The Alpha's Breeder

Chapter **Seventeen : Enthralled

“Don’t I have a say in any of this?” I worriedly asked. My hands immediately come up to cover my chest, but he was just a tad bit faster.

Eros’ fingers caught my wrist and manipulated my arms until they lay above my head, forcing my back to arch upwards. The sparks immediately scatter all across my flesh with an aftermath of tingling heat that makes my stomach tighten in response.

At this position, my breasts jutted upwards for all to see.

The t-shirt could barely cover anything, and I knew he could see what I have been trying to hide. Eros’ eyes drifted from my face down towards my breasts. I could feel my face burn like the sun.

If my boobs could blush they would probably be blood red right now.

At the initial glance, Eros’ eyes darkened to a deeper shade of blue, and his pupils quickly dilated. I felt as if his facial features became sharper and more animalistic the longer he stares at my breasts.

“There is no pretending, mate. Your only option is to accept me as your mate and Alpha. Or...I could find other pleasurable ways to persuade you,” he drawled out the words in a very husky seductive tone.

And I find myself held captive to every single thing that leaves his mouth.

Eros’ sex appeal was no joke, especially to a person like me. Other than seeing fake replicas of an intimate union between the two genders on the TV screen, I have no other prior experience with a man, especially one of his caliber.

I do know the scientific procedure of how both genders perform coitus, but applying it to myself seemed to be really hard.

I suppose having hands-on experience is a lot more eye-opening than book experience. Yet I’m not too sure if Eros and I being the specimens would be a good idea.

“It has taken me far too long to find you. How could I let go of you?” he rumbled softly as if in contemplation. “How could I reject the best part of me?”

His voice is deep and velvety with a husky undertone that becomes even more heated with every word he speaks.

I find myself completely enthralled by his longing tone of voice.

It’s really hard not to wave the white flag and just admit defeat, but I didn’t want to throw in the towel so easily.

I know that I’m being completely stubborn and prudish but this is my life and freedom that is being gambled!

There was too much to lose in the end.

My lips pursed and I managed to free a hand from his.

I’m assured that he let me because there is no way that someone of his physical stature would even let the prey move from his grasp.

With a push against his naked chest, I attempted to move him off of me but he didn’t budge in the slightest.

In fact, Eros moved even closer until our chests touch, head tipped downwards until there was barely a hair between our faces.

Automatically, my cheeks start to heat up when the tips of my breasts rubbed against the hard muscles of his chest. My jaw clenched tight at the sudden tingles that erupted from such a sensitive area.

Eros seemed to be amused by my feeble attempts to dislodge him.

“I will give you time, mate. But it does not mean I will stand by and watch you without attempting to...entice you,” he rumbles out with this sinfully erotic voice that causes my heart to stumble a beat.

My mouth went dry.

Eros’ nose slowly skimmed across the surface of my neck, leaving a trail of goosebumps in his wake. Before I could say anything, he placed a soft burning kiss against the crook of my neck and shoulder, and his warm tongue lathed across a certain spot that caused me to tremble uncontrollably.

He repeated the action several times, all the while watching my every response to his touch.

My heart is pounding erratically in my chest and I couldn’t control it even if I wanted to.

When Eros’ sharp canine delicately brushed across the surface of my jaw, I could feel delicious tingles cascade down the expanse of my body.

Goosebumps were quick to form across my arms and legs.

Even my scalp was tingling.

How is this possible?

“You smell delicious, mate,” he whispers warmly against my ear, smirking in a completely pleased way.

Eros’ warm lips left a delicate kiss against the surface of my ear. He nipped at the skin lightly before lapping against the sensitive area.

A breathless gasp manages to leave my throat and I immediately clamped my free arm over my mouth.

My cheeks are probably the color of tomatoes now.

And a warm feeling wells in my abdomen like liquid heat. Yet I could only squirm in unrest, unable to decipher these emotions.

This situation has really gotten out of hand. How did I go from compromising with him to this?

Eros stoops back to analyze my facial expressions, and the rather mischievous glint in his eyes made me lick my dry lips.

I don’t know if it was on purpose or not, but Eros swiftly moves his arm upwards and I could feel his warm fingers brush innocently across the tips of my breasts.

Then, he catches my free arm and pulls it upwards to join my other arm.

His warm mouth kisses across my chin, briefly ghosting across the corner of my mouth before the lightest of a kiss pressed onto my lips.

My heart almost stopped the moment his lips met mine.

The sparks made my vision go white for nearly 10 seconds.

I had to bite down hard on my lower lip to stop myself from making any strange and embarrassing noises. My breath is coming out in pants and I could hear my heart pounding in my head.

Even if he hadn’t held my hands captive, I don’t think I would have the strength to struggle.

“But I will not take you unless you want me to. No matter how tempting you are.” He smirked down at me after removing himself from my body.

Almost immediately, the sparks disappeared without his touch.

What a tease!

I huff and roll over so that my back is facing him.

It’s not like I wanted him to continue...right?


After all, I can’t just give my body to him without really loving him.

Just when my eyelids started to come together, his strong arms caught my waist and tugged until I laid comfortably against his warm chest. I guess I wasn’t the only one with bodily reactions to his teasing because I could feel something really hard prodding against my butt, almost like it had a mind of its own.

But I am going to trust his words that he wouldn’t touch me unless I want him to.

I don’t know why I am so confident in the fact that he will keep his word.

I didn’t care to ponder anymore because my brain wanted to shut down now. The feeling of safety and warmth is making me really sleepy, almost like being under the sun’s warm rays on a nice spring day.

Soon, sleep covered my vision in black.

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