The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 44: Science Experiment!

Kenzi and the two Beta’s wandered around the town walking in and out of various shops. There was initially a slight issue with whose vehicle they were going to take. They ended up taking Beta John’s truck, saying both of them would not fit in her little car. Granted they did get Adonis to help lift her into the vehicle, neither wanted to touch her and risk the wrath of The Devil on them. This also posed a problem on how they were going to get her back in the vehicle after they were finished in town. Alpha Adonis gave Beta Morgan permission to pick her up.

“Guess that makes sense, you’re both huge. Are all were-wolfies um….big? Um….someone at the BBQ last night said you were all tall, assep Tyler. But are you all….wide?” She asked using her hands to explain what she meant. Both Beta John and Beta Morgan tried to hide their laughter at her question. It still astounded them as to how well she accepted everything.

“We are. It’s why we like bigger vehicles, we like our space.” Beta John informed her.

“Smaller vehicles you’d feel squish-ed” she commented from the back seat as she went over her list again and again making sure she had everything. Again the Beta’s fought to control their laughter.

Their first stop was the butcher, he was going to need time to prepare her order. Tom was a little shocked when she ordered enough ribs for forty people, but he never asked her any questions. The man barely spoke to her other than to greet her and take her order. They were now standing in the liquor store and she was debating on two very different bourbons to braise the ribs. She had also picked up a whisky and a scotch.

“Maybe I should jus get both and try them.” She said more to herself than anyone else.

“It would be like an experiment,” Beta Morgan agreed.

“Barbara says if you want to know something, do an asperiment. And I think we got more than a nuff ribs to asperiment with. Then maybe we should try this one too. Says it pairs well with honey. A bourbon honey glaze cooked over the BBQ might be nice.” After placing both bottles in the basket she grabbed a third off the shelf.

“I am never going to want to leave” Beta John mumbled under his breath causing Beta Morgan to stifle his chuckle but nod in agreement.

Beta John couldn’t help but look at the people in the liquor store. Though they all watched her curious as to what she was doing, and why she was with two large men, no one approached to talk to her. Not even the clerks behind the till. He noticed that in every store they went to. They would all just watch her and whisper amongst themselves. Kenzi was oblivious to the eyes on her as she continued to look at the selection available to her.

“No one talks to her?” Beta John quietly asked,

“No! They’re too busy talking about her” Beta Morgan replied just as quietly, “They all blindly believe something is wrong with her” When a young man tried to check her out both the Beta’s moved into position to block his view, giving him a look to send him on his way.

“There is nothing wrong with her. Aside from making a grown man drool at the mere mention of the food she is planning on cooking.” Beta John said. He didn’t like that they all just stared, watched her like she was a caged animal at the zoo.

“Your mate doesn’t cook?” Beta Morgan asked,

“Not like her!” Beta John replied,

“No one cooks like Kenzi. There is as much heart and soul poured into everything she makes as she has in everyday life.” Beta Morgan responded.

“Ok I think I got it.” She said as she turned around and walked into the wall of backs standing in front of her. Stumbling back a bit she let out a breathless “Sorry!” The pink blush hit her face hard as she looked up to see the amused faces of Beta Morgan and Beta John looking back down at her. That was the fourth time she did that on their outing. They were warned she gets lost in her world when she is thinking recipes and doesn’t watch what she’s doing. Considering the food she can cook, and what she was planning, neither Beta Morgan or Beta John had any issues letting her get lost. It didn’t make it any less funny when she did it though.

“Are you ok?” Beta Morgan asked, covering his grin.

“Uh huh!” She replied, nodding her head. She really needed to stop walking into them, it was like hitting a wall, and it was starting to hurt. Paying for the liquor, they left the store and were now heading towards the grocery store after a quick stop at the truck to drop it off.

Adonis, Elijah and the visiting Alphas were now standing back on the northside of the crater. The clean up crew that was sent in made the area look like a war had never taken place. Both Adonis and Elijah knew full well they left a blood bath more than twelve hours ago. His pack did not go lightly on Ridgeview. Both their Alpha and Luna were shown tremendous disrespect and an example was made of them as to why you don’t fuck with The Devil or his mate.

“That is the ugliest house I have ever seen” Alpha Byron spoke, as he took in the statues that littered the front lawn shaking his head.

