The Alpha's Daydream

Chapter 8

“I made your favourite muffins, Ari. Choc chip,” Lexi said with a smile as she pushed the plate toward Ariella, a silent look of concern and pleading in her bright eyes.

“Thank you.” Making no move to take one, Ariella just kept staring out the window, her chin in her palm as she spent the third morning in a row not eating breakfast. How could she feel like food when her stomach was in a knot and her heart was filled with emptiness?

With a heavy sigh Ariella got up and left the kitchen, unaware of Lexi’s frown lovingly trained on her as she pushed out the front door.

Sitting in the swing under the oak tree, Ariella tried to think positively but it was impossible to forget the feeling of her mate.

Of his hands on her shoulders, pushing her away.

He had pushed her away into the cold stream with an even colder expression in those icy blue eyes of his, where before he had stood so closely. She had felt his warm breath on her face, had seen the light dusting of freckles across his nose and cheeks, and had heard his heart beating nearly in time with hers.

But then that horrid wolf had to interrupt them—the wolf who had wanted to be a demon. Perhaps he was higher in rank than her mate, and would punish him for fraternizing with someone from another pack. In all fairness, she had been on their territory, and shouldn’t have expected anything less.

Looking on the bright side, Ariella could be glad they hadn’t marched over and arrested her for trespassing—twice.

But her mate, the mysterious solitary wolf named Mal, had been onto her land. The other night, while tossing and turning in her bed trying to decide if it was hot or cold, Ariella caught his scent on the faint breeze. It sent shivers across her skin, and after resisting her curiosity for what felt like an hour, she climbed from bed and peered out the window. The crescent moon cast a little light in the clearing behind the house, and each tree was draped in shadows. But one shadow stood out, one lone figure leaning silently against a trunk. The way his presence incited more shadows to dance on the lawn frightened Ariella at the same time as sending a thrill through her heart.

So he had come for her. He was watching her, maybe in a creepy way. Luci would call it romantic, but Gabby would show her disgust by pulling the curtains closed. Yet Ariella was transfixed, staring right back at him, and couldn’t seem to tear her eyes away despite the hurt and anger she felt towards him. He’d pushed her away. He hadn’t fought to be with her even though she was from another pack, standing on his territory. He hadn’t….hadn’t wanted her?

All these feelings tumbled through her mind as she had continued staring out the window. When the shadowy figure of her mate moved a step closer, she matched it back, though she was already a safe distance away up in her house. The blue of his eyes had seemed to glow from amidst the darkness, and a heaviness grew in her heart, a determination. She wouldn’t give in to him, not after how he’d treated her. If he wanted to apologise, he could approach her in the sunlight, not as a skulking phantom in the night. This only gave the impression he had so much to hide, and she wanted to hide from it.

Trembling like a leaf detached from a tree, untethered from reality, she’d crossed the room and slid the window shut. For some reason, it felt symbolic for closing a door over the emotions of her traitorous heart. Breathing only slightly easier, she’d climbed into bed and forced her heart to slow down.

Shadows continued dancing on her ceiling, and the morning couldn’t come fast enough for Ariella.

Now, as she sat in the sunlight under the oak tree, she almost laughed at the tension she’d felt the night before. It seemed silly in the morning, how scared and angry she’d been towards him. When they’d first met, what had she expected from him, an unknown stranger? Why did she think their souls would instantly meld together and he’d whisk her away to live in perfect bliss?

She’d seen the darkness in him. He wasn’t all good. He might have shown a flicker of tenderness toward her, but he was a stranger. Had she really expected him to invite her home to become part of his family? To become part of his pack?

With these thoughts to console herself, Ariella eased her lips into a smile and prepared for Fire Night. Determining to enjoy herself, she helped her mom pack the salads she’d made for dinner and then walked towards the pack grounds with both parents. Nothing would diminish her excitement of tonight, she thought as the autumn leaves twirled down around them from the trees. The path was glowing with the last rays of the sun, and happy voices of other pack members floated along the afternoon breeze to greet them.

Every month on the new moon, the members of ForgedHearts Pack gathered in the valley by the lake and shared a meal around a large bonfire. It was a chance for the wolves to relax, fellowship together, and enjoy the good times they now had. Life wasn’t always easy, and they’d been through so much together, but Fire Nights were a chance to forget their worries and celebrate being alive and well.

It was a time Ariella always looked forward to.

As they made their way down the final hill and saw the large bonfire taking shape under the logs and branches that were thrown onto it, Ariella spotted Gabby and Luci across the clearing, laying food on the dinner tables, and waved. Before she could run over to join them however, a hand gently grasped her elbow.

