The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 47: They’re Just Grumpy!

Kenzi was sitting in the living room with Alpha Malone and Alpha Byron and their Betas. Alpha Bradly had to return to the pack for a business meeting he had in the morning. Alpha Malone had finished telling her how he tried to find her throughout her childhood and into her teen years.

“You were the man that vistit-ed me when I was three? The one that made the funny sound that made me laugh.” Kenzi asked,

“I was” He replied,

“Who was the boy you bring-ed with you sometines?” Kenzi asked,

“My oldest son Arthur, he is set to take over my pack.” Alpha Malone answered. “You have accepted werewolves easily because you have always known about us. You called us the wild things.” He added,

“Like the book” She whispered,

“My biggest regret Kenzi is not taking you with me that day. I should have, if I would have known what would have happened to you I would have.” Alpha Malone told her.

“That would has been m-me….in-int….” She knew what she wanted to say, but she didn’t know how to pronounce the word Adonis used.

“Meddling in human affairs” She nodded, when Alpha Byron said that.

“You would has getted in trou-ble” Kenzi added,

“I would have, but you would have been safe. You would have been protected and I would have kept my promise to your father” Alpha Malone bowed his head,

“You tried” Kenzi replied, she didn’t blame Alpha Malone for what happened to her, it wasn’t his fault.

They were talking about her time in the orphanage, and how they meddled and broke council law to get it closed down.

“How did you not get catch-ed?” She asked,

“The council was focused elsewhere, when we made our move” Alpha Malone answered,

“Where?” She asked,

“On me” Adonis replied when he walked in through the back door. A big smile broke across her face when she saw him standing there.

“Hello sweetheart, did you miss me?” He took her crinkling nose as a yes as he crossed the room to sit with her on the chair. She immediately cuddled into his arms.

“She will never bother you again” He whispered into her ear, before she could ask the question. Nodding her head, she held tighter to him as the room fell into silence.

“How did you find me in the orphanage?” Kenzi asked after a while

“You and I have a friend in common” Alpha Malone said,

“We do? Who?” She looked at him, confusion crossing her face.

“Bronco!” The confusion fell from her face as he said the name of her old friend. She moved her mouth to say something, but so many questions rushed to her mind she couldn’t focus on one. Wave after wave of emotion passed through her. Adonis held her tighter against him, helping her work through as many as he could.

“He’s ok? He said if he didint come back for me it was cause something happen-ed to him” She finally managed to get out.

“He is ok. He did come back for you a week after he left the orphanage, but he was arrested for attempted kidnapping, and the council stepped in. He was placed in a hole for a year.” Alpha Malone told her, her face scrunched in confusion as to why the council would do that.

“Bronco is not human, he’s a bear” Alpha Malone answered the question before she could even ask it.

“Is that why he was so big?” She asked, her eyes widening. Adonis said bears were tall, but Bronco was humongous.

“Yes, that’s why he’s that tall. He’s bigger now” Beta Morgan replied,

“Bigger? He was bigger then, how bigger did he get?” She asked, her eyes wide at that news.

“Bears come into their height and some of their strength first. When they turn eighteen they fill out and come into their full size and strength on their first shift. Some bears are solitary, most live in what is called a clan. Like wolves with their packs and cats with their prides. Bronco grew up in the orphanage with only slight knowledge of what he was. When he got out of the hole a year later he again came back for you. I found him after he stepped into a bear trap. Bear clans have clan leaders, but they are not bound to them, like a wolf to their Alpha. They do honour something called a life debt though. Because I saved Bronco he has a life debt to me. He is with my younger son’s pack helping him.” Beta Morgan choked back a laugh at that.

“Why is that funny?” Kenzi asked,

“Enzo….has a small tendency to run his mouth, which causes him some trouble. Bronco is keeping him alive….and for the most part unharmed.” Alpha Malone replied, shaking his head.