“Have you seen the inside of it?” Adonis inquired,

“Can’t say I was given the privilege” Alpha Byron spoke.

“Then allow me to give you the tour of our new training facility” Kicking the front door off its hinges it crashed into the interior of the house. The idea came to him this morning while he was in the shower mulling over what to do with his newly acquired territory, and with Kenzi’s cooking and baking they needed to step up training. It had clear fields that Elijah would need to train the warriors, the house though tacky was a good size for a gym and sparring rooms. It was just the look of it that wasn’t appealing, but all this could be changed, cosmetics can always be changed. And with houses and cabins readily available littered around the territory, more of his pack could easily move in and it allowed for substantial growth.

“I believe the door was unlocked” Elijah commented,

“It was an ugly door” Adonis replied, with a shrug,

“It’s....nice” Alpha Byron stated as he took in the decor, his son Alpha Bradly’s mouth dropped but he quickly closed it to prevent himself from saying what he really thought.

“Not yet, but it will be.” Adonis said, Elijah handed him the black box and once more he removed the ornate dagger from its resting place. Stepping away from the others, Adonis laid the cold blade against the palm of his hand and laid claim to his land, binding it in his blood. Home flooded through him and Elijah, where a cold energy settled inside the others.

“Apologies! It needed to be done before some else got the stupid idea and took it.” Adonis spoke as he placed the dagger back inside its box.

“You are worried about retaliation?” Alpha Malone asked,

“Ridgeview had other alliances, and we are unsure of where they stand, word by now has reached them. Elijah has been keeping the lines open and we sent scouts to monitor any activity, but they have been quiet. No one plans bold moves out loud. Wouldn’t take much to move into the northside.” Adonis replied,

“I know the packs Ridgeview was aligned with, I know a few won’t be terribly upset about what happened, and I can place a call to the others to get their take on what transpired. I don’t believe anyone would be foolish enough to cross you.” Alpha Malone said,

“Is it better to stand at the right hand of The Devil then be in his way?” Adonis asked, a sly smile crossing his face.

“Something like that,” Alpha Byron answered. Adonis shared a look with Elijah who simply nodded his head and excused himself from the group. They watched him walk farther down the driveway, then heard howls in the distance, followed by the squealing of tires and revving engines. Trucks came into view.

“How about that tour, before the demons have their fun?” Adonis asked as he walked into the house not waiting for the others to follow him.

“The demons are going to have fun?” Alpha Bradly said as he turned towards his dad and uncle.

“If you stand behind him he may protect you, if you stand beside him he may respect you. If you are foolish enough to stand in his way, he won’t grant you mercy” Alpha Malone said as he followed Adonis inside.

“Very poetic Alpha Malone. Not wrong though” Adonis spoke as he stood in the grand hallway. Looking around once more at the gaudy decor. He had forgotten how horrendous this place actually was. Maybe we bit off more than we can chew with this one! Odin was even shuddering at the sight. Let the demon’s have their fun, as long as the structure remains intact, everything else is up for….improvements! Maybe our mate can help us decorate? She does have an eye for it! More time together! You don’t need to sell me on the idea! Then sell her on it!

“Leave the structure intact, the rest….is open for improvements.” Adonis sent through the link.

They could hear roaring engines outside and crashing as his demon’s pulled down statue after statue. When a dozen of them walked in the front door carrying various bats and axes, they nodded respect to their Alpha and the others in the room before they set about their fun.

“Two says I can improve more than you” One shouted as he headed up to the first floor. CRASH! BANG! That didn’t take long! Odin snickered in his head.

“Bullshit second floor is mine” Another shouted,

“Fuck that we get the top bitches” A third yelled and two took off running in that direction. SMASH! THUD!

“The fuck is that?” One yelled from the kitchen,

“I think it’s food….eat it!”

“Fuck you, you eat it”

“I think something already ate it” CRASH! THUD! The sounds of crashing and things being smashed rained down around them. THUD! BANG! His pack howled with laughter as they tore the house apart, destroying everything they could. BANG! SMASH! THUD!

“This dress make me look fat?” Another called from the third floor, holding up a flowery tight fighting dress against his body.

“No, your head makes you look fat.” A female voice called from the fourth. ….owooooooo…. ….owooooooo….

