The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 46: Run Girlie!

Teagan’s eyes went wide when the growl sounded inside. She had never heard anything like that in her life. What kind of animal makes that growl? No one else in the room seemed even slightly phased by the noise, including her idiot sister. Her fear started to spike, and for the first time in twenty minutes of just sitting there staring at her Adonis shifted. His top lip started to curl, as Odin flashed in his eyes. He wanted more fear, he wanted her terrified and begging for her life. Soon Odin! Not soon enough, I want her head on a pike! We will get our mate settled and calm and feeling safe! Mate! Odin whimpered. Kenzi shifted against him, bringing his attention back to his tiny dancer clinging tightly to him. Beta John walked back into the house looking slightly calmer, after he released a bit of the rage he was feeling. He still wanted her to die painfully, but not at his hands. He had a feeling The Devil would be taking care of this personally and judging by the look Alpha Adonis held on his face he had guessed right. This bitch was as good as dead, how violent it was going to be was another question, and he wasn’t certain he wanted the answer to it. He has heard the stories that surrounded Alpha Adonis like the rest of them. He was violent, cold, and ruthless, if something stood in his path he went through it. His history was drenched in the blood of those that foolishly chose to stand in his way.

“Feel better?” Beta Morgan asked from his position at the front door.

“Much!” Beta John replied as he crossed back over the room to the chair he once occupied, crushing the fingers of Teagan’s left hand as he walked past her. She screamed out in pain and clutched her hand to her chest.

“Forgive me, I didn’t see you there” Beta John said as he retook his seat, Teagan glaring daggers at him. A sinister smile played upon Adonis’s face, Odin enjoyed the sound of her pain laced scream and he was looking forward to hearing more of it.

You stupid idiot, you broke my fingers” She screamed at him.

“I said sorry, what’s the big deal?” Beta John asked shrugging his large shoulders,

You broke my fingers” She repeated,

“You’re doing pretty well for yourself. You’re still breathing, I could have easily stepped on your neck and crushed it, then we wouldn’t be having this conversation period.” Beta John looked at her, ice blue flashed in his cold dark eyes. Teagan gulped hard and stifled a small whimper, her fear spiking even more. Again this had Adonis shifting as he watched her, and breathed in the scent. Odin revelled in it, laughing in his head.

“A-are y-you th-th-threatening me?” Teagan asked,

“No, that wasn’t a threat. It was merely what could have happened. This is a threat. I will break you into tiny pieces if you look at Kenzi in a way I don’t like. If you speak one negative word to her I’ll cut your tongue out, good luck lying without one.” Beta John said. Teagan’s eyes widened and she gulped again. Her fear was magnifying at an accelerated rate. What the hell kind of friends did her sister find? Odin greedily breathed in the scent of her fear, he was enjoying every note of it. She would be a screamer and he liked screamers, they made the chase more fun. And he couldn’t wait for the screams of terror to start.

“Shall we get back to our game?” Beta John asked her,

NO!” Teagan yelled at him. “I will not answer any more of your questions. I will not talk to you anymore and you can’t make me.”

“I don’t need you to talk to prove when you are lying. In fact I’d rather you didn’t. The sound of your voice is grating on my nerves, and I’m not sure how much more control I have before I break your jaw. Let’s proceed” Beta John countered, causing her eyes to widen.

“Fast forward to the 4.8 million dollars” Adonis spoke, his voice dark, menacing and dripping with disdain. Odin was envisioning all the things they were going to do to her. Let’s start with biting! A little nip here a bigger one there! Let her run, deep into the woods. She’ll get lost! We’ll find her though! Her fear is getting stronger! Adonis took a deep breath. It always gives them away!

Adonis looked down at his tiny dancer in his arms, she still clung to him. Clutching his shirt tightly in her small hands. Her eyes were open, and he could see the horrors of her past still swirling in her silver orbs, they would finish with this, he would kill the bitch and then he would chase away the boogeyman she had dancing in her head. Maybe she should take tomorrow off? I doubt she would, but maybe she could leave early, we’ll talk to Maggie!

