The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 91: Outlets!

It was a few hours later when he woke to something nudging him. His first thought was to look down. Kenzi was still blissfully sleeping under him. Her face at peaceful rest, and her hands had released his shirt at some point. The nudging again drew his attention to his left side and there stood Cheerio. He looked at his Alpha then to the door. Something in the hallway had his attention. His ears would twitch and he was scenting something. Adonis listened, there was something outside the door, but it wasn’t threatening. Carefully removing himself from the bed he cautiously and quietly approached the door with Cheerio right behind him. Looking once more at the wolf, he proceeded to open the door with his head slightly downturned so he wouldn’t be blinded by the lights in the hallway.

“What are you three doing here?” Luna! Elephant replied. Kojak and Tybal swished their tails in agreement. Adonis looked back at the bed, then back towards the other three wolves. He opened the door wider for them to enter. The fuck! Odin huffed in his head as one by one the three wolves entered the room. Adonis watched as they each cautiously approached the bed waiting approval from Cheerio before they proceeded to examine her. Cheerio had taken his residence back on the couch. The fuck? Pack within a pack! What? Cheerio is Kenzi’s wolf, he would be the Alpha, Tybal belongs to Jackson, making him Beta. Elephant is Gamma and Kojak is Delta! Think Elijah knew this? No! Odin and Adonis watched the wolves as they all found spots to rest for the remainder of the night. It was clear they were not leaving Luna’s side. Think they have mates? I don’t know! But if they did, they can be bred and they can create more. Elijah’s going to want to know! Yes he is! Sonya can study them! She’ll be thrilled!

“Are we all good now?” Adonis asked, four tails swished their reply and he crawled back into bed with his mate.

A stirring under him roused him once more from his sleep. He grumbled slightly and shifted but ultimately refused to move. Between the wolves entering the room and their incessant need to be put to the bathroom, Adonis didn’t get much sleep. He was tired and comfy and he would be grumpy if he didn’t get any sleep. The stirring continued, and he felt small fingers begin to lightly trace the marks on his arm. His body shivered from the contact but he still refused to budge.

“No, tiny dancer. I will not move,” he mumbled into her neck. Kenzi giggled, but her body heated from the touch of his lips.

“Don’t do that!” He warned, she giggled again. She couldn’t help it or control it. Her body responded to him, but as much as she enjoyed her response to him, her full bladder was screaming for attention right now.

“I has to pee,” she whispered. Adonis whimpered slightly, he would have to move.

“Ok sweetheart.” Pulling himself from the bed again, he helped her up and to the bathroom. Her movements were slow and stiff, but they eventually made it. As much as he wanted to crawl back into the bed, he waited outside the bathroom door for her. He didn’t know if her vision was clearing up in her right eye any and she might be a little startled when she took in her appearance for the first time. Though he did his best to explain her injuries to her, seeing them would cause a different reaction. She’s still beautiful! She’ll always be beautiful!

He heard the slight gasp and that answered his question. Her vision was clearing up.

“Sweetheart?” He called out to her,

“It’s ok!” She replied, but the tone in her voice and the intensity of the emotion that flooded the room said it was anything but.

“It is ok sweetheart.” Adonis said, moving closer to the bathroom door. He heard the sounds of her quiet sobs and he opened the door to see her looking at her reflection in the mirror. Tears streamed down her cheeks as her fingers lightly trailed the marks on her face. If this was what her face looked like, then what does the rest of her look like?

“I’m a monster!” She whispered. ….grrrrrr…. Odin growled in his head, not pleased with that comment.

“No, sweetheart, you’re not a monster. This just looks bad, it will heal, but you will always be my beautiful tiny dancer, and you could never be a monster.” He wrapped his arms around her, careful of her other injuries. Now can we eat Queeny? Tempting!

“Is this what the uther ones look like?” She asked,

“They will heal.” Was all he said, but that was enough to answer her question. He guided her from the bathroom and back to the bed. He would get her back to sleep, and later he would help her see the rest of her injuries when he gave her another bath.

