The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 64: Steve and Kennedy!

Adonis woke to a knock on the bedroom door. Lavender and green apples flooded his senses and he had to blink multiple times to figure out where the hell he was.

“What?” He croaked out, pushing himself up from the bed.

“Pilot say we be landin soon an get back to our seats,” Jackson’s raspy drawl came from the other side.

“Yeah!” Was all he could get out as he rubbed his eyes. He looked down and a smile graced his lips. She was tucked underneath him, soundly sleeping. Not wanting to wake her up he quietly removed himself from over top of her and opened the door to the bedroom. Carefully scooping her into his arms he went back to their seats. He would not wake her until he had to. If his luck held out he could get her to stay asleep all the way to White Stone. He’d wake her when they were just about there. She curled into him keeping her head on his chest and he buckled the belt around both of them. When the flight attendant came back to make sure they were seated and buckled he shot her a look daring her to argue with him. She nodded, bowed and proceeded back to the front of the plane to inform the pilot they were ready to land.

As the landing strip came into view through the windows, Adonis saw that it wasn’t really a strip, it was a field. This was about to get bumpy. He held her tighter to him and hoped like hell it wouldn’t wake her up. Tyler’s eyes widened as he looked at the field.

“It’s fine Tyler” Adonis assured him.

“Fine? The fuck the road?” He spat back as he pushed himself back into his seat. Elijah clutched his arm rests but never said a word, and Jackson just had his head down, eyes shut tight. Bracing himself as much as he could for the contact with the ground. Adonis did his best to hold onto Kenzi. She’s not sleeping through this! Odin blurted. He could feel him ducking for cover in his head. The wheels touched down and the first bump had her awake and gripping onto him. Murmuring in her ear that it was alright, they bumped, bounced and jostled all along the makeshift runway till they came to a stop.

“Did we crash?” Kenzi was the first to speak as she peeked her head over his arms.

“Yes!” Came Tyler’s reply.

“No sweetheart, we just had a rather rocky landing” Adonis said to her, while he glared at Tyler.

“Nex time we land on the fuckin road” Jackson interjected. Elijah let out the breath he was holding and looked out the window.

“That wasn’t so bad” He said, causing them all to stare at him.

“I want off the plane.” Tyler was the first to have his seat belt off and standing by the closed door banging on it. “Open the fuckin door an let me off the plane.” He didn’t fly well at the best of times, let alone having to land and getting bounced and jostled around. The flight attendant barely had the door open before Tyler jumped. Kenzi’s mouth dropped as her eyes widened when Tyler disappeared.

“I think he want off the plane,” Jackson said, laughing at his brother’s sudden departure.

“Tyler doesn’t fly well” Adonis told her, closing her mouth.

“I’m not jumping!” She stated very firmly. Jackson broke out laughing at the serious look on her face.

“There’s stairs.” Adonis assured her.

“Alpha Adonis apologies on the rocky landing” the pilot spoke as he exited the cockpit.

“We landed.” Was all Adonis said as he and Kenzi got to their feet.

“We were informed at the last minute that the field did not have a proper tarmak. Is your Delta going to be ok?” The pilot asked,

“He’ll be fine,” Adonis said, shaking his head as he looked out the window to see Tyler already standing by the waiting vehicles.

“We’ll see you in a week’s time” The pilot bowed and stepped aside to let them exit. Adonis nodded in agreement and moved them to the front, keeping her behind him as they descended the steep staircase.

Their luggage was in the process of being thrown into the backs of the SUV’s when they approached.

“Alpha Adonis, welcome back I trust your flight went well, despite the bumpy landing” The driver of one of the vehicles approached. He tried not to look directly at the female with him, but he couldn’t help it. She was the tiniest little thing he has ever seen.

“Beta Darrin, I’m a little surprised you’re on chauffeur duty” Adonis replied, acknowledging his brother Steve’s Beta. “Did you piss Steve off?” Darrin released a chuckle as he shook his head.

“No, Alpha Steve thought it best that someone you are more familiar with receive you at the airport….” Darrin didn’t finish his sentence, instead shot a glance to the tiny one beside Adonis. Still not understanding how someone could be that small, but she had the adorablest little elf ears he has ever seen, reminded him of a little pixie. Adonis too looked to his left, she was staring at something with a rather confused look on her face.

“Did we land in a farmer’s field?” She asked,

“No sweetheart, why?” He asked looking in the direction she was staring

“There’s cows” she replied pointing,

“The farmer’s field is on the other side of the airport.” He told her “There’s someone I’d like you to meet.” Kenzi turned to face the tall man standing in front of her.

“Kenzi Templeton!” She extended her hand immediately, her smile lighting up her face.