“What 4.8 million dollars?” Kenzi asked,

“The 4.8 million dollars she got from the sale of all your family’s properties and assets. They had a condo in the city, the cabin in the woods and a home right here in Blackwoods.” Adonis replied. “Half of it was supposed to go to you in a trust fund, until you turned nineteen. Teagan kept it all.” He added. Kenzi swallowed the lump in her throat.

“What….what….” she started to ask, she had a feeling she already knew what happened to the money.

“She spent it. Every dime in two years.” Adonis looked down at her, she was trying to figure out how her sister spent that much money in such a short amount of time.

“It was mine. I earned it.” Teagan snarled,

“That’s a lie, pretty sure that’s also a felony” Beta John said, Teagan just glared at him.

“What are you going to do?” She snapped,

“I could accidentally break your other hand,” Beta John replied, with a straight face. Teagan’s eyes shot open and she clutched both her hands to her chest.

“Where did you find these friends?” Teagan hissed at Kenzi, her eyes narrowing on her. ….ahhhHHHhhhh…. The scream ripped from Teagan, when Beta John grabbed a hold of her hair and pulled her head back.

“What did I say about looking at her in a manner I didn’t like?” He snarled, close to her ear, his voice low. A shiver ripped through her as she whimpered at the pain emanating from her scalp. Kenzi stiffened and buried her face into Adonis’s neck. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close to him, releasing the same calming growls into her ear and feeling her relax against him.

“I-I’m s-s-sorry. P-p-please I-I’m s-s-sorry.” Teagan cried out. Told you she was a screamer! Beta John let go of her, pushing her forward and she whimpered when she knocked her injured hand into the floor.

“P-p-please Kenzi, p-please. I-I-I don’t deserve this, I have done nothing to deserve any of this.” Teagan begged her sister, praying she could coerce her into believing her just one more time. “This is all just a big misunderstanding”

Kenzi sat there, she refused to talk to Teagan, refused to look at her, and after hearing that she stole the money from her that would have so greatly benefitted her, she wasn’t entirely certain she cared what happened to her. Her heart hurt, it felt cracked and broken. If she heard anymore, she was pretty sure it would shatter.

“I don’t want to hear anymore.” Her voice was small, but laced with so much pain. Her sister hated her, despised her with every fiber of her being all because she was born. If she was never born, then none of this would be happening.

“This is not your fault sweetheart. You did nothing to deserve the life you lived.” Adonis spoke, he nuzzled into her neck again, drawing her scent to him.

“You should feel lucky” Beta John spoke as he sat back in his chair glaring at Teagan.

They sat there in silence, waiting for what would happen next. Adonis kept his face close to Kenzi’s; she was working through everything in her mind. Her past, the pain and the abuse she went through. The constant returns to social services, her life at the orphanage. Every good thing she ever got was taken from her, destroyed, ruined, wrecked. Anything that could have helped her was stolen. Though she did her best to find happiness as a child it was hard some days. Some days she wanted to give up. She didn’t want to try, but she fought through it, reminding herself it could always get better. Praying that it had to get better. She worked and pushed and fought. She struggled and triumphed over everything in her past, everything that got in her way she defeated. She had a job she loved, a home that was hers, and she had friends. Friends who cared for her and she did it all by herself. Her past was a result of one thing, one person, one obstacle that repeatedly got in the way. One that is continuing to get in the way. Filling her head with lie after dirty little lie. She lifted her head from his neck and looked at him.

“This is Teagan’s fault.” He nodded looking at her, not removing his arms from around her. “Make her go away,” Kenzi whispered to him. “I don’t want to see her, or talk to her, or hear from her ever again. Make her go away. Make her go away and not come back.” He just nodded his head and squeezed her tighter to his chest placing a gentle kiss on her forehead. He didn’t think she understood what she was asking him to do, but he wasn’t interested in clarifying it with her either. His mate was asking for him to make her boogeyman go away and he was more than happy to oblige. The boogeyman was going to die tonight.

“Kenzi….Kenzi….Kenzi you can’t do that. You can’t just kick me out. I have nowhere to go. How will I live? Kenzi….you owe me!” Teagan scrambled to her feet as Adonis got up. He set Kenzi on the floor and she felt her back stiffen at what Teagan said. She turned to look at her then and for the first time in her life she saw her for who she truly was. Kenzi saw her boogeyman in all her disgustingly deceitful glory and she was no longer afraid of her.

