The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 65: Eric The Idiot!

Adonis woke the next morning to his little mate stirring under him. They had spent the remainder of yesterday getting her familiar with the pack’s territory. She was excited and met so many people and asked a million questions. He took her to the fort, his first territory and to his surprise it was still standing after all this time. Well half of it. Ethan had taken back the half that was his. He challenged Adonis to it when he was fourteen. Adonis refused to meet with him saying it wasn’t worth the bloodshed. Jackson and Tyler begged him to let them go. Tyler had just got his wolf and wanted to show him off, Adonis didn’t see the harm in it and allowed it. He doesn’t know what was said or done to Ethan, but Cameron got a phone call and an earful. Adonis brought her to the waterfall along the southern border. They enjoyed the privacy, splashing each other in the water and a little kissy time on the small sandy beach. Then again he kissed her openly anytime he got a spare minute. On more than one occasion they were interrupted, but he did tell her he wasn’t going to hold back anymore. He would kiss her openly, he would touch her openly. He wasn’t hiding anything. She was his, they all knew that, the only one that didn’t was his mate, but she will. Before this trip was over she would know exactly who she was.

Kenzi’s stirring again brought him from his head. A quick check of the time it was just after two, but when he looked down two silver orbs stared back at him. He was too late to put her back to sleep, he’ll get her next time.

“What are you doing awake this early tiny dancer?” He asked as he buried his face back in her neck.

“This is the tine I always wake up,” she replied,

“Not this week. This week we sleep late,” he retorted, settling more over top of her. Her arms tightened around him, her body warming as she felt the brush of his lips against her neck when he spoke.

“I don’t think I can,” Kenzi said.

“Then we’ll have to come up with a reason for you to stay in bed a little longer,” Adonis replied.

“Like what?” She asked. He smiled against her neck then started placing a trail of light feathery kisses leading up to her seductive crimson lips.

“Kissy time is a damn good excuse” He replied, before he claimed those seductive crimson lips. She squeaked at the sudden action then released a giggle, but soon found she was matching his pace, his demand and his tempo.

Her hips matching his movements, raising to meet his pushes. Her knees raised, giving him closer contact. His hands finding the hem of her shirt, lighting fires across her soft, silky flesh. Her moans in time with his. His needs matching hers. Their want pure and carnal, pushing forward, driving their insatiable desires. Harder, faster. Hearts beating, gasping for each breath they took. Meeting, matching, mixing. Pushing, pulling, pressing. Harder, faster, higher. Demanding, taking, giving. Moans, groans, squeaks, growls. A thrust, an arch, a gasp, a groan. An explosion of release and two bodies shivered in the morning riding out the waves of their pleasure. Kissy time was indeed a damn good excuse to keep her in bed with him. His breath heavy, her heart beating wildly, they clung to each other while the clock ticked off another hour.

The smells from the kitchen brought others to the room as grumbling stomachs announced their presence. Falling into the seamless flow of the kitchen Jackson and Tyler helped Kenzi and Adonis produce item after item for breakfast. Elijah had joined them as well and fell quickly into the rhythm. Kennedy and Steve stood in the doorway and watched the movements in astonishment. They all knew what she needed when she needed it and had no problems stepping into take over something when something else needed to be attended to. There was an unheard beat in the kitchen and they moved with it flawlessly.

“Dad is never going to believe this,” Kennedy said as he watched his brother. None of them really knew how to cook, they never paid attention, but to watch their little brother roll the dough perfectly to make cinnamon rolls was shocking. Steve could only shake his head. He was too afraid to open his mouth, the aromas coming from the room were causing him to drool. Soon the kitchen staff joined them and they started moving the food into the dining room so everyone could start eating.

With most of breakfast taken care of Adonis threw Kenzi over his shoulder to get her out of the kitchen so the cooks could finish up and she could have breakfast as well. There was slight protesting on her part, a few smacks to her ass to stop her from wiggling and laughter from the others in the dining room as they watched the pair get settled at a table. He held her securely in his lap to stop her from getting any ideas about going back into the kitchen.