“Darrin Weaver, it’s nice to meet you Ms. Templeton” Darrin shook her hand immediately, he fought to hide the look of shock on his face at how easily she introduced herself to him. Most humans even after knowing the existence of werewolves for months are hesitant to introduce themselves that quickly. There was something about this little pixie that put him and his wolf at complete ease.

“Nice to meet you too,” she replied, taking her hand back. Adonis could only smile. How easily she embraced his world, never stopped amazing him, she never stopped amazing him.

“We should get moving. It’s still another forty minutes to the packhouse, and no one wants to be stuck in a car with those two for long. How you managed a plane ride I don’t know” Darrin motioned towards Jackson and Tyler then checked his watch. It was just after eight, the drive would put them at the house around nine.

“They slept!” Adonis replied, a smile breaking across his face.

“Sup Darrin! How’s the arm?” Jackson fired at him with a big grin spreading across his face, causing Tyler to start laughing and Darrin to start cursing as he touched his shoulder.

“Oh good! At least they’ll be well rested when they start causing havoc” Darrin mumbled.

“We should stop for breakfast then, they’re pro-prob-prolly hungry” Kenzi said looking at the perked looks of Jackson and Tyler’s faces at the mention of food. When she turned back Darrin stared at her wide eyed.

“If you don’t feed them they get grumpy,” she added, nodding her head.

“Seriously? You just have to feed them?” Darrin asked, if he would have known that he would have had food waiting for them. Adonis could only laugh when she nodded her head.

“Ok then, we’ll stop for breakfast.” Darrin replied as he moved towards one of the vehicles and opened the door for Adonis.

“Fuck yeah!” Jackson and Tyler were already jumping in the other vehicle.

“I drivin. Eli get yur fancy ass in the truck” Tyler yelled out the window as he was already sitting in the driver’s seat.

The stop for breakfast was just what they needed. Jackson and Tyler were more settled now that they had eaten. Tyler still insisted on driving, he preferred to be behind the wheel and in control than sitting in the passenger seat. And the other wolf that came with Beta Darrin wasn’t interested in arguing with him, he rode in the back seat with Elijah. They were in the SUV that was behind Darrin, Adonis and Kenzi.

“Your brothers are very excited,” Darrin said from the driver’s seat.

“Is that so?” Adonis sat in the back with Kenzi cuddled in his arms. He held her tight to him offering comfort as she fought the waves of nervousness that washed over her the closer they got to White Stone Packhouse. What if his brothers don’t like me? What if I say something I’m not pose to? What if I embar-rass him? These questions plagued her mind that she wasn’t really paying attention to the other conversation going on as she watched the trees out the back passenger window.

“Yes, they went shopping,” Darrin replied.

“Shop….did Kennedy go grocery shopping?” Adonis asked as he looked in the rearview mirror to see the laughing eyes of Darrin staring back at him.

“He wanted to make sure they had anything and everything Ms. Templeton could possibly need to be comfortable and enjoy her stay with us.” Darrin answered.

“He wanted to make sure there was everything she needed to bake,” Adonis corrected. That pulled her from her thoughts and into their conversation.

“I can bake?” Kenzi asked as she looked away from the window. Up till then she had no idea what she was going to do while she was there to occupy herself. She was pretty sure Adonis couldn’t spend all his time with her, his brothers would probably want some time with him as well.

“They will probably insist upon it,” Adonis told her. His arms moved more around her.

When the house finally came into view Kenzi’s eyes widened, she’d never seen something so big.

“Woah!” It was small and hushed, but Adonis heard it and a deep chuckle rumbled his chest. Her eyes took in every detail and feature the house had. The dark limestone exterior, the black trim around the many, many windows. The dark oak siding. The house was amazing, natural and very elegant. From the beautiful covered porch that wrapped around the house to the steep peaks of the roof, the balconies that adorned every floor, this house looked like a magnificent hotel and the excitement started to grow. The closer they came to the house the more Kenzi leaned forward to see it. The lush front lawn she bet felt so good on bare feet. The flower beds housing flowers from roses, lilies, and tulips. To giant peonies and dahlias. In a plethora of colours, oranges and reds, pinks and yellows to varying shades of purple. The rich bold colours against the dark house really popped. She took in more of the front lawn, she saw people, so many people milling about, waiting, watching the vehicles come down the driveway. Men, women, children. There was a park structure for the kids to play on, tree houses and forts, and swingsets and slides. There was so much to see and she wanted to see it all.

The SUV started to slow down as it pulled up to the front stairs that led to the porch. Two men stood there waiting, smiles breaking out on their faces as the vehicles came to a full stop.

