The Alpha's Fight for His Omega

Chapter 56

Chapter 56

Chapter 56


The next several weeks flew by for me. The new classes were hard, but I enjoyed them, very much. My instructors were also impressed with me as I did very well on every assignment, and was prepared for every question they asked me. They were also impressed with the fact that I took the time to read ahead, so I was properly prepared.

My sessions with Dee-Dee had also been going well. We talked a lot about what had happened the day Rowen, Jax, and Dimitri had visited. She did a really good job of talking to me about what I had been feeling, and why I was feeling what I was that day. She really helped me understand it all. We had spent the rest of my sessions discussing what I had been through. We focused a lot on trying to change the way I thought of those of higher rank than me.

I only had one meeting with Luna Clair due to her having some things to do, and I had school work to do any way. I didn’t get to see Norm, and Lexi as much as I usually did as we only had one class together at first. Lexi ended up switching to two of my introduction classes. She seemed to be enjoying the classes. The three of us still had at least breakfast, and dinner together, along with Marcus. We spent weekends doing things, and they showed me around their pack town more. I ended up signing up for a drawing class too. Lexi, and I did that one together. I enjoyed it, and it was relaxing.

We also still did self defense class together. Matt was slowly starting to teach us the proper way to swing a punch, as we continued to work on strengthening our bodies. I always made sure to watch every move Matt made before attempting to mimic them. I guess I didn’t do very well with it as he would always stop, and adjust the way I was standing or moving. Unfortunately he did this by touching me which always made me uncomfortable. Lexi, and Norm told him constantly not to touch me, but he ignored them almost every time. He even ignored me the one time I asked him not to touch me.

Unfortunately I didn’t get any visitors from home the last two weekends, but that had been expected. The last two weekends most of them had to go to other packs for meetings, or had meetings at our pack. I talked to, and video chatted with everyone regularly though so that helped. Thankfully I hadn’t had any more emotional disastrous moments for the last two weeks, but I knew that could change at any moment.

I hoped that didn’t happen over the next week though. Today I was going home for a week to celebrate Independence Day with my family, and friends. Colby was coming to pick me up as he was at Denu filling out paperwork. He had been accepted, and would be starting at the end of summer. Once he was done he was picking me up, and we were going home. I was so excited to see everyone. I had just finished packing up stuff for Lilac, and getting her into her carrier when I got a text from Colby that he was in the parking lot, waiting for me.

I looked around my room to make sure I hadn’t forgotten anything. Once I was satisfied I had everything I wanted to take home with me, I attempted to walk out my door only to realize I had too much stuff to carry. I had

my book bag with my laptop, and books to read for class, a suitcase that had my clothes as well as things Lilac would need, my purse, and Lilac in her carrier. I even brought the Luna Bible to show Molly, and Melissa. It was just not going to work. After a lot of debate I decided Lilac would be fine. without her carrier. I took her out, shoved the blanket I put in there for her into my suitcase, and put her in her harness. She had gotten a lot better about it over the last weeks. She still preferred sitting on my shoulder to walking though. She had been spayed, and got her shots so we were outside a lot more than before I found she liked to ride on Leila’s back when they were outside together.

Finally satisfied, I left my room, only to find Lexi leaning against the wall waiting for me. I smiled at her as I pulled my door shut behind me. I noticed she had a suitcase, and book bag with her as well. I figured with her staying at the pack house she wouldn’t really need much, but I guess I was wrong.

“Hey small fry. You ready?” Lexi asked.

“Yes. All set.” I replied.

“Good. Lets go.”

“Yes please. Colby is in the parking lot waiting on me, and I don’t know how much longer he’s going to sit there before becoming inpatient.”

“Eh. He’ll wait for you.”

“Yeah he will, but he’ll be grumpy if he has to wait too long.”

“That I believe.”

“Are Norm, and Marcus not coming to say goodbye?”

“Oh. They had to run off to Norm’s parent’s house. His one sister is in labor, and that’s always a big production for the family. They don’t want to crowd the pack hospital so all of the family who still lives in the pack gathers there, and waits for the phone call that the pup was born, and that they can visit.”

“Oh. That’s so exciting.”

“Yeah. I’ve never experienced it, but from the sound of it, it is exciting.”