“I don’t owe you nothing. I don’t like you! You….you….you suck! You’re a sucky sister, and a sucky person and I don’t care what happens to you. You’re a dirty liar and you’re not my family.” Beta John had to turn his head away to hide his laughter at what Kenzi said to her sister. The expression on her face made it that much worse. She looked like an adorable angry little puppy. Beta Morgan had dropped his head, but his shoulders were starting to shake. Kenzi walked out of the living room to her backyard, following the well travelled path to the dock.

“She is not lying. There is truth to everything she just said to you. She doesn’t want to see you, hear from you or talk to you. She no longer cares about your health or well being and I’m pretty sure she gave him permission to rip you to pieces.” Fear pooled around Teagan as she looked in the direction of Adonis. His eyes burned into her with the intensity of a raging inferno. His size doubled before her and no matter how hard she tried she couldn’t swallow the lump that formed in her throat. “At least that’s what I took from it when she asked him to make you go away and not come back.” Beta John leaned closer to her, he really wanted her to understand the last part and what was about to happen to her.

“There is no coming back from death.” He whispered in her ear. She backed away from Adonis as he advanced towards her. Beta Morgan opened the front door and Teagan stumbled out to the front porch.

“This is the part where you start running” Adonis/Odin growled out, low. Shivers ran up Teagan’s back and her legs turned to jelly as she tumbled down the porch steps and landed at the bottom.

“Let the games begin” Adonis called through the link.




Howls went up all throughout the forest as Teagan’s fear spread through her and around her. She scrambled to her feet and took off down the road. He watched her run, tracking her movements gauging her speed and direction. She was keeping to the road, hoping she could make it to town before he caught her, but he would change that. She would not make the town, she would not find help, and mercy would not be granted.

“Time to play a game of chase”

The words barely finished through the link before he saw two of his pack members dash out of the woods after her.


Her scream pierced the night and more howls rose up. The chase was on and the demons were excited. Adonis started off walking towards the road, but the scent of fear hung in the air and Odin pushed for control. He’s wanted this since he first met her. She deserved this for what she did. Taking off into a run and hitting the road in his pure black form, he set off to join the game leaving a trail of tattered clothing behind him. This is going to be fun, maybe we can make her pee herself! Classy as ever Odin!

Kenzi was sitting on the dock looking out over the lake. Her mind swirling with thoughts so many thoughts. She no longer viewed Teagan as her sister, she wanted nothing to do with her and this thought did not make her upset. Why did it not upset her? Why after she told Teagan she hated her was she no longer upset? Her world flipped upside down and she was not upset. She sat on the dock swinging her legs back and forth looking out at the lake. Her sister lied to her so many times. Everytime, everytime she opened her mouth it was just another lie that came out. She couldn’t bake that was a lie, she couldn’t cook that was a lie, she couldn’t sing another lie. If she told what Teagan did to her would she have gotten in trouble? She didn’t think so, Teagan would have got in trouble. Teagan would have got in big trouble and she would have been taken away. How many times could she have been adopted? How many happy families could she have lived with but didn’t get the opportunity because of Teagan’s lies? She stole from her alright, she stole her life, she stole her happiness, she stole everything. She no longer cared to know why Teagan did what she did, she was out of her life and this did not cause upset or turmoil. Maybe there really was something wrong with her.

“Kenzi?” Kenzi looked over her shoulder to see Alpha Malone and Alpha Byron standing behind her.

“Hi!” She said and turned back to the lake.

“Are you ok dear?” Alpha Byron asked, walking closer to her.

“Yeah,” she replied.

“It’s ok to be upset, Kenzi. Your world was flipped in one evening and you found out some information that would make anyone be upset” Alpha Malone sat beside her on the dock, he too looked out at the lake.

“I think I’m break-ed” Kenzi said,

“Why do you think that dear?” Alpha Byron sat on the other side of her.