“Wait here” Adonis told her as he opened the door and exited the vehicle, closing it behind him. Kenzi watched as Adonis approached the others. She saw him embrace both the men in a rather rough hug. They conversed a bit more before he headed back to the vehicle. Kenzi sat back in the seat and waited as patiently as her excited, nervous vibrating little body could. What choice did she have? If she tried to get out of the vehicle herself she would certainly fall on her face. When Adonis opened the door she looked up at him.

“Nervous?” He asked, as he watched her fingers fidget and then clench.

“A little bit! What if they don’t like me?” Kenzi asked.

“Not possible my tiny dancer.” Adonis told her. He wrapped his arms around her and pressed his lips to hers.

Adonis, don’t make Steve go over there and get her” a voice called out. ….grrrRRRrrrr…. The low growl slipped past Adonis, and Kenzi could only giggle.

“That’s Kennedy,” He told her.

“Oh sure, volunteer me, that’s pretty brave of you brother” She heard another voice say.

“That’s Steve. Time to meet the family, sweetheart.” Adonis slipped his hands around her waist and gently picked her up from the backseat.

Steve and Kennedy were joined shortly by their mates and they all waited patiently impatient on the packhouse steps. Kennedy kept trying to get a look in the back seat, while Steve stood beside him.

“Would you stop that!” He said, when Kennedy bumped into him for the third time.

“How can you stand there and not be excited to see the girl that captured our little brother’s heart?” Kennedy replied. “I’m about ready to go over there and get her myself” It has been a long time coming. They have all waited for the day Adonis would finally find his mate and bring her home.

“Patience my love” Kennedy’s mate said, placing her hands on his shoulders in hopes that would calm down some of his excitement. Darrin walked past them about to enter the house.

“How did the drive go?” Steve asked, he could only imagine the demon brothers acted up the whole way. They were trapped on a plane for over three hours and probably had some pent up energy.

“If you feed them, they don’t get grumpy or act up” Darrin responded,

“Seriously?” Steve asked as he looked over at Jackson and Tyler who were waiting by the other vehicle.

“Yes, Morris was relieved, he was the one that rode with them. Tyler insisted on driving though” Darrin replied. “Does the daycare have extra step stools?” Kennedy looked at his brother’s Beta with a quizzical eyebrow.

“I believe it does, why?” Clara replied.

“You’ll see!” Was all he said as he moved into the house.

Steve and Kennedy looked back at each other then looked back at the vehicle in time to see two little bare feet touchdown.

“Those are little feet” Kennedy said

“Yes they are!” Steve replied nodding,

“Little feet belong to children” Kennedy commented, he couldn’t take his eyes off the little bare feet.

“Yes they do!” Steve agreed,

“Does Adonis’s mate have a child?” Kennedy asked,

“I don’t know!” Steve’s eyes were widening, Adonis never told them much about his little mate, just that she was the baker for the famous bakery all the travel magazines raved about and the magazines never said much about the baker either. The movement from behind the vehicle door was making him more and more curious. Their little brother had to lift whoever it was out of the vehicle. Darrin said they needed step stools. All of this pointed too….

“A tiny little pixie!” Kennedy blurted, finishing Steve’s thought. That was not what he was thinking as his eyes widened taking in her tiny little size. Steve blinked, then he blinked again and then again. Nope, the tiny little pixie standing by the open back door did not magically grow and no one else was getting out of the vehicle. He looked from Adonis to the little woman then back to his massively large brother.

“How is he not going to crush her?” Fell out of Steve’s mouth before he had a chance to think it over.

“I don’t know! I didn’t know they made humans that size” Kennedy replied as he looked over the stark contrast between the two. She was so tiny, and he was monstrously large.

Both Steve and Kennedy looked towards Brenda, their eyes asking her to explain what they were seeing in front of them. Brenda however was unable to take her eyes off Adonis. He was bigger than she remembered. He was huge! And she was fighting the urge to hide in the closet.

“Did he get bigger?” Steve asked, he was going to say something earlier, but he wasn’t sure. Now that Jackson, Tyler and Elijah had joined the pair. Their brother looked bigger.

“Much bigger!” Kennedy agreed, with a quick head nod.

“Much, much bigger” Brenda agreed, her voice barely above a whisper. Adonis’s size had always been intimidating to her, he was the biggest man she has ever seen. When she found out about demon wolves, Brenda had hid in the closet and wouldn’t come out. Their introduction was Adonis sitting on the floor and speaking to her through the closet door until she was comfortable enough to be in his presence. He never took offence to it though, he understood and for that she was grateful.

“Don’t hide in the closet this time, my love” Kennedy blurted, only to receive a smack to the back of the head.

“OW!” He yelped, holding his head.

“Steve, Kennedy this is….”