“Can I see him?” Kenzi asked as she looked at Alpha Malone who shared a look with Adonis. When she turned to look at him her eyes were questioning, she hadn’t seen her friend in years. “I really want to see him,” She added.

“Bears aren’t given a mate like wolves or cats, they find a smell they like and make it theirs.” Adonis started,

“They walk around sniff-eling people?” Kenzi asked, she didn’t know what this had to do with her seeing her friend, but if he was telling her this it had to be important.

“Yes sweetheart, they walk around sniffing people. There is one scent that will drive them crazy,” Adonis continued,

“What sc-ent?” She asked looking at him,

“They can smell when someone is a virgin. The bear side will take over….”

“You can smell that?” She asked, cutting him off, wide eyed and bewildered.

“Mates can, but all bears can, yes. They will lose control of their bear side and nothing will stop them from getting to it.” Adonis said, finishing what he tried for the first time.

“Oh, you has a hard a nuff tine keeping control of yourself, I don’t want a bear chas-eding me,” Kenzi said as she looked at the others in the room. No one said a word, heads dropped and they fought to control the shaking of their shoulders. She called you on that one! Odin howled out with laughter. He couldn’t say anything to defend himself, she called him on it and it was the truth, he was finding it hard to keep control of himself.

“Did I say something wrong?” She turned and looked back at Adonis. He could only shake his head, as his chest rumbled with laughter. His sweet innocent mate with her filterless mouth, kept him on his toes. You never know what she’s gonna say! He held her tighter to him while he fought to control himself. Nope never knew what was going to come out of there.

Holding her tighter to him, he kissed the side of her head while he waited for the others to regain their composure.

“You’ve already been chased by one bear,” Kenzi furrowed her brow. The question was written clearly on her face when she looked at him. When was she chased by a bear?

“The wilderness tour” Adonis told her and her eyes widened.

“He chase-ed me uner the truck. What was he gonna do?” Kenzi asked, looking back at him. No one breathed a word.

“I don’t think he anticipated you kicking him in the head” Was the only thing Adonis could think to say. He didn’t know how to explain to her what the bear’s intentions were. Yeah….don’t tell her he wanted her honey pot! Odin! What? He did!

“Biscuit eater….did he think roaring at me was gonna get me to come out?” More laughter erupted from the room after that comment and the serious look on her face.

With the laughter finally ceasing, realization struck Kenzi when all was processed.

“I can’t see him can I?” She asked, looking at Adonis, he saw sadness swirl in her eyes.

“As long as you still are, it is unwise and unsafe for you to be near him. From what I understand he has more control than most, but there is still a limit to the amount he has. He would only be able to fight it for so long. I don’t think he knew that when he made that promise to you.” Adonis held her closer to him as her sadness washed over the room. “I’m sorry sweetheart, I know you miss your friend”

“You might not be able to see him….” Alpha Malone looked towards Adonis, who gave a quick nod before he proceeded. “But he’s been waiting for a phone call, he would very much like to talk to you.” Kenzi’s face lit up, when Alpha Malone handed her his phone with Bronco’s number already punched in. With shaky hands she accepted, and hit the call button. Holding the phone to her ear she held her breath, what if he didn’t recognize her voice? What if he forgot all about her? She felt Adonis run his hand down her arm and when he held her hand she squeezed it tight. She was going to speak to her friend for the first time in seven years.

“Yeah!” Came a deep drawl when the line picked up, and she froze. She didn’t know what to say.

“Hello!” She sucked in a breath, and opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out.

“Hello?” He repeated, more questioning this time

“Kenzi?” He asked,

“B-B-Bronco?” Her eyes welled with immediate tears as the grin broke across her face.

“Holy shit Lil Girl that you?” He seemed just as excited to talk to her as she was to talk to him.

“It’s me, it’s me, Bronco it’s me.” Her body vibrated as the excitement she felt radiated from her around the room, to hear his voice, then it magnified when he called her by the name he used to always call her. He remembered her.

