The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 90: Swiss Cheese Brain!

Kenzi woke to a warm wall wrapped around her, and beeping. Annoying beeping. Loud, annoying, beeping. Was an alarm going off? Why wasn’t it shutting off? Why wasn’t someone shutting the alarm off? She blinked a few times but that did nothing to clear up the blurry mess that clouded her vision. She went to rub her eyes but the second she came in contact with them she had to bite back the whimpers of pain. The wall moved as soon as the first sound escaped her and she felt a blanket of security wash over her. She didn’t know why her face hurt, or her body, or why the beeping wouldn’t stop. She didn’t know where she was or why she was there, but she was safe wrapped in the arms of the warm wall.

“Sweetheart?” She knows that voice but she couldn’t make out the face it belonged to. He was a blurry, fuzzy blobby mess. Her emotions started to pool around her, confusion and fear at the front driving the parade. Why couldn’t she see Adonis’s face?

“Shhh sweetheart, shhh I have you, you’re safe now.” This alarmed her more, was she not safe before? Where was she that she wasn’t safe? Kenzi raked her memory trying to figure it out while she shrank more into his arms. She remembered this morning she slept in and….the librarary….the….games room…. She ran into….Kane! Then went to see….Dax in the dining hall! Something happened and she got upset, but she doesn’t remember what upset her. But she was and she ran. Then darkness! Did she get locked in a closet again? She looked around the room, but nothing was focused, nothing told her of her surroundings. Where was she? Pushing her sore tired body more into the wall, into the safety she felt there, as the questions continued to plague her mind.

“Sweetheart, focus on me, look at me.” His voice spoke to her,

“I can’t see you!” She whispered, why could she only whisper? Why was her throat sore? Why did it hurt to talk? What happened to her?

“It’s ok sweetheart, it’s ok. Just listen to my voice” Adonis told her.

“You’re a blurry, fuzzy blob,” Kenzi blurted. She blinked and blinked and blinked again, trying to focus on him, nothing. She blinked again, but all the blinking was doing nothing to clear up her blurry, fuzzy blobby vision. Why can’t she see him?

“I’m a blurry, fuzzy blob?” Adonis asked her,

“Evry-thing is blurry, and fuzzy, and blobby,” Kenzi said as she looked around the room again. Where was she? And could somebody stop the beeping! Adonis could hear the concern and confusion in her voice. But what broke him was the fear he felt.

“What do you remember sweetheart?” He asked her, holding her tighter to him, hoping to help her deal with it.

“I’m getting better, I sleeped in till….I don’t know what tine, I don’t member. And when I leafed the bedroom you and Cheerio had the whole bed. I didint go into the kitchen, I don’t think I went into the kitchen, I might has gone into the kitchen I don’t know. I looked at a book in the librarary, but I don’t know. Then I went to the games room, but I don’t know, I don’t know....I did something, but I don’t know.” Her mind blanked, she did something but doesn’t remember what that something was. What did she do in the games room? Did something happen to her in the games room?

“It’s ok, just tell me what you remember,” Adonis repeated. The devil gets his wish! She didn’t remember what happened, or her waking up would have been completely different. Queeny is fucking lucky! Odin snarled.

“I ran….I ran into….Kane, I’ve been so good lately. And then I went to see….Dax. Then something happended and I getted upset. I don’t know why I getted upset, but I did and I ran, then dark, it was all dark. I don’t know what happended, but I wanted you to come finded me. Did I get locked in a closet again, was that why it was dark?” Kenzi asked. He breathed a sigh of relief, she didn’t remember anything, just that something upset her. Adonis gathered his little mate gently in his arms and held her to him, he kissed her brow. Horseshoes up her fucking ass! Do we tell her what made her run from the house? She has the right to know! Queeny has been parading around as her friend! To not tell her would be lying! It would be! Maybe Queeny should tell her what she did! She did cause this! But we will wait to see what Elijah says! Just leave the parts out where that scourge touched her!

“No sweetheart, you were not locked in the closet. But you did go missing.” He felt the ripple of fear tear through her.

“Shhh, I will tell you, but Elijah needs to check you over first to make sure you’re ok, then I will tell you what you want to know” Adonis held her closer to him, careful not to jar her around too much. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. Her rapidly beating heart began to slow as his wolfie magic growls swirled around her. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. Calming and quieting the questions that swirled in her mind. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. She snuggled more into the security of his arms clutching tightly to his shirt as he hid her from the unknown dangers of the world and the annoying beeping monster in the room.

“Kenzi, it’s good to see you awake. How are you feeling?” The relief heard in Elijah’s voice was unmistakable. Adonis had linked him that she was awake and he dropped what he was doing. He told Tyler and Jackson and their first thought was to feed her so they were doing who knows what in the kitchen.

“Evry-thing hurts and is a blurry, fuzzy, blob. And I has swiss cheese brain” Kenzi replied her voice was hoarse and they could see her trying to figure out why.

“Ok, you took some damage to both your eyes, that’s why everything’s blurry. It’s going to be blurry until it heals, especially your left eye.” Elijah told her. A small relieved sigh escaped him, she was in good spirits for someone that went through her ordeal, meaning she didn’t remember it.