“Well if you decide to become a midwife, you’ll experience it a lot.”

“Very true. Although I think I’d like to witness a birth or two before I am set on being a midwife, and I should figure out if I like pups.”

“That’s true. So what are your plans for the week?”

“Oh. I didn’t tell you?”

“Nope. You’ve changed the subject every time I have asked.”

We were just reaching the car when I said this. Colby quickly hoped out, after popping the trunk.

“Hey short stack.” Colby said excitedly.

“Hey Colby.” I responded with a huge smile.

“You ready to go?”

“Oh yeah. Let me put this in the trunk.” I said indicating my suitcase.

“I’ve got it. Lex, hand yours over too.”

It took me a second to register what he said before I asked, “Are you dropping her off at the pack house before we leave? That’s really nice of you Colby.”

“Nope. Surprise small fry! I’m going with you to check out your pack!” Lexi squealed, and did a Norm


“WHAT? REALLY!” I shrieked.

“Yup. Both of our Alphas approved it. I am spending the next week at Moonlight pack with you, and your family.”

“Oh my goddess! I’m so excited! I can’t wait for you to meet Braxton, Molly, Melissa, and Gina officially!”

“Me too!”

“When did you set all of this up?”

“About a week ago.”


“Alright you two, and the critter, get in the car so we can go. We have a bit of a drive ahead of us.” Colby said as he got into the driver’s seat.

I offered to let Lexi sit up front, but she refused, stating she liked to spread out across the back bench. seat. Once I was in, and buckled Lilac made herself comfortable on my shoulder once again, and we took off. She stayed there until she decided she wanted to sleep so she curled up in my lap, and slept the rest of the way.

During the whole drive the three of us talked about what was currently going on in our lives. I asked Colby a lot of questions about Denu, and what he expected from it. Lexi, and I also talked a lot about what we were doing in school. The conversation distracted me from the length of the drive. I didn’t even realize how long we had been driving until we reach the border of Moonlight pack. I heard the howls of welcome, and couldn’t resist. Just like Colby, I rolled my window down, and howled right back.

I was home. I didn’t think I would miss it because of all I had been through, but I had been very wrong. I had missed home a lot, and I was glad to be here. No matter what had happened, this was home. This is where I belonged once I finished school. We pulled up in front of the pack house to see a crowd waiting for me.

Molly, and Melissa were right in front bouncing excitedly. Jax as standing right behind them, chuckling, with Ross, and Rowen right beside him. Alpha Joseph, Dimitri, Gamma Peter, Gina, and Braxton were also waiting impatiently for me. Lexi took Lilac from me because some how she knew a kitten would get in the way for the greeting I was about to receive. As soon as the car came to a stop I threw the door open, and ran to my family.

My goal had been Rowen, but Molly, and Melissa caught me first. I didn’t mind a bit. We shared a huge. three way hug, and some laughter and squeals. Jax grabbed me for a hug next, again before I could get to Rowen. Some how I managed to get passed around to everyone before I finally made it to him, even though he had been front, and center, sort of.

Before I could do anything he picked me up off my feet, and pulled me into a huge hug. He even spun me around as I laughed. He kept whispering in my ear how much he had missed me, and how glad he was I was home for this visit. When he finally put me down he gave me a kiss that stayed tame compared to the kiss we shared in the woods, but it still felt amazing.

Finally I remembered my poor friend standing by herself waiting to be introduced. I walked right up to her, took Lilac from her hands, and turned to everyone.

“Every one this is my best friend Lexi. Lexi you know everyone from the computer screen, and phone. calls, now you get to meet them face to face.” I said with a huge smile on my face.

“Hey there Lexi. It’s nice to finally meet you in person.” Ross said.

“Same to you Gamma Ross.” Lexi said with a bow.

“So we have a rule in this house, Lexi.” Alpha Joseph stated.

“What’s that Alpha?” Lexi questioned.

“Unless we’re in front of other pack members that don’t live or work in this house, no titles. Our names are fine. We’re all family here.” Alpha Joseph instructed.

“Oh. Uh. Ok. We have the same rule.”

“I know. My Jane was Clair’s cousin.”

“No kidding?”

