The Alpha's Daydream

Chapter 22

“That is a very serious accusation, Hila,” Luna Seneca stepped forward and leveled her darkest gaze on the shewolf, who then shrank back and relinquished some of her anger. It seeped from her heaving shoulders, and Ariella could almost taste the tension and bitterness in the air.

The newly widowed shewolf was shocked, grieving. Pointing a finger of blame would either help her deal with the tragedy, or stir up a deeper resentment towards the young Alpha.

“How else do you explain it?” Hila tentatively raised her eyes to her Luna. “This is the fourth death in the last few months. No one has found the killer. Which means, he is among us still.”

Malachi tensed beside Ariella and his eyes flashed, “We are doing everything we can to solve this.”

“Are you? Are you really?” Another shewolf spoke, the one that Ariella assumed was Stacey. “When? When will you solve it? After more people die? After I lose my mate too?” her lips quivered in the fading light, her arm wrapping around Hila to give her support.

“Maybe if you all trusted me more, we wouldn’t have so many problems,” Malachi stepped forward and shook his fist in the air. “If you must know, Robert and Leo were out past the danger zone when they were killed. If they hadn’t disregarded my rules—”

“Your rules are pathetic, young pup—“

“My rules are meant to keep you safe!”

“Then why is my mate dead?!”

“Enough!” Seneca spoke softly but her voice carried enough power to make Ariella cringe. “I will not allow you to disrespect my son like this, Stacey, Hila,” she turned her sharp eyes on them both, her shoulders held back with firm authority. “Go home and bury your dead. Grieve for your broken soul. But leave my son out of your self-pity and cruel blame.”

The shewolves shrank back, fading into the night as their quiet whimpers trailed behind them. Only when the courtyard was silent once more did Ariella dare take a breath.

“What are we going to do?” she looked up at Malachi who ran a shaky hand through his hair.

“I’m going to figure this out,” he murmured, sharing a dark frown with his mother before she went back inside.

The Beta stood stoically to the side for a moment before he came to an understanding with Malachi. “I’ll run the perimetre, check for any clues.” Then he left, padding down the path with Harlow in his shadow.

As Ariella processed the reality that someone had just been killed on this territory, not far from the Alpha’s own home, a shiver of fear snaked down her spine and curled in her stomach. “Mal, we have to find who did this.” Her voice was a tiny whisper.

“I’ve got it under control,” he muttered and headed inside, his head down in thought, his fringe casting his face into dark shadows.

“But shouldn’t we all be out there searching? Whoever did it can’t have gone far—”

“I said I’ve got it under control! Just forget about it. I want you upstairs and safely away,” his words came out low and rough, full of authority that would make any wolf cower in fear.

But Ariella was his mate, and she refused to feel subject to his steely tone. “Malachi, I’ll be safe by your side. Just tell me what’s going on, and I can help—”

“No! Just no, okay!” He whirled on her, his eyes flashing and his jaw ticking with held back emotions.

The force of his words pushed her back a step, and Ariella bumped into the wall of the hallway. Blinking, she stared at him in the dim light of the corridor, watching the angst and confusion play across his face. He was a contrast, with his tall intimidating posture, but turmoil clouding his dark blue eyes that flickered with a crimson flame. She could almost see the angst fighting inside him, and she just wanted to claw it out into the open, finally see some truth.

“I don’t know what you’re keeping from me, or even why, but I won’t leave your side. You’ve just had a pack member get killed, and you’ve been blamed for his murder. Whatever is going on, we’re going to work it out together,” she said with as much confidence as she could, reaching for his hand.

“That’s where you’re wrong. I’m going to work it out, along with my Beta and trained warriors,” he stepped closer with each sentence until he was towering over her, his height seeming so much more as his shadow played on the walls behind.

His voice was deep and held the edge of a growl. “Now leave. Me. Alone.”

With a tug, he pulled his hand free and marched down the hall, disappearing around the corner.

Ariella stood breathless.

Beyond the thudding of her racing heart, all she heard was the monotonous tick-tock of a grandfather clock somewhere in the mansion foyer. And the ache in her chest bloomed heavier than the blossoms of Belmaryn flowers.