“I’m going to touch your cheek to check the swelling.” Kenzi flinched slightly when she felt his hand gently graze her cheek. Adonis was behind her, his arms wrapped around her providing comfort.

“Ok, can you lift your head up?” Kenzi raised her head so Elijah could look at the bruising around her neck.

“How is your throat?” He asked as he watched her make a painful swallow.

“Sore!” Kenzi croaked out.

“What’s wrong with my wrists?” Kenzi asked, she saw the white blobs covering them.

“I promise sweetheart I will answer your questions after Elijah checks you over,” Adonis told her from behind, holding her tighter.

“Why is your skin bumpy?” Kenzi asked as she ran her finger over the markings on his arm, she couldn’t see them but she was trying to trace them. They went in every direction, with sharp angles and intricate curves, to swirls. It reminded her of the pattern on the pretty box that held the ugly knife. At least that’s what she was imagining in her head as her fingers continued following them.

“I will explain that as well,” Adonis told her.

“Where’s Jackson and Tyler?” Kenzi asked

“In the kitchen fixing you something to eat.” Elijah explained. Adonis tilted his head to the side and gave a small chuckle. Her stomach growled at the thought of food.

“I missed breakfast!” She said when she heard the stifled laughter.

“You missed lunch and dinner as well sweetheart.” Adonis said

“No wonder I’m hungry,” Kenzi blurted.

“I’m going to talk to Elijah now.” Adonis pressed his lips to her temple and moved from behind her.

“Where’s Cheerio?” Kenzi suddenly asked. With Adonis no longer behind her, she felt alone. Adonis snapped his fingers and Cheerio jumped onto the bed with her curling his body around hers. A growled sigh of content escaped him when she started running her fingers through his fur.

“I’ll be right back.” Adonis said.

Stepping into the hall behind Elijah, he could see his Gamma’s face held so many questions, but relief flooded around him.

“She doesn’t remember anything. Not what happened to her, not why she ran from the house, nothing, but the dark.” Adonis told him

“That is a relief,” Elijah nodded. “Now you get to fill in the blanks. Are you going to tell her why she ran out of the house?”

“No....Queeny is” Adonis replied,

“Seems fair. She’s been parading around as her friend, now she can tell her what she did.” Elijah nodded. Asmodeus was agreeing with that as well.

“Then Kenzi can decide how good of a friend she is,” Adonis replied. Hopefully she decides no thank you and unsubscribes from the bitch and her issues! Where did you hear that? Um....somewhere! Jackson and Tyler? No! Asmodeus? Nope! Odin! Not telling! Odin! Nope, if I tell you, you won’t let me talk to them anymore! Diego! Fucking damn it all to hell! Titan! Fuck you! Bad habits Odin. You do realize Diego was talking about his former mate? So, applies here to! Adonis couldn’t argue with that, it did.

“Will she be able to handle being told what happened to her?” Adonis asked, her knowing hinged on his answer.

“Mentally, aside from the memory block she is fine. She will be able to handle what you need to tell her. She is a lot stronger than she should be. This won’t hold her back. Physically, I’m going to insist on another week here. The state her body is in, the altitude pressure of flying will not be good for her. But now that she is awake I want her up and walking around.” Elijah replied.

“Ok, you already informed Maggie!” Adonis stated more than asked.

“I did. She understands and says take your time getting back. She wants her honey child back at full health, but when you do get back there is a conversation in your future” Elijah told him. She’s gonna bury us in the woods! That is a possibility!

“Emroy is also awake and asking for you. What is the plan with him?” Elijah asked.

“He helped save her. I’m going to find out what he wants.” Adonis replied.

“Eric and Ethan?” Elijah said though a knowing smile crossed his face. Adonis just smiled as well. Elijah nodded his head.

“The markings?” Adonis asked,

“It is a language called Elder Futhark. They’re runes....vikings! Still translating them.” Elijah said.

“Why does that make sense?” Adonis asked.

“The Ulfhednar! No mercy, only violence. They were a group of Viking warriors. It is said they wore wolf skins, and their own skin was black-died. These howling psychopaths were so wolf-like in behaviour that they influenced European werewolf folklore. The book I am using speaks of a prophecy. That one day these men will rise so powerful that they can take on the form of the beast.” Elijah replied,

“That sounds….familiar,” Adonis said.

“I wouldn’t call us psychopaths, slightly deranged maybe, tiny bit chaotic, but not psychotic” Elijah said.

“Jackson and Tyler!” Adonis countered, Elijah went to open his mouth but had to close it, he had nothing to counter that. The more he thought about it, the more he realized he shouldn’t have made his argument. Demon’s could be quite psychotic. Adonis again smiled and moved back to his mate’s room. When he opened the door he promptly closed it again. Kenzi was curled around Cheerio sleeping peacefully.

“Sleeping?” Elijah asked,

“Sleeping” Adonis nodded.

“She’ll do that off and on. Her body is recovering so don’t be surprised if she just randomly falls asleep.” Elijah explained.

“Guess I’m going to see Emroy” Adonis moved down the hall.

“I’m going to rescue the kitchen,” Elijah remarked and moved in the opposite direction. Or the Roland! Or him! Elijah couldn’t help but agree with that. Roland could very well be the one that needed rescuing.

