The Alpha's Daydream

Chapter 21

Pale blue eyes sparkled at her from amidst the forest shadows. Ariella pressed a hand to her chest to stop her heart from racing, and called her friend over. “Gabby! Don’t sneak up on me like that!”

Gabby laughed, her long blonde tresses swaying with the wind like golden willow leaves. “I wasn’t sneaking. You just sensed me way before I could even get close. You’re far too perceptive, Ari. So how are things? I heard your parents talking the other day, saying that Alpha Malachi had taken you to his pack,” she wrapped an arm around Ariella’s waist and plucked a lavender leaf, holding it to her nose and breathing in the relaxing scent before tucking it behind Ariella’s ear.

“Yes, he did. During my heat. But we didn’t do anything….intimate, you know. He respected me enough and we’re waiting until we know each other better.”

“I’m surprised. Normally Alpha males are all possessive and want to claim what’s theirs right away.”

Ariella nodded, her eyes far off, studying the distance. “I… we … we want to work things through slowly.” In other words, Malachi had given her time to decide if she wanted to be Luna. In other other words, the young Alpha was still deciding if Ariella would make a good Luna. “But you know what? We’re okay. Things are okay.” Ariella would remain positive if it was the last thing she did. She’d had enough moping and feeling sorry for herself. Watching her dad and Beta Hamilton go through some playful sparring maneuvers in the distance reminded her of who she was.

A warrior’s daughter.

“So are any of the rumours true? Is the forest of DoubleEdge haunted? Are there ghosts or demons lurking around the place?” Gabby asked, but her tone of voice wasn’t full of gossip or prattle. Her face showed genuine concern for Ariella. She had always been like that, whereas Luci was only after information for her own benefit. To satisfy her lurid curiosity.

“I can feel something different around the place, like a heavy cloak of secrets. Sometimes an unnatural shadow skitters across Malachi’s face. And his mother…” Ariella had to fight off the shiver that always wriggled over her skin when she even thought of Seneca and her obsidian black eyes. “I just have an overactive imagination. We don’t believe in demons, remember?”

Gabby bit her lip to stop herself from laughing. “You want to have that discussion again? It’s only Luci who tries to deny them.”

“Maybe she’s just scared of them.”

“Or maybe she’s in love with one,” Gabby scowled, then both girls burst out laughing.

“How is Luci anyway?”

“Missing you. We all are. Now that you live in DoubleEdge, how often can we come and visit?”

“Oh, I’m not…I’m not sure. Maybe just wait until I settle in before you come and tear the place down with a wild party. I think the Beta would have my neck if I entertained the idea of visitors to his territory. He’s very good at his job, that guy.” Ariella crossed her arms and frowned, facing her dad and the strong Beta once more.

Gabby’s eyes followed and she remained silent for a moment as if lost in thought. “He may not be as bad as you think…”

Ariella watched her friend with puzzlement, at the way her eyes narrowed and slender shoulders straightened while she looked on at the Beta. “Do you want to come meet him? Then you can tell me what you make of his charming personality.”

Gabby averted her eyes quickly, “No, I’m okay. I’m sure you’ll figure out what it is that’s bothering him.”

Feeling only the inclination to agree, Ariella nodded. She was over trying to sort everything out without much information to go on. She’d learn things as they happened and then figure what to make of them.

“You are so pure, and good,” Ariella took a strand of Gabby’s golden blond hair and twined it around her finger. “It radiates from you.”

Gabby shrugged off the compliment. “I’m the same as always. Regular old me.”

“No, something is different. Maybe I’m just noticing it now.”

“What do you mean? What are you seeing in me?”

Ariella stared at her friend straight on, puckering her eyebrows in deep thought. “Maybe now I have the complete opposite to compare it to. Malachi’s pack…” Ariella sighed, finally relinquishing to getting it off her chest. She could trust that Gabby would listen and give her honest opinion.“It seems everyone there is …has something different under their countenance. Something secretive and mysterious lurking under the skin and I can’t quite figure it out. They smile, but it isn’t real. Their eyes have a light beneath but I get the feeling it is vapid and fake. Like a darkness is crouched there instead. Waiting. Hiding.”

“Listen to you, Ari. Anyone would think you’re speaking of a thriller novel. Surely it’s not as serious as you make out. Everyone has their secrets.”