A few hours later Adonis was once more roused from his sleep by a light knock on the door. You have got to be fucking kidding me! If he didn’t get some sleep he was going to be grumpy. It took a bit more effort to get Kenzi back to sleep this morning than he anticipated. She was upset by what she saw in the mirror. When she had recovered from that she wanted to know about the funny marks and why they looked like the pretty designs on the black box that held the ugly knife. Then became even more curious when he mentioned he had some on his body. She wanted to see. That would start something and as much as he wanted to, right now was not the time. They had guests and what he wanted to do was not a spectator sport. She only settled down after he promised that he would show and explain everything to her. The light knock again and he removed himself from the bed. The wolves’ heads had all perked, but none of them got up to join him at the door.

“Mornin sunshine,” Jackson said as soon as Adonis opened the door. He said nothing, just turned back into the room.

“Look tired,” Jackson commented as he and Tyler entered the room.

“I’ve been up half the night” Adonis grumbled as once again he crawled back in beside his mate. Kenzi curled under his chest, but remained blissfully asleep and unaware of what was going on in the room.

“He really do sleep on top of her!” Tyler said as he watched his Alpha and Luna

“How her not a pancake?” Jackson asked, Kenzi was practically invisible underneath him.

“She finds it safe” Adonis mumbled, as he held her closer to him.

“You not hurtin her?” Jackson asked “You a big man”

“No, I’m not and I don’t know how,” Adonis said before any more questions could be asked about their sleeping habits. “Is there a reason you two are here?” He asked, fighting back a yawn.

“Came lookin for the dogs. Kennedy gonna be piss. Tybal ate the bottom half the door” Jackson said, motioning towards the three visitors that showed up late last night.

“You didn’t let them out?” Adonis said as he looked towards them as well.

“No!” Tyler replied. “Don’t know how Kojak got out, an Elephant pull the doorknob off” Luna! Again was the only thing one of them would respond.

“Huh!” Was all Adonis could say as he put his head back down.

“How her doin?” Jackson asked, taking a seat in the room. ….grrrrrr…. Adonis released a low displeased growl. It appeared he was not going to get any more sleep and now he was going to be grumpy all day.

“She woke up sometime this morning. Her vision is clearing in her right eye and she saw herself in the mirror” Adonis replied. Jackson grimaced, where Tyler just scowled.

“Bet thata shock” Jackson grumbled,

“She called herself a monster. I tried to explain her injuries as best I could to her, but seeing them is something else and now wants to see the rest of them. ” ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. Slipped past one of them at that.

“No you can’t Tyler!” Adonis said without looking at him. “He shares your thoughts, but the answer is still no.”

“Bullshit!” Tyler huffed and dropped into the other chair.

“You’ll have to stay away from her,” Adonis remarked before Tyler said anything.

“Easier say than done, everwhere I go her there. Why can’t they jus lock her in a fuckin room?” Tyler shot out.

“Well she won’t be allowed in here,” Adonis commented. “I have some things to do today”

“I stay wit her,” Tyler nodded. “We watch movies, eat junk it be great”

“How you eat junk when the junk maker outta commission?” Jackson asked,

“Old school!” Tyler replied,

“Don’t feed her too much junk, she’s on dietary restrictions” Adonis cautioned, “Or you can be the one to explain it to Elijah” he added when Tyler was about to protest. Jackson started laughing at the look on his brother’s face.

“I hate when he do that to me” Tyler grumbled.

“Everbody hate when he do that to em” Jackson replied. Adonis released a low chuckle. Serves them right, they were fucking with his sleep. When Kenzi started to stir again he released a groan. This was going to be a very long day.

Kenzi heard the mumblings of voices, they faded in and out as she began to wake up. Starting to stir she felt the all too familiar weight shift across her. She heard Adonis’s groan as he felt her begin to move under him. She shifted slightly, her body sore and tired but her mind was up, so she was up. Snuggling in more to his arms, he kissed the side of her head as he held her close to him.

“Morning sweetheart!” He whispered in her ear.

“Morning!” She replied.

“How are you feeling?” Adonis asked as he shifted more beside her and not over top of her.

“Tired, but my mind is up” Kenzi replied,

“Can we tell it to go back to sleep?” Adonis grumbled beside her. Kenzi giggled but shook her head. “Then I’m going to be grumpy”

“Maybe you need breakfast?” Kenzi suggested, then giggled when she heard his stomach rumble.

“Eli on the way wit breakfas” Jackson cut in, trying not to laugh.

“Morning Jackson, morning Tyler,” Kenzi said.

“Mornin Lil K” Tyler called back, his mood had picked right up when he saw her smiling face, the anger he was feeling began to fade. It picked up even more when he smelled breakfast coming from the hall and was on his feet opening the door.

