The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 43: There’s Still Hope!

Sunday morning rolled in before Adonis was ready for it. Slivers of early morning light streaked across her room and he groaned as he tried to ignore it. Shifting slightly a flood of warmth coursed through him as arms tightened around his neck. He shifted again to look down at his tiny dancer only for her arms to tighten around him once again. She was holding on, her eyes closed, face buried in the nape of his neck, she was not letting go. He settled back into his position covering her, but she did not loosen her arms from around him, she held tighter, so he held tighter to her and they both settled back into a sleep. A few hours later he opened his eyes again, his face buried in her neck, breathing in her scent of lavender and green apples. One of her arms was down his back while her other hand was tangled in his hair, she held him tight to her. Her legs wrapped around one of his. He did not appear to be going anywhere anytime soon. A smile played upon his face as he enjoyed the feeling of her embrace. Sure he could roll onto his back, but that would risk waking his tiny mate up and he didn’t want that. She needed her sleep.

Sunday was her day of rest and she would get it. He kissed the side of her neck causing a giggle to slip past her lips and she mumbled something about it tickling. So much for no more sleepovers! This is the only place I wanted to sleep last night! Don’t have to tell me. Now what? Now we wait till she is ready to get up! Then we tell her? We wait to make sure it is safe! Adonis! Odin! Ridgeview….! Has other alliances besides us, and we need to make sure they will not retaliate after news reaches them of what happened. When she is safe and only when she is safe can we tell her who she is! Fuck! Until then, I will kiss her when I want, I will spend nights in her bed, and think of all the time we get to spend together as she tries to help me find my mate! Tries? I am not going to make it easy, I have every intention of being very demanding of any free time she has! We can be very demanding! If she is not at the bakery it is because she is with us! Make her giggle again! Obliging the demanding hellbeast in his head he kissed her neck again, to receive his reward of another giggle.

Another hour slipped by and he felt Kenzi starting to stir to life under him, her hands still continued to clutch him and he refused to move off of her until she was fully awake and he was staring into her silver orbs. Then and only then did he roll onto his side, but he kept her tucked into him. He was not ready to let her go just yet.

“Good morning sweetheart!” He whispered as he pressed his lips to her bare shoulder that was peeking out of the neck of the oversized shirt she was wearing.

“Morning! What tine is it?” She asked, snuggling in deeper to his embrace.

“Just after seven” He answered after he checked the time on her bedside clock.

“So late!” She said, but made no move to leave the warmth of his arms.

“No, it’s still early. You needed your sleep, you were tired yesterday” The memory of what happened flashed in her eyes and he held her tighter to him.

“I am not going anywhere, no one is going to take me away.” He whispered,

“Your mate….” Her voice dropped at the end and went quiet, his mate would take him away, and it was selfish of her to want to keep him.

“Is not on my mind right now. She will be found when she is found if she is ever found. Right now I have a beautiful soul in my arms and she is all I can think about.” Again he pressed his lips to her shoulder, watching the pink blush spread across her cheeks and reach the points of her ears.

“If?” Kenzi dared to look over her shoulder at him. The gold streaks in his eyes swirled and she looked away quickly.

“It is not a guarantee demons find their mates. I have looked all over Canada, and the better part of the United States. Werewolves have something called a Mate Ball and I have been to several every year since I was sixteen in hopes of finding her. She has not turned up at any of them nor have I come across her in any of my other travels. I am not opposed to finding her, but I am no longer looking as actively like I once was either. And even if I did find her, it’s not guaranteed she would accept me.” He said. We don’t need to find her, our mate is already in our arms!

“What happens if you don’t find-ed her?” She asked, he told her, but she couldn’t fully remember what he said.

“We can take a chosen. It is one we choose to be with, like humans do when they’re dating.” He replied, holding tight with one arm he couldn’t resist the urge he felt to let his other travel up and down her side, he felt her breathing increase slightly catching a few times and heard her heartbeat pick up. “And yes we can fall in love with them. Werewolves are capable of forming emotional loving relationships outside of finding their mates like humans can.” He nipped the back of her ear, and she squeaked and shivered in his arms.