“But Kennedy said I could,” she looked up at him, her eyes big and confused.

“But you need breakfast as well” Adonis countered,

“I would of eated,” she protested. Elijah once again fought the cringe when that word fell out of her mouth. It wasn’t her fault, he had to remind himself of that over and over. If she would have gotten the education she deserved, she would know better.

“You and I both know, you would have gotten carried away in the kitchen making something else and you would not have eaten. Then we wouldn’t eat and we would get grumpy and no one wants to deal with us when we’re grumpy.” Adonis said to her.

“Can I go back after?” She asked looking up at him, her sparkling silver eyes pleading with him.

“Maybe for a little bit, we do have plans today,” he replied as he put food on their plate.

“What plans?” She asked as she helped with the food. Adonis sighed and bit back the grumble as he thought about going to Primrose Pack but it needed to be done.

“We’re going to see Eric,” he said curtly. He felt her tense slightly, but the tone of his voice told her he didn’t want to discuss it further so she just nodded and started eating. Jackson and Tyler exchanged displeased looks, but they too said nothing and started eating. None of them wanted to step foot on that territory.

“They know we comin?” Jackson finally asked something.

“Prolly not,” Tyler answered, then nodded when he saw the look on Adonis’s face. No Eric did not know they were coming, the visit was a surprise.

“Well, this gonna be fun then,” Jackson smiled.

“Fun indeed!” Adonis agreed.

“We has to behave?” Tyler asked, Bal flashing in his eyes.

“I’ll leave it up to you,” Adonis replied. Jackson and Tyler’s grins got bigger and Elijah immediately started shaking his head. The demon brothers were not going to behave themselves.

Kane sat in Alpha Eric’s office. He was growing tired of the insipid weasel’s excuses. How could he not know where his brother was? He does, he just doesn’t want to tell us! Ky was growing tired of them as well.

“My son is only found when he wants to be found, your highness,” Ethan spoke. He was present in the room as well. Kane was not sure what he thought of this man. There was something unsettling about him. The way he watched his movements, studying him, put both him and Ky on edge. Johnny sat next to him, his left foot carelessly dangling over his right knee.

“So none of you know where he is?” Johnny asked. “How do you not know where your own son is, let alone what he is doing?”

“He doesn’t like to be questioned. On a good day he is difficult to deal with” Eric replied. Kane watched the other Alpha carefully, there was something swirling in his eyes as he spoke about his brother. Is that….fear? Ky asked. I think it might be! Why? They cast him out, now they’re afraid to deal with him! Stupids….lets just take their heads, they’re useless anyway! That’s not entirely true, there was one that showed promise! One of the brothers! Emroy!

Kane found it odd that one of the brothers dared to speak out of turn. The others had bowed their heads and towed the line, listening blindly to a father that clearly had no idea what he was doing and had no business giving them orders. Kane had Edward look into the man deeper, he was a repulsive Alpha when he was one. Greedy and power hungry. His sons were forced to take mates. They would mate to the daughters of Alpha’s of surrounding packs to gain more territory. A pure power move motivated by a greedy man weasel. It was pure chance that a few were actually mated to their true mate. Kane had no respect for Alpha’s like that, and had no issues stripping the sons of their titles. With the exception of the four he killed, for not following the law. Cats are not pets or slaves! Ky was furious when he saw that. They had collars! Easy Ky, we are not to think about that! It wouldn’t have been so bad, had he not looked into the little spitfire’s friend. He reached out to an Alpha in the area who kept an eye on White River. Seems the kitty didn’t make it to the protected area. They didn’t know where she was.