“Hello Emroy!” Adonis said when he opened the door to his brother’s hospital room.

“Did you get her out? How is she? Is she going to be ok? Is she….” Adonis held his hand up to stop him from asking any further questions.

“Interesting that you are more concerned with her well-being than your own.” Adonis said,

“I knew the risk when I crossed the border, but the only way to save her was to cross it. Did you get her out? Is she safe?” Emroy asked.

“We did. She is banged up, but she will recover. She is a couple doors down from you sleeping peacefully” Adonis replied. Emroy released a relieved sigh.

“Worried that the risk was not worth it?” Adonis asked,

“No, worried that I didn’t make it in time. When the attack happened, the only thing I could think was that I had to survive long enough to let you know where she was. If I died after that, then it was worth it. How come I didn’t?” Emroy asked, as he took in the bandages on his chest.

“Elijah would have made a hell of a doctor….if he didn’t hate the uniform so much. He refuses to lose a patient” Adonis told him. Or stopped trying to make them bleed more! Odin snickered in his head.

“So what happens now? The dungeons right?” Emroy asked,

“That depends!” Adonis replied, taking a seat in the chair beside the bed.

“Depends? Depends on what?” Emroy said, his brows furrowing. He was expecting the dungeons for the rest of his life. That was the best case scenario, the worst was being turned into a dog.

“What you want” Adonis answered him,

“What I want?” Emroy was surprised by his brother’s words.

“What do you want? Besides not to spend the rest of your life in the dungeons or to be turned into a dog” Adonis asked him. Emroy didn’t know what to say.

“You know what you want, it’s right there, ask for it” Adonis urged him.

“The territory” Emroy replied,

“Primrose Pack?” Adonis questioned,

“That pack can burn. I want the territory. I want to create my own pack free from Ethan and Eric and the rest of them.” Emroy repeated.

“Give me your necklace” Adonis held out his hand. Emroy went to touch his neck, but it wasn’t there. He looked to the table beside him and there sitting on the surface was the necklace he always wore. The one he swore he would never take off. He picked it up and placed it in his younger brother’s waiting hand. Adonis moved quickly and cut Emroy’s palm, coating the necklace in his blood.

“Congratulations Emroy, you’re dead” Adonis claimed then stood up and headed for the door.

“I’m dead?” Emroy asked, looking down at the palm of his hand.

“You were killed on White Stone territory by a group of rogues. They were dispatched by the warriors in the woods but not before they could save your life, you were savagely ripped to pieces. We found this on what remained of the body seeing how the chain hadn’t been destroyed, we assumed it was you” Adonis explained, as he turned back to face his brother and hung the necklace from his fingers.

“But I’m not dead,” Emroy said.

“That’s what I’m going to tell them when I see them tomorrow. I will be generous, let them grieve your loss, then I will kill them all. Eye for an eye, does not begin and end with killing someone, Emroy. Demons extend it to those that help save the life of one of ours. You saved hers, so we’ll spare yours.” Adonis said, placing his hand on the door knob.

“I want to be there when you kill Ethan,” Emroy said.

“We’ll see” Adonis opened the door and stepped into the hallway. He had to wash up before he went back to his mate. Moving back towards his mates room. He saw Luther and Andros bobbing their heads, then he heard her soft little raspy voice through the door.

I’ll tear you up in two

Go ahead, walk it off if you know what’s best for you.

Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh oh oh

I’m no good for you (no)

This heart ain’t built for two so

Run away, run away

’Cause I’m no, I’m no, I’m no good for you

I’m no good for you (no)

Get in love then I’ll bet you lose so

Run away, run away

’Cause I’m no, I’m no, I’m no good for you

I’m a, I’m a, I’m a love killer

I’m a, I’m a, I’m a love killer

I’m a, I’m a, I’m a killer

(Killer - The Ready Set)

“Enjoying the concert boys?” Adonis asked, and they both straightened up trying not to smile.

“Can’t help it” Luther raised his hands

“Her sing, put smile on face” Andros added “No bad days, when Luna sing”

“No Andros, there are no bad days when she sings. You boys can take your leave tonight” Adonis said dismissing his men.

“Yes sir!” With a bow they only left their post when he entered the room.

“Hello love killer” Adonis said, his smile big on his face when he heard her little squeak.

“You heared me?” She asked,

“You were putting on quite the concert,” He said to her.

“Cheerio was crying, he likes it when I sing, it makes him feel better” Kenzi still couldn’t see him very well, but she was tracking the sound of his voice around the room. Must be the time she’s been spending with Tyler. He wonders what else he’s taught her. He moved in a different direction, before he started to speak again.

“Cheerio was crying? Why was Cheerio crying?” Adonis asked. He watched as she turned her ear in his new direction listening for him. Then she turned her attention to him when she got a lock on his presence. Clever Lil Button! Odin gushed in his head.

“I think he’s hungry,” She replied.

“Probably, he didn’t get supper either. I will send him to Elijah, he’s in the kitchen. He’ll make sure Cheerio gets something to eat” Adonis moved back towards the door and opened it. Kenzi bit her lip. I’m starving!