“Not at all.”

“Alright then. I will do my best to follow your rule.”

“Thank you.”

“Good. Now can we finally get to the important thing here?” Molly grumbled.

“What’s that Molly?” I questioned.

“I thought I was your best friend.” She whined.

“No way. I thought I was.” Melissa whined.

“Um….wait, wait, wait. That’s my role.” Lexi joined in.

Suddenly all three of them turned to look at me in question. Everyone else looked to be holding in their laughter as much as they could. No one seemed to want to help me out of this situation.

“Oh…well….um…..Can’t you all three be my best friend at the same time?” I asked nervously.

“It works for us. Why is it such a problem for females?” I heard Jax grumble to Rowen, Ross, and Colby while the older men snickered.

“Good question.” Ross stated quietly.

I couldn’t help it, I started laughing. These people were ridiculous. When I finally stopped laughing, I looked at each girl in turn, and made a decision.

“You each are my best friends. Each one of you is important to me. So take it or leave it. You three share the title of best friend or not at all.” I said firmly.

All three girls looked to each other, then shrugged saying alright. I breathed a sigh of relief. I did not want to deal with girl drama.

“Why don’t we take Chastity, and Lexi up to my apartment where they’ll be staying so they can get settled, Chastity can also get Lilac set up. We have a welcome home dinner planned for six, and we want the guest of honor to be on time.” Jax stated as he took Lexi’s book bag and suitcase from Colby while Rowen took mine.

“You guys didn’t have to do that.” I complained.

“Oh yes we did. We always celebrate someone coming home. Even if it’s just for a visit.” Alpha Joseph said with a smile.


“Nope. No buts. It’s already arranged.” Dimitri said firmly.

“Yup. I can’t wait! I want to hear everything!” Braxton said excitedly.

I sighed, and followed everyone into the house. Lexi fell into step next to me.

“Why aren’t you staying in Rowen’s apartment?” She whispered to me low enough that I would be the only

one to hear her.

“We’re not officially mated yet so Jax said it’s not appropriate.” I responded.

“But didn’t he sleep in your room for the last two weeks before you left for school?”

“Yes, but on a cot.”

“You shared a bed with him the last night you were here.”

“I know, but….”

“I get it. He’ll probably sleep in your room the whole time you’re here this week too.”

“Probably with the door open, if he does. Besides I’m not sure I’m comfortable with sharing a living space with him yet.”

“I can understand that.”

“I thought you might.”

When we reached Jax’s apartment he opened the door, and let us in. He showed Lexi to her room, as Rowen followed me to the one I lived in before I left. Once inside the room, he set my bags down, as I put Lilac down on the floor, and unclicked her leash. I turned to look at Rowen, just looked at him. He was so handsome, like always. He smiled as he walked toward me slowly. Before I could speak he pulled me into his arms, and kissed me. Really kissed me.

I followed his lead as his tongue rubbed against mine, and he groaned into my mouth. Again the tingles. spread through my body like before, only stronger this time. I found I enjoyed the feeling. When he finally ended the kiss he looked at me and smiled, big.

“Goddess, I missed you.” He said.

“I missed you too.” I said in return.

“So…um…I can stay in here with you, on a cot again while you’re here. If you want of course.” Rowen offered as he took a step back from me.

“….uh….think that would be good.” I stated quietly.

“OK. I’m going to go get some things together to bring down here. My cot is in the closet so that will be. easy.”


He left the room, still smiling. I rushed to get Lilac’s stuff set up for her, and was about to unpack when I heard Molly yell for me.



I giggled as I picked up Lilac, and headed to the living room. I found Molly, Melissa, and Lexi sprawled out. around the room. Molly, and Melissa were on one couch while Lexi was stretched out on the floor. They were all laughing at something. When they heard me walk in, they all looked at me, and smiled. I instantly smiled back, and settled on the other couch.

“Ok. Tell us EVERYTHING!” Melissa demanded.

“I have every time we talk.” I giggled as I took Lilac’s harness off of her.

She instantly jumped down, and started investigating the apartment. I watched for her a moment before one of the girls cleared their throat. I smiled at my friends.

“What would you like to know?” I asked.

“Um, EVERYTHING! Melissa said excitedly.