“Hold up Lil Girl” He pulled the phone away from his ear but they still heard him talking. “Deal me out, there someone more important I needs to talk to than you assholes”

“Why don’t you take your call on the deck sweetheart?” Adonis whispered to her, he kissed the side of her head as she nodded and she got off his lap and headed outside.

“Things went with the sister” Alpha Byron asked, a smile crossed Adonis’s face and that was the only answer they needed.

“Are you going to tell her?” Alpha Malone asked, they all heard her ask him to make Teagan go away, and not come back, but they didn’t really think she knew what she was asking him to do. They also knew he didn’t ask for clarification on that.

“Right now all Kenzi needs to know is that I made her go away and that she will never come back. If she asks me how I did that I will tell her, but if she doesn’t then she doesn’t need to know.” Adonis spoke. Would you really? Yes, if she wants to know I will tell her, I will not keep secrets from her, and I will not lie about myself! Will she look at us as some monster, some boogeyman? Only to those that stand in my way and cause harm to what is mine, I would never be her boogeyman! We have a lot of blood on our hands! Indeed we do! I don’t think you can tell her they were all bad people! They weren’t all good either! He would be lying if he said he never wondered how Kenzi would take to him if she knew how many had died at his hands. Who else needs to die? Odin! What? Just asking! None that I know of! Then we can tell her! Still waiting for word! Damn it! Calm down, everything is going to be fine!

“Thata excited lil girl. The fuck her talkin to?” Jackson asked as he, Elijah and Tyler walked in through the back door.

“Bronco” Adonis answered,

“The fuck a Bronco? Ain’t thata horse?” Tyler asked,

“Friend from the orphanage” Jackson responded,

“Glad to see you boys found your clothes” Adonis said laughing,

“Minor misplacement” Jackson defended them,

“Misplacement! I told you five times where they were and you insisted on arguing with me every time” Elijah snapped,

“Don’t start bitchin at me, I already gotta wife” Jackson snapped back, Tyler broke out laughing.

“I’m still shocked anyone could put up with you” Elijah countered, Jackson narrowed his eyes at Elijah, who stood his ground, neither man backing down.

“I fuckin hungry” Tyler announced, interrupting the stand off between the two.

“Me too! Let’s see what Lil Kenzi Cakes got” Jackson offered, Tyler nodding as they moved further into her kitchen to raid the fridge.

“You two have no couth” Elijah grumbled,

“The fuck is couth? I hopes I ain’t got that, it soun like cooties!” Tyler asked as he looked at Jackson.

“No fuckin clue, Eli an his big fancy fuckin words. Hell, he can’t talk like a normal person, you know that,” Jackson replied,

“Cause you sound like a normal person. You don’t even fully pronounce the words you do know. And instead of asking an actual question you put the fuck infront of it and we’re just supposed to know what you mean” Elijah clapped back. Adonis sat there listening to his men degrade each other in his mate’s kitchen. What the fuck happened on the walk back that caused Jackson and Elijah to be at each other?

“The hell is going on?” He asked glowering at them, no one answered. “I’m waiting!” Tyler looked back and forth between Jackson and Elijah, neither one was going to tell Adonis what happened, to cause their little feud. Adonis took in more of their appearance than what he initially did when they got there.

“Elijah, why is your suit muddy?” Adonis asked, arching his brow

“I might of….bump him” Jackson replied,

“Bumped me! Bumped me….you pushed me into the mud” Elijah snapped,

“Not my fault you high price Italian shoes ain’t got no grip.” Jackson fired back,

“Not everyone is comfortable stomping around in boots like a fucking elephant.” Elijah stated, “These shoes cost more than your entire wardrobe”

You an your over-priced wardrobe can suck it. I hope Asmo destroy it all, fuck I help him” Jackson barked, taking a step towards him, eyes swirling gold, lip curling back to bare his teeth. Elijah still didn’t back down, he stood his ground and squared off with Jackson waiting for his advance.