“Go find Elijah, get supper” Adonis ordered Cheerio, he looked over at his Luna then back at his Alpha. Luna be alone!

“I’m staying, she’ll be safe” Adonis assured him, then and only then did Cheerio exit the room. Closing the door, he crossed the room to her. Climbing into the bed, he gathered her into his arms, and held her close to him.

“How are you feeling now?” Adonis asked, Kenzi opened her mouth then closed it again. One more time she went through the same movements only for the same outcome.

“Sore, tired, co….con…fu…. I don’t know, it’s blank, it’s all blank. There’s holes, abizzs and it’s blank and I don’t know what happended, and I want to know, but I don’t want to know. You said I went missing. What if something bad happended, like really really bad and I don’t want to know, but there’s abizzs….holes like swiss cheese and I don’t want swiss cheese brain no more.” Kenzi opened her mouth a third time and that’s what came out.

Adonis was stuck between laughing, being upset and pride. His mate was upset, but her swiss cheese brain comment was making it hard for him to control himself, but she also told him. She didn’t stomp it down, she didn’t try and hide it. She didn’t tell him it was ok and not important. She told him exactly how she was feeling.

“I don’t want you to have swiss cheese brain either.” He finally said something. Adonis took a deep breath, then another and another, soon she was copying him. In through her nose out through her mouth.

“Where do you want me to start?” He asked,

“How did I go missing?” She asked, still taking her deep breaths.

“When you ran out of the house this morning you ran deep into the woods. We found your phone and headphones, so we think you used your music to calm yourself after you got upset but got turned around and lost. Two White Stone warriors came upon you, but there was an attack and you were taken. I didn’t think to look for you this morning. I thought I would see you at lunch.” Adonis explained. Kenzi’s deep breathing faltered slightly, she didn’t remember any of that. Adonis resumed his, helping her with hers.

“There was an attack on White Stone just before lunch and I sent Tyler to find you, he came upon the scene that’s how we knew something was wrong” Adonis continued.

“How did you know where to finded me?” Kenzi asked, snuggling into his arms.


“Emroy?” Kenzi looked up at his blurry face.

“Yes!” He replied when he realize she probably couldn’t tell if he was nodding.

“He discovered where you were, and crossed the border to tell us. He was caught in the attack. His room is a couple doors down from yours,” Adonis answered. “He’s going to be alright” He added when he felt the concern wash over her that he was injured.

“Where was I?” Kenzi asked.

“On the south side of Primrose territory there are some bluffs, they have caves you were taken there” Kenzi’s mouth opened,

“Yes sweetheart, we think they had something to do with this” Adonis said, her body shivered against his and he tightened his hold on her.

“They taked me?” Kenzi whispered,

“They had someone do it. Do you remember what a rogue is?” Kenzi racked her brain.

“A stinky wolfie, who was kicked out of the pack cause they were bad,” Kenzi replied.

“That’s right!” Adonis said with a small smile. “They were paid to do it. You were to be used as an incentive to get me to do what they wanted”

“Biscuit eaters!” Kenzi blurted, her face scrunching in a cute little scowl. Adonis bit back a laugh at her outburst. It was far better than her using the word stupid. Yeah, bad words just don’t sound right coming out of her mouth! Odin agreed, snickering in his head. That and he liked her cute little outbursts, he never wanted her saying anything but them.

“Yes sweetheart, they’re biscuit eaters” Adonis repeated, still fighting to control his laughter.

“Di-did you….make them go away?” She asked him. He was sure if she could open her eyes properly he would see the fear swirling in her silver orbs.

“Yes sweetheart, I made them go away.” He replied, kissing her temple.

“They won’t come back?” Kenzi asked him.

“They will never come back from where I sent them,” Adonis assured her.

“They did this to me didint they?” Kenzi asked. They were the reason she couldn’t see his face clearly, they were the reason her throat hurt.

“Yes sweetheart they did. You put up a helluva fight against them. My tiny dancing warrior, you didn’t let them do anything to you easily. You fought with everything you had to protect yourself until the very end, including against Marco.” Adonis told her. “You tried to kick him, when he went to cut you down from the wall”

“I did!” Adonis looked at her face, her ears were turning slightly pink, but he wished he could see the blush spread across her nose.

“He understands, you didn’t know it was him and you were trying to protect yourself” Adonis told her.

Kenzi looked at her wrists, that must be why she was wearing white blobs, then she tried to hide them.

“No sweetheart” Adonis held her hands in his. “Do not be ashamed of these, do not hide them, these will heal”

“I don’t member what happended to me,” Kenzi whispered. Adonis held her even tighter.

“What do you remember about the day they found you in the orphanage?” Adonis asked,

“Nothing!” She replied, “Maggie said I didint need to know, no good would come of it. All I needed to know was that I sr-sir-….” She couldn’t get the word out

Survived” Adonis helped her and Kenzi nodded.