“I know about secrets,” Ariella patted her friend’s hand where it linked around her arm. “But this… this is tangible. I can feel it crawling along my skin when I’m in their presence. I can see it seeping from his eyes and coming to rest on my shoulder—“

“His eyes? Are we now talking about the Alpha, or just the members of his pack in general?”

“Yes, I mean no. I mean—it’s both. But … mainly my mate. There’s this distinct atmosphere about him that calls to me and warns me at once. His personality itself is contradicting. One moment he’ll be smiling and holding me close, another he’ll push me away and growl at me with disdain. I can’t figure out what it is he wants!”

Gabby took a deep breath and let it out slowly, shielding her eyes from the sun.

“You probably think I’m talking crazy.”

“No it’s not—“

“It’s true, just say it,” Ariella gave a defeated shrug. “I mean seriously, I saw his Beta as a demon. What does that say… about me?”

“That you’re wise and perceptive. That you don’t just blindly trust anyone because they look safe and trustworthy. You try and see what’s beneath. What’s truly in their heart.”

“So Hamilton is truly a monster in his heart?”

“No… no, I’d say he just projected that image to scare you away from his territory. He’s probably… probably a cuddly pup underneath.”

Ariella giggled, “Gabby, you, saying that about a guy?! Has the world ended and I’ve been living under a rock? I never thought I’d hear you say anything like that about a guy!

“Oh, shush, I’m entitled to my share of dramatics every now and then. Can’t let you and Luci have all the fun, now can I?”

“True, but I need you to be serious Gabby for a moment, the one who gives my honest advice. What should I do? Just accept it like everything is normal and I’m the odd one out? Or dig for the truth, if there even is anything hidden to be uncovered?”

Gabby thought for a moment, pursing her lips and scrunching her brow. “Trust your gut. What are your instincts telling you.”

“What about the time I got chased off their territory, nearly to my death?”

“Your instincts were leading you to your mate, weren’t they?”

The solid words struck with a tangible force. She bowed under their weight, then felt the burden lift, leaving her taller than before. “You’re right. I was being led. And I let my fear take over and persuade me to run away. But no more running. Whatever is going on with Malachi and his pack, I will find out. And I won’t be afraid.”

“Just be careful,” Gabby warned, them relaxed her face into a smile. “I better go. My brother is waiting by the lake. He only gets an hour free before his guard shift starts.”

“Thanks for stopping by.”

“Anytime. Love you.”

“Love you, Sis.” Ariella waved goodbye as the lithe blonde shewolf disappeared back into the forest to head towards the lake. It sat centrally in the territory, and most wolves spent their free time there, swimming, relaxing, or just hanging out. Ariella would miss those fun times with her friends, and hoped Malachi would allow her to make the trip there for Fire Night in a couple weeks.

After gathering a few more blossoms and dry seeds, Ariella wrapped them in paper then headed to her room to pack a few more things. Her violin was the last thing to take down to the car, and she laid it carefully in its case on the back seat. The trunk was filled and no room was seen anywhere else.

“You better not leave without saying goodbye,” her dad’s comforting voice echoed behind her and she turned to find him waiting by the car for her.

“Dad,” she tucked herself in his arms and relished his warmth and security for a few moments. “I wouldn’t leave without seeing you. We’re staying for lunch anyway.”

Charles nodded and placed a kiss on the top of her head. “That Beta is a pretty solid boy. But that Alpha mate of yours couldn’t come for a visit?”

Ariella sighed, expecting this criticism. “He’s busy. As you say, he is Alpha. But I’m hoping to talk him into coming for Fire Night.”

Charles seemed appeased. “You do that.”

When Lexi called them all in for lunch, Ariella sat through a rather interesting meal. The chatter of her parents kept Hamilton entertained, though she had been expecting awkwardness. The whole time she kept wondering what it would be like to bring Malachi over for dinner to properly meet and get to know her parents. She owed so much to these selfless and affectionate wolves that it didn’t seem right to be so distant now, moving to another pack and barely seeing them with her mate.

Just before they left to go back to DoubleEdge, Lexi pressed a large parcel of chocolate muffins into her hands, along with a wrapped gift that Ariella could only guess what it was.