“Kenzi Templeton” Kenzi cut him off introducing herself as she extended her hand to them immediately.

“My mate” Adonis finished, he couldn’t help the smile that slipped onto his face when he said that. Both Steve and Kennedy looked at each other then down at the little one standing in front of their brother. Neither were sure what to expect, but it wasn’t the tiny little human standing in front of them offering up her hand eagerly.

“Kennedy Burgess” Kennedy shook first, his excitement at meeting her getting the better of him. He loved her already, this tiny little one surrounded by giant werewolves did not show one ounce of fear in their presence.

“This is my mate, Brenda,” Kennedy said when the throat clearing behind him made him remember he had someone else to introduce.

“Hi!” Kenzi said as she shook Brenda’s hand.

“My goddess you’re gorgeously adorable” Brenda gushed.

“Steve Burgess and this is my mate Clara” Steve had finally worked his mouth to form words but he didn’t get the chance to shake Kenzi’s hand when Clara squealed with glee behind him and pushed him out of the way to hug Kenzi.

“Finally! Oh my Goddess finally! It is so good to finally meet you,” She said as she hugged Kenzi tightly.

“Think they’s a lil excited,” Jackson said, hazarding a guess at their reactions.

“What gave you that impression?” Elijah asked, sarcasm dripping from his words

“Steve gettin shove down the stairs maybe” Tyler replied and Jackson snorted.

“At leas Brenda not hidin in the closet this time,” Jackson said.

“I did that on….twi….ok so I have a bit of history” Brenda defended herself. “And the last time wasn’t my fault, the door locked behind me”

“Come, come, we have so much to show you,” Kennedy said, taking hold of Kenzi’s arm ushering her towards the house with Clara and Brenda falling in behind them. Steve was moving as well.

“Think they forgot bout you” Jackson said as he watched them all enter the house with Kenzi.

“Oh, um….Adonis, get the bags you know where your room is” Steve said, popping his head back out of the house then he disappeared back inside.

“I was demoted to bag boy” Jackson and Tyler broke out laughing as they watched Adonis move towards the back of the vehicle.

When Adonis walked into the house, he could hear his brothers and their mates continuously gushing over his little mate. They were captivated by her from the start and he knew they would be. Her musical giggling carried through the house as he moved up the stairs to find his room. Opening the door he looked around. This was his second home, he felt at peace and the tension released from his body, it didn’t help that when he was sixteen he laid claim to it. He cut his palm and claimed the room as Black Shadow Territory, at least he had permission that time. Alpha Cameron understood he needed a place that was just for him and his pack and allowed it to happen as long as members of White Stone were allowed on the territory. It was hard living on another’s territory, a sense of restlessness washes over you. Though not much had changed, the furniture was still the same. The giant bed that sat in the centre of the far wall on the left side of the room. The twin night stands with new matching lamps. The dresser along the left wall, the mirror that hung on the right outside the closet. The couch that faced the new large TV on the right side of the room with matching wingback chairs. It was the decor that revitalized the room and gave it a new feeling. The bedding was new, dark grey soft cotton sheets and a black satin comforter, masculine and strong, but the pop of purple sprigs added an air of femininity to the bed. The curtains were new, the same black as the comforter, the same purple pops. The rug on the floor that covered the blood stain was new, a mixture of white, black, grey and purple, shaggy and soft looking. He moved into the bathroom to freshen up a bit and he saw new towels in the same colours, but it was the assortment of bath products that surrounded the giant tub that caught his attention. Bubble baths, essential oils, salts, bombs and fizzers, in every scent imaginable. Darrin wasn’t kidding, his family went above to make his little mate feel comfortable. This brought him a smile and a sigh of relief. His little mate needed acceptance in her life, she has gone far too long without it.

Moving back down the hall towards the stairs, he went to find her. She might want to freshen up as well and not knowing where their room was he didn’t want her to accidentally get trapped in a closet. He was not ready for his family to know the secrets of her past and that would surely let them out. Listening to the sound of her continued giggling he rounded the corner and stopped dead in his tracks. There standing in the middle of the room on the coffee table was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. His little mate, surrounded by a sea of werewolves, laughing and talking and enjoying herself, but what she carried in her arms, what was snuggled to her bosom with his pudgy little fingers caught in her plum coloured hair, took his breath away. How natural she held the baby, how natural she nuzzled his plump little cheek. Placing angel dust kisses along his wispy dark hair. The baby cooed and gurgled as he buried his face into her neck. Holding tight to her as she held tight to him. A small glimpse into his future was standing before his eyes. This was going to be his life, and he couldn’t wait.

“What’s going on here?” Adonis asked, drawing the attention of the others.

“Introductions” Kennedy answered.