They laid there in silence for a bit. She was running her tiny fingers up and down the arm he had wrapped around her, questions circling in her mind, thinking thoughts and ideas. His free hand tracing designs on her hip, enjoying the feeling of her light feathery touches.

“What if you choose-ed someone and then you find-ed your mate?” She asked. She might not be his mate, but if they can’t find her, Adonis can still choose one to be with and there is still hope. Sliding his hand from her hip to her stomach, her breath caught as he continued tracing his designs on his new resting place. The pink in her cheeks grew darker and darker, the more he did it. Her fingers on his arm would tighten if his fingers trailed to low.

“Well if I have already marked the one I chose to be with then the bond to my true mate is broken and it won’t matter who she is, I won’t feel it.” He replied, arching an eyebrow at her question. What is she thinking? Odin was curious as to what was going through her mind.

“Mark them? Like you draw on them?” She asked, trying to focus on anything besides what his hand was doing to her butterflies.

“No, we don’t draw on them.” He couldn’t help the laugh that escaped at the question she asked. He could understand the questions, this is all new to her and she was doing her best to understand his world.

“It is a bite that sits right here.” He let his fingers trail the soft flesh on the left side between her neck and shoulder. She shivered from the contact then a gasp escaped her mouth at the realization of what he said.

“You bite them? Like bite them, bite them? You jus chomp down on them?” She asked, clasping the same area he had just touched, that was rather alarming, she already got chomped on by a bear, she wasn’t sure she wanted to be chomped on by a werewolf.

“I’m ne-ver saying bite me around a were-wolfie.” His deep chuckle did little to soothe her panic. He held her tighter to him, brushing his lips across her shoulder over and over to give her something else to think about, then getting chomped on by a werewolf. Feeling her body shiver against him again, he knew it was working.

“No sweetheart. We don’t chomp down on them. Our canines elongate and we pierce the skin, leaving our mark behind. It is invisible to the human eye, but other shifters see it and know they are spoken for. The more intricate the mark the more powerful the mate and the stronger the bond they have.” He explained. “And if anybody is going to bite you, it’s going to be me” She sucked in a breath when she felt him graze his teeth slowly over her shoulder. Thinking thoughts so many thinking thoughts. Listen to your mind not your body, that’s what Tyler said, when your mind isn’t saying no that’s when you’re ready. The thoughts raced and swirled and danced around her head, but one word did not come to her. One word was not being spoken in her mind and she looked for it, searched for it. No, was nowhere to be found.

Kenzi was quiet for a bit longer, biting her lip as she took in this new information, using it to tone down the thinking thoughts running rampant in her head. There was a question burning a whole in her and she wanted to know what his answer would be. She knew what she wanted him to say, but she had to brace herself for what he might say.

“What if you can’t find-ed her?” She asked, finally.

“What if I can’t find who?” He asked. All the questions she was asking, he was starting to piece them together. Does she want to know if we would take a chosen? I believe she does! But we don’t have to! No we don’t, but she doesn’t know that! She doesn’t want to give us up! No she doesn’t! She’s trying to find another way to cling to to keep us? Yes she is! I love our mate! I do too!

“Your mate! What if you can’t….find….her? Would….would you….would you choose-ed someone to be with?” She held her breath waiting for his answer, if he said yes there was hope. If he said yes, she might not have to give him up. Please let him say yes! Please! Please! Kenzi never wanted to hear that three letter word more than she did at this moment. Everything hinged on that three letter world. She would still help him try and find her…but if he couldn’t…. He felt her holding her breath, waiting to hear what he would say. He wanted to tell her right there that they didn’t need to look for his mate. He wanted to tell her that he already found his mate, tell her that she will never be alone, she never had to give him up, he was hers. But too many dangers were still unknown and until he knew, he said the one word that he hoped would clear some of this up for her.