“Why won’t you let me in?” she whispered, pressing a palm to her forehead, her back sliding down the wall until she rested on her heels. Fighting back a sob as the surprise and adrenaline of the evening’s events seeped from her bones, Ariella rose weakly to her feet and wandered down the hall. Without minding where she was going, her feet took her to the kitchen and dining room.

“Hey, Ariella! I was just— Are you alright?”

Startled, Ariella looked up and saw Beta Knight leaning against the kitchen counter. He instantly moved towards her and stood in front.

“You look pale. Here, sit down before you faint and I’ll make you a drink. You want water? Tea?” His voice was a flurry of concern, as he checked for her wellbeing.

“I’m okay. It’s just … just a shock…” she mumbled as he eased her onto a stool. “I don’t suppose you heard what happened?”

He shook his head. “I just got back from visiting a friend. Tell me,” he placed a cool glass of water in front of her before taking the other seat. His emerald gaze locked on her with his full attention.

“Another man has been killed. Just this afternoon, after the guards finished their shift. His mate found him, and she is now accusing Malachi of killing him since someone saw them arguing.”

Knight let out a low whistle. “That is terrible. How could she say that of him? Why would an Alpha want to hurt his own pack members?”

“That’s what I was thinking. But it was one of the older wolves who don’t respect him..”

Shaking his head, Knight tutted, “And he’s been nothing but courteous towards them, even though they’ve given him such a hard time. The poor kid. How’s he taking it?”

“He’s mad. Really mad. He didn’t want to talk to me or let me help or anything,” Ariella spread her palms on the bench and gave him a look of hopelessness. “What can we do? Beta Hamilton has gone to check the area with Harlow, and Malachi is … wherever he is,” she waved a hand around her, indicating his unknown whereabouts.

“Probably his study. The boy spends lots of time there when he wants to be alone. Either there or the gym downstairs. He’s used to dealing with so many things in his own quiet way. Maybe just give him time to sort this out.”

Ariella nodded, sipping the cool water and feeling her heart rate slow down. “Thank you, Knight. But...I don’t want him to go through this alone. I get the feeling he’s already dealt with so much by himself, and I want to be here for him now. Comfort him, you know?”

Knight regarded her with a smile of amusement in his eyes. “Ariella, you’re going to make a great Luna, you know that?”

She dropped her gaze from his and studied the glass between her hands. “If I ever come to understand this pack, and will be accepted by them. Then I might make a good Luna.”

WIth a shake of his head, Knight disagreed, causing Ariella to frown before he explained himself. “You don’t have to be accepted by them before you can serve people. To be a leader, sure. They need to respect you. But you can serve them first. A good leader, a wise master, is also a good servant, putting his people first to earn their trust. Then you will understand the pack and what they need from you.”

“That sounds back to front. Isn’t a leader meant to be served by his followers?”

“How will they want to serve you if they don’t know you’re worthy to be served? Show them first that you care about them. Then they will trust you.”

The concept turned itself over in Ariella’s mind, as she viewed it from different aspects. “Okay, I suppose that makes sense.”

“Great. Now,” the former Beta rapped his knuckles on the table, “I reckon Malachi has had enough alone-time to brood. You should go find him.”

“Sure. Oh, if you’re hungry, there’s plenty of dinner left on the stove,” Ariella pointed out as she made her way out of the kitchen.

“Don’t worry about me, girl. I can smell a delicious meal from ten miles away. Especially if it’s one you made,” he winked as he got up and moved to the shelf. “Now shoo!”

She laughed, shaking her head, and made her way down the hall. It wasn’t hard to follow Malachi’s warm and toasty scent, and it led her down a few corridors and to a closed oak door.

Ariella knocked, the smile slipping from her face as worry again crawled around her heart. It nearly choked her as she waited for a few moments, nothing stirring from inside the room. Swallowing her hesitation, she opened the door and prayed Malachi wouldn’t still be angry towards her.

“I said to leave me alone.”

All she could see was his broad back as he sat in a chair behind a desk, his elbows presumably on his knees as he stared at the floor. His voice was husky and muffled, tugging at her heart. The need to take away all his hurt sprouted within Ariella and pushed on her walls for freedom.