“The whole pack excited to meet her,” Jackson replied, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest.

“Why is she standing on the table?” Adonis asked,

“Poor little darling her neck was starting to hurt having to look up at us all, so Tyler put her on the table” Kennedy replied.

“How did she get a baby?” Where the hell was he when all this was going down?

“Gloria came in wit a caterwaulin howler monkey….” Jackson started to say,

“It’s not a howler monkey, it’s a baby” Kennedy cut him off. “The baby was crying, and Gloria couldn’t get him to calm down. Cutting teeth is painful. Steve said something to make your little mate giggle and the baby stopped crying” Kenneth said.

“When her stop gigglin the howler monkey start up again. Until Steve gave it to Kenzi to make it stop. Held him for a bit an gave him back. Started cryin again an everone start yellin to give the monkey back to Kenzi. Her’s had him ever since” Jackson said.

“It’s a baby!” Kennedy huffed.

“Howler monkey!” Jackson mouthed.

“So what are you doin over here?” Adonis asked, biting back his laughter

“You not hearin me? They’s a howler monkey over there. Tyler hidin in the corner coverin his ears an Eli went poof” Jackson said, pointing at the baby.

“For the last time Jackson it is not a howler monkey, it’s a baby. He’s cutting teeth. Seriously, what are you gonna do when it’s you and Drea?” Kennedy asked him.

“Simple, baby cry, give it to Kenzi her make it stop” Jackson responded as he pointed over at Kenzi and the little bundle now sleeping in her arms.

“You are not using my mate to subdue your howler monkey’s” Adonis replied,

“We see bout that,” Jackson shot back grinning. Adonis watched as the she-wolf thanked his mate countless times and took her baby back. The little one didn’t even flinch as he was passed back to his very relieved looking mother. Kenzi giggled and laid one more kiss on the baby’s brow.

“Time to finish the tour, I saved the best room for last” Kennedy said. Of course he did! Adonis rolled his eyes and shook his head.

“Come little one, there is one more room in the house you simply must see” Kennedy again took her arm after Tyler got her down from the table. Kenzi spotted Adonis and her face lit up, but she let Kennedy guide her from the room into the next one. Adonis fell instep behind them and listened as Kennedy told her story after story.

“This is the dining room, that is not the original wall though. Adonis broke the original one down” Kennedy was telling her. Kenzi’s jaw dropped as she looked from the wall to Adonis. Jackson started laughing.

“It wasn’t entirely my fault,” Adonis said.

“Come now brother, you hit it like a wrecking ball” Kennedy told him.

“No, I hit the door, the wall just came down instead” Adonis clarified. “But you had something to do with that”

“What could I have possibly done to make you take down the wall?” Kennedy asked,

“Woke him up by throwin ice cold water on him, then slam the dinin room door in his face an when he hit it the wall came down instead” Jackson replied.

“Oh yeah! The wall might have been a little my fault.” Kennedy replied, and Kenzi giggled.

“The wall mighta been a lot yur fault,” Tyler interjected.

“Kennedy like to rile Adon up all the time. He do somein then Adon give chase an somein usually got broke.” Jackson added.

“Member what Cameron do?” Tyler said as he started laughing.

“Yeah. The door the only thin that stay standin after the wall crumble. He made Adon and Kennedy use the door to enter an exit the dinin room. Everone else jus walk where the wall use to be. If they did, he made them exit through the door and then enter back through it. Evertime!” Jackson explained and Kenzi was laughing.

“Fuckin funny an work until Adon had a tantrum an took the door down. It’a month after it happen an Adon enter the dinin room an Cameron made him exit an come in through the door. So he did, but he din’t exit through the door, Cameron made him do it again. Adon got mad and slammed the door say are you happy now? Door fell off behine him an Cameron asks are you?” Tyler added.

“Went through a lot of doors,” Adonis said.

“Eventually they jus stop replacin em til we gotta handle on our strength” Jackson said.

When they entered the kitchen all activity stopped. Kenzi’s eyes widened as she took in the size of it, their eyes widened when they took in the size of her. ‘Woah’ her mouth formed the word but the sound never came out. A giant island stood in the middle and she could envision pies, cookies, cakes, scones adorning its dark grey quartz surface. Her eyes looked everywhere. She could see herself making compotes and caramel, sautéing carrots, frying potatoes for pan fried fries on the twelve burner cook top while making use of the ten oven doors. Roast, ribs, chicken. Her excitement grew and grew the more she saw.

“Two fridges!?” She blurted,

“We have lots of hungry mouths to feed,” Kennedy exclaimed.

“And I can bake?” Her body vibrated,

“Absolutely!” The more excited Kenzi became the more excited Kennedy became which made her more excited.