“Cause I’m not upset. She lied aboud ev-rything, steal-ed ev-rything, tried to kill me, I don’t know how many tines and I don’t want to know. I know I should be upset, but I’m not upset.” Byron shared a look with his brother, but said nothing and continued to let her talk.

“I was upset, then I said I don’t want to see her no more and ask-ed Adonis to make her go away. I told her I hate her, and I do, I do hate her. She is a bad human. I should still be upset….right? I should be upset?” She looked back and forth between Byron and Malone, but neither had an answer for her. “I’m trying to be upset. But I’m not. I’m not upset. She’s not in my life no more. She can’t hurt me no more. Adonis will make her go away and I’m not upset.” She really didn’t understand why she wasn’t upset, but as soon as she said what she said to Teagan, and came and sat on the dock, she was no longer upset.

“Maybe saying what you said to her, helped you get through it. How many times have you wanted to say something like that to her?” Alpha Malone asked, Kenzi went to shake her head, but that would be a lie. She wanted to do it a few times, but she was never brave enough.

“A couple. Sometines I wish-ed she wasn’t my sister” Kenzi looked down at her hands in her lap.

They sat in silence for a while looking out upon the lake, listening to the waves lap at the shore. It was pristine clear waters in a serene setting.

“Not all storms come to destroy and create havoc, Kenzi. Some come to clear the path. Maybe saying what you said after hearing everything you did cleared up any guilt you felt about feeling the way you do towards her. That could be why you don’t feel upset.” Alpha Byron said after a while.

“What do you feel Kenzi?” Alpha Malone asked. She thought about that, she was so focused on what she was not feeling that what she was feeling never registered with her. She felt at peace, calm, for the first time in as long as she could remember she felt free. There was no weight on her shoulders, no worry on her mind and dread did not course through her. She heard a bird’s call overhead and when she looked up she saw exactly what she felt like. She watched it swirl and glide down from the sky.

“Like a feather.” She said as a smile played upon her lips as she continued to watch the soft downy fringed plume dancing on the wind, twirling and spiraling, until it settled upon the surface of the water and floated there.

Teagan ran as fast as her legs could carry her through the dense woods. Vicious animals were chasing behind her. She could hear their thunderous paws slamming against the ground closing in on her. She has fallen and tripped into the dirt path so many times and had no idea how Kenzi could walk these woods and come out uninjured everytime. She had no idea where she was or how long she had been running for. Her heart was slamming in her chest and her lungs were ready to explode. She did not have much left in her, and had no idea what she was going to do. ….ahhhHHHhhh…. Escaped her when she tripped over yet another root. She was scraped and bruised. One of those things had bit her and she was bleeding from the back of her leg, but she had to keep going. The stupid town had to be around here somewhere and she could get help. Someone had to help her, someone had to hear her screaming. Though her voice was beginning to get hoarse. She has never felt more terrified in her life. Trying to get up from the ground her body protested, it would not move. She was tired, sweating and breathing hard, her lungs burned. SNAP! Her head snapped in the direction she thought the sound had come from, but she didn’t really know, it echoed all over the dark woods. CRACK! Again she tried to find the source of the sound, looking all over for it trying to find it. Her world started spinning, her mind going blank, her vision darkening. ….ahHhHHHhHhh…. Everything went black and quiet.

When Teagan opened her eyes again, she was lying on the cold hard ground. The only light around her came from a small flashlight beside her head. She grabbed the light and shone it all around her. The beam was barely illuminating enough but she could see that she was still in the woods in a small clearing. She didn’t know where she was or how she got there. She didn’t know what to do, she was lost, scared and no one knew where she was, no one to help her. Despair gripped at her as small sobs escaped her. Her body hurt and as she ran the light over her legs she saw the cuts, scraps and bruises, but what had her gasping was the bite marks. An even bigger gasp escaped her when she saw the one on the back of her calf. It was huge, what kind of animal made that big of a mark? A bear maybe, but she didn’t think it was a bear that was chasing her. She heard howling, wolves howled, but it couldn’t be a wolf. They didn’t get that big….did they? SNAP! Shining the light in the direction she heard the sound come from, Teagan peered into the darkness. Her heart rate picked up, and she began to tremble, she didn’t want to die. CRACK!