“Fuck you Tina, you know you want me” he called back,

“Not if you were the last wolf on earth” she called back,

“That ain’t what you said last night, sugar lips” He shouted. ….owooooooo…. ….owooooooo…. Causing others in the house to howl out. ….owooooooo….

“Fuck you Monty!” She spat back,

“Already played that game and I don’t do seconds unless it’s dessert ….owooooooo….” He howled back.

“Chandelier’s mine!” Someone called, when they all looked up they saw a wolf leap from the fifth floor.

“Hundred says he breaks his leg”

“Two says his back”

“Be a shame if it were his neck.” The chandelier swung as the wolf made contact with it. It groaned and strained against the weight, but didn’t give from the roof.

“Fuck, this thing cemented into it? Greg come help me” He called as another lept from the fifth floor on to the chandelier. It still didn’t give under the weight.

“Three says it can take the weight of four” One called as a third jumped.

“Hell yeah, me too!” A fourth said as he made the jump.

“The grounds have been cleared” Elijah informed Adonis as he walked into the house and took in the destruction that was going on inside. CREAK! He looked up as he heard the horrible sound of groaning metal. GROAN!

“How many are swinging off of the chandelier?” He asked,

“Eight” Alpha Byron replied. CREAK! GROAN!

“Nine” Alpha Bradly corrected as he watched another make the jump. GROAN!

“Ten!” Alpha Malone took a step back from the middle of the room as the chandelier creaked and groaned some more under the weight that was being forced on it. GROAN! It swung violently from side to side as more and more added their weight. CREAK! When it took a sudden drop the wolves cheered and few fell from the height to land on the ground beneath it. THUD!

“Shit!” One groaned as he was thrown off and into the wall when the chandelier dropped and swung again.

“Might want to step back farther” Adonis warned as he stood closer to the wall. GROAN! CREAK! Two more added their weight and the chandelier dropped and swung for the third time sending off two more wolves onto the fourth and third floors. THUD! THUMP!

They howled with laughter at the havoc going on and got back to their feet only to jump back onto the chandelier and swing it again sending three more in a different direction. CREAK! CLANK! SNAP!

GET DOWN!” Adonis yelled as the chandelier finally gave up under the pressure and began to fall. The wolves scattered quickly jumping to safety. Claw marks left in the walls as they scrambled at speeds not given to normal wolves. CRASH! The chandelier hit the ground shattering the glass around it. Shards flying in all directions. Adonis stood with his back to the mayhem using his body to block Alpha Bradly from being hit when he wasn’t able to get out of the way fast enough. When he looked up he saw the flaming eyes of Odin staring back at him. The debris settled and Adonis turned away from him. Alpha Bradly’s eyes only widened when he took in the state of his shirt. The material was shredded and he could see streaks of dark blood and large gashes on his back. They went wider still when he saw the speed they were healing. Alpha Byron rushed to his son’s side making sure he was ok. The man could not form two words, over what had just happened. That could have been him, he would have been ripped to shreds and dead on the floor had Alpha Adonis not stood in front of him. He should be dead, he should be lying on the floor dead. Alpha Adonis was on the other side of the room when the chandelier came down. He didn’t even see him move.


Ripped from his chest, as his demons leaned over the rails with red glowing eyes and looked upon their Alpha waiting for his next orders.

“Finish your fun, then get this cleaned up. Tomorrow you will be given assignments to get this area set up. Welcome to your new training facility. I want it operational by the end of next week.”

Nods and bows in his direction the eyes one by one turned and moved back further into the house to carry on the destruction of it. Adonis exited out the front door with Elijah right behind him the sound of maniacal laughter filling the house once more as the chaos reigned down.

“How?” Was all Alpha Bradly squeaked out when Adonis was no longer present.

“It is best not to ask questions son” Alpha Byron told him, Alpha Bradly had not taken his eyes off the front door. He had heard the stories, he knew demon wolves were faster and stronger than normals, but that was like nothing he’s ever seen before. He saw the rips in his shirt from the shards but there was minimal damage on him, just a lot of black blood and he just walked away like nothing happened.

“Hold still you have a few shards left in your back” Elijah was saying as he was pulling the glass from him.

“Wrecked my shirt” Adonis complained,

“That is your concern?” Elijah asked,

“I liked this shirt” Adonis said as he took in the damage to it.

“It is just a shirt” Elijah huffed,

“Kenzi bought me this shirt” Adonis replied,

“Maybe she’ll buy you a new one,” Elijah said with a deep sigh.