“Yes! If I can’t find my true mate, and the right person comes along I would choose to be with someone.” The excitement he felt flood the room at the moment that three letter word left his mouth was like nothing he ever felt before. It washed over him, filling him, wave after wave crashed into him. Who knew yes was that powerful? Odin was revelling in the feeling that surrounded him. Her body was vibrating with how excited she was for that answer. I think she missed everything you said after yes! I think she did too! How excited will she be when she finds out she is our true mate? Odin wondered. She might explode when she finds out!

“Breakfast!” She blurted, and started squirming to get out of his arms. “We need breakfast. I’m hungry and you’re always hungry, and I has house guests and they’re going to be hungry and I should make breakfast.” He let her go, he was trying to contain his reaction to her excitement, but the more he felt the harder it was. Her eyes were dancing with merriment and she bolted from the bed and into the bathroom. ….eeeee…. The door closed as a small excited squeal escaped her. He could only chuckle. There was no hiding nor denying how she felt. Yes was the right answer and he didn’t get tripped up on it this time. Is it just me or is her pronunciation getting better? It’s definitely getting better! Smart Lil Button!

Kenzi was in the kitchen, her mind racing with thoughts. If he can’t find her, he can choose-ed someone and there is still hope. There is still hope, at least there is until he bites someone! She didn’t want to think about him not choosing her. She would figure out how to make herself the best choice. She didn’t know how she would do that, but she would figure it out, she had to figure it out. As her thoughts rolled through her head, her house started to fill up with delicious smells and soon there was a knock on her back door and she saw Tyler standing there. A big smile broke out on her face when she saw him. Rushing to let him in, Kenzi threw herself into his arms giving him a big hug.

“Hi Tyler!” She said a little too excitedly.

“Mornin Kenzi, you in a good mood today” He said as he watched her bounce around her kitchen while cooking breakfast. Yesterday she was crying and calling herself stupid and selfish and today she was very excited.

“There’s still hope Tyler” she replied as she flipped pancakes and stirred eggs and hashbrowns.

“Hope?” Tyler asked as he entered the kitchen and took over the hashbrowns and pancakes for her.

“He might not be mine, and I’m gonna help him find her. But if we can’t, if we can’t find her, he can still choose-ed. And that means there is still hope. There is still hope until he bites someone,” she said. Tyler couldn’t fight back his laugh if he tried. She was happy and excited, if she couldn’t be his true mate, then she could at least be his chosen mate and she didn’t have to give him up.

“Goin on here?” Jackson asked as he came into her kitchen.

“Makin breakfas” Tyler exclaimed,

“You makin breakfas?” Jackson asked, looking at his brother.

“He helps in the kitchen at the bakery all the tine, he barks at the cusomers when he’s up front,” Kenzi explained.

“Eli on his way as well” Jackson said as he took over stirring the sausage for her.

“Don’t eat any, it’ll be too hot and you’ll burn yourself” She said over her shoulder as she was working at her counter, making pastry dough. Stopping Jackson before he could even attempt to steal anything.

“This how her get all her food made, this super stove.” Jackson said to Tyler as he just nodded.

“What got her all excited? Can feel it outside over at Eli’s” Jackson asked as he looked over his shoulder at her.

“They still hope” Tyler filled Jackson and Elijah in on what Kenzi said to him on the rock. He knew Adonis had already heard every word she spoke last night, and that’s why he didn’t go home when they got back from the northside.

“What?” Jackson asked, Tyler checked behind him and she was in her own world, singing and dancing with a big smile on her face.

“They don’t find his mate, he take a chosen, an til he bite someone they still hope.” Tyler looked at her again, so did Jackson.

“What her gonna do when her know?” Jackson asked,

“Explode!” Tyler said, trying not to laugh.

“Yeah, they be a excited Lil Kenzi Cakes bouncin everwhere when her know,” Jackson agreed, biting back his own laughter.