“Her gonna skyrocket,” Jackson commented behind him. Tyler was already laughing then his stomach growled as the thoughts of all the food Kenzi was going to cook in the kitchen swirled in his head. Jackson’s soon joined in and Adonis could only shake his head.

“Will be finding her a lot in the kitchen” Elijah spoke from behind him.

“Was wondering where you got to” Adonis said as he stood back and watched his little mate. Her smile brightened more and more.

“There was a howler monkey in the other room,” he replied.

“Toll you!” Jackson remarked, nodding his head.

They stood there and watched as Kenzi was introduced to the cooks of the kitchen, they gushed and fawned over her, each one excited to meet her. They showed her around and where everything was and she helped one with a sauce that was on the stove that just wasn’t working for them. When it came to the pantry Kenzi’s eyes widened at the size of it but she kept her distance. Confusion furrowed Kennedy’s brow.

“We fix it!” Jackson said quietly as he and Tyler were already moving towards the pantry. It needed to be rearranged so anything she could possibly need was at the front.

“Sweetheart, why don’t I show you where our room is,” Adonis suggested before Kennedy could ask any questions about what just happened. He held his hand out for her.

“Ok. Thank you for showing me around,” Kenzi replied as she turned towards Kennedy.

“Anytime little one if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask. We’ll be more than happy to answer anything.” Kennedy said and watched her walk away. When he turned he saw Jackson and Tyler reorganizing the pantry.

“What are two doing?” He asked.

“Fixin the pantry” was all Jackson replied.

“What? Why?” Kennedy looked at them with utter confusion crossing his face.

“It’s best not to ask those questions right now” Elijah informed him.

“I see. While I have you Elijah could I trouble you for a small favour?” Kennedy said as he turned to Adonis’s Gamma.

“If it gets me away from the screaming howler monkey I don’t see why not.” Elijah replied

“Oh for the love of the Goddess it’s a baby!” Kennedy threw his hands in the air exasperated. “What is wrong with you demons?”

“What’s the favour?” Elijah asked as he heard the rumbling laughter of Jackson and Tyler in the pantry.

“We....have a....guest....” Kennedy started to say

“You want me to interrogate a prisoner” Elijah corrected him then arched his brow

“Could you?” Kennedy asked,

“What information would you like to obtain?” Elijah asked all business. Asmodeus was yipping with glee in his head. He was bored and after the howler monkey he was excited for something to do that put him far away from the noise that started up again in the other room. Kennedy escorted Elijah towards the dungeons and explained to him what had been going on.

“How long has this been going on?” Elijah asked

“It started a few months ago,” Kennedy replied. “It wasn’t that bad a few of the warriors were mauled but no deaths. But the attacks have gotten worse and more frequent.” Kennedy replied with a deep sigh. He didn’t understand it. They never bothered anyone, they helped their alliances when they asked in any way they could, they weren’t a small pack by any means. They were strong and resourceful and had ties to the demons that fact alone stopped any attacks on them. Other packs knew that one phone call was all it would take for hell to reign down, they avoided that scenario at all possible costs but it was still a call that could be made. But these attacks were relentless and getting worse with each one.

“How bad?” Elijah asked, breaking his thoughts.

“Twenty seven dead including eight pups and another fifteen injured.” Kennedy replied

“Why didn’t you call?”

“We can handle our own and placing that call is our last resort. That being said, it was one that we were rapidly approaching. You know as well as I do the hell he would reign down. We aren’t a small pack Elijah, with over 1000 members, why would rogues come after us. Our connection to you should have prevented it completely. But the frequency and savagery of the attacks is getting worse.” Kennedy informed him

“I’ll see what I can find out”

“Thank you Elijah!” Kennedy breathed a sigh of relief. He also hated to be the guy in the room with Elijah. Things were about to get painful.

“You do know I will be informing Alpha Adonis of this.” Elijah said,

“I figured as much. Steve said he would speak to him as well about what has been going on. He’s going to be mad.” Kennedy replied, nodding.

“He is definitely not going to be happy.” Elijah agreed. With that said Elijah stepped into the interrogation room to wait for the prisoner.

“This is huge!” Kenzi exclaimed when she stepped foot into their bedroom.

“This is like a ba-zill-ion tines bigger than my room” She stated as she looked around.

“Because of our size, we like space” Adonis told her as he watched her take it all in. A smile played on his lips when he noticed her little feet running through the rug on the floor. Something she probably didn’t even know she was doing.

“My room must feel cramp-ed” She said after hearing that.