“Enough Elijah! I do not care for appearances, you know that. But even I have to admit it would be in poor taste if not even twelve hours after making an alliance with the father on the son’s behalf that my pack accidentally butchered him with a chandelier. And don’t even ask how I’m going to explain to Kenzi why I’m not wearing my shirt from this morning” Adonis said. We promised her nothing would take us away! If we were a normal wolf, this would have! She would be upset! Then we would get upset! And more things will die! Many more things! Good thing we’re not normal! Good thing!

“All out and fully healed. Thomas found you a shirt, he thinks might fit” Elijah spoke, holding it out to him. Adonis eyed the shirt.

“It has flowers on it” he stated curling his top lip at it.

“It is what he could find” Elijah said,

“It’s ugly!” Adonis wouldn’t even touch the shirt,

“It’s not his fault you’re built like a sequoia. It’s all he could find” Elijah stated,

“I’m not wearing it,” Adonis said, getting up and moving away from the truck and the ugly shirt. He could hear Elijah muttering under his breath.

“I am not a man child Elijah. Give me your shirt and you wear the ugly flower thing” Adonis said,

“You will not fit my shirt, you’re too big” Elijah grumbled, “Then don’t wear the shirt, how are you going to explain why you’re not wearing one to Kenzi?”

Adonis stood there weighing the options before him. He wears the shirt he was wearing this morning and Kenzi has questions about why it’s shredded. He wears the ugly flower thing and Kenzi has questions about why he’s not wearing his shirt from earlier. He doesn’t wear a shirt and Kenzi has questions about why he’s not wearing a shirt at all. All roads lead to Kenzi having questions about his state of appearance. Maybe we can get home and find a shirt that looks like the first one and she won’t know! There is hope! Yes, let’s hope The Devil is not out of wishes! Let’s hope! Put the ugly shirt on! Taking the shirt from Elijah’s outstretched hand he attempted to put it on only to stand there and look at him.

“This does not fit,” he huffed.

“Thomas said it might fit,” Elijah replied, trying to hide his laughter at Adonis’s appearance.

“It might fit! It might fit! How the fuck does this even look like it fits? I can’t even get it on let alone get one button done up. I’m built like a fucking sequoia, Elijah. How the the fuck did Thomas think this would even come close to fitting me?” Adonis fumed. He felt like an idiot in the too small flower shirt that he couldn’t even button up and the sleeves not even falling to his forearms.

Someone find me a shirt that fitsAdonis barked through the link as he ripped the other one off of himself.

This was not the way he saw this day going. He woke up in bed with his mate holding tight to him. He stole kisses from her while he helped her in the kitchen. He had breakfast with her in his lap. She was no longer saddened by the fact that she had to give him up, she thinks she found a loophole and she has hope. He got a goodbye kiss before she headed out the door to get everything she needed for a dinner that only death would keep him from. And he was not planning on returning to his own bed tonight either. He did not plan on getting crushed by a chandelier. He did not plan on getting filleted by shards of glass and he most certainly did not plan on having to explain to anyone why he was not wearing the shirt he was this morning. Nothing else better happen today! Nothing, or I’ll get angry! Very angry! Angry and violent! Very angry and very violent!

“Alpha Adonis, my sincerest gratitude on saving my son’s life” Alpha Byron said as he and his son walked from the house followed by Alpha Malone.

“Is your boy alright?” Adonis asked, feigning slight concern for the boy’s well being, as he looked at the pale faced wide eyed man.

“Yes, he is ok. A little shocked, but ok” Alpha Byron replied.

“Good! Sorry that my people tried to….squash him. They sometimes forget that every wolf they come across is not a demon. And have a tendency to get a little carried away with themselves.” Adonis wasn’t really sorry, demons needed their fun, but it never hurt to apologize.

“Thank you” Alpha Bradly said,

“Welcome” Adonis replied with a nod of his head.

“One of your people thinks this might fit, but I have my doubts,” Alpha Malone said, handing him a plain black shirt.