Adonis was watching her from the top of the stairs, he had just finished in the shower. She carried a big smile on her face and excitement still spilled from her, as she sang and danced around her kitchen. Tyler and Jackson weren’t even trying to fight back their laughter at her excitement. Special little mate! Nothing better wreck this day for her! Nothing! He loved this look on her face, he loved this look of her. Her hair piled high in a messy bun with a few stray tendrils resting against her neck, her oversized t-shirt falling from her shoulder as the hem of the shirt almost fell to her knees. Her eyes danced and he could see her little body vibrating with excitement. Then it all came to a crashing halt, when something struck her.

“Oh crackers! I don’t has a nuff” Kenzi blurted as she looked at her little table.

“Nuff what?” Jackson asked, looking at all the food she had already prepared.

“A nuff of anything” she said “I don’t has a nuff chairs, or plates, or mugs or anything. My tables not big a nuff for ev-ry-body.”

“Everbody?” Tyler asked, he too looked at the table.

“Mr. Byron, Mr. Malone, Mr. Morgan, Mr. John, Bradly, Adonis, you, Jackson, or Elijah. It’s not big a nuff.” She looked a little panicked as she took it all in.

“It aight, comeon Tyler we get the table an chairs, Eli get the plates an we fine the mugs.” She nodded her head, biting her lip as Jackson and Tyler left the kitchen to gather everything.

“Sshh sweetheart!” Adonis came up behind her and wrapped her in his embrace. Make her happy again!

“I don’t has a nuff!” She said, concern showing in her voice.

“It’s ok. We only need nine chairs, and nine plates.” He whispered, letting his lips graze past her ear, his minty breath fanning against her.

“Nine? Why only nine?” She asked, not pulling away from him, her body instead humming to life at the barely there contact.

“Because you’re sitting with me” He turned her head to the side and tilted it back so his lips could graze past hers and when they parted he claimed them. He told her he was going to come back and do this again, but she was asleep. She’s not asleep now. She melted into him, pressing her back into his chest. One by one her thoughts dissolved and all that was left floating around her mind was him, his lips and his hands. When he felt her raise up on her tippy toes to get higher he deepened the kiss, sliding his hand up her side he offered her support as she tried to make herself taller. He explored her, sought her out, teased her to play with him. Her fingers tightened around his hand that was cupping her cheek, while she pulled him closer to her with her other hand. No more kissing her is definitely out the window! There is still hope, Odin!

He heard her conversation with Tyler in the kitchen, she was clinging to hope. He would give her hope. He would never not choose her. Breakfast sizzled behind them completely forgotten as they were lost in the moment, it was only when the need to breathe rose that they broke the kiss, but they didn’t stop trying. Deep breath after deep breath their lips continued to meet. Electric shock after electric shock ripped through both of them. His hands became more demanding as they began to travel her body. She reacted to his touch pushing more into him, trying to get closer to him to his touch to his mouth. Lost in each other until they smelled smoke.

“Somethings burning!” She gasped. They started moving around the stove checking everything over. The pancakes, they burnt the pancakes.

“Oops!” Was all he could say when he saw the blackened bottoms. Her cheeks went red, and she started laughing, burying her face in her hands.

The rest of breakfast was a trial, he found any and every excuse he could to touch her, kiss her, hold her to him. He was hoping he was making it very clear to her that he chose her, that she was his and he wasn’t going to let go anytime soon. Maybe she’ll give up this find our mate thing! If she doesn’t we’ll look at it as several dates! Lots of dating! I told you I’m going to be very demanding of her free time! She will never get rid of us! She is clinging to hope, I will give her hope! We will always choose her! Always! She brushed past him and he took the opportunity to pull her into his chest. Kenzi’s fingers splayed across him, feeling his hard muscle under his shirt. She didn’t mean to, she couldn’t help it when her fingers started to trace the outline of the well defined muscles of his upper body. Gliding over the contours and watching his chest ripple from her touch. Adonis sucked in a deep breath, as the shiver ran up his back from her gentle caress. This was the boldest she has ever been, when she looked up into his pitch black eyes. ….grRRRrr…. It was low and he didn’t mean for it to escape him, he saw the corners of her mouth twitch upwords.