“That’s like this sweetheart. You don’t need to know what they did, no good will come if you do. You only need to know that you fought like hell to protect yourself and survive it” Adonis told her. She snuggled in more to his embrace and he felt her go limp in his arms as sleep overtook her again. He ran his hands through her hair as he listened to her soft breathing. Next we get to tell her why we’re bumpy! That’ll be fun too! When are we going to let Queeny tell her what she did? Tomorrow, but I want to be in the room! Think Kingy will want to be present? Perhaps, I have no intentions of popping her head off! Wonder what the boys are making for dinner? I don’t know, but Elijah had to rescue the kitchen! Rescue the kitchen or rescue the Roland? He doesn’t quit! He’s got it bad for Tyler, but he’s a panty dropper so it’s understandable! Where did you hear that? Somewhere! Damn it Odin! I’m being cultured! You’re being something!

“Tyler you are destroying my kitchen” Roland remarked when he took in the mess they had made.

“Am not, it like this when we got here” Tyler shot back.

“It most certainly not a pigsty” Roland countered,

“How you know? You wasn’t here!” Tyler remarked.

“I do not leave my kitchen a mess” Roland huffed. “What are you doing?”

“Makin Lil Kenzi Cakes somein to eat” Jackson replied. The cook’s face softened when he heard her name.

“How is she?” He asked,

“Her gonna be fine. But her has to be hungry, miss breakfas, lunch an dinner” Tyler said as he stirred something on the stove.

“What are you making her?” Roland looked around his kitchen again, every surface was littered with something.

“Her favourites! Steak, fries, brookies, salt an pepper pan fried carrots, an parmesan cauliflower” Jackson replied as he seasoned the steak.

“And that requires this big mess? And since when do you two know how to cook? You two don’t even know what a sauce pan is” Roland said.

“Kenzi taught us,” Tyler fired at him, though the kitchen was a little intimidating without Kenzi in it to help him.

“You must not have listened, you’re doing that all wrong. Let me help you” Roland said as moved towards the stove.

“No, I got it!” Tyler waved him off

“The heat is too high, you’re going to burn those” Roland said,

“Am not!” Tyler huffed and he stirred the carrots some more.

Elijah entered the kitchen and his eyes shot open. He was certain he would be saving Roland from Tyler trying to bite him if he made any further advances, but looking at the state of the kitchen, this might be more important.

“What happened?” He asked,

“Cookin!” Jackson replied,

“Is that for Kenzi?” Elijah asked.

“Yeah, steak, her favourite!l” Jackson nodded.

“She can’t have it!” Elijah stated, Jackson’s head snapped up.

“The fuck not?” He asked,

“She needs soft foods such as mashed potatoes, pasta, scrambled eggs, chicken for the time being, nothing that requires a lot of chewing while her jaw heals. Also nothing with spices, she has a laceration from her top lip to her bottom. Anything seasoned will irritate it.” Jackson’s face dropped and Tyler slumped at the stove. They didn’t think of her injuries when they started cooking.

“Her still has fries?” Tyler asked, she couldn’t eat anything else they made.

“As long as they’re soft,” Elijah replied.

“Fuck!” Jackson huffed.

“Don’t be sad you adorable little munchkin, heart was in the right place” Roland cut in.

“I ain’t a fuckin munchkin, you handsy French bastard” Tyler shot at him.

“Tyler you are small, cute, and adorable, just like a little munchkin” Jackson’s laughter started low as he listened to Roland flirt with Tyler.

“I ain’t a munchkin!” Tyler argued.

“I will take care of Kenzi’s food, you two better clean this up” Elijah said as he moved into the kitchen, though the idea of cooking for Kenzi was a little unnerving. She made delicious meals and his paled in comparison. Relax Elijah! I am cooking for our Luna! Breathe Elijah! Asmodeus….! No, Elijah. It’s Luna, our Luna, the sweetest little Luna in the world. She won’t care that it doesn’t taste like hers, she’ll be excited and grateful that someone took the time to make her a meal. And she’ll enjoy it! Thank you! For what? Never mind….just thank you! What are we going to make? I was think….! Tooby pasta and a light cream sauce, with poached herby chicken and softened carrots! I was thinking that! Hey, can we put our Luna in our pocket? No Asmodeus! Why not? She is a person, not a pocket watch! Oh....let’s get cooking!

Elijah moved around the kitchen, preparing the meal for his Luna while he listened to Roland’s relentless flirting and Jackson’s laughing. He would shake his head, as Tyler kept threatening to beat him with the wooden spoon if he didn’t knock it off.

“One day he gonna pull through on that threat,” Jackson said, nodding. They decided to carry on with the meal they had prepared, couldn’t let the food go to waste. At least with Elijah in the kitchen they wouldn’t burn everything.

“You two helping Kenzi in the kitchen has been paying off I see” Elijah commented as he looked at the cauliflower Tyler had just pulled from the oven.

“Her usually do most the work, Tyler an I get distracted by eatin the food,” Jackson said.

“Can you blame us?” Tyler remarked as he stirred and placed the tray back in the oven.

“It a lil intimidatin bein in here witout Kenzi, but yeah we gettin better at it” Jackson said, with Tyler nodding.

“That is going to burn munchkin” Roland said as Tyler left the carrots unattended.

“I gonna beat you wit this spoon you call me that one more time,” Tyler threatened. “Shut up Jackass!” He added when he heard Jackson’s deep rumble.