The brother Emroy had approached Kane when he first arrived here and explained the situation to him. He seemed genuine when he said he didn’t know where his brother was, but he did offer a glimmer of hope when he said that he could possibly be in B.C. Alpha Adonis had always liked the mountains and escaped there frequently, that was the last place he heard he was. Which was more information than any of the others had given him. Kane had huffed, and figured a trip to the mountains was in order and had Johnny looking into it. B.C. had a lot of area to cover and they wouldn’t just be dealing with wolf packs. It was home to a lot of bear clans. Who’s to say The Devil wasn’t holed up with one of them? With no territory to speak of he wasn’t tied to anything. He was feared enough, it seemed everyone was willing to do what he asked, then suffer devastating destruction at his hands. If the books were in any way accurate demon wolves could take out bears.

“What is your interest in my son?” Ethan asked,

“I wasn’t aware I answered….to you” Kane fired back, letting his displeasure at being questioned known. There was no way he was giving the man weasel any information on why he was looking for The Devil. Johnny snickered beside him and shook his head. This guy was stupid, he also caught the small glare Eric sent his fathers way over the question. Eric might be stupid as well, but at least he had the sense not to question The King. Before any more could be said Eric’s Beta burst into the room.

“Forgive me Alpha, but there’s a commotion at the….BANG!....front door” He finished when they all heard the bang from the office.

“Excuse me your highness” Eric was on his feet heading out of the office. BANG!

BANG! He got to the front hall as the door took another hard hit, the solid mahogany door creaking and protesting under the force that was battering at it. He was tempted to open the door, but thought better of it. BANG! Kane had also followed but stood back when the door took another hard hit. He could hear faint mumbles from outside, but they were not clear enough to hear what was being said. BANG! CRACK! Kane stepped further back, he could see the others doing the same, that door was coming down. BANG! CRACK! More mumbling than a deafening silence and nothing. Kane and Johnny backed further down the hall and out of view of the door. This was not going to be good. The others retreated further into the living room, using the dividing wall for some protection, they were thinking the same thing. The only ones left near the front door were Eric, his Beta, Ethan and a few of the brothers. Everyone stood there waiting as the silence swirled around them. No one knew what was coming next.

“What the fu….”

BANG! BANG! CRACK! CRACK! CRASH! The front doors splintered and shattered, breaking open as two men came crashing through them.

Fuck! I damn near had him” A deep raspy voice called out laughing through the dust and debris. One of Eric’s other brothers was standing near the door when it came down and barely got out of the way in time. They could hear laughing on the front lawn.

“Too fuckin bad Jackass! You has to try harder nex time.” Another raspy voice slightly higher pitched called still laughing.

“Hello….brother! Surprised to see me?” Alpha Adonis rose to his full height. Eric couldn’t hide it even if he wanted to. His face held not only surprise but fear. He was clearly the last person he expected to come crashing through his front door. Odin greedily breathed in the scent, howling for more.

Damn it Adonis!” Eric yelled at him.

“Fuckin mess. You should really clean up the house. You got visitors” The other man too stood to his height as he waved through the dust, a wicked grin still carried on his face. Eric scowled at him, but said nothing. Adonis turned on his heel and walked out of the house. When he reentered three more were with him.

Eyes widened and jaws dropped when they took in the sight of the little female. Adonis didn’t pause to introduce her, instead they continued down the hall towards the kitchen. Eric quickly followed behind them, looking around to catch sight of The King. This was not the impression he wanted to make, but his brother had to fuck that up for him.

“What are you doing here?” He snapped from the back of the line.

“You invited me, remember?” Adonis said tightly over his shoulder.

“You never said you were coming” Eric shot back,

“I said I’d think about it,” Adonis replied, stopping in the kitchen. The little one with him looked around, her eyes widening as she took in the size of it.

“Who is this? What are you doing?” Eric fired questions at him. ….grrrrrr…. The growl escaped Adonis, he didn’t like being questioned by Eric. He didn’t really like being questioned by anyone.