They headed out to the car and Hamilton’s eyes widened when he sees how much it is filled.

“Is that all you’re bringing? You sure you don’t want to pack the kitchen sink too?” he joked.

“Very funny,” Ariella punched him in the arm and Charles snickered.

“And you said he didn’t like you,” Lexi whispered to Ariella as she hugged her again, pointing out the way he joked with her, and that he wouldn’t normally if he truly disliked her.

It didn’t take long to drive back to Malachi’s estate, as the return trip always seems faster.

“Your dad is a pretty strong wolf. I didn’t realise he was a Beta,” Hamilton commented along the way. “It makes sense though, with you and Mal. High ranking wolves are usually mated together. Since you’re a beta’s daughter—“

“Actually I’m not.”

“What?” Hamilton suddenly looked at her with confusion.

“Charles and Lexi adopted me when I was little.”

The car was silent for a moment, and Ariella held her breath.

“And your real parents…”

“Died in a rogue attack. They were both warriors. Just warriors.” She was proud of her parents positions, and hated speaking about them like this. But when comparing them to a Beta status, their rank was definitely lower. Who knew why fate paired her with an Alpha.

“I’m sorry, I had no idea.”

“Don’t be sorry. I’m okay. It was so long ago and Charles and Lexi have been the most loving and real parents to me. I have nothing to be ungrateful for. We all have tragedies in our past, and my adoptive parents have taught me how to be strong despite them.”

They arrived back at the estate in silence, but when Hamilton carried her things upstairs to her room, Ariella thought she saw a hint of admiration and respect in his gaze towards her. It buoyed her steps and lightened the cloud in her heart. Maybe the cynical Beta Hamilton could become her ally in this pack after all.

After two hours of arranging her things neatly in Malachi’s room, Ariella headed down to the kitchen to begin dinner preparations. But it wasn’t long before she caught Malachi’s scent outside and rushed to the front door to meet him. Flying down the steps, she wrapped her arms around his neck before he even reached the house. Her actions might be impulsive, but she didn’t really care.

“I missed you so much today,” she breathed against his neck.

Malachi pulled her close against him, and she felt him press a kiss to the top of her head. “I missed you too.”

Smiling, she replied, “I wish you could’ve come with, Malachi.”

“Maybe next time,” he chuckled and rubbed her back in circles.

Ariella pulled back to look at him front on. “I’m gonna hold you to that.” She lifted her hands between them. “I picked these for you.” The small bunch of flowers brushed his face.

“Lavender?” He leaned in to smell the dusky purple blossoms.

“You said you liked the scent.”

“Hmm, because it’s your scent,” his lips tugged in a grin that was still obscured by the flowers in his hands. “Thank you, Ariella. They’re beautiful,” he gave her another squeeze around the waist and her heart soared. As she moved to walk inside with him, the porch light fell on his face and she finally took a good at look at her mate.

Her eyes widened in shock. “What happened to you?”

His hair was mussed, a dark bruise was blooming under his right eye, and a long red scratch traversed his jaw. A few more red marks were apparent on his neck, even under the thick collar of his black shirt that he’d pulled up high.

Malachi tensed and turned away from he, his arms releasing to hang by his side. “I had a disagreement with one of the Older Wolves.” His fists clenched along with the muscles in his shoulders.

Ariella’s heart sank and squeezed in concern. “Harlow mentioned them… how they don’t respect you. But how dare they hurt you like this?” Lifting her hand to brush back his fringe, her fingers gently caressed the bruises.

“It’s okay. Don’t worry about it,” he pushed her hand aside and hurried through the front door.

His mistreatment by his own pack members cut Ariella as if she herself had been hurt. This wasn’t fair. Sure, he was young, but so had her own Alpha been young when Aunt Chesca took over the Alpha responsibilities. Duty demanded them to take the role of leader, and respect had to follow. The pack members had to recognise Malachi as their leader or else the whole pack would fall apart.

But Malachi didn’t want to talk about it. Ariella kept biting her tongue while she finished making dinner. They were soon joined by a serious Hamilton and a scowling Harlow. Ariella could only guess what had gone down between the siblings. She could see that Hamilton cared about his sister, so maybe he thought it his duty to keep her in line, if she even had stepped out of line for a moment. From what she had seen, Harlow was strong-willed and independent, and wouldn’t take too kindly to an older brother checking up on her.