“Take it easy Jackass, calm down” Tyler tried pushing Jackson back but he wasn’t hearing anything he was saying as he continued to move towards Elijah.

WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?” Adonis asked louder this time. Jackson and Elijah stopped and looked towards their Alpha, but still neither one of them spoke.

“We fine our clothes, an Jackass may has comment on how clean Eli was. Eli may has comment on how messy Jackass was. Jackass say that what posed to happen when you rip it through the woods an he know if he try it ever once in a while. Eli say somein an Jackass bump him….hard. Eli slip an fell in the mud. Then Jackass start laughin an Eli din’t think it so funny. Try walkin home wit them two bitchin an bickerin wit each other. Soun worse than Ella an her sister.” Tyler explained, looking between the two men again.

“Shut up Tyler!” Jackson huffed,

“Don’t shut up Tyler me. You wasn’t a asshole this wouldn’t of happen” Tyler clapped back,

“I a asshole?” Jackson looked at his brother in disbelief,

“Yeah, you a asshole, you start it.” Tyler replied.

“You lil fucker, I should bop you” Jackson snapped at him,

“Go head, giver a try….grrrRrrrr….” Tyler said, backing away from him, preparing for the hit. Before Adonis could say anything a little voice cut in.

“What’s going on in here?” Kenzi asked from the door. She still held the phone to ear as she looked between the men standing in her kitchen.

“Jackass an Eli fightin” Tyler answered,

“Why?” Kenzi asked, looking at both Jackson and Elijah, her eyes widening as she took in the sight of Elijah’s suit. Adonis watched on, he wanted to see what she would do.

“Jackass push Eli in the mud, after Eli made fun of him for bein messy after he rip it through the woods,” Tyler replied. Both Elijah and Jackson bowed their heads, when Tyler put it like that they sounded down right childish.

“No, they’re not dumb Bronco. They’re jus grumpy cause they’re hungry.” She pulled the phone away and told them to sit, and proceeded to make them something to eat. When she placed four plates on the table she looked to Adonis.

“You better come eat too, I don’t need to deal with you when you’re grumpy ei-ther. Now all of you behaze yourselves or none of you are getting dessert. There will be no fighting in the kitchen” With that she walked back outside to finish her phone call. Adonis just stared after her, mouth slightly opened. Special Lil Button! Odin cooed in his head.

Alpha Byron and Alpha Malone and their Betas roared out with laughter. As they looked at the others standing in the room holding shocked expressions. Tyler was the first to sit and start eating.

“Her solution was to feed them.” Beta John choked out.

“What? I want dessert” Was all Tyler could say. Jackson soon joined him.

“The fuck her make?” He asked,

“Deliciousness!” Was all Tyler replied around a mouthful. This caused the others to howl with laughter even more. Get over there I want dessert too! Adonis could not argue with Odin, it was something he wanted as well, and he didn’t want her to kick him out if he was grumpy. Getting up from his chair he joined the others at the table.

They sat quietly and ate their second supper of the night.

“Sorry I push you in the mud. Thata dick thin to do,” Jackson said to Elijah after he finished eating.

“Sorry I insinuated that you were stupid” Elijah apologized in return, only for Jackson to stare back at him.

“The fuck you jus say?” He asked, confusion furrowing his brow,

“I’m sorry I called you stupid” Elijah repeated with a slight sigh.

“The fuck din’t you jus say that? The fuck you gotta use them big words for?” Jackson asked, shaking his head, only for Elijah to roll his eyes.

Stop it! I want dessert” Tyler barked at both his brother and Elijah. If either one of them were the reason he didn’t get dessert, he would be very pissed. Adonis could hear the snickers from the others in the room. Albertans! Not all Albertans, just these two! How’d we get so lucky? Lucky indeed!