The sound came from behind her and she spun around. Not knowing which direction to maintain her focus on her breathing increased as her body trembled more and more. The woods were dark, ominous and seemed very much alive. Something was moving in them. Bushes rustled to her left, twigs snapped to her right. Her fear pooled around her. SNAP! From the left. CRACK! From the right. THUD! Something landed on the ground two feet from where she was. Scrambling to her feet she shone the light in that direction, and slowly started backing away, her legs protesting her movements. ….ahhHhHhHHHhHhHhhh…. Ripped from her lungs as something soft and furry brushed past her from behind, she spun in that direction. ….ahhHhHHHhHhhh…. Again from behind her something touched her, sinking its teeth into her skin. She spun again and fell to the ground. Her cries echoing through the forest.

“Please stop….please stop….I don’t deserve this….please just stop” She cried into the dark woods, only for the woods to laugh back at her. The sinister sound bristling every hair on her body and stealing the breath from her lungs.

Run girlie!” a malicious voice spoke to her from the depths of the darkness that surrounded her.

“Please….please stop….” She cried harder,

Run” It repeated with more force.

I-I-I can’t” She screamed,

THEN DIE!” The voice broke into a vile cackle as the woods once again came to life with soft whispers and low menacing laughter. ….grrRRrrrRRRrrrRRrrr…. Teagan once again pushed herself to her feet and took off running through the woods, the horrifying laughter ringing in her ears. Branches scraped at her face, cutting into her cheeks. Her legs threatened to give out on her as she tried to carry herself through the thickness of the trees. If she fell once, she would be done for, she knew there was no way she would be able to get back up. Thunder rumbled behind her as she heard them coming again, chasing her farther and farther into the deep darkness that surrounded her. She didn’t know if she was running faster or they were intentionally running slower, but she kept running. She kept running with everything she had, she was going to survive the night. Then she saw it….light….salvation….safety. Someone to help her, save her. Hope began to blossom inside her as she ran towards the light flickering in the distance. She heard their laughter and merriment, and relief flooded through her.

The rumbling behind her grew louder and louder the closer they came to her. Teagan didn’t know how many of them there were, and she didn’t care to find out, help was right there, she just had to make it to them.

Help!” She called out, praying they would hear her.

Help me!” She called louder, the light getting closer and closer to her. ….ahhHhHHHhHhhh…. Released from her as something brushed past her in the darkness on her right side. But she didn’t stop, she couldn’t stop. If she stopped she would surely die at the hands of the violent creatures chasing her.

HELP ME!” She screamed as she crashed through the bushes into the clearing where the light was coming from. Three men sat there around a lantern, the light only illuminating their broad chests. The tallest one stood to his full height as she ran towards him. She wasn’t even going to question why they were only wearing shorts, they were going to rescue her.

“Please, you have to help me. Somethings chasing me” She gasped as she grabbed hold of him.

“Easy now, what chasin you?” His voice was a deep raspy drawl as he looked behind her into the darkness.

“I don’t know, but it’s big and mean and has been chasing me all night.” Teagan cried, trembling in his arms.

“Big an mean huh? We been out here all night ain’t seen nuttin like that.” The man said to her.

“Please help me” She begged him “It bit me” she showed him the back of her leg.

“Yeah, aight we help you” The man said as he all but dropped Teagan on the stump he vacated. One of the other ones wrapped a blanket around her trembling shoulders.

“What you doin out in the woods?” He asked, his voice had a higher pitched raspy drawl to it.

“My stupid sister” Teagan sobbed,

“You got a sister out there too?” The second man asked, looking towards the trees.

“No, she’s not out in the woods, she’s safe at home. She wrecked my life and then kicked me out. And some monster started chasing me.” She replied,

“Why her do that?” The first man asked, as he swept the woods with his flashlight.

“Because she’s selfish. I did everything for her, took care of her when no one else wanted to. She was always such a burden, always caused problems, and now when I need her she turns her back on me” Teagan said.