“Thank you” Adonis accepted the shirt and held it up. That’s not going to fit! Nope! Fuck! Yup! Were his people incompetant? How fucking hard is it to find a shirt close to his size? His mate found three. They were in a packhouse full of werewolf clothes and not one of them could find something that would possibly fit him. He could hear Elijah trying to stifle his laugh as he walked back into the house. He didn’t even try and put the shirt on, there was no way he would get it past his chest. Ten minutes passed. SMASH! The sound of glass shattering drew their attention back to the house as they watched a wolf sail through a window on the third floor. THUD! CRACK! He hit the ground hard, writhing in agony clutching his now broken arm to his chest, as Elijah very calmly walked back out the door with a shirt. Two others followed him, heads down, necks bared in both respect and submission and gathered the wolf from the ground and went off to see the pack doctor.

“You should at least be able to get this past your chest,” Elijah said as he handed the shirt to Adonis and moved to stand next to the vehicle. The other Alpha’s watched as he pulled the shirt over his head, never acknowledging what happened with the wolf and the window, and moved to the vehicle where Elijah had the door open waiting for him.

“Do not question, son. This is how it is run in this pack” Alpha Byron warned.

“It is the reason he is known as The Devil,” Alpha Malone agreed. They all moved silently towards the vehicle as well.

Kenzi was back home working in her kitchen. She had pots boiling water for macaroni on the stove. She had browned three racks of short ribs and now had them in the oven on low heat in three dutch ovens using the three different bourbons she had purchased. Right now working at her counter she was creating her bourbon honey glaze for the bbq, also deciding on a bourbon bbq baste, and a cajun bourbon marinade. This was an experiment after all and she had lots of ribs to experiment with. The four heads of cauliflower sat off to the side waiting their turn to be prepped and she had purchased two bricks of fresh parmesan cheese. The three pounds of bacon she purchased were cut into small pieces and were sizzling behind her in a frying pan while everything else was being dealt with. She would occasionally turn and stir the pots and the pan then turn back. Beta John and Beta Morgan sat at the kitchen table watching her with a drink in their hand. The house was filled with mouth watering aromas and neither one took their eyes off the food she was preparing.

“How?” Was all Beta John would ask as they watched her move effortlessly back and forth between the stove and the counter.

“Magic!” Beta Morgan replied, finally understanding Tyler’s statement from earlier. Pot after pot of macaroni was dumped into a colander to drain then she moved back to the stove to prepare the cheese sauce. Kenzi was lost in her world of cooking and fragrant aromas when her phone started ringing. Not even looking at the caller ID she answered.

“Hello!” She was breathless as she moved back and forth between her work areas.

“What are you doing that makes you sound out of breath?” Teagan snarked at her, but Kenzi was too lost to register any negativity. The closer it got to six the more excited she was becoming.

“Teagan!?” She sounded both shocked and surprised by the voice of her sister. She hadn’t heard a word from her since that dinner disaster.

“Who else would call you?” Teagan snapped again,

“I’m hasing a dinner party tonight and I can’t talk right now. Bye Teagan” The excitement sounding in her voice had the men at her table laughing as they watched her hang up the phone, fight the little squeal that escaped anyway and get back to her preparations.

They watched the bacon come off the stove and another pot for cheese sauce go on. They watched her stir and season and stir and taste and stir some more. Cheese was sprinkled and more stirring and more cheese and more stirring. She was just about to taste again when Tyler showed up.

“Tyler, come taste this” She said excitedly, he was by her side in a second. Beta John and Beta Morgan had already tasted and both approved of both the sauces.

“That good,” Tyler nodded. She divided the macaroni into two large casserole dishes and poured the sauces on each then mixed half the bacon in each dish and stirred some more. Pulling out six bowls for samples of each. Then pulled two more when she heard Jackson’s voice in her backyard.

“Holy shit Lil Kenzi Cakes, you can smell yur house down the road” Jackson commented the second he walked in. She set the bowls in front of everyone and waited to see what they had to say before she covered them in more cheese foil and put it in the oven to cook for an additional forty five minutes.

“Fuck that’s good” Jackson said, “This one my favourite”

“That’s gouda” She replied,

“No, this one better” Tyler argued,

“That one’s monterey jack and cheddar” Kenzi said,

“It fuckin delicious, but I like the other one better” Jackson said,

“I have to agree with Jackson, they are both delicious, but I prefer the gouda” Beta John said,

“Well that just makes you both wrong. The monterey jack and cheddar is better” Beta Morgan interjected, with Tyler nodding his agreement.