I had already told thern all about everything, and I said this to them. Molly insisted that it was better to hear it all in person. After rolling my eyes with a giggle, I told them everything starting with the day I arrived. They listened intently, laughed when I laughed. Their eyes got teary when I talked about

something upsetting. It was like they were experiencing it all with me. It was a great feeling. Lexi interjected her own bits as I talked too. After I was finished, Molly sat back, and sighed.

“You’ve only been gone a month, and already you’ve experienced interesting things.” Molly said with a smile.

“No kidding. I want to see the journal. Oh and this Luna Bible you talked about, but not right now. We’ll have time for that.” Melissa added.

“Definitely. That may come in handy later.” Molly agreed.

“Aright. Next story. Lexi, tell us all about you. You’re going to be in our group here so we need to know everything there is about you.” Melissa demanded with a smile.

“I’m going to be a part of your group?” Lexi questioned, looking surprised.

“Um…yes! You’re best friends with Chas here which instantly makes you best friends with us, so spill girl.” Molly requested with a smile.

“Uh. Well. OK.”

Lexi began talking about her life, and her family first. Especially her brother Darren. As I had already heard her story I only partially listened. I was too busy looking around for Lilac, I wanted to make sure she wasn’t getting into any trouble. I spotted her staring out the floor to ceiling windows in the living room, and smiled.

As I had looked around I had noticed the apartment had changed a bit. Molly had pictures hanging up all over the place. A lot of them were from her mating ceremony with Jax, but there were also pictures from our date night out with our mates, and pictures that I assumed were her family. I was glad she had personalized the place to her liking. Seeing all of the pictures also made me smile. I was brought back to the conversation happening when I heard Molly gasp.

“What an asshole! How dare he!” Molly growled, and some how I knew they were talking about Anthony. “I guess being an Alpha’s son, he dared plenty.” Lexi said with a shrug.

“I don’t care who your father is, you don’t do something like that to someone.” Melissa stated firmly. “Honestly, I’m better off. After all of these years I finally see Anthony for who he really is. My brother used to always tell me, but I didn’t believe him. At first Anthony and I were friends, then as we got older I started to like him. I guess I was blind to who he was. Now that I’ve seen him for who he is, I am thankful he’s not my mate. I would have been miserable.” Lexi explained.

“Well I can’t argue that.” Molly agreed.

“Neither can I. Girl you dodged a bullet.” Melissa said.

“I sure did.” Lexi said with a smile.

“Now you have Chastity, and us. We’ll look out for you and keep sleaze balls away from you.” Molly said with a smile.

“At this point I’m only interested in finding my own mate. If the guy isn’t my mate, I’m not interested.” Lexi


“Good for you. I was the same way.” Molly said.

“Same here.” Added Melissa.

I liked that my three closet girl friends were getting along so well. It would make my life so much easier in the long run. The four of us sat around chatting until we heard the door open, and some one call out to us.

“Alright you crazy bunch, time for dinner. Lets go.” Jax yelled from the door making me jump.

“Goddess Jax. Don’t do that! I’ve told you a hundred times to stop that.” Molly complained.

“Sorry babe, but you four were being so loud you didn’t hear me the first time I spoke.” Jax protested.

“Yeah right.” Molly grumbled.

“Aww. Come on baby. I’m not lying. I’ll make it up to you later. OK?”

“I know exactly how you plan to make it up to me, and it’s NEVER quietly.”

“Are you complaining?”

“Nope. Not even a little.”

“Good otherwise I would have to pu….take care of you later.”

My eyes widened, and I blushed as I looked down. The things I did NOT even need to think about when it came to my brother. What they did was their business. I looked up when I heard Jax make an oomph. sound. I saw Molly had just elbowed him.

“No need to spread our business around.” Molly tsked.

“They’re not stupid. They know what we do when we’re alone.” Jax whined.

“Knowing, and hearing are two different things Mister.”

I looked to Melissa, and Lexi when I heard them giggle. I just shook my head, and went to get Lilac. After she was set up in my room, I followed everyone down to the family dining room I had never actually

eaten a meal in there before. I had served plenty of times though. I wasn’t sure what to expect. I was a little nervous if I was being honest.

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