“Figured you all could use breakfast,” Elijah said as he walked straight into the room.

“Morning Elijah!” Kenzi called,

“Good morning Kenzi! How are you feeling?” Elijah asked,

“I’m still really tired” She replied,

“That’s to be expected, you’re still recovering and you will most likely sleep off and on again today. Don’t fight it, just let it happen. Let’s get you fed then I want to do a check up” Kenzi nodded. Adonis helped her from the bed and to the bathroom. Elijah watched her movements carefully. She was favouring her left side and didn’t put her full weight on her foot.

“Something wrong?” Adonis asked lowly after Kenzi closed the door.

“Her body has taken substantial damage, but she’s favouring her left side and not putting her full weight down on her foot. That could be from the burn, but I will have to check her knee and her hip to rule out potential damage there.” Elijah replied, Adonis could only nod.

“What you gotta do today?” Jackson asked Adonis as he waited for Kenzi to exit the bathroom.

“I’m heading to Primrose to give Ethan and Eric the sad news that Emroy died in the rogue attack that happened yesterday. Then I need to pick something up in town” Adonis replied, then shot a quick glance at Tyler. Jackson noticed the look and understood what he needed to pick up. He was the only one that didn’t have his outlet here and he needed it before he went ahead and bit Queeny.

“Sure they got it?” Jackson asked,

“I already checked” Adonis replied,

“Got what?” Tyler asked, but neither Adonis nor Jackson answered him. “What? Fine, fuck you both, don’t tell me”

“I’m going to let that slide,” Adonis said to him.

“Preciate it!” Tyler nodded, hanging his head. Jackson released a deep laugh and just shook his head at his brother.

“I will also be informing Queeny” ….grrrrrr….

“Slip out!” Tyler said.

“That if she ever wishes to speak to Kenzi again….” ….grrrrrr….

“Sorry!” Tyler pressed his lips together, he couldn’t stop the growls from coming out. Bal was highly pissed, and the mere thought of that woman going anywhere near Kenzi angered him further.

“Do you need to be removed Tyler?” Adonis asked his Delta.

“Yeah!” He said getting up and leaving the room.

“He gonna bite her,” Jackson said, shaking his head. “What you tellin Queeny now?”

“That if she ever wishes to speak to Kenzi again, she will inform her of the part she played in what happened to her. Kenzi will get to decide on what she wants to do after that.” Adonis replied,

“Seem fair, this her fuckin fault” Jackson motioned to the room they were all sitting in.

“Alpha Kane seems to think so as well. You both are going to need to watch him closely today, and keep him the hell away from Queeny, or he will bite her. I will try and get back here as fast as possible.” Adonis replied. “Get him back in here”

Adonis left Kenzi with Tyler and Elijah. He told her he would be back later today and if there was anything she wanted him to pick up for her. Of course his little mate said no, she didn’t need anything. Still gonna get her something! Yes we are!

“In the medical ward with Kenzi” Adonis replied to Marco before he could ask where Tyler was.

“Grazie” Marco said and he and Carter moved in that direction. Adonis could only shake his head.

“Elijah’s with Kenzi. He is doing a follow up exam, but if you link him, I’m sure he’ll meet you in the library.” He said when he passed Kenneth.

“That really is handy,” Kenneth commented.

“Tell Elijah I want to know as soon as possible what the symbols on us mean.” Adonis said.

“Of course!” Kenneth bowed slightly.

“Thank you” Adonis moved on after that. That felt weird! A little bit! We don’t thank people! Not usually! Let’s get the fuck outta here before we get the urge to share something! I hear you! Adonis stepped outside and saw Dax sitting on the deck with her head down. I have the urge to share something! Let’s get this over with! ….grrrrrr….! Settle Odin! ….grrrrrr….! Or don’t!

“Haven’t you learned your lesson?” Adonis asked, as he spied the reason she had her head down.

“Alpha Adonis!” Dax snapped her head up and immediately turned the drawing over.

“She’s not here, you don’t need to hide it.” This bitch is the reason she’s not here! Easy Odin! Our mate is stuck in the fucking medical ward and its her FUCKING FAULT!

“Still looks nothing like me” Adonis sat in the chair opposite her.

“Jackson drew me being ripped apart by Goddess knows what” Dax fired at him.