“You write that number down Lil Girl, an use it. I jus got you back an until I can see you again I wanna hear from you everday” Bronco said to her,

“I will,” She said. Kenzi had spent the last hour finding out all about the life Bronco had, she wanted to know everything. She wanted to know that he was ok. And for the most part, it sounded like he was. He was doing really well for himself. The Alpha he was with might cause problems sometimes, but it sounded like Bronco was enjoying himself there. He was even made the second in command. They spoke about how she was doing and what she was doing.

“I know, been readin all the travel magazines. They talk up that bakery.” Bronco spoke into the phone with pride in his voice, he knew she would be something big. She told him how busy she had been lately and it began to clue into him that she had no idea who she was. He could tell her over the phone and blow this thing wide open, but he had a feeling she wasn’t being told for a reason.

“I sorry Lil Girl. I sorry I din’t get to you.” Bronco tried to hide his sadness at that. Though after learning what he did, it was for the best, he wouldn’t have been able to control himself around her and would have done something he would regret for the rest of his life.

“It’s ok Bronco, you tried and you didint break your promise you came back for me twice.” She replied. Kenzi knew she had to go now, she still had a house full of people and they were all waiting on dessert.

“Hey Lil Girl, don’t be sad, we talk again. An we see each other soon, you tell Adonis to hurry up, he know what that mean,” Bronco said.

“Ok, I’ll talk to you soon. Bye!” With that Kenzi disconnected the call. She sat outside for a bit longer, before she entered the house.

“Hello sweetheart! How is Bronco?” Adonis asked when he saw her,

“Good, he says to tell you to hurry up. I don’t know what that means, but he says you do.” Kenzi replied,

“He does, does he?” She nodded her head as she moved into her kitchen. A smile spread across his face. He’s persistent! Yes he is!

“He was made the baiter,” she said very matter of factly.

“The what?” Adonis looked at her in confusion when she said that. Tyler was biting back his laughter, but it wasn’t working. His body shook as he tried to keep it contained.

“The fuck a baiter?” Jackson asked, Tyler erupted into laughter, falling from his chair to the floor.

“The….second….rank?” Kenzi asked as she watched Tyler howling with laughter on the floor clutching his sides. Jackson just stared at her wide eyed and shook his head. She looked at John and Morgan, they too held the same wide eyed shocked expression as Jackson. Uh Oh! She thought.

“Baiter Jackass!” Tyler howled from the floor, the others in the house burst out laughing.

“That’s not what they’re call-ed?” She asked, staring back at them. They could only shake their heads as one by one they broke out laughing.

“Aw nuts!” She thought she had it this time. Now she really didn’t want to say what the head wolf was called.

When the laughter finally subsided, she looked at them all sheepishly.

“Sorry!” She said,

“Beta, Beta Jackson. I’m a Beta, not a….baiter.” Jackson said to her when he caught his breath, and she just nodded.

“Her call you a biter firs” Tyler said, when he finally had control of himself.

“That you, you lil asshole” Jackson fired at him, Tyler could only shrug then nod. Yeah he couldn’t defend himself he was a biter.

“At least she got the B right” Alpha Byron spoke quietly,

“I wonder what she calls an Alpha” Beta John mumbled loud enough for his Alpha to hear. Then ducked his head to hide the smirk when his Alpha glared at him, only to hear Beta Morgan snicker from the other couch.

“Who’s ready for dessert?” She asked, Tyler’s hand shot up immediately, followed by Jackson’s and the two other Beta’s. They had watched her put together the dessert, they most certainly wanted some.

“My pack is not going to be the only fat one” Adonis spoke after he saw how fast the other two Beta’s hands went up.

They moved back out onto the deck, though four of the nine chairs were broken, two of them could still be used. Kenzi and Adonis took the deck swing while everyone else found somewhere to sit. The conversation picked up where it left off, like nothing had interrupted them. A few hours had passed, everything was cleaned up and Adonis held Kenzi close to him as he rocked the swing, he could feel her drifting though she was fighting it.