“I did. And now I’m back.” The determination in her voice came out stronger than even she expected, and Malachi sat up quickly and turned on the swivel chair to look at her.

“Well, you shouldn’t be,” he growled, his face a sketch of dark lines and shallow lights. She wasn’t sure how he’d respond to her presence, but she guessed this was as good as she’d get. “Just leave. Go.”

“Go where exactly?” She crossed the room and stood in front of him, daring to put a hand on her hip.

“Anywhere. To bed. A guest room, if you like. Or even your parents place,” Malachi muttered darkly, his brows furrowing in a deep frown.

“You don’t mean that. And even if you did, I wouldn’t do it anyway,” Ariella stepped closer, her fists curling in on themselves, trying to stop his words from cutting her heart. “I said this morning I’m staying by your side, and I mean to do what I say. So just let me be here, like you promised to give me a chance.”

The Alpha stared at her for a long moment, his eyes betraying nothing but a cold defiance, while his jaw clenched over and over. Then, it was like a dam broke and his emotions tumbled out with his loosening of the hold. Malachi closed his eyes and rubbed the bridge of his nose, before completely burying his face in his hands.

“I don’t think there's much you can do, Ariella,” he spoke in a halting voice. “Hamilton has searched the area and there’s no traces of the attacker. He’d be long gone by now.”

“Then I can just be here for you,” she sat on the edge of his desk, facing him, and took his hand between her own. He reluctantly let her hold it. “Whatever is on your mind weighing you down, just talk to me about it. Let me feel it too.” Her fingers glided over his rough palms and drew circles of sparks.

The Alpha looked up at her, the blue of his eyes swirling with storm clouds. He pursed his full lips before exhaling, saying, “They think I did it. They have such little faith in me, they think I killed one of my own.” His voice was quiet, full of defeat and failure. Ariella squeezed his hand and continued rubbing circles on his knuckles. “How do I stand against that? How do I gain their respect and allegiance when I am such a cruel monster in their eyes?”

After he said this, Ariella immediately closed the gap between them and wrapped her arms around him, pulling his head to her neck. Her fingers tangled through his silky hair as she caressed the side of his face. She breathed a sigh of relief when his arms went around her waist, and he accepted her comfort.

“You can’t,” she then replied flatly.

“I’m sorry?” he tilted his head to look up into her face, his eyes searching hers for meaning. His own glistened, his black lashes seeming longer as though wet with unshed tears.

“You can’t have their respect if that’s what they think of you. So you have to change their mind. Let them see the real you.”

“Which is….” He sighed in defeat, raking a hand back through his hair and displacing the already wild locks.

Ariella wished she could just make him see what she truly saw in him. “Stop doubting yourself so much. If you don’t have faith in yourself, then they won’t ever, either. You need to believe you are Alpha. Believe you can be strong enough to lead them.”

As soon as Ariella spoke the encouraging words, she realised she wasn’t just speaking to her mate. She was speaking to herself. If she really wanted everyone to see her as Luna, she’d have to see it in herself first, and serve them with confidence and authority in her position.

“It isn’t that easy. The men want me to be an Alpha like my father was, stern and controlling. He led them with an iron fist, feeding into their ideas of superiority. They had such disrespect for some of the weaker pack members. But I want to be the best leader for everyone.”

“That’s good. But … no matter what you do, you can't please everybody. Especially if you’re doing the right thing.”

“So it seems. I had hoped …” Malachi glanced at the ground and swallowed hard. “I had hoped when I turned twenty that they would take me seriously, and respect my leadership. But now, with these deaths happening…”

“When did you turn twenty?” Ariella asked. The age was a significant one among wolves, showing an end to reckless teenage years, and finally maturing into an adult.

“In about a month, actually,” he gave her a rueful smile.

“Oh, it’s still coming!” Ariella was surprised at how young he was. “Well… a lot can happen in a few weeks. Just wait and see.”

He nodded absently, then shook his head. “I doubt much will change. With the current attitudes, I don’t think a couple short weeks is going to make them think differently.”