“Kenzi Templeton” Kenzi offered her hand to Eric, but he just stood there staring at her wide eyed. Kenzi looked up at Adonis then back at Eric before she dropped her hand.

“Sweetheart, this is Eric. Forgive his rudeness. Manners were not drilled into him, like they were me” Adonis made the introduction. Eric gaped at him as Jackson and Tyler started laughing.

“Manners! You call breaking down my front door manners?” Eric snapped at him. Kenzi backed up and Tyler positioned himself in front of her.

“We knocked!” Adonis replied back. Then he turned to the cook. The man swallowed hard as he stared at The Devil. He was clearly shaking, but was unable to move from his position.

“She can cook, bake and do whatever she pleases in this kitchen,” Adonis commanded, his tone sharp and ferocious holding an edge daring the man to argue with him.

“Yup, sure,” The cook replied, readily nodding his head.

Get out!” Adonis ordered. He wanted none of them near his mate. Again the cook nodded and bolted from the kitchen. Adonis turned back to the little woman, she smiled brightly at him.

Eric watched as he grazed her cheek while tucking a strand of hair behind her pointy ear. That can’t be his mate, where’s the rest of her? He thought.

“Are you going to be ok?” He asked her. She looked around the kitchen once more and nodded her head.

“Her ain’t stayin alone” Tyler declared. Like fuck he was gonna leave his sister alone in this place. Kenzi goes, he goes too.

“Enjoy your baking sweetheart” He placed a kiss on her head and she and Tyler moved more into the kitchen to find everything they needed.

“What is going on? Who is that?” Eric asked again.

“He din’t get any fuckin smarter” Jackson commented as he and Elijah followed Adonis out of the kitchen. Eric still just stood there. What the fuck is going on?

“Is that who I think that is?” Johnny asked quietly as they heard the deep voice speak.

“I think it is,” Kane replied. He held a slight grin on his face. Don’t need the moron after all! Ky was pleased with this as well. The Devil did him a favour.

“Why are you grinning? He just broke down the door” Johnny asked.

“Yes he did. At least you don’t have to replace it” Kane offered. How was he going to have a run in with The Devil? That’s what he wanted to know. Kane had moved closer to the entrance he wanted to see this man considering he was only seen when he wanted to be seen. Guess he wants to be seen! His eyes widened when he took in the size of him. How does a wolf that size hide? I have no idea!

“I thought you said he was smaller than me?” Kane huffed at Johnny

“He is!” Johnny said then he too moved closer to see him.

“Does that look smaller than me?” Kane said motioning towards the mammoth man taking up an obscene amount of space in the front hall.

“Who’s the little one?” Johnny asked, though The Devil was huge Johnny couldn’t help but look at the little girl that just walked in. He didn’t get to see much of her before two other ones flanked around her. He thought Dax was small, but this one was absolutely tiny. The sharp contrast between her and the men she was standing with was nothing short of mindblowing. Even the shortest of the four men towered over her. Where’s his shoes?

“I have no idea” Kane said as he too only got a small look at her size before it was blocked. They didn’t stay long at the entrance nor did they speak to anyone or make introductions, they just continued moving down a hall towards the….somewhere. This fucking house is a maze! Kane got lost three times just trying to find the dining room this morning.

“Collect the others, we’ll talk outside” Kane said to Johnny as he moved towards the broken front door. His eyes slightly widened at the damage that was done to it and the surrounding wall. The fuck did they hit it with? Ky asked. Themselves! Holy shit! Guess he wanted in! Guess don’t keep him out! Guess not!

Eric watched Kenzi and Tyler move around the kitchen, both had made themselves at home as they went through the cupboards and Tyler got her what she needed from the pantry. No, this was enough. He was putting a stop to this right now. His brother was not going to come in here and embarrass him in front of The King.


“Oh….I’m sorry, I’m so sorry! It was a ass-cident” Kenzi blurted. Eric had startled her and she had hit him with the pot she was holding. Tyler was howling on the other side of the kitchen as Eric now held his throbbing head.