“Howling hellhounds and he drew it because Ko wants to kill you. Drawing the things his hellbeast wants to kill calms him and Jackson’s mind. A demon mind is terrifying and without outlets for us….well I’ll let your mind fill in the blank on that one….amplify what you’re thinking by ten.” Adonis informed her.

“Some are worse than others, but some have found outlets that bring others joy” Adonis placed the wooden bear carving on the table.

“Elijah hand carves them and leaves them around a territory for children to find. He likes overhearing the theories they have about how they got there.” Dax’s eyes widened when she heard that. “Shocked! You would be. To think Black Shadow’s infamous torturer Elijah Burns has a soft spot for children, but you would have known that if you bothered to get to know us”

“Save your sorries.” Adonis waved his hand at her, he was not in the mood to hear anything that came out of her mouth.

I’m not the one you need to apologize to. I’m not the one that was driven from the safety of the packhouse. I’m not the one that had to listen to poison spewed from a venomous pit viper masquerading as my friend. Telling her I was some monstrous bad guy and she didn’t know what I was capable of. Your mistake was assuming she was nothing more than some naive little pixie with a broken past she was stuck in and doomed to repeat. You just made an ass out of yourself. I have never lied to Kenzi about who I was or the things I have done. Not once! If she wanted to know then I told her. She is well aware of what I am capable of just like you are of Alpha Kane and Cujo. And like you she has accepted it, I have done those things for her, like he has for you. But it’s funny how you don’t think he’s a monster, we’ve done the same things. I’m just more upfront about it.” Dax put her head down, she couldn’t argue with that. She couldn’t argue with anything he said. She hasn’t been able to argue with anything anyone has said to her.

“Boohoo! Poor you….treated like the bitch of a sister that treated you the way you treated my mate. I’m curious as to why I became your personal boogeyman. Is it because I hung you by your throat after your mate touched mine? Is it because I make your wolf whimper and want to hide? Is it because I don’t feel guilty about anything I have done? My freaky as fuck mind thing?” Adonis rolled his eyes when Dax failed to answer. “There was a reason I didn’t fucking warm up to you, I didn’t fucking trust you and you gave me no reason to. You were using her and if I had my way you would never speak to her again, but I will leave that up to Kenzi. She is the one you should be apologizing to and if you ever wish to speak to her again, you will inform her of the part you played in what happened to her. I will be in the room, to make sure you don’t lie. Kenzi will get to decide if she forgives you. I think you know which way I would vote if I got a say. Go ahead and tell him, he already knows. I’ll be shocked if he’s not in the room with us. He doesn’t trust me not to pop your head off, and knows you’ve given me more than enough reason to do just that.” He was done with this, he had more important things to do with his time and didn’t want to waste any more of it talking to the pathetic little girl pouting at the table.

Dax went to open her mouth but again he held his hand up to silence her.

“You had your chance to speak but failed to utilise it. This will not happen now, I’m busy. I have to buy a violin before Tyler bites you. I’ll send you the bill.” Adonis got up from the table and started to walk away.

“I draw the things that scare me,” Dax said.

“If you would have told her that, she would have understood. She may not have an education, but she is far from stupid” he replied not even pausing as he left the deck. He was going to stop in town after he went and visited Primrose, but considering his mood at the present moment he might need the detour into town first to calm down. And the sooner Tyler got the violin the sooner he could calm the raging hellbeast in his head and the less likely he was to bite Queeny. He really needs to learn to stop biting people! Why teach him now? Why buy the violin? So he doesn’t bite Queeny! Would it really be a bad thing if he did? Stop tempting me Odin, our mate does that enough! Oh I know! You fucking asshole! With his hellbeast howling in his head Adonis made the trip into town.

“How are you feeling?” Elijah asked her again, this time carrying his more serious expression.

“I’m a little sore,” Kenzi confessed.

“Where?” Elijah asked,

“My leg and my side” Kenzi motioned to the left side of her body.

“Is that why you weren’t stepping down on your foot?” Elijah asked, trying to get a better understanding of what she was saying to him. Kenzi nodded.

“It hurts to do that!” She added.

“I’m going to take down the back of your hospital gown so I can get a better look at your left side, then I want to check your hip and your knee” Elijah explained as he helped her to a sitting position. Kenzi nodded again and positioned her arms over the front of her to stop from revealing anything when the gown came down.