“That don’t soun very sisterly” The second man said,

“She’s not, she’s the worst sister in the world. Only concerned with herself and no one else. How I got stuck with her I don’t know, but I didn’t do anything to deserve the hell she put me through.” Teagan huffed, holding the blanket tighter to her.

“That soun brutal,” The second man commented. The third man had said nothing, he sat there listening quietly to Teagan speak. Every once in a while he would shift slightly but that was all.

“It was. Then she tells me she hates me. After everything I have done for her she hates me and doesn’t care what happens to me. I could die out here, and she doesn’t care at all. What kind of sister would say that?” Teagan cried, her body shook. When she looked up she only saw two men sitting around the small lantern. The other man, the one whose arms she ran into was gone.

“Where’s your friend?” She asked looking around for him, when she turned back to the other two the second man was gone and all that was left was the third man. “What’s going on? Where are the other two?” The third man just sat there, his body was rigid and tense in the light of the lantern, while his face remained hidden.

“Who are you?” Teagan demanded to know, her fear starting to spike. “WHO ARE YOU?” She screamed at him, when he failed to answer her. He continued to sit quietly, never uttering a single word. Teagan went to reach for the lantern to shine on his face. SNAP! ….ahhHHhHHhhh…. She clutched her arm to her chest as she fell backwards from the stump away from him. She didn’t even see him move, but she was pretty sure he broke her arm. How did he move that fast?

“Maybe your sister grew tired of your lies” He finally spoke. Teagan’s face paled and she felt her heart stop for a second. She knew that voice.

“Maybe she decided she didn’t like the way you took care of her” Teagan shook her head furiously, this couldn’t be happening, this was supposed to be safe, they were supposed to rescue her.

“Being beaten and abandoned by the one person that was supposed to help her. Left for dead, tormented and tortured by the one person that was supposed to be there for her. She might have earned the right to be a little selfish.” The man calmly reached forward and turned the lantern up a little higher, illuminating his face. Teagan’s eyes grew wide as she took in his appearance, she knew him. She has seen him with Adonis Bradshaw numerous times….the lawyer in the expensive suits.

“Please….please don’t do this. Just leave me alone.” Teagan begged,

“Like you left Kenzi alone? Gagged and tied so tight to a chair in the dark when she was only four years old. The scars she carries around her wrists are a constant reminder of how you took care of her then. Tell me, was it because she had the chance to be adopted to a family that actually wanted her, fought to get her? Did the thought of her getting a better life, cause you pain?” He asked,

“Please….please” Teagan scrambled back to get away from him as he stood up.

“Did she beg you as well? Is that why you gagged her? Did she say please? Did she ask you not to do this? Did she tell you the ties were too tight? Did she plead with you to leave her alone?” He asked, moving towards her.

“How many times did she ask you to help her when she lived in the orphanage? You had to see what they were doing to her. So how many times did she ask? How many times did you ignore her? Tell her she deserved this? The scars she carries, you caused. The memories she has are your fault” Teagan kept moving backwards along the ground. Shaking her head. No, this man was a liar, Kenzi deserved everything that happened to her.

“You wrecked her life, stole it from her. Denied her safety, security. You were the cause of each tormented action taken against her. Tonight was only a slight glimpse at the lifetime of abuse and torture Kenzi lived through and you’re too weak to handle it. Kenzi handled everything with a smile on her face. She fought, struggled and triumphed over every disadvantage she faced and she did it on her own. Yet you think Kenzi’s the weak pathetic one. You couldn’t even handle a few hours of playtime.” Teagan tried several times to stand, but her legs would not hold her weight anymore and she would fall back to the ground, just to have to scramble backwards again as he got closer. Her fear was pungent and swirled around her and she couldn’t fight back the sobs that raked her body.

“You are a proven liar, but I guess everyone tells the truth at some point. You are going to die in these woods. You will not be granted mercy, your cries and pleas fall on deaf ears, and no one will mourn your passing. You won’t even be mentioned in the obituaries. Kenzi will move on and get the life she deserves, the family she’s always wanted but never received. She will get everything her little heart desires. She will be taken care of, adored and cherished. She will have love and laughter, a life she is most deserving of, and without you there to get in the way it is a life she will enjoy. She will sit beside a king and be treated like a queen and receive the undying devotion of hundreds and you….well…. no one’s going to remember you. You will become another unmentionable soul and completely forgotten.” Elijah could make her scream and writhe in pain. He could make her bleed and beg for her life. But he knew how to really torture Teagan. Teagan made it easy for him, he just had to tell her all the good things that were going to happen to Kenzi. That would cause her the most pain, the most suffering and the most agony. She would die knowing her sister would be treated like a queen.