“You….” Eric started to say as he glared at the little one still brandishing her weapon.

“Careful Eric….it was a accident. Say somein an I might accidentally break your arm off.” Kenzi’s eyes widened at that. That didn’t sound good to her.

“Who are you?” Eric asked instead,

“Kenzi,” she replied. Though now she wasn’t certain she wanted him to know who she was.

“Well that doesn’t help me. How do you know Adonis?” He snapped. Kenzi tensed right up at the tone of his voice and she snuck a peak at Tyler. He gave her a smile for assurance, but he never took his eyes off Eric.

“I’m.…his….mate,” Kenzi replied, her voice small and slightly waivered.

“His mate?” Eric asked as he looked her up and down. ….grrrRrrrr…. A low rumble came from Tyler warning him that was not the best idea. Looks like that will not be tolerated in his presence.

“He choos-ed me,” Kenzi replied.

“You’re his….chosen?” Eric found that hard to believe, but Kenzi nodded.

“You?!” He asked again and she nodded.

“They a problem wit that?” Tyler snarked at him.

“No! Don’t make a mess in my kitchen” Eric shook his head. This little thing standing before him, could not be the mate of his brother. He was big and powerful, why would he ever choose something so pathetic and weak? No this thing was just some mangy stray he picked up. Something to keep his bed warm. Tyler turned back to the kitchen and Eric took the opportunity to look the little stray over once more, lingering on her exposed cleavage. She may be a stray, but she was a well endowed one. No wonder his brother had her warming his bed. His top lip curled and he left the kitchen, grumbling quietly to himself.

“What are you doing here Adonis?” Eric asked his brother again as he entered the office. He looked for The King on the way back, but he couldn’t find him or any of his men. Ethan had also disappeared, which was for the best. Adonis can’t stand to be in the same vicinity as him let alone the same room.

“You asked me to come, or did you forget” Adonis replied, he sat quite comfortably in Eric’s chair with his feet up on the desk. Elijah and Jackson had taken residence in the two chairs in front of his desk, forcing him to sit with the rest of his brothers on the couch.

“Just make yourselves comfortable why don’t you” Eric mumbled

“What was that? I didn’t quite hear” Adonis looked Eric in the eye. Eric pressed his lips together, his brother had heard just fine.

“Who was the little one you brought with you?” One asked. Adonis curled his top lip. He hated that brother, he stole his face. Oh how badly he wanted to mar it and make it disfigured. Evan….useless waste of space! Ezra looked everywhere but at him. Edgar, Eliot and Eldon all close enough in age, they might have well been triplets. As fast as Elena was giving birth to one she was pregnant with another. Slut! Then there was Emroy, keeping his head down playing the submissive role as usual. Adonis tilted his head to the side, arching his brow, a slight tugging of his lips. Well isn’t that interesting! What? Eric is failing! We knew that! He’s going to lose his title! That we didn’t know! But we do now! What are we going to do? Help make it happen! Aren’t we the good little brother! Indeed we are!

“So who was the little one?” Evan asked again.

“I ignored you the first time” Adonis replied,

“It’s his….mate” Eric answered. ….grrrrrr…. The displeased growl released from Adonis as he looked deep into Eric’s eyes. This did not please him for these idiots to know his mate.

“That’s his mate?” Ezra asked, snapping his attention to Eric.

“Where’s the rest of her?” Eliot added. ….grRRrRRRrRRrr…. Louder and deeper, the growl echoed around the room. The next one would be followed by blood shed.

“I was just asking,” Eliot blurted, then put his head down immediately. Jackson started snickering.

“They dumb as a sack of hammers” He remarked as he too placed his feet on the desk.

“They always have been. I think that’s what happens when you don’t wait in between births. One of them gets deprived of oxygen and kills their brain cells.” Adonis commented.

“That’s an interesting theory,” Elijah said.

