The Alpha's Daydream

Chapter 9

Looking out the window, Ariella was surprised to find him climbing the tree.

“No, wait. I’m coming down,” she whispered as she scrambled over the ledge and onto the branches. They dropped to the ground at the same time.

“My parents…” Ariella began and Mal nodded in understanding, his dark fringe falling over his brow and concealing his eyes.

Without saying a word, he held out his hand for Ariella to take, and she hesitated a moment.

Did she really want this? Did she really want to take this risk of going with her mate whom she knew nothing about? Remembering that she was giving him a chance to apologise, and wanting to know more about him, she slipped her fingers in his. The sparks that jumped between their skin made her smile and a warmth filled her heart.

As she followed him down the forest trail, not knowing where he was taking her, she couldn’t seem to shake the conflict inside. It felt so wrong to be sneaking about with him. He was dark and dangerous, he’d shown her that much already. But it also felt so right. He was her mate, and deep down she had the feeling he wouldn’t hurt her. Perhaps he too was unsure of this bond between them, and didn’t know how to proceed with their relationship. Maybe he too was scared of what it meant to now have found the other half of their souls.

The sounds of the forest echoed around them, and Ariella smiled at the way his fingers wrapped perfectly around her own. Though it was cold out, the simple touch was enough to warm her inside. The path was dark since the moon was hidden for the night, but his even darker shoulders and broad back were easy to keep her eyes on, leading her deeper and deeper into his territory. She felt when they crossed the border, and as they did a shiver of power ran from him to her. It made her wonder just what rank he held within his pack. Obviously he had enough authority to bring her here—whenever here was. Asking where they were going seemed out of place in the silent trust she’d given him, so Ariella was content to just follow.

The path inclined, and soon the bushes pressed in closer as it disappeared all together. Her feet almost tread on his as she trailed even closer behind, her nose once bumping into his back.

Then they stepped out into a clearing, and the light of the distant stars lit up the area. They were near a cliff, Ariella could tell by the black void that greeted them a few feet away. Hanging back near the safety of the trees, she studied her mate for a moment. His silhouette was illuminated by the starlight, and she watched with parted lips as something glowed on his back, taking shape and forming wings. Wings of pale white colour, so faint they might have only been made of pure energy. So delicate and fragile, yet when they unfurled and stretched out, the large feathery shapes exuded power and intensity.

Ariella’s heart thudded with this new vision. So...he wasn’t a demon, but an angel? Did they even exist? Had her imagination completely taken over her ability to reason?

When he turned to her, she swallowed uncomfortably.

“It’s okay,” he spoke softly, as if aware of her sudden fear. “This ledge is safe. I won’t let you fall.”

And she knew he wouldn’t. Blinking, the wings disappeared from her sight and she reached for his outstretched hand once more. When they sank down to the rocky ground together, he wrapped an arm around her, making her feel more secure and safe than she had in a very long time.

“You’re cold,” he murmured, and she heard the regret in his voice.

“No, it’s alright. I’m warm enough.” She assured him while nestling closer into his side. His body heat and scent enveloped her, making her wish this moment would never end despite the thin layer of fears that crouched on the edge of her awareness. Pushing them back, she asked quietly, “So why did you push me away the other day? Did you not want to be seen with me? Do you not want a mate?” The questions tumbled out in one long sentence.

By his quick intake of breath, she knew her words were a sensitive topic.

“I do want a mate, Ella.”

The way he said her name, even it if wasn’t entirely her true name, caused her heart to flutter and a smile to grow on her face.

He continued in his soft yet rich voice, “I was surprised when I met you. You weren’t quite what I had expected.”

She thought about the meaning of his words and frowned. “What did you expect—”

He shook his head slightly, making her stop. “That doesn’t matter. I was wrong to hurt you. For that I am sorry.”

She nodded, and knew he could see her every move though it was dark. “Thank you, Mal. But...why?” she dared ask.