Ariella pulled her bottom lip between her teeth, thinking hard. “This seems to be a bigger problem in general. But talk to me about tonight. Can you figure what really happened?”

They moved to the love seat that sat against one wall of the study. Ariella finally looked around her at the tall cases of books, the neat stacks of binders and filing cabinets, and gold-rimmed stationery on the solid teak desk. A large window cut the west wall with its transparent glass, now covering the dark night outside with rich crimson curtains. A few paintings of countrysides and meadows of flowers graced the other two walls about the cases and bookshelves.

Malachi tugged Ariella down beside him, his hand remaining firmly around her waist. She snuggled into his side, making the most of every moment being with him.

“Well, to begin with, you’re probably wondering what the disagreement between us was even about,” Malachi began slowly, giving her a serious look. The blue of his eyes darkened a few shades, like the setting sun removing itself from the velvet night sky.

She nodded for him to go on.

“Archie was the one who challenged you yesterday during training,” he said wearily, his face holding regret as if there might have been something he could have done to prevent the challenge in the first place.

Images of the burly and unfriendly warrior flashed through Ariella’s mind. “I thought the name sounded familiar,” she said, feeling sorrow that she had actually known of the wolf who was now brutally murdered. Then turned to Malachi with wide eyes. “Wait, you knew about the challenge?”

Her mate barely raised an eyebrow. “I am Alpha. It is my job to know about these things.”

“Yet….you still don’t know who is killing your pack members,” she dared say quietly. It was more a dreadful fact than an accusation.

With a heavy sigh, he tried his best to explain. “Archie was a strong warrior. He worked alongside my dad for many years.”

“Was that a bad thing?” Ariella asked, noting a hint of disdain in her mate’s voice.

“Depends how much you know of my father.”

“Not much,” she shook her head regretfully. “Just rumours…”

“Probably all true. Anyway,” Malachi swept his fringe back with his long fingers. “This may sound callous, but I’m not very upset over Archie’s death. I just hate that it happened in such a way, and that they pin me for it.”

“What do you mean?” Ariella turned on the couch to face him better, her knee brushing his thigh and sending shivers all across her body. She didn’t like reacting like this when discussing such a serious topic, but Malachi obviously didn’t realise as he placed his hand on her knee and patted it absently, intensifying the emotions within her.

“Archie was a clever guard and good at his job, I’ll admit. But he was a terrible character. He has harassed and abused many young women during his older years, preying on their vulnerability and weakness. I don’t think my father cared. It was almost like he encouraged the dominating behaviour.

They thought they were superior and could treat anyone how they pleased. Use and abuse women like that’s all they were worth for. Now I can’t help feeling, it’s almost like Archie deserved a cruel death.”

She nodded, her heart twisting in disgust at the cruelty of some wolves, and the pain they’d inflicted on innocent others. Deep down she too thought men like Archie who abused women deserved a punishment of death. Still, his mate seemed so loving, and heartbroken that he was gone. Where was the justice?

“So do you know of anyone who might have wanted him dead?” Ariella probed, finally feeling like she was getting somewhere.

“Any number of the girls’ relations might have wanted to get revenge,” Malachi replied quickly.

As terrible as it felt to think, if she had been directly affected by abuse or harassment, she wouldn’t think twice of extending vengeance. So now, with a motive to track, it wouldn’t take long to find the culprit. “And do they all still live in this pack? Maybe we could talk to them.”

He shrugged, “A few of them left after my dad’s death. Even if another pack didn’t accept them, I think they’d prefer the life of a rogue to being here. I don’t blame them, but I had hoped they’d stay and see that I would make things better around here.”

“Was it really that bad when your father was Alpha? Like I said, I’ve just heard rumours.”

A closed-off look came over Malachi’s face, and his eyes were sharp chips of blue ice when they turned to Ariella. “I normally don’t talk against my father, but I will say this...”

Ariella squirmed in her seat, a cold wash of fear suddenly creeping over her skin. Malachi tightened his arm around her and pressed her into his warm body, before whispering low in her ear.

“Just be grateful you’re my mate, and weren’t his.”

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