“Then you explain why they dumb” Jackson said looking over at him.

“How about because they’re just stupid” Elijah offered, Jackson snorted when he heard the cursing coming from behind him.

“Did you come here just to insult us?” Eric griped at his brother.

“Your existence is an insult, how you’re all still breathing is a mystery” Adonis replied,

“Do you always have to be difficult?” Eric snapped at him

“I find it much more entertaining when I am. It’s the only way you can hold my attention for longer than a nanosecond.” Adonis replied,

“What are you doing here?” Eric asked for the third time.

“For the third time Eric you invited me, if you didn’t want me to come then you shouldn’t have insisted that I do. You do realize you are just proving our point right?” Adonis replied.

“The King is here!” Eric huffed. Adonis looked around the office and arched his brow back at his brother.

“Is he invisible?” Jackson snickered when the string of curses left Eric’s mouth.

“Maybe it’s his imaginary friend,” Jackson offered, before he broke out laughing.


“That is Gamma Elijah to you” Adonis cut him off, the slightest flicker of flame in his eyes.

“Gamma Elijah, you’re the more reasonable one, you can understand where I am coming from.” Eric spoke to Elijah.

“I can understand where you’re coming from. Four of your brothers already lost their heads and you don’t want to be added to the list. But as my Alpha stated on three separate occasions you invited him. Knowing how….temperamental my Alpha can be if you were trying to make a good impression on The King, why would you do that knowing it would coincide with The King’s visit?” Elijah asked in return. Both Adonis and Jackson fought to control their laughter at Elijah’s choice of words. He’s not lying! Shut up! That’s the best you got! Shut up!

“He never said he was coming, and when The King says he is coming you don’t exactly tell him no” Eric replied.

“That sounds like quite the problem you’re facing then. I would do something about it, but I really don’t care. I find myself quite curious to see if he’ll remove your head” Elijah replied,

“An he the reasonable one” Jackson howled, his laughter was only made worse by another string of curses from Eric.

The aromas of cookies and brookies filled the house as Kenzi continued her baking in the kitchen. The handful of times she dared to step foot outside of the kitchen she was greeted with hostility. Tyler had picked her up off the floor twice after someone pushed her roughly into the wall to get her out of their way. She had tried speaking to a few of the pack members that stopped by the kitchen to see what that smell was, but they weren’t having any of it. No one wanted to talk to her.

“It’s ok Tyler, it’s not important.” She wasn’t sure how many times she had uttered those words in the few hours they have been left alone in the kitchen. Tyler wasn’t buying it though. The more she was degraded the more he saw it chip away at her.

“Alpha Adonis has gotten more gorgeous”

“Right! He’s still unmated from what I hear”

“He won’t stay that way for long. When he sees me, he’ll be putty in my hands”

“You think to highly of yourself”

“Look at me, why wouldn’t I be the mate of The Devil. I’m perfect for him. And when he realizes it….”

“Didn’t he come with that mangy stray?”

“She’s nothing more than a play thing. An utterly pathetic waste of space. I mean what exactly was the point of her, look at her. There’s no substance to her and he’ll get bored and find himself a real woman to keep him company.” Kenzi overheard that conversation three she wolves as she was about to step out of the kitchen again.

“Did you see how small it was?”

“You’d think they would have killed it then let it live?”

“How is it still breathing? You think something would have eaten it”

“Not much meat on those bones”

“Well there is in a couple of areas”

“Give The Devil his due, he’s got taste when it comes to play things”

“I’d like to play with it too” The group of men broke out laughing. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. Ripped behind them and they spun to see Tyler standing there. Swirling gold in his eyes as Bal made his anger known. ….grrRrRrRrRRRrRrRrRrrr…. That was his sister and who were they to talk about her like that. ….grrRrRrRrRRRrRrRrRrrr….

“Delta Tyler, we didn’t see you there” One spoke. CRACK! The wolf hit the floor holding his jaw, grimacing as pain shot through his face after Tyler hit him. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr….