“Can you take some deep breaths for me?” Elijah asked. Kenzi complied. Elijah closed his eyes as he listened to her breathing, his hand felt the shaky breaths she was making in and out. He inspected her left side making sure he was very careful where he touched. She would wince or whimper, but that was not the only thing he was concerned about touching. Her skin is so soft! Shhh Asmo! It is….maybe she can tell Krisiti how to get skin this soft! Asmo! What? This is our Luna! I know, but I still like soft things. Are you sure we can’t put her in our pocket? She could be a pocket Luna! Yes Asmo I’m sure! But....! Do you want to explain to Odin? No! That is why we can’t put her in our pocket! Fine, can she at least tell Krisiti how to get skin this soft? You’re going to get me killed! What? Stop enjoying her skin! What? Why? Odin! Fine!

He cleaned the wounds and changed the dressing on her back, happy with how they were looking, then he helped her lie down.

“Ok Kenzi, I’m going to take a look at your hip now. Let me know if you feel any discomfort or pain” Elijah said, gently picking up her leg. She whimpered as soon as he bent her knee.

“Ok!” Was all he said as he put her leg back down.

“What’s wrong?” Kenzi asked, letting Elijah help her sit back up.

“Good news, your hip is fine. But I fear there might be some damage to the patella, the bone in your knee. I’m going to schedule you for an x-ray and let’s see if we can figure out what is causing the pain. It might be a small hairline fracture. If it is, then with rest it will heal on its own.” Elijah told her. “Until we can get the x-ray and the results I’m going to put a brace on your knee, it will limit your movements in the leg which will help.” Kenzi nodded again. Do they make braces that small? Yes Asmo, they have child size braces! When Elijah left her, she was resting in the bed. Tyler, Marco and Carter entered the room and they were told to keep it down and let her sleep. Elijah also told Tyler about the black knee brace he saw on her leg. She was scheduled to have an x-ray when she woke up and he was to page the technician and link him when she did. Elijah wanted it done immediately, but she had fallen asleep when he went to locate the brace and he didn’t want to wake her up. Above all else she needed her rest.

“Can I ask you something?” Carter asked,

“Yeah!” Tyler replied, they were talking quietly while they waited for Kenzi to wake up.

“Luna Queen Dax said you were going to bite her?” Carter asked, Marco too was interested in that.

“I actually can’t talk bout that,” Tyler nodded, biting his lip to fight the growl. Carter arched his brow, sharing a look with Marco but didn’t push the subject.

“It not what yur thinkin, I can’t talk bout that cause I don’t has my outlet here” Tyler added when he saw the look that passed between the two.

“Your outlet?” Carter asked.

“A demon mine a scary place. Torture drive us an fear excite us. A demon mine is twisted an not a place for the faint of heart. Safe to say demon’s an aggressive species. But we do nuttin unless provoke.” Marco and Carter nodded, still not saying anything.

“That bein said, it don’t take much to provoke us. A simple dirty look can set us off. We has to fine outlets for the aggression or we be rippin thins to pieces all the time. Thought can turn to reality on the turn of a dime” Tyler explained. Carter’s eyes widened. “Over time we learn better control over it, but sometimes we need to take our mines off it completely. That’s where the outlet comes in. Somein else to focus on then what we feelin, calm the mine, calm the hellbeast that call it home. The arts a good way to do that. Jackass draws, Eli carves lil wood creatures an I….play the violin.” Tyler replied. “My outlet not here, din’t pack it….din’t think I need to”

“Cause I can’t take my mine off….” Tyler motioned to Kenzi laying in the hospital bed “He ragin in my head, an I doin the bes I can. So I can’t talk bout bitin Queeny, I can’t talk bout her period. I jus tryin to stay away from her so I don’t bite her” Carter and Marco looked over at Kenzi. Marco remembers how he felt when he saw her hanging from the wall in the cave, how angry Alejandro was when he saw what was done to her.

“Mi dispiace Tyler! Capisco la rabbia che provi verso Luna Queen Dax. Anche io ero arrabbiato, lo eravamo tutti. (I am sorry Tyler! I understand the anger you feel towards Luna Queen Dax. I was angry as well, we all were.)” Marco replied.