“Have you checked the fries?” Elijah asked,

“Oh shit!” Tyler pushed Roland out the way. “Well ita good thin Kenzi can’t eat those, they’s inedible now” He replied when he pulled the tray from the oven and revealed the burnt contents.

“Come in”

Kenzi was still asleep curled on his chest, when he heard someone approach the door. Not wanting to call out and risk waking her he used the link.

“Still hate me?” Kane asked when he entered the room.

“Still contemplating setting you on fire, it could be fun” Adonis replied, causing Kane to laugh.

“How is she?” Kane asked, motioning towards the sleeping pixie.

“Elijah said she’ll sleep off and on while she recovers.” Adonis replied. “We’re here another week until she can fly. But she is going to be ok.”

“Does she remember what happened to her?” Kane asked, “It was mentioned to Dax that she should pray Kenzi doesn’t remember what happened.” He added when he saw Adonis’s questioning look.

“Horseshoes up her fucking ass then. Kenzi doesn’t remember much of what happened to her. Including what upset her enough to drive her from the house this morning. She remembers running into you, talking to Dax, being upset, running, and then nothing but darkness.” Adonis replied. “I told her in as little detail as possible what happened to her, no good would come of her knowing what they did,” Kane nodded.

“She has a right to know why she got upset and ran from the house this morning,” Adonis answered before Kane could ask.

“She does! Are you going to tell her?” Kane asked, taking a chair beside the bed.

“No, the one responsible is! Then Kenzi will get to decide if she forgives her or not. If it was my decision I think you know what it would be.” Adonis replied, flatly.

“Seems justified” Kane nodded, as he took in more of the damage to Kenzi’s face, the bandages around her wrists, the claw marks down her arm. Ky grumbling and growling in his head over what he was seeing. He could only imagine what the rest of her looked like.

“You’re mad at her too, so is Cujo….and neither of you get mad at your mate….ever” Adonis looked at Kane.

“No we don’t. But I can’t help but think if she would have just taken the time, made the effort. You terrified her from the start, so I didn’t expect her to chum up to you. But….how many times was she in the kitchen with Tyler, and she never thought to talk to him, ask him any questions, until this morning. I can’t help but wonder if it was just because of what happened that she did it.” Kane replied, looking down at his hands.

“You also blame yourself” Kane snapped his eyes to The Devil. “Get the pixie….get The Devil. If you hadn’t put that thought in her head, who knows what would have happened. But you did, so she focused her efforts on Kenzi, and getting her to trust her. Problem is she never actually took the time to get to know her either, just her past and that’s where she got hung up. If she did then she would have realized Kenzi doesn’t live in her past, she doesn’t let what happened to her stop her or stand in her way. Instead she used it to make a better life for herself. Your mate would have also realized all on her own like you and your men did that Jackson, Tyler and Elijah play a huge role in Kenzi’s life, Tyler especially. He might be the Delta and his job is to protect her, but Kenzi asked him to be her brother, and that is a role he takes more seriously. Jackson and Elijah fell into that role” Adonis informed him.

“When your ranks who are deathly loyal to you sit you down and have a big brother talk with you, and threaten to come at you physically, financially and from a legal standpoint, you take their affection towards their sister seriously.” Adonis responded before Kane could even ask the question.

“They threatened you?” Kane asked, his brow arched but he couldn’t hide the smirk on his face.

“I would be lying if I said I wasn’t proud” Adonis replied, with a nod and a slight smirk.

“Has Elijah figured out what those markings are?” Kane asked, looking at the symbols on Adonis’s arm.

“Every hear of a language called Elder Futhark?” Adonis asked,

“Do I look like someone who’s heard of a language called Elder Futhark?” Kane fired back, Adonis released a low laugh.

“It’s a norse language and they are runes….vikings! Elijah is translating them now” Adonis replied.

“Makes sense!” Kane replied, nodding.

“In the book he is using it speaks of a pack of viking warriors known as Ulfhednar. Their skin died black and they wore the pelts of wolves. Their psychopathic behaviour was so wolf-like that they influenced European werewolf folklore. There is a prophecy in the book that says one day these men will rise so powerful that they will be able to take on the form of the beast.” Adonis told him,

“Maybe that’s where the Moon Goddess took her inspiration from” Kane mused.

“Maybe! When she created normals she left out the psychopathic part.” Adonis replied,

“She made sure to add it when she created demons though,” Kane fired at him.

“We’re a colourful bunch, and according to your book we came first” Adonis countered, with a slight shrug.

“Maybe that’s why she left it out,” Kane countered.

“Maybe,” Adonis replied. Yeah, can’t have two psychotic wolf species running around!

“The two at the door!” Kane arched his brow again. Queeny told him about Andros and Luther! Of course she did!

“The twins!” Adonis nodded, a smile creeping across his face. Whiny baby! Assume she’ll tell him everything we do or say to her from now on! Wah wah wah! Adonis had to fight not to laugh when Odin did that in his head. Not helping Odin! Not trying Adonis!

“I thought that was more rare in the demon world?” Kane asked,

“They’re not related….we had them tested. Their doppelgangers. We’re just not entirely certain which one would be considered the evil twin.” Kane wasn’t sure what to make of that.