“Ariella, don’t you look beautiful this evening,” a young male wolf called Max flashed her a charming smile.

“Umm…” she stuttered, finding herself looking up into warm green eyes of the youthful wolf her age. She had been to school with Max, and grown up with him yet always found it difficult to speak to him. He was one of the handsome, athletic and smart boys who always drew the attention of every girl, and basked in it. He was elite, while she felt like a nobody. Why was he talking to her now?

“I picked this flower for you. Thought it would match the colours in your hair,” he tucked a pale pink carnation behind her ear, and the sweet scent filled her nostrils even as his smile filled her stomach with butterflies. Normally too shy and nervous to even approach Max and his group of friends, Ariella couldn’t help the blush stealing across her cheeks and the surge of confidence in her heart as he rubbed her hand gently.

“You look so beautiful... so dreamy,” he whispered before stepping back. “Dance with me later?”

“S-sure. Thank you,” she called after him, before being tugged away by Gabby and Luci.

“Oh my goodness, what was that all about? What did he want? I can’t believe he gave you a flower! I always did like Max,” Luci prattled and gossiped, while Gabby just shook her head while watching him chat to his friends.

“Never trust a guy with a side part in his hair and a sappy gleam in his eye. He’s never up to any good, my brother says,” Gabby gave her bit of advice.

“It’s no big deal. Everyone just knows I love flowers,” Ariella played it down, though she had to admit that the carnation matched her floral dress perfectly, and the way Max had smiled at her was definitely endearing. The perfect thing to take her mind off the mysterious stranger whose mere touch caused sparks to jump and her heart to leap.

After eating dinner with family and friends, some wolves started playing instruments, encouraging others to get up and dance. The blazing fire was a perfect centrepiece for the evening’s festivities, casting a rosy glow on their faces and shooting sparks high into the moonless sky. Alphas Kaiden and Chesca swayed together in a slow dance as their children ran about playing tag with other pups, and many couples soon joined them.

A few wolves began telling a funny story about what happened during a hunt earlier in the week, resulting in laughs from the gathered crowd. Then Max got up, and the smile he sent Ariella, combined with the golden glow of firelight reflecting in his gorgeous brown hair, made her heart quicken.

“You’ve all heard the story of Beauty and the Beast, right? About a beautiful young woman who falls in love with a hideous creature and saves his castle from a curse? Well, let me tell you a story that is a little bit similar and much more real, for I’ve met the main character myself.” This brought some oohs and ahhs from the listeners, and people drew closer. “There once was a pretty girl who lived on a territory far away from here, in a kingdom governed by a king and queen, and counseled by faeries and dragons,” he shared a chuckle with his friends. “Okay, I may have made that last part up. Anyway, this girl loved to explore the magical woods near her home. Though it was filled with dark and scary things, she would always say it was beautiful and kind to her, and because of this she was foolish as you shall soon see.”

Ariella watched Max tell the story with animation, caught up by his enthusiasm.

“For one day, while she was wandering through the forest and picking enchanted flowers and daydreaming of meeting a dashing prince, she instead met a wolf. A big and dangerous wolf who warned her that she was taking many risks by being in his forest. She told him that she was brave and not scared of him, so he showed her what he truly looked like. For this wolf was actually… a demon!”

Everyone’s eyes widened, and Ariella’s stomach dropped.

“He transformed into a creature so ugly, that it would give you nightmares, but not this young girl who was fearless...and foolish.”

Ariella felt her heart begin to race as Max’s words took a dark turn.

“‘My, my, what big teeth you have’, she said to him, and smiled at the gaping mouth of this beast that could eat her up in no time at all. ‘With these teeth, I can tear into a hundred bears should they attack you, my dear,’ the creature replied, making the girl feel protected. ‘What big eyes you have. Do they always glow so red?’ she asked. ‘Of course, so I never lose my way in this dark forest.’ And the girl felt sure of finding her way home with him by her side. ‘What large, black wings you have,’ she observed the wings on his back. ‘With these, I can carry you away to my den and love you, my dear Mate.’ And the demon snatched her up and no one ever heard from her again!”

The little pups squealed as Max leaped on one and picked her up for effect, swinging her around before putting her down.

“That ending isn’t entirely true, is it Max?” one of his friends asked, standing up beside him.

“No, it’s not,” he smiled wryly. “For we have heard from her, haven’t we? Doesn’t this girl, from our very own pack, draw pictures of her adventures and daydreams? Doesn’t she tempt the demons of the woods with her innocence and foolishness?”