“I like your room, it’s cozy. Your choice in decor makes it very comfortable for me in the space” he replied, coming up behind her. His arms snaked around her waist. Besides there is a whole room of the upper level that is not being used and if they required more space they could expand. He had at one point wondered why she wasn’t in that room, it was the primary bedroom. Maybe she was planning something for it down the road, but then he remembered her selling herself on why he should live with her. She was small and didn’t take up a lot of room. Maybe she felt with her size she didn’t need a lot of room, or maybe she felt more comfortable in the size it was.

“It’s not the bigger room on the top floor, but it has the besest view. It’s the only room that ov….ov….you can see both the lake and the mountains. I did make the bathroom bigger though, so I could put a bigger tub in it, but I don’t has tine for baths. But one day I will.” Kenzi told him. Or it’s because she liked the view better! Or it’s that!

“You have all the time for baths while we’re here,” he replied, walking them towards the bathroom and opening the door.

“That’s a pool!” Kenzi blurted when she saw the large bath tub. Her eyes lit up at all the oils and bubble solutions.

“Do you want to go swimming?” Adonis asked her.

“Yes!” She squealed with excitement, jumping from one foot to the other.

“Ok, I’ll get you settled, then I have to talk to Steve in the office. Promise me to stay in the shallow end” Adonis kissed the side of her head then let her go so he could start her tub.

“Is there a shall-low end?” Kenzi asked as she really took in the size of the tub.

“What scent do you want to use?” Adonis asked, his deep rumble at her innocent question echoed around the bathroom.

“Um….” Kenzi approached and started smelling the bubble baths.

“These ones, please!” She handed him two of the bottles and then went to get herself ready. Adonis looked at the bottles and a smile crossed his face. Lavender and green apples! Horseshoes up your ass! Classy Odin! I know!

Adonis left Kenzi in the tub after he had to pick her up and put her in there. The temptation to pull her towel was far too great and he had to get out of the bathroom. Though he only left after telling her to message him when she was done so he could help her out. He didn’t want her to attempt that. She blurted a comment about seeing her naked, he said he’s already seen her naked and no one could blame him for wanting to see it again and it was taking everything in him not to pull the towel. If he didn’t have to talk to Steve he would have joined her. Instead he left her with all her thinking thoughts and a very red face.

“How is your little mate settling in?” Steve asked when Adonis entered the office. He was sitting behind his desk with a stack of paperwork in front of him.

“Having a swim in the tub,” Adonis replied, taking a seat in front of him.

“Hope she stays in the shallow end” Steve commented.

“There isn’t one.” Adonis replied. “Thank you!”

“What for?” Steve asked not even looking up from what he was doing. Just like Cameron. The man was a master at multitasking, a skill he passed onto Steve.

“Making her feel welcome,” Adonis replied. Steve looked up and saw the look on Adonis’s face. His gratitude was genuine, but the look he held told Steve he was being thanked for much more than that.

“Because that was difficult, Adon? It is not hard to tell why everyone is head over heels for her. She is a true breath of fresh air. I have never seen or heard of a human accepting our world with such ease until her and I’m not so sure Kennedy is going to give her back. I’m not sure I want to give her back” Steve said.

“Demon’s don’t share!” Was all Adonis said.

“Are you sure you can’t break that rule this one time?” Steve asked him.

“If I don’t go back with her, you will be dealing with 700 very pissed off demons, so I’m pretty sure we are not sharing” Adonis answered.

“Well I wouldn’t want that” Steve replied giving a mock shudder.

“How bad is it Steve?” Adonis asked,

“What have I told you about that?” Steve grumbled at him.

“I don’t care, but it wasn’t you I was reading. An unease is in the air. I felt it the second I stepped from the SUV, we all did. That mixed with the relieved sighs from you all told me something was wrong.” Adonis replied.

“Rogue attacks” Steve replied,

“How bad?” Adonis repeated his question.

“They weren’t bad….in the beginning. Few warriors mauled here or there. But they are becoming more frequent, more violent. This last attack we lost twenty seven, eight of them were pups and another fifteen were injured.” Steve put the pen down and held his head in his hands.

“Why didn’t you call?” Adonis asked,

“It’s not a choice we make lightly. Calling is a last resort, one we were quickly approaching. If you hadn’t called first approaching.” Steve told him. “After this last attack, we knew we had to. It’s getting out of hand. Even with the….” Steve started to say then cut himself off.

“With the what?” Adonis asked,

“We got new pack members.” Steve told him,

“From?” Adonis asked though he already knew.

“Emroy’s pack, they’re being watched and they understand why we are doing it. Bad blood, but so far all seems fine.” Steve assured him.

“From when he lost his title?” Adonis inquired. I thought his pack would be going to Primrose with the rest! Guess not, why? I’m going to find out!