Get the fuck out” Tyler growled, the others took the warning and bolted from the area fast. The wolf groaning on the floor in pain, tried pushing himself away, but Tyler got a hold of him first. CRACK! THUD! POP! THUMP! SMACK! SMASH!

Tyler!” Kenzi called from the kitchen

Be right there Lil K” He called back. THUD! Tyler let the wolf drop to the floor again and walked back into the kitchen, he had samples to test.

“Fuck, this borin an I starvin. I goin to see what Little Kenzi Cakes doin in the kitchen.” Jackson had just cut off what Eric was saying again. Eric huffed and tried not to lose his temper, but it was starting to get the better of him. Any time he brought up something Jackson or Adonis would cut him off and start talking about something random. Elijah wasn’t even paying attention, he was reading.

“Reading anything good?” Adonis asked him at one point.

“No. I’ve already read these books and they weren’t good the first time, but anything is better than listening to him” Elijah replied not once looking up from the book he was already three quarters of the way through.

“Which packs do we need to see while we are down here?” Adonis asked. He was done listening to Eric’s business, he was bored and Jackson had the right idea. After he was done with his own business he was going to see what his little mate cooked up in the kitchen. From the smell of it brookies and some type of cookie, with chocolate.

“We need to see five. Crestview, Golden Sun and Midnight Pack owes us the rest of our warriors as per alliance negotiations. Alpha Fredrick assures me they have at least five more. Harvest Moon and Raven Claw, would not send normals until they spoke to you first, but they regretted that choice when I said we would be down for a visit and they could take any grievances up with you personally. They tried to smooth the waters, but I informed them it was too late and you would personally be choosing which ones we take. You should be receiving the warmest reception from both.” Elijah informed him.

“They’re going to kiss me ass” Adonis grumbled,

“I would be lying if I said they wouldn’t be getting on their knees the second they see you” Elijah replied,

“That is not a mental image I needed Elijah” Adonis fired at him.

“It is not my fault that the mere mention of your name instils fear, and the threat of a visit causes them to pee” Elijah responded as he turned the page of his book.

“What are you two doing?” Eric snapped,

“Doing what you are supposed to be doing in an office. Discussing pack business. Your pack is boring and has nothing to discuss, if you were doing your job correctly as an Alpha you would. I actually have business to attend to and I’m without an office so I’m using yours.” Adonis replied curtly. “How long are these visits going to take?”

“Depends on your mood. They should be over in a day or two tops, but if you are agitated or slightly aggravated in any way, you could have them done in half a day” Elijah flipped to the next page.

“Are you saying I can be aggressive?” Adonis shot at him,

“No, you’re a real peach” Elijah countered, looking at him over the top of his book.

“Where did you hear that?” Adonis asked him, trying not to grin. How his Gamma could keep his face straight still baffled him.

“Jackson or Tyler I think” Elijah replied as he turned his attention back to the book he was reading.

“What else needs to be done while we are here?” Adonis asked. He could push to have all the meetings done in a day then he would have the rest of the week to be with his mate. Sounds like a good plan to me! You heard Elijah, I’m temperamental and it depends on my mood! Then let’s snap the chains on your mood swing and get moody! Sounds like a plan to me!

“There are no other pressing matters to attend to while we are down here” Elijah replied, turning to another page. The deep sigh from Eric caught Adonis’s attention. BANG! Before anymore could be said Tyler threw open the office door. Swirling gold in his eyes.

“Problem on the front lawn….Alpha Kane got Kenzi an he won’t give her back” Tyler blurted ….grrRrRrRrRRRrRrRrRrrr….. Odin rose immediately to the surface.


CRASH! Ripped from his chest as the desk he was sitting at now lay in a splintered mess on the other side of the room. He, Elijah and Tyler were all on the move. That son of a bitch! I’m gonna rip him limb from limb!

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