Teagan choked on her sobs when she heard how Kenzi was going to live. When she heard everything that was going to be given to her sister, agony ripped across her face. Kenzi did not deserve to be treated like a queen, she did not deserve a king, she deserved nothing. She was nothing, why couldn’t any of them see that. Kenzi wasn’t worth it.

She doesn’t deserve it. She’s not worth it!” Teagan screamed, closing her eyes tight, shaking her head back and forth. It wasn’t fair, it wasn’t fair at all. Kenzi has done nothing to deserve that life. When she opened her eyes again the man was gone and darkness enclosed on her.

NO!” She screamed again into the black abyss of the woods, her fear magnifying as she looked around. She couldn’t see anything, she couldn’t hear anything. Unable to get up, her body protested, she was stuck where she was. She was going to die there and no one could help her. She curled into a ball, as fear and anger and despair washed over her. Her sobs wracked her body, as images of Kenzi’s life flashed in her mind, each one causing her more and more agony.

Adonis and the others watched on from the woods. They watched the torment the pathetic little bitch was going through. They listened as Elijah described the future life Kenzi was going to receive and they saw the anguish tear through her.

“You really like torturin thins” Jackson said trying not to laugh, when Elijah joined them.

“He good at it” Tyler had to agree,

“She made it easy. She made her life about Kenzi, making sure nothing good happened to her. It caused her pain when it did.” Elijah replied.

“When we gonna kill it, gettin on my nerves” Tyler said,

“Soon!” Adonis said. “The wisps want a turn”

Teagan!” Her name whispered in the wind. “Weak and worthless!” “Teagan!” Lifting her head. “No one cares!” “Teagan!” Her tear streaked face and puffy eyes she looked for the sound. “Poor pathetic Teagan!” She pushed herself up trying to find the one calling her. “Teagan!” Trying to locate where the voice was coming from. “You’re going to die out here, Teagan!” They watched her head snap in all directions as more hushed voices called to her in the dark. “Teagan!” “No one to mourn you!” They smiled as they felt her fear growing and growing more. “Teagan!” “No one to miss you” “Teagan!” She tried to push herself up again and again and they laughed as she failed each time. “Forgotten!” “Teagan!” The voices called to her, never above a whisper. “Teagan!” Again she looked all around her and nothing. “Bye, bye Teagan!” No one was there. “No one to remember!”

GO AWAY!” She screamed into the darkness. “Teagan!

LEAVE ME ALONE!” Her blood chilled when she heard the laughter. “Teagan!

LEAVE ME ALONE!” She screamed louder as she crawled into the middle of the clearing. “You’re going to die, Teagan!” Adonis could feel the excitement from his pack. “He’s coming Teagan, he’s coming!” they were enjoying themselves, making this pathetic human suffer. “Teagan!” Watching her squirm, feeling her anguish at their torture. “He’s coming for you!” They watched her tense up at those words. ….ahhHHHhhh…. Ripped from her lungs when something brushed past her. “Bye, Teagan, bye!

STOP!” Her voice hoarse laced with her tears. “Teagan!” She wasn’t quite terrified yet, but they would get her there if they didn’t scare her to death first. ….ahhHHHhhh…. She let loose another scream as something else brushed past her, magnifying everything she was feeling. “You’ll be forgotten!”

S-S-STOP!” Her voice trembled and her body shook, she was getting closer. “He’s coming Teagan he’s coming!”….ahhHHHhhh…. Another nip to the back of her leg. Her body ripe with fear now, Odin howling in his head, it was now time to end this. “Time’s up, Teagan!”