“Maybe it’s time to call it a night?” Alpha Malone suggested as they all watched again as her eyes closed, only for her to fight to keep them open.

“I’m awake!” She insisted, as her eyes closed again.

“Come on tiny dancer, you’re not awake” He whispered into her ear.

“Am so” She argued though her eyes were still closed. The others on the deck muffled their laughter as her breath started to even out. His little mate had a very busy day.

“Maybe we’ll meet for breakfast at the diner tomorrow, I’m sure I can steal her for a few hours. She would get upset if she didn’t get to say goodbye.” Adonis suggested as he scooped his little sleeping beauty into his arms. She stopped arguing about being asleep and cuddled more into his chest. Again the others bit back their laughter and agreed to the breakfast plans. It would be for the best. Beta John stated on numerous occasions that if he ate any more of her cooking he would not be leaving and Beta Morgan was starting to agree with him.

Adonis carried her upstairs and into her bedroom. She was fast asleep in his arms, one hand clutching the shirt he was wearing the other splayed across his chest. Poor little mate! She had a very busy day! Not just physically! No, it was an emotional one as well for her! Got the answer she wanted! Yes, is a very powerful word! Breakfast! She was very excited to use all her dishes! Science! Still can’t decide which ribs I like better! The succubitch! She will never have to worry about her again! Talked to the bear! Don’t pout Odin, that is her friend he protected her and then he was taken from her and she was defenceless for two years! What if he got her out? What would have happened? Would he have taken her? These are not questions I am going to concern myself with, it didn’t happen that’s all there is to it! But….! She is ours Odin. She is cuddled in our arms, listening to our heart beat. It is our growl that makes her laugh, our growl that can calm and soothe her. Our growl instills comfort in her and not some bears….Ours! Ok….you’ve already thought it didn’t you? I did, but it is not how it played out. It played in our favour. Now we just need to stop fucking it up and we’ll get to keep her! Thank you Odin! What? I growl, you’re the one with the mouth that you keep putting your foot in! Thank you Odin! Welcome Adonis! Though he couldn’t argue with what his wolf said, it didn’t mean he had to like that he was right.

He looked down at their sleeping mate again in his arms. So small in this big world, how it hasn’t swallowed her up he will never know, but it didn’t. She had survived everything that was thrown her way, again that is something he’ll never know, but she did. She was here with him, that was all he really needed to know. He held her tighter to him and placed yet another kiss on her forehead before he put her in the bed. Though she clutched his shirt, the fabric slipped easily from her fingers when he pulled it. He got himself ready for bed, before he got her. If she were going to wake up he wanted to be there to put her back to sleep. Closing the closet and checking it twice he moved back towards the bed. Carefully he slipped her shirt off, his breath catching as he saw her. Her creamy smooth skin, beckoning him to touch. Slowly he pulled a shirt over her head and down her body. His hands shook slightly as he reached for the button of her pants, she’s not wearing panties, and this could be his undoing.

Unbuttoning her pants he slowly slid them down her legs and removed them, forcing himself not to look at anything under the fabric of the shirt. He moved to her top drawer and hesitated slightly before opening the drawer and grabbed the first pair he saw. Sliding them slowly up her legs and under the shirt. He would rather she be awake and him taking them off, but that is not how tonight played out. Shame she’s not awake! Shut up Odin! Just sayin! Stop saying! Again he couldn’t argue with his wolf. Cursing under his breath as he heard Odin laughing in his head he slid into the bed beside her. Gathering her back into his arms, she started to stir ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. Quiet and gentle ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. Calm and soothing ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. He released a series of low growls and he felt her snuggle more into him. Relaxing as she drifted back into her slumber. A smile played upon his lips, this was definitely something he was going to try in the early morning hours to help her sleep more. Wouldn’t that be cheating! I’m not above it if it means she’ll get more sleep!

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