“Thanks for trying,” Carter said. He had to admit that he got upset as well when he heard what his Luna did. She was accepting of everything else, he didn’t understand why she couldn’t accept the demons. They weren’t the monsters they were painted out to be. Sure they’re socialization and ideas of bonding were a little….questionable, but he liked them. He didn’t want to have to stop being friends with them, but if Tyler bit his Luna, that’s what would have to happen.

“I’ll help you stay away from her” Carter said, he didn’t want to give up his friend.

“Me….too” Marco agreed.

“Thanks!” Tyler nodded as he looked at the two men.

“How’s the little pixie?” Damon asked as he, Johnny and Jackson were wandering around one of the fields with the dogs.

“Her….Lil Kenzi Cakes! Nuttin keep that girl down.” Was all Jackson could say. She was a bucket of sunshine, and not much kept her down. She always found a reason to smile after a bad moment.

“Sunshine and rainbows” Johnny said,

“Fuck yeah her is. Ain’t no bad days wit Kenzi jus bad moments” Jackson agreed.

“Is Tyler gonna bite my sister?” Damon asked, he had to. He had to know. Jackson looked at him, his eyes widening a little but he had to admit they needed to know the potential danger she was in.

“They’s a pretty good fuckin chance. We keepin a eye on him, but he ain’t got his outlet.” Jackson replied. Johnny and Damon shared a worried look.

“What the fucks an outlet?” Damon asked.

“I ain’t gonna sugar coat this for you boys. Demon’s a aggressive species. We violent, we savage an we bloodthirsty.” Jackson said. Instinctively they backed up and Jackson could only nod he got it.

“I thought you needed to be provoked?” Johnny said,

“We do, but the part we don’t really explain is that it don’t take much to provoke us. A simple look can set one of us off. Eli got bump an a small smear of dirt got on his suit, Asmo rip the man to pieces while he still alive. Stop him from screamin, he rip his tongue out firs,” Jackson said.

“Holy shit!” Damon’s jaw dropped.

“A life of rejection, cause the aggression an that the nature of our beas.” Jackson said. “Our aggression like a ball of energy, constantly growin, when it get too big, it combus. Shit get broke an thins die….horribly. An outlet allow us to focus that energy elsewhere. The arts! Drawin, paintin, sculptin, playin an instrument, anythin that calm the mine soothe the beas. A demon mine is terrifyin, it ain’t no fuckin playground for the faint of heart. Think the scaries place you ever been an amplify it, thata demon mine.” Jackson explained. Damon and Johnny’s eyes widened as they both felt shudders rip up their backs.

“But you’re ok?” Johnny asked, stepping closer.

“For the mos part. I still mad at Queeny but I ain’t gonna do nuttin to her. My outlet portable. Ko like it when I draw the thins he wanna kill. No I ain’t showin you. Eli good to. He hand carves thins, leaves em aroun the woods for kids to fine. But Tyler, he don’t has his outlet, he play the violin. Din’t think he need to brin it.”

“No shit, I’ve always liked the violin” Johnny exclaimed.

“He fuckin good to. But his energy ball is growin an it gonna combus. Queeny walking roun here free as a bird an our baby sister can’t. Her stuck in a fuckin hospital bed. We tryin our bes, but Queeny need to get on the same fuckin page an stay the fuck outta sight, or he gonna lose control an bite her. He can only hole on for so lon.” Jackson said.

“What does Alpha Adonis do?” Damon asked,

“He don’t have one he use regularly, he jus let it combus. But he play the guitar. Once a year, when we come back here, he disappear to the woods. The Devil for a reason boys, ita name he earn.” Jackson told them.

“We’ll help Tyler stay away from Dax” Johnny said,

“Yeah! Kinda like the little ankle biter….he kisses me though and all bets are off” Damon nodded. Jackson broke out laughing.

“Well, you’re his type.” Johnny said as he too broke out laughing.

“Yeah, over 6’4, dark hair an clean cut.” Jackson said through his laughter.

“Fuck you both!” Damon huffed,

“Hey now, don’t knock it till you try it. You might like it, you hear Carter, he question you too” Jackson roared. Again Damon could only huff and throw his hands up.

“How is she?” Kenneth asked when Elijah rejoined him in the library. Tyler had linked him to say that she was awake and being taken to her x-ray now.

“She has a small hairline fracture in her patella,” Elijah replied. “Luckily it is stable and she won’t need to undergo surgery, but she is looking at six weeks of recovery”

“Poor piccola. She has been through so much” Kenneth remarked.