She felt his shoulders lift and sink again with a sigh, “When my Beta saw us together, I reacted foolishly.”

Foolish. There was that word again. Why did it follow her like a lingering ghost, messing up her decisions and actions? Would it always haunt her, and now her mate too? “The Beta of your pack? He must be pretty mean,” she commented.

Mal chuckled, a warm sound that filled her ears and inflated her chest with a sense of calm. “You could say that about him. But he’s not so bad.”

Even for a demon? She thought but didn’t say.

“He caught me off guard. I didn’t know he had followed me.” Mal’s tone had once more turned serious.

Satisfied with his answer, Ariella moved on to another of her doubts. “What is your pack like?”

“My pack? Have you heard much of the DoubleEdge Pack?”

“No,” Ariella admitted, feeling slightly ashamed at her lack of knowledge of the pack who bordered her home grounds. “But my parents haven’t said many nice things about the Alpha. I mean, former Alpha. I think his son has now risen to the position?” It came out a question, though she cringed at her apparent ignorance. Luci was the expert on all these matters. but until now Ariella hadn’t cared for the information.

“Yes, he has. You really don’t know much about him?” Mal asked, his arm tightening around her as he peered down into her face, awaiting her answer.

“Not really. It hasn’t ever been of my concern, so why worry about it? I hear what people say, their different opinions; but I don’t believe anything one way or another. Why should I judge him when I’ve never met him?”

When Mal nodded, his mouth lifting slightly in a faint whisper of a smile, Ariella felt compelled to ask, “What is he like?”

The lines around Mal’s blue eyes deepend as he narrowed his eyes, studying her carefully before answering. “You’ll have to judge that for yourself when you meet him, Ella.” He lifted his eyebrow and his lips twitched as if he was holding back a chuckle from using her own words against her.

Still, a shiver ran through her at what he said, seemingly full of double meaning that she couldn’t quite grasp. But before she could say anything, Mal stood and pulled her up with him.

“You are still cold. I should get you back home. I’m sorry for keeping you out in the cold night like this.”

And giving her no time to protest, he tugged her back down the hill, helping her step over large boulders and fallen logs, down small outcroppings and around prickly shrubs. In one particularly steep section, he turned and reached for her, placing his large hands easily on her waist and lifting her down. Their faces came within inches, and she felt his warm breath on her lips. It sent a thrill through her body and her heart began racing. How could she respond like this to a man she barely knew? Was their bond already so strong, pulling them together?

When they reached her home, he squeezed her hand before she could climb her tree. “Tomorrow night. Will I see you again?”

“Of course,” Ariella gave him a small smile.

He leaned closer, and she could hear his breathing become heavier just as hers was. His proximity, his scent, was so strong, luring her with just a single beckon.

When he leaned closer still, her breath caught in her throat. Even in the dim light, she could see his eyes darken as they skittered slowly across her face. Then his tongue slid gently over her lips.

It was primal, and so strange. But it felt completely natural. He was tasting her, touching her in an intimate yet tentative way. A kiss might have been too much at this stage, but this small gesture was perfect and special.

Ariella could still feel the lingering warmth even as Mal stepped away into the shadows of the night, leaving her alone to replay everything that had happened in her mind. Dreaming about him came easy, and she somehow knew come morning, she wouldn’t be able to stop smiling and thinking about this mysterious and gentle wolf, her mate.

Two wolves walked through the lonely and dark trees. An Alpha and his Beta, each with secrets they’d rather keep to themselves, and especially from Ariella.

“What did she say? Does she know anything about the deaths?” The Beta asked quietly, yet unable to keep the solemnity from his voice.

“I don’t think so, but I didn’t ask her directly. I have arranged to talk with her again tomorrow night,” the Alpha replied calmly.

“Good. And does she suspect anything?”

The Alpha’s lips lifted in a subtle smile. “No. And I’d like to keep it that way.”

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