“An you both dumb, gouda better” Jackson shot back,

“Hmm, science!” Kenzi said, nodding her head as she added more cheese sauce to the dishes and topped both with the leftover cheese, before she placed them in the oven. Continuing her effort in the kitchen as she listened to the men argue over which macaroni and cheese was better. Not even trying to contain her giggling at them.

“What’s going on here?” Adonis asked as he walked in.

“Science….that’s not the shirt you were wearing this morning” Kenzi answered with a smile only for it to fall when she saw him. You’re out of wishes! Appears so! All talking in the house stopped as they waited to see what would happen.

“No, its not” He said,

“What happended to your shirt?” She asked. He didn’t want to tell her that he was almost crushed by a chandelier, but he also promised to never lie to her. Instead of telling her in front of the others where he would run the risk of her getting upset and angering them, he took her outside to explain what happened. Elijah would fill the others in.

“Fuck! Crush by a chandelier. What a way to go” Jackson said when Elijah told them what happened.

“Heard of gettin lit, but that excessive” Tyler commented, causing Jackson to laugh.

“Yeah, they was toll to brin down the house, not burn it down” Jackson said, trying to contain his laughter.

“Splattered mess” Tyler choked out,

“Shattered mess” Jackson fired back only for both of them to roar in laughter.

“You two are utterly fucking insane” Elijah could only shake his head, once again wondering how they continually surprised him. This caused them to laugh even harder.

“What are those two doing?” Beta John asked,

“Playing a stupid game” Elijah replied,

“It not stupid” Tyler said, as he dried his eyes with the heel of his hand.

“Yeah, it not stupid. Siderin yur pension for torturin thins, you think you like the game….chick fillet.” Jackson fired at him. Elijah just glared at him.

“What game?” Beta John asked, he was curious now.

“1000 way to die” Tyler answered,

“They pick a target and think of the most grisly way to end it’s life. The most gruesome wins.” Elijah cut in before either Jackson or Tyler could say anything.

“It a favourite in our pack. Usually play wit bout eighty of us, an we has to knock people out.” Jackson added, taking a seat.

“How do you do that?” Beta John asked,

“Someone come up wit a way an if someone can say what would happen before them they out. Like they say acid bath, if you can respond wit worst chemical peel before them they out the game.” Tyler answered.

“Interesting!” Beta John replied as he looked at his Alpha.

Kenzi had sat there on her back deck and listened to every word that Adonis said as to why he was not wearing his shirt from this morning. She wasn’t sure what to think. He could have been killed by a chandelier. Crushed to death, smooshed, flattened, pancaked, the shards would have cut him. He watched her carefully, he wasn’t sure of her reaction, she wasn’t saying anything and her face remained expressionless. She saw his ending flash so many different ways in her mind, she was stunned into silence. Standing up she moved behind him and lifted the back of his shirt to see for herself that he was ok. When he felt her hands on his back, he couldn’t fight the shiver that ripped through him.

“There’s no marks. Why are there no marks?” He should have marks, gashes, slashes, cuts, wounds, there should be blood pouring from him, but there is nothing. Her hands ran over his back looking for something, anything that said he was injured, no scars, no flinches, no winces of pain, nothing, there was nothing.

“Werewolves heal quickly and I showered to wash the blood off before I came here” Adonis spoke, enjoying the feel of her hands exploring his back.

“That sure would has come in handy” She mumbled to herself, he didn’t think he was meant to hear it, it also saddened him that he knew why she said it. It would have come in handy for her. A lot of werewolf traits would have come in handy in her past as well as recently for her.

“Are you ok?” She asked, still running her hands over his back, still searching. He heard the concern lace her words, felt her panic at the thought of just about losing him. He guided her around to the front of him and pulled her into his lap.

“I’m fine” He tried to assure her, cupping her cheek running his thumb across the delicate bone.

“Good,” she nodded her head, then narrowed her brow and looked at him “Don’t ever do that again,” she scolded.

“Ok, sweetheart” He was trying to hide the smile from his face, but the more she looked at him like that the harder it became. She was trying to be serious, but it was not a look that worked for her.

“You’ll be groun-ded,” she said, her face still scowling at him

“You can’t ground me” His lips curved upwards, she looked absolutely adorable, like an angry little puppy.

“Then I’ll cuff you to the bed,” she huffed. He threatened her with that, she could do the same.