“She has, and she still has a smile on her face” Elijah said, as he started gathering the books.

“I noticed that. Not much keep her down.” Kenneth said as he watched Elijah. “What is going on?”

“We are moving to the medical ward, Tyler needs food and stimulation” Elijah informed him.

“Is he going to be ok to wander the house?” Kenneth asked. Elijah had filled him in on what was happening with Tyler and he too agreed to help keep Tyler away from Dax until they could find a way to help him calm down.

“He has Carter and Marco with him. And Jackson is around as well” Elijah replied.

Kenzi was curled up in the bed resting when Elijah and Kenneth quietly entered the room. Tyler was definitely on the verge of a tantrum if he didn’t get food quickly.

“Roland has something waiting for you in the kitchen, and Jackson has eyes on her. She’s on the west end of the house.” Elijah informed him. Tyler nodded, took one last look at the sleeping pixie in the bed and left the room with Carter and Marco. Kenneth had to give the demon’s credit, they were doing everything they could to make sure nothing happened between Tyler and Dax that didn’t include keeping either locked in a room.

“Thank you Elijah!” Kenneth said,

“For what?” He asked, a rather confused expression crossing his face.

“You all are doing everything you can to keep the two separated without locking either one of them up. It can’t be easy” Kenneth replied.

“It is what needs to be done and if the need arises to lock them up, we will lock Tyler up” Elijah told him then went back to the books.

“You are not used to being thanked, are you?” Kenneth asked,

“Until Kenzi, thank you were two words the demon species rarely heard. The first time she said them to one of the other members he walked into a tree and another one stood frozen in place not knowing what to do” Elijah replied, looking through one of the books.

“That is a shame,” Kenneth said.

“That is the life of a demon” Elijah replied as he continued reading. Kenneth looked at the man for a moment, before he too picked up a book and started reading. The past few days he’s spent getting to know them, he wasn’t sure how they handled or continued to handle the life of rejection they faced. But they did, it wasn’t something he was certain he could do.

Heads down, noses in books Kenneth and Elijah whispered hushed conversations. They were racking their brains trying to come up with any explanation for the markings that were branded on them. The symbols on their chests were letters in Elder Futhark but they were having a hard time figuring out what word they spelled. Or if they spelled anything at all.

“Elijah?” Kenzi had woken up to see them in her room.

“How are you feeling?” Elijah’s head snapped immediately at the sound of her voice.

“Not so tired no more,” she replied. “Ciao Kenneth, come….stai?” Kenneth perked at her question.

“Io sono brava piccola e tu?” He replied, a smile gracing his face.

“S-s-sto bene, gr-azie!” She said, her own smile showing.

“Are you learning Italian?” Kenneth asked her.

“Marco is teaching me,” Kenzi replied, nodding.

“Let’s get you up. How is your knee?” Elijah asked as he moved towards the bed.

“Hurty!” She said, wrapping her arms around his neck as he plucked her from the bed. Elijah tucked her into his right side so she could lean on him for support as he got her to the bathroom. While Kenneth went to get her something for lunch.

Tyler had to wolf his lunch down and run out the backdoor, when Jackson came through the link telling him Queeny was heading in that direction. He was going to circle back around the house and go in through the front to get back to the medical ward, but when he rounded the house there she was.

“Fuck!” He huffed, his hands clenched into fists immediately. Bal started growling in his head and the sounds were starting to slip through. Even after he bit his lip to control them. ….grrrrrr…. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr….

“Tyler!” Carter tried to get his attention, but he was lost to the violent thoughts of the deranged hellbeast that resides inside of him. ….grrrrrr…. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr….

“Tyler, focus on me,” Carter said. ….grrrrrr…. No, Bal focused on the bitch on the porch. ….grrrr…. The bitch on the porch walking freely around the house while his baby sister was laid up in a hospital bed. ….grrrr…. His baby sister who never did anything to nobody. ….grrrrrr…. His baby sister who accepted him wholeheartedly and unconditionally. ….grrrRRRrrrr…. His baby sister who was stuck in a fucking hospital bed because the bitch on the porch couldn’t keep her fat trap shut.. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. ….grrrr….

“No, Tyler you can’t,” Carter stepped in front of him when he took a step forward. ….grrrrrr…. ….grrrr…. Tyler’s body vibrated with anger, and Carter could see him struggling to keep control, but he was losing the battle to his wolf. ….grrrrrr…. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr….

