The Alpha's Breeder

Chapter Sixteen : Mine To Protect

Eros picked up another set of documents on the nightstand next to his right-hand side before glancing in my direction.

I’m sure he thinks I’m out of my mind.

Even I think that I’m kind of loony at this point.

From the top of my vision, I could see his eyebrow arch high in question at my slightly—scratch that—completely weird movements.

My cheeks started to heat up in embarrassment, but I swallowed that down before I could do anything stupid.

I shrugged down the strong urge to shiver under his rather animalistic perusal of my body from head to bared legs. The room felt strangely cold and hot at the same time.

Perhaps cold from the slight breeze in the air and hot from Eros’ unshakable staring.

Doesn’t he feel the need to blink?

I’m tired just from watching him watch me.

I know for sure that there’s no way I can deal with Eros right now if he decides to become some pheromone-induced animal and attack me.

“Come to bed,” he urged, lifting the sheets on the opposite side invitingly.

If I crawled into his bed, would I be safe?

Because I couldn’t figure out if he would be a gentleman and keep his hands to himself or jump me.

Perhaps, I should give him the benefit of a doubt.

He hasn’t done anything for me to feel animosity towards him. Compared to a certain group of chauvinistic assholes that manhandled me and nearly choked me to death, Eros seemed like a better choice.

I can think of several occurrences where Eros could have really caused damage to me because of my rather childish behavior, yet he chose not to. He hasn’t hit me nor has he raised his voice at me.

Werewolves aren’t really known for having such a calm and cool demeanor. They tend to be rather hot-headed, domineering and easily angered.

I find Eros to be quite different from what I expected.


I will trust him unless he proves otherwise.

I grind my teeth together and glare almost in warning at him before slowly approaching, afraid to encroach on his property in case it would trigger his feral instincts.

My shoulders are tensed, hands still clutching the front of the white shirt with a death drip, and back still hunched over.

Thankfully, Eros chose to disregard my weird behavior and not comment on it.

I shuffled over and turned my back to him before realizing what a stupid idea that was.

The experience I managed to get from analyzing werewolves for so long is: never turn your back to the predator.

Even injured werewolves can do more damage in their defensive stage than uninjured ones.

Although I was certain he wasn’t going to take my life, there was still a smidgen of unease.

I swiftly turned my head and analyzed his relaxed posture. He hadn’t really moved from his spot ever since I left the bathroom.

Perhaps this would be a really good time to talk to him about a compromise. He doesn’t look too hard to approach with that tranquil atmosphere around him.

I hope.

“Alpha Eros, can we talk seriously for a minute?” I slowly turn to him, watching him from the corner of my eye.

He hummed a response that I could only assume was approval before he set down the pile of documentation onto the nightstand and turned to me.

His vibrant blue eyes stared straight back at me, and I seem to have lost my train of thoughts in the process.

I tried to keep a serious expression on my face to fan down the burn of my cheeks.

The corners of his mouth lifted into a wicked smirk at my somewhat embarrassing reaction to facing him.

“Are you really sure that we are ‘soul mates’? What I mean is would you really want to spend the rest of your life with me?” I attempted to start, wracking my brain for ways to get my point across. “There are so many beautiful women out there that are much much more suitable than I am.”

“There is no other woman, Emira. I am sure you are my mate. You are my Alpha Female.” His words left no room for discussion. Just that lilt of his voice was enough to stop me in my tracks.

“And what if I don’t want to be ′yours’? I’m a living breathing human being and I don’t take well to the idea of being your personal property, Alpha Eros. I belong to myself. No one else.” I bristle slightly in anger.

“You do not understand.” He seemed to be displeased with my fuming countenance, “You are not and never will be my personal property. When I say that you are mine, I am also yours in every sense. We will carry a very symbolic relationship of yin and yang, of equality as mates. One cannot exist without the other and vice versa, as it should be.”

His words immediately extinguish that burning fire of rage inside of me as quick as it had started.

While I was trying to process what he was saying, I didn’t realize that he, somehow, managed to migrate from his side of the bed to mine.

Wait a minute.

I think I just saw a hint of his naked hip and a rounded buttock.

The sound of a loud explosion went off in my head.

He sleeps naked?

What are the odds of that?

I am tempted to rip my own hair out in frustration. It was either that or throttle Eros for his vain behavior while in the presence of a lady.

At this point in time, I am thoroughly distracted away from the conversation and onto Eros’ nakedness.


“You are mine to protect, to provide and to care for until the day I cease to exist. Even then, I will make sure you and our pups are properly protected and cared for,” he explained in a laid back manner. His long tapered fingers brushed across the expanse of my hot cheeks with a fairly light touch.

“I can protect and provide for my own self. I have done so for a majority of my life and I can continue to do so—without you,” I argued, “and can you move back a little bit?”

My cheek twitches and I ignored the sudden itch of heat that his touch ignited.

He chose to ignore my request and said, “You can, yes. I do not question your abilities. But as your mate, I wish to protect you. Not because of obligation, but because I want to.”

I looked away.

“There are many benefits to becoming my Alpha Female, Emira. For instance, I am a monogamous and traditional man. I will never cheat on you like your human counterparts. For me, there will only be you. My pride and honor demand that the same will be said for you. I do not share well with others,” he commented.

His strong arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me even closer towards his sculpted body.

The heat his body emitted was very relaxing to the point that I am tempted to lean all of my body weight against him.

Eros tipped his head downwards, lips brushing against my temple longingly. My skin tingles and the hair on my nape stands on end immediately.

I completely freeze at the foreign feeling of being in his arms and his lips touching my skin.

This is the first time that anyone has tried to seduce me and I find myself unable to pull myself out from his mesmerizing warmth.

His breath flutters across the sensitive skin of my forehead when he said, “I will not and can not ever leave you behind. Anything that you want I will grant, other than letting you go, of course. Do these parameters not please you?”

Although there have been some slight stumbles and near death experiences, I can say that I am a very hardy person. I will not just lay down and die that easily.

It is nice to have extra protection and backup but it’s not enough for me to trade my life and freedom away like that. For all I know, his words could just be lies to get me to fall face first into his trap.

I attempted to pull away and suddenly realized that he had managed to manipulate me onto my back.

“I will not take anything away from you, Emira. Not even your freedom to do as you please,” he murmured. The sincerity and truth laced in his words made my heart skip a beat.

I swallow the lump in my throat.

Eros’ body creates a shadow over my face and his arms cage over my form, leaving me with a vision of nothing except for him.

His lips lightly brushed against the corner of my mouth and this completely jolts me out of my thoughts.

At this position, I suddenly realize something very important that I completely forgot after being distracted my Eros.

My nipples!

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