“Their wolves however are twins. Alexandru means mankind’s defender in Romanian. But you might want to caution Queeny and the rest of your men about messing with them. Wisps like to play, their favourite is head games.” Adonis informed him.

“Rule number two: Don’t fuck with the wisps” Kane could only smile. “You know this would be helpful if it was in a book”

“That would make it easy,” Adonis replied.

“And easy wouldn’t be any fun” Kane countered, a smile tugging at his lips

“Exactly!” Adonis replied. “Now you’re getting it”

“Would have given us a better understanding,” Kane said.

“We’re not something that can be understood through a book. Some things just need to be experienced, but I would be lying if I said there wasn’t a book” Kane arched his brow.

“The council doesn’t have it, I do. One of my pack members found their mate and she was a biologist. To help her understand and accept our world I agreed to let her….study….us.” Adonis said,

“A choice you regret?” Kane asked, trying not to laugh.

“I don’t have many but….it got so bad that I hid in the bathroom to get away from her and to stop Odin from eating her” Adonis replied. “At one point there were several of us hiding in the bathroom. I got voted out, because it was my idea.”

“They voted you out of the bathroom?” Kane was fighting back his laughter.

“Yeah! Jackson couldn’t crush any more cows without losing his mind and called for a vote.” Adonis nodded. “The pack put her through the ringer, but she did ask for it. The sirens deafened her for four days, the wisps made her cry countless times, the shadows freaked her out, she was fascinated with the seekers and the berserkers grew bored quickly. I said she could study my species, not me, so there is not much written about me. Thankfully she realized she could never get it published. No one would believe it and think it is either the work of a delusional crazy woman or complete fiction. But she did work hard on it, so I purchased a publishing company and published the only copy, then destroyed her research. It gets revised every year as we continue to learn new things. It is a useful tool for the pack when they are first discovering what they are, a beginners guide of sorts”

“Everything else is experience and can’t be learned from the book?” Kane stated but phrased it more like a question.

“Like I said, we need to be experienced, first hand knowledge is your best education into the demon species, you wouldn’t have understood us otherwise” Adonis replied.

Kenzi started to stir on his chest, and Adonis held her tighter to him. He would put her back to sleep, but she had to be starving at this point.

“I’ll let you have some time with her,” Kane said getting up.

“It’ll be short lived. The others are on their way with something for her to eat” Adonis replied.

“I imagine she has to be starving at this point” Kane said, if it were Dax she would be completely grumpy.

“She only gets slightly grumpy and calls people biscuit eaters,” Adonis said, trying not to laugh at the look on Kane’s face.

“Biscuit eaters?” Kane had to ask, he enjoyed her little outbursts, he found them quite charming and refreshing compared to his mate with the potty mouth.

“Her version of stupid” Adonis informed him.

“That’s….different” Kane shook his head, moving towards the door,

“Took us a little bit to figure out what that meant. At least she doesn’t have a potty mouth” Adonis fired at him.

“I can’t even say anything to that. She makes sailors blush” Kane couldn’t defend his mate on that one even if he tried.

“That girl’s mouth could make sailors cry, you should be so proud” Adonis remarked.

“Super proud!” Kane said as he walked out the door.

“Did you have a good nap sweetheart?” Adonis asked, when he heard the first sounds coming from her.

“I didint mean to fall asleep,” she replied, her voice still raspy and held the edges of sleep.

“Elijah said you will do that off and on while your body recovers, so don’t worry about it. No one will get mad at you, they understand.” He kissed her forehead, knowing full well that it bothered her that they were having a conversation and she fell asleep through it. Before she could make a reply, her stomach growled loudly protesting at not being fed. Adonis released a small chuckle as a light knock came to the door.

“Come in,” he called. Kenzi buried her face in his chest, but her little pink pixie ears gave her away.

“Hey lil girl, how you feelin?” Jackson asked, when he opened the door and saw her awake.

“Sleepy,” she responded, trying to fight back a yawn.

“You up for some company?” Jackson asked, Adonis could see Tyler in the hall waiting not so patiently. Kenzi nodded and he walked in with Tyler right behind him.

“Eli be here wit the food in a minute” Jackson said, trying not to laugh when Kenzi’s stomach growled again.

“I thought you and Tyler were making the food?” Adonis asked, arching his brow.

“We was. Then Eli inform us Kenzi can’t eat it, her need soft foods, an then it kinda went downhill from there. Charred the carrots, burnt the fries, killed the cauliflower and Cheerio ran off wit the steak” Jackson replied. “We good in the kitchen as long as Lil Kenzi Cakes in there wit us, keep an eye on thins an we only has to take care of one thin. Tyler an I might get distracted easy.” He added when he saw the smirk on Adonis’s face. Kenzi released a little giggle, but she had to agree with Jackson, they got distracted easily.

“You’re too busy eating the food,” Adonis said, shaking his head.

“Can you blame us?” Tyler asked as he opened the door again for Elijah.

Cheerio walked in right behind Elijah with a very satisfied look on his face.

“Steak thief!” Jackson mumbled. Tyler could only laugh, it was one the funniest things he’s ever seen. Jackson turned his back for a second, but a second was all Cheerio needed to grab the steak, and he wasn’t giving it up. Him and Jackson wrestled over it.

