, and my hands were sweating. I really hoped he wouldn’t try to do anything he shouldn’t. I settled into bed. when Lilac jumped up onto my pillow. I watched as Rowen walked out of the closet, and made sure the door was open just enough. I was comforted by that as I knew he did that so I would know he wouldn’t do anything he shouldn’t. Eventually he climbed into bed next to me.

“Um…Chastity, I hope you don’t mind, but I don’t usually sleep in a shirt. They tend to strangle me.” Rowen said quietly.

“….uh…that’s fine.” I squeaked.

I watched out of the corner of my eye, as he took off his shirt. I appreciated his chest, and abs as I blushed from looking at him. He was model perfect. I saw his back as he turned to set his shirt down on the nightstand. I definitely appreciated the sight of he strong, perfect back. I looked away quickly when he turned back to me.

“Ready for sleep sweet girl?” Rowen asked with a smile, and I could only nod.

I slid down the bed onto my back then turned my head to look at him. He had laid down on his side, facing me, with his head propped on his hand. He was smiling at me. I didn’t move as he leaned forward, and brushed his lips against mine. He pulled back, and smiled at me again.

“I want to give you a better kiss than that, but you, me, in a bed, kissing, could lead to things you’re not ready for.” Rowen said quietly, and again I could only nod at him.

“Lets get some sleep sweet girl.” Rowen said as he rolled over to turn off the lamp on the nightstand.

I rolled to my side, and turned off my light. I snuggled down on my side, facing away from him. He wiggled toward me, until his chest hit my back. After wrapping one arm around my waist, and sliding one under my pillow he sighed. I felt him kiss my shoulder, and whispered good night against my shoulder. I smiled, and snuggled closer to him. Lilac ended up curling against my chest, and began to purr. I sighed, and drifted off into a contented sleep.

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