With these words, Max looked directly at Ariella, a smirk growing on his face.

His friend snickered, “And look, she even has one of the demon’s enchanted flowers!” he pointed, and others too started to laugh.

Ariella shot up from her log seat and flung the flower away from her hair. It was sticky and black, and she felt something oozing down her face. Whatever Max had done to it, it was causing everyone to laugh at her now.

“The girl who dreams about demons! Her fantasies are so twisted!”

Tears pricked her eyes as she realised the sick joke Max had planned for her all along. He was mocking her, poking fun at her like the other kids always had. She felt empty and betrayed, a coldness blooming in her chest. “I didn’t even show anyone the picture,” she mumbled to Gabby who wrapped an arm comfortingly around her shoulders. “Except...the Alpha’s daughters.” Her eyes darted around until they landed on Savannah, who was tackling the boy Justin to the ground while yelling, “You said you wouldn’t tell anyone!”

Some of the adults shook their heads in disapproval of the joke, but most just laughed it off and began telling other stories, while Max and his buddies still leered at Ariella.

She ran from the clearing, heading to the path home and ignoring the calls of her parents. She had to get out of here, away from the young adults who always found a way to laugh at her and her silly dreams. They weren’t silly, but what could she do to prove that? Over the years, she’d told herself she didn’t care what they thought of her. But the truth was, she did. And it hurt.

Ignoring the sticks and rocks that scratched her lightly sandled feet, Ariella didn’t pay attention to where she was running, she was just getting far away from the ridicule and shame back around the fire. The darkness hid the curve of the path, but she knew the way well. What she didn’t see was the shadowy figure, until she’d bumped straight into him.

“Ella?” he breathed her name and gripped her arms in his firm hands.

“Who—” she blinked back tears and saw blue eyes tenderly looking down at her. “Mal?” Clutching his shirt closer, she rested her head against his chest and felt relief wash through her. Surrounding her was his scent, calming her. His arms wrapped around her and he rubbed her back while placing kisses in her hair.

Then she remembered.

“You pushed me away! You didn’t want me. Why?” Pulling away, Ariella stepped back from his arms.

“I’m sorry,” he said with unmistakable remorse lacing his voice. “I can explain, if you’ll just give me the chance—“


The voice of her mom startled them both.

“I have to go,” he said quickly, making Ariella reach for him and grab his arm.

“Wait, why can’t you stay-“

“I will meet you later. Outside your window. Will you talk with me?” His eyes searched hers, and she could see his jaw tighten as if he held his breath expectantly for her answer. Shadows danced in his luminous eyes, drawing her in with their mystery.

“I suppose….”

“I’ll be back later. Please, just watch for me and come if you want to listen.”

Then he was gone, just as Lexi came up the path behind her.

“Ariella, baby! I’m so sorry about what happened back there. Are you okay?” Wrapping her daughter in a hug, she let Ariella bury her face in her shoulder.

“I’m alright…”

“What they said is nonsense. Don’t listen to those bullies, okay? You are perfect as you are. Your dreams are beautiful and I won’t let anyone say otherwise-“

“No, Mom, it’s okay. I have been foolish, like they say. But it wasn’t just a dream. I—I did see something in the woods that night. He could have really hurt me, and It’s my fault for being so careless and not thinking…” Ariella mumbled as they walked home together. Lexi didn’t comment, and Ariella prefered it that way.

Her mom hovered over her the rest of the night, making her a hot chocolate and braiding her hair, helping her get ready for bed and tucking her in like she used to many years ago. Ariella tried telling her she wasn’t a kid anymore and was going to be okay, but Lexi couldn’t seem to leave her alone for too long, her motherly instincts in overdrive after watching her little girl get hurt so.

When Charles came in later to kiss Ariella goodnight, she grasped his hand and pulled him closer. “Dad, what should I do when I find my mate?”

He took only a moment to reply, “You hold him close, and take care of his heart while learning to share yours. You learn to love him.”

“And even if he hurts me?”

This took a bit longer to respond to, and Charles shifted on the side of the bed to hug Ariella tightly. “You give him a chance to apologise for such a dreadful mistake, and see if he can prove himself to you. Never give up on him until you know for sure.”

“Know what, for sure?” she whispered.

“That he will choose to love you with his whole heart, and be the other half of your soul no matter what happens.”

And suddenly, Ariella knew what she was going to do. “Thanks, Dad,” she hugged him tightly before he kissed her forehead.

After turning off the light, she burrowed under the covers and waited. Waited for the now familiar scent to fill her room. When it did, she leapt up with a racing heart and giddy fingers pushed back the curtains.

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