“They said Emroy told them they would be treated better here. I don’t know what that’s about.” Steve said,

“Interesting!” Was all Adonis could say. He wouldn’t know more until he visited Primrose himself and he was planning that tomorrow.

“Did you get any prisoners?” Adonis asked, moving back to the topic of the rogues.

“Yes, he was not very forthcoming with information. I am sure he’s regretting that decision now” Steve answered,

“You put him in a room with Elijah” Adonis cracked a grin.

“What did I say?” Steve huffed at him.

“Not sorry!” Adonis shot back.

“You never are,” Steve countered.

“Come in” Steve called when a knock sounded at the door.

“How did it go Elijah?” Adonis asked without turning to face his Gamma as he walked in.

“You can be really terrifying to those that don’t know you” Steve commented to his brother.

“I can be terrifying to those that do as well,” Adonis countered.

“Touche” Steve replied,

“Elijah?” Adonis called his Gamma to speak

“They are being paid, by who? He didn’t know. The money would show up, they would be given a cut when and if they returned.” Elijah replied as he took residence in the other chair in front of the desk.

“Why?” Steve asked,

“They don’t care, the money being paid is good and they’re not the ask questions type. A rumour was started that White Stone is no longer on friendly terms with Black Shadow. Which is why this last attack was more violent and the first only a small handful of warriors were slightly mauled.” Elijah continued.

“You are not to blame Steve,” Adonis spoke.

“Really? I’m not? Had I called you sooner this wouldn’t be happening. Had I called sooner it would have squashed that rumour” Steve pushed himself back from the desk and ran his hands through his hair. This is something else he had seen Cameron do numerous times when he was stressed.

“Elijah?” Adonis spoke again.

“This feels familiar” Elijah said,

“It does” Adonis replied

“What?” Steve looked at both of them.

“Do you remember the rogue attacks that happened six years ago?” Adonis asked,

“Yeah! It was before dad handed the pack over to me. They were getting pretty violent, then they just stopped” Steve replied.

“It was a last resort call for dad as well.” Adonis replied,

“What?” Steve looked at his little brother, not understanding.

“The attacks had been going on for months, he wanted to make sure there was a pack to hand over.” Adonis informed his brother

“Months?” Steve retook his seat.

“Small at the beginning, but gaining in violence and numbers, the last straw for dad was when he almost lost Kennedy” Adonis replied,

“Kennedy was laid up in the hospital for weeks recovering from that.” Steve replied,

“Dad called me, explained what was happening and we did what we do best. It wasn’t pride or ego that got in his way. He didn’t want to feed the rumours and make them grow anymore than they already were. Diplomacy is not something I have learned. It is why Elijah does all the negotiating.” Adonis said

“They would rather deal with me on a bad day than him on a good one” Elijah interjected, not even Adonis could bite back the laugh at that statement, it was the truth.

“Dad formed an alliance with a ten year old boy. In exchange for a roof over my head that didn’t leak, three meals a day and all the snacks I could handle, at some point in the future he was going to call me asking for my help with something. I had agreed. What I received was more than I negotiated for.” Adonis told his older brother.

“I never knew the terms of your alliance with dad. I never asked, I was just excited for another brother and hoped you weren’t a dick like Kennedy. But it sounds like ten year old you was more diplomatic than twenty four year old you.” Steve shot at him.

“Jackson negotiated for the snacks and Tyler seconded” Adonis informed him.

“Sounds like them.” Steve nodded.

“So what do I do with the prisoner now?” Steve said, Elijah arched his brow.

“Elijah?” Adonis asked, fighting and failing to contain the grin spreading across his face.

“Was I supposed to keep him alive?” Elijah asked,

“He’s not?” Steve asked, when Elijah failed to answer Adonis started laughing.

“What state did you leave him in?” Steve asked, stunned.

“Pieces!” Elijah replied,

“Guess I know what I am doing with the prisoner now” Steve huffed.

“Elijah doesn’t keep them alive. If we knew where they were located we could send them the pieces” Adonis commented.

“It’s a moving camp. After every attack they move. They don’t want those that were taken prisoner leading anyone back to them.” Elijah replied. Adonis’s phone rang alerting him to a message. When he checked a smile spread across his face.

“You’re planning on telling her right?” Steve asked.

“This trip,” Adonis replied, getting up from his seat.

“What are your plans tomorrow?” Steve asked,

“Going to see Eric” he replied. When he turned away from the door, he saw not only the questioning look on Steve’s face but the one Elijah held as well.

“I’m curious as to why Emroy sent pack members here. When I’m sure the other idiots sent them to Primrose.” Adonis added.

“The King should be there” Steve told him,

“Then it will be an interesting visit” With that said Adonis left the office, he had a mate to get out of the bath.

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