“….grRRRrr…. That sounds intriguing, and what will we do if I’m cuffed to the bed?….grRRRrr….” He lightly growled, turning her so she was now straddling his lap.

“I don’t know, but I’ll think of something,” she replied, raising her chin slightly at him. He lifted her chin higher and brushed his lips across hers.

“I can think of a few things….grRrrRrrRrr….” A seductive growl escaped him, she sucked in a breath of air at the sound and he pulled her closer, pressing her more against him. He ran his hands firmly up her thighs, letting his thumbs trail the insides. She gasped when he grazed closer to her, running them up where her thighs were bent. Shiver after shiver ran up her back as his hands slid higher up her midsection. Raising her shirt as they went. Heat spread through her and settled between her legs as her face flushed.

“Are you?” He asked, brushing his lips across hers again. So many thinking thoughts crashed in her head, she couldn’t focus on his question. She heard the words, but she could only think of his hands and his mouth, the throbbing between her legs and the butterflies in a frenzy inside of her.

“Are you?” He repeated again, as his fingers trailed around the waistband of her pants. She looked up at him, eyes wide and innocent, and she pressed her lips together.

“You’re not.” His smile was now really showing upon his face at that enticing bit of news.

“I forget-ted” she breathed out when she felt his fingers dip beneath the waistband and graze her skin.

“You forgot! How did you forget?” He smiled more, when he heard her sharp intake as he slid them further down her backside.

“Someone thret-ended to come into my room and keep me naked unless I get-ted dress-ed fast.” She pushed more into him as her back arched. He was trying to keep control over himself, but he wasn’t sure how much more he had in him.

“Who would do such a thing?” He asked, using his other hand to hold her closer, press her more against him.

“You! You did that. You would do such a thing” She said, trying to keep her focus on the conversation, on his words and not on his hands caressing her.

“Me! Are you saying that you’re not wearing panties is my fault?” His lips grazed past her ear.

“Yes!” She breathed out. Kenzi had a hold of his shirt, her mind working overtime. Her panic at losing him was wiped away and all that was left were all the delicious thinking thoughts it could fill itself up with. Trying to shift her thinking, she again looked for that word, that two letter word and again it was nowhere to be found.

“How am I going to focus on this dinner, with you sitting in my lap, knowing you are not wearing any panties?” He asked, removing his hand, and sliding it up her back. They both needed a cool down, her face was red and she hadn’t stopped shivering since he felt the first one rip through her.

“Try not to think aboud it,” she said, looking up at him.

“I can’t, it’s the only thing I can think about,” he replied.

“Then it’s going to be really hard,” she blinked her innocent silver orbs and he kissed her nose. His sweet, innocent tiny dancer. She has no idea what she just said! None whatsoever!

“You better go finish dinner, before I am tempted to do something about your pantyless situation,” he said, trailing his hands back down her body.

“You’re already temp-teded” She stated. And there she goes again!

“Someone shouldn’t have threatened to cuff me to the bed, then I wouldn’t be tempted

He pressed his lips to hers, making sure to keep his hands firmly on her hips. Kissing her and roaming her body is what gets him into trouble. It’s one or the other, not both. Her mouth eagerly moved with his and he didn’t need to ask to be invited, she gave him access. Her hands moving across his shoulders to rest with her dainty little fingers on the back of his neck. This was not helping him, this was creating more thoughts. His grip slightly tightening on her as she inadvertently rocked into him to get closer. When she did it again, he fought to suppress the moan. They needed to stop or he would take her right here, right now.

“This is not helping with my temptation,” he breathed out when he broke the kiss. He didn’t want to stop but had to, she was not ready and he would not push her.

“I wasn’t helping?” She asked, looking up at him. He smiled down at her, shaking his head as he brushed his lips back across hers.

“Oh! I thou-ght I was helping.” She was helping something, not his control but something. He released a deep chuckle and kissed her forehead. How he loved this woman and her innocent filterless mouth.

Adonis had finally released Kenzi and she headed back inside to finish getting everything prepared for dinner and the men were back to arguing over which macaroni was better. A timer had gone off and she was pulling braised ribs from the oven, slightly stirring them. She recovered them and put them back in for the last fifty minutes of cook time. Then it was time to get the BBQ going. The kitchen filled up with even more delicious smells and the men were starting to drool.