It wasn’t long when Luna Seneca also presented herself for dinner. She swept in with her usual stately appearance, black casual yet classy clothing hanging around her figure. Still, she looked like a queen, and it weighed on Ariella that she had an impressive position to fill if she ever thought of taking the Luna’s place as Alpha Female of this pack.

With determination and a bright smile, she gave Senaca the soft pink peonies she’d picked for her.

The Luna eyed them carefully, her hand not moving to receive them. “How do you know I’m not allergic to flowers? How do I know you’re not trying to harm me with this seemingly innocent gesture?” her perfectly styled eyebrow rose in question.

It wasn’t the first time Ariella’s flowers hadn’t been accepted by someone she cared about. But she couldn’t blame Seneca for her misgivings.

“Mom, seriously? You can’t even take some flowers from my mate?” Malachi stood and laid a hand on Ariella’s shoulder.

“I will take them,” Seneca slowly and deliberately took them between her slender fingers. “I just want to know why she is giving them,” her eyes once more centred on Ariella, who found it difficult to breathe under her intimating scrutiny.

“I give flowers to everyone I care for, especially my family. Malachi is my mate, so as his mother, you too are now family.” She spoke with as much courage and sincerity, letting it come from her heart.

Seneca allowed herself a smile. “How quaint.” Then she took her place at the head of the table.

They’d all only just sat down to eat when Malachi bristled, a cold look entering his eyes. A moment later, loud voices could be heard coming from outside the front. The Alpha and Beta were instantly on their feet, leaving the women to scurry after them.

“He’s dead! My mate is dead!”

The anguished cry reached Ariella as she ran down the hall, but the broad figure of Malachi blocked her from seeing the distraught shewolf out the front.

“I—I found him… found him down by the river. His entire body was…” a strangled sob cut the voice short.

Ariella could see her now, a middle aged woman with grey streaks in her brown hair, her hands pressed to her face as she crumbled to her knees on the Alpha’s steps. A few others were supporting her, their faces pale and their movements skittish with the news of the tragedy.

“Tell me exactly what happened,” Beta Hamilton commanded when Malachi took a moment too long to gather breath. With a glance, Ariella was surprised to see him staring at the women with … fear.

“He never came home after his shift,” the shewolf managed between sobs. “I heard from Stacey that he had gotten in a fight with the Alpha,” her eyes turned cold and accusing as she said this. “Then I felt… I felt my soul break. He was gone. He was gone!” She shrieked and launched herself at Malachi, but Hamilton managed to hold her back, grasping the shewolf gently yet firmly as grief wracked her body in spasms of fury.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t..” Malachi began. His voice was shaky, Ariella could tell. But with a shiver of determination he straightened his shoulders and let steel seep into his tone. His dominating Alpha tone. “What time was this?”

“About half an hour ago, shortly after he ended his guard shift.”

“And where did you say you found him?”

“His bo...his body was so broken..” she choked on a sob and tried again. “I found him down by the river,” her hand flew to her mouth as if she was seeing the grizzly scene all over again.

Ariella could only imagine the pain of seeing your soulmate dead, bones broken and flesh torn. A faint horror tugged at her memories, of her parents’ bodies lying in the dirt, the copper scent of blood filling her nose, her little hands stained with their death. Her world shattering around her.

The unfamiliar emotions wrapped around her, causing her to sway with dizziness, and she clutched Malachi’s hand for support. Tingles of security ran up her arm as he wrapped his fingers around hers, and she leaned into his rigid body.

“I left him by the guard house when we were done talking,” Malachi stated flatly. “I assumed he walked straight home.”

“Talking? Stacey said she saw you assaulting him.”

“You say I was assaulting him? My own pack member? As much as we may not see eye to eye, I would never do that to him. Or to any of you. No, it was Archie who threw the first punch. I was defending myself and my position as Alpha.”

“Alpha?” The woman’s eyes flashed with hatred, her grief momentarily forgotten. “You will never be my Alpha. Not after what you did to my mate.”

“What are you saying, Hila?” Malachi pinned his most serious gaze on her, his fingers squeezing Ariella’s until they almost hurt.

“I’m saying Archie is dead because of you. I’m saying you killed him.”

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