“You wouldn’t have eaten it anyway if you got it back from him” Elijah remarked, as he placed a tray of food on the table. The aromas wafting in the room had Kenzi’s stomach rumbling more. She was starving.

“That not the point, he stole it,” Jackson huffed. Good too! Adonis rumbled with laughter when Cheerio came through the link. Jackson just glared at him.

“Damn dog!” Jackson grumbled as he watched Cheerio lay beside the bed.

“Why do I think that’s not the only time we’ll hear those words?” Elijah mused.

“I have a feeling we’ll be saying them a lot,” Adonis replied.

“What did you make Elijah?” Adonis asked, still biting back his laughter as he heard her stomach again. He raised the bed more for her so she would be able to eat.

“Herb poached chicken, with ditalini pasta and a light cream sauce and steamed carrots” Elijah replied, as he placed a plate in front of her.

“Smells yummy!” Kenzi said, picking up her fork. She’s never had poached chicken, she didn’t even know what that was. The pieces were cut small for her and she speared the first one. A little moan escaped her when she tasted it. It was so moist and flavourful, and she had to get Elijah to show her how he did this. Elijah had turned his back, but when he heard the moan a smile tugged at his lips and he swelled with pride.

“So good” She complimented him as she ate another piece. “Thank you so much”

“You’re welcome Kenzi” he fought to hide the excitement in his voice, but the snickering from Jackson and Tyler told him he failed. Told you Elijah, our Luna is the best Luna! You don’t need to rub it in Asmo! But how would you know I was right if I didn’t say something! Because you already said something! Yeah, just now, I was right! Ok, Asmo!

“You don’t win with him, do you?” Adonis asked quietly, as he sat in one of the chairs eating.

“No, not a lot,” Elijah replied as he took up another chair.

“Her sleepin again” Tyler motioned towards Kenzi. She finished most of her meal and leaned back for just a second after a wave of exhaustion hit her, but that was all it took. The abyss welcomed her home and pulled her into a happy oblivion.

“As her mind recovers from her ordeal, she’ll do that off and on for the next day or two.” Elijah replied. “I called Alpha Malone, after she was recovered from the orphanage and they brought her to the medical ward at Saber International, she would fall asleep randomly. In conversation one minute and asleep the next.”

“Maybe that’s how her mind blocked the memory of what happened that day” Adonis suggested.

“I don’t think her mind blocked the memory, I think her mind erased it.” Elijah replied, “All the knowledge we have of the brain, it is still a complex mystery. It will suppress and block memories to keep the mind protected but over time as the brain develops and coping mechanisms are put into place the mind will release those memories. Kenzi doesn’t have them, it’s like they never took place. She remembers everything that happened to her, everything that was ever said to her, but those few instances. I asked Alpha Malone if his staff have ever asked about what happened that day in the orphanage while she was having a scan done. They said they have, but it never registered that anything happened to her. It should have, some part of her mind should have known something happened that day, but it never did. It is a theory at best and I would like to test it, I have a scan scheduled for a couple days from now.”

“So her never member what happen to her?” Jackson asked,

“It’s a theory but my answer would be no” Elijah replied,

“Horseshoes up that Queeny’s fuckin ass” Jackson said and Tyler nodded ….grrrrrr…. A small growl escaping him.

“I thought you were trying not to growl at her?” Adonis asked,

“Only in the office….what? I can’t help it, Bal see her an he get mad. Bal hear her voice an he get mad. Hear her name Bal mad, he big fuckin mad. Wanna bite her” Tyler defended himself.

“It take everthin in Tyler’s power not to. It how we char the carrots and basically kill dinner. He had to leave the kitchen when her enter. Don’t even make that look Eli, you’s gonna stab her wit the knife” Jackson said.

“I was not!” Elijah replied.

“I saw yur back bristle when her came in and you clutched it when her ask bout Lil Kenzi Cakes,” Jackson shot back. Elijah couldn’t defend himself after that. The thought did enter his mind briefly. This is gonna be a problem! Yes it is! Jackson and Elijah have a handle on their anger towards Queeny, Tyler does not! Where’s his outlet? We didn’t think we would need it! Clearly we do! Clearly, can’t have him biting Queeny now can we? That would not be a good thing. Kingy won’t wanna play with us no more! No, he wouldn’t! What are we gonna do? Not much tonight, I doubt a shop would be open, but tomorrow we’ll have to get one!

They had a few more visitors and Kenzi woke off and on for them, but for the most part she slept. They were now curled up in her bed with Cheerio snoring softly on the couch.

“Damn dog!” Adonis mumbled quietly as he struggled to find a comfortable position in the bed with his mate. He could have kicked him off the couch but he wanted to be with his mate. Why were these things never big enough? They don’t have sharing in mind? Helpful! Not trying to be! It shows! Don’t be grumpy! Adonis shifted again, and when she rolled under him he was able to settle over her and finally find some comfort. Kenzi’s hands immediately clutched the fabric of his shirt and it was made clear to him this is how he was going to be sleeping. Better hope we don’t hurt her! That is my hope as well! Placing a gentle kiss on her brow he nuzzled into her and let her scent carry him away.

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