“Get Jackson!” And Marco took off running, calling Jackson through the link, this was going to end badly. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. Swirling gold flashed in Tyler’s eyes multiple times and Carter did the only thing he could think to get Tyler’s wolf’s focus off Dax. He hit him as hard as he could. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. His canines began to lengthen, as Bal came to the surface and his attention fully on Carter who backed up a few steps. ….grrrrrr…. ….grRRrRRRrRRrr…. ….grRRrRRRrRRrr….

“….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. Fuckin run ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr….” Tyler managed to get the warning out and Carter took heed. ….grrrrrr…. ….grRRrRRRrRRrr…. He took off across the yard with Bal right behind him.

“What the hell is going on?” Kane asked when Carter slammed into him.

“I hit Tyler” Carter said,

“Why?” Kane asked,

“To stop him from going after Luna Queen Dax,” Carter replied. ….grrRrRrRrRRRrRrRrRrrr…. Kane placed himself in front of Carter as he spun to see a very pissed off Bal behind him. ….grRRrRRRrRRrr….

“STAND DOWN DELTA TYLER!” Kane commanded, his authority oozing from him. ….grRRrRRRrRRrr…. Instead Bal advanced forward a few steps. ….grRRrRRRrRRrr…. They might now be in his kingdom but it still appeared that he held no power over them. ….grRRrRRRrRRrr….

“Tyler doesn’t have control, Bal does,” Carter said from behind him.

STAND DOWN DELTA BAL!” Kane tried again, using more authority, but it was no use Bal charged. ….grrRrRrRrR…. THUD! The growl was cut off when Jackson slammed into his brother taking him to the ground hard. The fight broke out as both wolves went at it. ….grrRrRrRrRRRrRrRrRrrr…. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. ….grrrr…. ….grrrr…. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. ….grrRrRrRrRRRrRrRrRrrr…. Vicious growls and snarls pierced the sky. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. The wolves threw each other around holding nothing back, each feeding off the energy of the other one. ….grrRrrRrrRrrr…. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. Kane stood back, keeping Carter behind him. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. This was worse than when Elijah and Jackson’s wolves went at it. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. ….grrRrrRrrRrrr…. He could see Johnny and Damon with Dax on the front porch watching on, pushing her behind them, they knew. Kane could see the realization cross his mate’s face, this was because of her. ….grrRrrRrrRrrr…. ….grrrr….

Bal took two hard hits to the face and he went down but didn’t stay there, dodging a third hit he tackled Ko and the men wrestled on the ground. ….grrRrRrRrRRRrRrRrRrrr…. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. ….grrRrRrRrRRRrRrRrRrrr…. More growls, more snarls, fists flew. CRACK! SNAP! Flesh was clawed, blood was shed and bones broke, but neither man gave up. Bal had Ko around the waist when he took two hard fast elbows to the back and a knee to the face. Ko threw his brother to the mud and they went at it again. ….grrRrRrRrRRRrRrRrRrrr…. Ko stumbled back holding his forearm after Bal had bit him. SMACK! Ko backhanded him when he advanced again. THUD! The second hit didn’t connect when Bal dodged and swept Ko’s legs out from under him and he hit the dirt. THUD! SNAP! POP! Ko kept going, grabbing Bal’s leg and smashed him hard into the ground. POP! SNAP! Bal was finally beginning to show signs of slowing down, but he didn’t know when to quit. Favouring his right shoulder he began to get back to his feet. His movements were much slower as pain laced his battered body.


Adonis had got back in time to see Ko smash Bal to the ground. He saw the reason the brothers went at it standing on the porch and judging by the looks of them, they were hell bent on destroying each other. His Delta was getting back up and Adonis could feel Bal’s rage towards the bitch on the porch and everyone that stood in his way and he had to step in. The siren’s call rang loudly through the front yard, intensifying as its echo bounced off every available surface. Everyone hit the ground covering their ears. Calmly as he could he crossed to his men looking down at their bloodied batter bodies vibrating as pain ripped through them. Bal still fought to get back up.

STAY DOWN!” Adonis/Odin commanded and Bal hit his knees whimpering as he receded back into Tyler’s head. His Delta collapsed at his feet, he wasn’t moving much after that, the slight tremble that tore through his body told Adonis that he was conscious.

“Elijah, the front yard….bring medical”

“On my way!”

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