Adonis moved silently through the shadows, keeping his target in his sight. “Teagan!” “No one loves you!” She was terrified huddled on the clearing floor in a ball. “No one misses you!” “Teagan!” His pack was still tormenting her with their whispers and laughter. “All alone!” She was trying her best to block the sound. “No one will mourn you!” “Teagan!” They would continuously run past, brushing her with their fur, nipping here and there adding more and more suffering with each pass. She would whimper and they would laugh. “Bye Teagan!” Then all fell quiet. Silence surrounded her and when she looked up the woods were filled with glowing red eyes, pushing herself one more time she rose to her feet. They surrounded her, watching her, waiting for something.

Poor pathetic human” His dark demonic voice filled the silence of the night. Teagan’s head snapped all around her looking for the voice.

“Just look at you, a weak, worthless, puddle of fear on the forest floor.” He approached her slowly, letting his presence fill the clearing, he watched as Teagan trembled more. She could feel him, she just couldn’t find him.

“Just leave me alone, please leave me alone” Teagan begged the voice. ….ahhHHHhhh…. She screamed once more when he brushed the hair from her neck. Told you we’d make her pee herself!

“Disgusting!” Adonis backed away from her, he could hear the others howling through the link.

I wonder if Kenzi screamed?

“K-K-Kenzi?” She stuttered,

“You stole her past, now I will take your future”

“W-W-Why?” She asked, choking on her sobs.

“Because she is mine” He heard her gasp when she saw burning flames staring back at her. Lights went on all around them, and Teagan hid and blinked her eyes allowing them to adjust to the newly bright area. She saw men and women stepping out of the woods, some fully dressed others wearing basketball shorts or oversized shirts, but it was the giant beasts that really caught her attention.

“Wh-wh-what are those?” She stammered trying to back away only to be pushed forward again.

“Kenzi’s new family!” Adonis spoke, Teagan snapped her eyes to him and she trembled even more. When she saw the beasts begin to change before her eyes, they went as wide as saucers.


“Kenzi din’t scream” Jackson drawled,

“Nope!” Tyler agreed,

“I-I-I won’t tell. I-I-I promise. J-j-just let me go” she begged, “P-p-please just let me go”

You’re right you wont tell, but we’re not going to let you go.” Adonis spoke to her.

“P-p-please!” Teagan begged some more,

“I wonder how many times Kenzi begged?” Elijah asked,

She’ll never have to beg again. She’ll be taken care of. Kenzi has her whole future ahead of her now. A life of joy and happiness. She will sit at my side as my queen, I will be her king.” Adonis replied,

“With a family who will never reject her” Elijah added,

“D-d-devil!” Teagan stammered out,

“You have no idea!” The wicked grin that crossed Adonis’s face darkened his features as he stood staring at her.

“Wonder her gotta heart?” Jackson asked,

“$50 say her don’t” Tyler made the bet,

Let’s find out!” Adonis said. He drew his fist back and before Teagan could do anything he plunged it deep into her chest. The sickening crack of her rib cage echoed through the clearing as it easily gave way under the force of his hit, her eyes wide staring deep into his as they bore deep into hers. Adonis watched the life drain from her, he heard the last breath she would ever take and he felt her heart beat one last time as he ripped it from her chest and held it in his hand. Teagan’s body dropped to the ground and a chorus of howls rose through the darkness. Time to see our mate! Time to go home! So when do we move in! Odin! What’d I say?

“You owe me $50” Jackson said, holding out his hand.

“Cause I got my wallet, big stupid” Tyler fired back, pointing at his attire.

“The fuck we put our clothes?” Jackson asked as he started walking back towards the woods.

“The fuck I know? But I gotta get clean up firs, her taste gross” Tyler replied following him.

“You bit her a good one” Jackson replied nodding, Elijah was not too far behind them shaking his head.

“One these days he gotta tell me how he do that” Jackson said as he walked into the trees.

“Do what?” Tyler asked looking at him,

“Talk the same time Odin does” Jackson replied,

“Yeah, that pretty fuckin freaky” Tyler agreed as they disappered into the shadows of the woods.

“Get this cleaned up” Adonis spoke as he turned and headed back into the woods. He was going home to see his mate. Might want to clean up first! After he had a shower.

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