“I can’t be in the kitchen anymore. I’m going to start leaving puddles” Beta John said as he stepped out onto the deck. Alpha Byron and Alpha Malone started laughing but nodded their heads. They were the first to leave the kitchen because of it. Alpha Bradly had joined a little while later.

“Yeah, her do that” Jackson agreed.

“I don’t know how the little one has any control over himself, he’s in the kitchen with her.” Beta John was saying.

“By lil one you mean Tyler?” Jackson asked.

“Forgive me, he’s the smallest male werewolf I have ever seen.” Beta John apologized,

“Yeah, he small. Wouldn’t go up against him in battle though” Jackson said.

“And why is that?” Beta John asked,

“He’s a biter,” Elijah replied, looking down at his hand.

“He’s a biter?” Alpha Bradly asked,

“Yeah, he chomp down pretty good,” Jackson said, laughing, showing them the scar on the inside of his arm where Tyler had bit him when they were younger.

“How old was he when he did that?” Alpha Byron asked, shaking his head.

“Nine?” Jackson looked at Adonis.

“Yeah, about nine, we hadn’t shifted yet.” Adonis said, keeping an eye on the ribs.

“Some kids were pickin on him for bein small an they got into it. Adon an I jump in to help Tyler an he bit me. Kick Adon in the face though, split his lip open.” Jackson said, then broke out laughing. “Imagine kickin yur Alpha in the face. Don’t know who more shock, Tyler or Adon. Fight end right there, everbody scramble an Adon jus stare at him” Jackson added, when he had control of himself.

“He apologized for a month straight. Every time he saw me, the first words out of his mouth were sorry. I call his name and he’d reply with sorry.” Adonis said, trying not to laugh.

“You brin it up today, he still apologize,” Jackson said.

“Kenzi wanna know how the ribs doin?” Tyler asked when he stepped out onto the deck. Beta John looked at Jackson who nodded his head, a grin spreading across his face.

“Good, tell her another ten minutes.” Adonis replied with his back to him. He was trying not to laugh, he knew what was about to happen.

“Did you really kick your Alpha in the face?” Beta John asked, Tyler stared back at him wide eyed, and shocked. His face draining of colour as he struggled to answer the question. His mouth moved but no words would come out.

“I...I...I it was a accident. I sorry. I din’t mean to. I sorry, it a accident” Was all he could say as his head whipped towards Adonis. His shoulders were shaking as Tyler stammered another apology to him over something that happened more than ten years ago. Jackson erupted into hysterics at the look on his brother’s face.

“Fuck you Jackass” Tyler huffed and stormed back inside,

“That gonna cause a fight later” Jackson choked out.

“Take it outside,” Adonis warned him.

Six on the mark, dinner was ready to be served. The boys had set the tables up outside so they could eat on the deck. Glazed ribs, braised ribs, marinated ribs, two things of macaroni, and roasted parmesan cauliflower adorned the surface of the tables. Stomachs growled and grumbled at the aromas and a few mouths might have been wiped to stop the drool. They were all sitting around the table waiting for the hostess to make her appearance.

Kenzi!” Adonis called,

Yup!” She called back, he could only shake his head as he got up from his seat to go fetch her. No one would touch anything till she was sitting there with them.

“But….but….but….” she was protesting as he led her out of the kitchen.

“It will wait till after dinner” He said, ushering her towards his empty chair.

“I know, but….but….it will take two seconds” She tried again. She held two bottles of whisky and a bottle of scotch in her arms.

“It will wait till after dinner,” he repeated. Taking the bottles from her arms he placed them on the table and sat back in his chair, pulling her into his lap. He held on to her so she wouldn’t get the idea to run back into the kitchen to finish what she was doing. The others stifled their laughter as they waited for them to get situated and start putting food on their plate. She tried one more time to protest, but he held a finger to her lips and shook his head.

“Ok! Which ribs did you want to try?” She asked as she turned to face the table.

“All of them. I behaved myself and didn’t sample anything,” he answered. She nodded her head and leaned forward to start serving them. It took everything in Adonis’s power to stay rooted to the chair and not to throw her over his shoulder and take her up stairs. The more she leaned, the more she pressed into him, and she’s not wearing panties. His hands stayed firm on her hips, and his eyes stayed off her backside. This was going to be a long dinner. Don’t forget hard! Shut up Odin!

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