“Can you do that again?” She asked, she pressed her hand more into him, feeling more of him. ….grRRRrr…. Her eyes widened and her lips curved more. ….grrrrRrRrRrrrrr…. Her nose wrinkled as both her hands were now splayed across his chest. ….grrrrrRrrRRRrrRrrrrrr…. He wrapped his arms around her, as she pressed her face into his chest feeling and listening to his growl, he heard the giggle. ….grrrrrRrrRRRrrRrrrrrr…. Again he heard her giggle, which inturn made him laugh. It still makes her laugh! ….grrrrrRrrRRRrrRrrrrrr…. She’d giggle, he’d laugh listening to her giggle. ….grrrrrRrrRRRrrRrrrrrr…. More giggling…. More laughing. He tried different growls, but it just seemed to be that one sound that made her giggle. ….grrrrrrrRrrrRRRrrrRrrrrrrrr…. That one made her snuggle in more to his arms, a sense of calm surrounding him, maybe he could use that one to keep her asleep longer. ….grrrrrRrrRRRrrRrrrrrr…. She giggled again.

A throat clearing at the door brought his attention to Jackson standing there, eyebrows raised but he never said a word about what he just witnessed.

“Need help wit the table” was all he said.

“I’ll be right back” He tilted her head up and brushed his lips across hers, before she pressed her lips to his. Timers went off and they needed to separate, before they burned any more of breakfast.

“Shut up!” Adonis said as he walked past Jackson on the way out the back door.

“Din’t say nuttin” Jackson raised his hands, though he couldn’t fight the ear to ear grin that was spreading across his face, as he followed Adonis out of the house. Kenzi stood there for a minute collecting herself. Yes! The best three letter word ever. Yes! There was indeed still hope. Yes! Eyes widening she better get her turnovers out of the oven before they turn into burnovers. Rushing around her kitchen some more, the smile wouldn’t stop no matter how hard she tried. Neither would the little fits of giggling or tiny squeals of joy she would break into.

“Growlin still make her laugh?” Jackson finally asked, when they were back at his house.

“Yeah!” He couldn’t wipe the smile from his face.

“Uh huh!” Jackson just looked at him. “You tell her her yur true mate, her gonna explode, they be a lil bouncin Kenzi everwhere”

“She does get excited” Adonis agreed,

“Excited? That lil girl bout ready for lif off” Jackson retorted,

“Ok, she gets really excited” Adonis replied,

“The fuck you say to her?” Jackson asked,

“She asked if I would ever take a chosen mate, if we couldn’t find my true one. I learned that lesson, and said yes.” Adonis replied,

“Now her makin breakfas for an army, bouncin roun her kitchen.” Jackson added. “The fuck you gonna tell her, who her really is?”

“As soon as I know for a fact she is safe. Ridgeview had other alliances. Our guards need to stay up, until we know they won’t retaliate.” Adonis replied, grabbing one end of the table.

“Yeah! I get that. We goin east?” Jackson asked,

“Yes! Their King has been visiting packs. He’s looking for someone, Steve and Kennedy are a little nervous about the whole thing. Considering what happened to the rest of the idiots, I can’t really say I blame them, but it is not something they need to worry about. No ones going to touch them. Treaty or no treaty I don’t think their King wants a war with The Devil. He’s hitting Eric’s pack next week, and I would be lying if I said I didn’t want to see his title taken away or watch him get beheaded.” Adonis answered,

“The fuck?” Jackson asked as he grabbed the other end of the table and they began to walk out of the house.

“When he brought down the ruling about werecats, four of the idiots didn’t comply and lost their heads.” Adonis couldn’t hide the humour he found in that.

“Big stupids! The fuck happen to the others?” Jackson asked, shaking his head.

“Like I said, he is looking for someone. He thinks they know where whoever it is he’s looking for is and they won’t tell him. He took their titles and they lost their packs. Eric is the next one on the list” Adonis said,

“Be a damn shame he get dethrone” Jackson said,

“Yeah, It would be tragic if we weren’t there to witness his beheading,” Adonis agreed, causing a deep rumbled laugh to escape Jackson.

“The fuck he lookin for?” Jackson asked,

“Steve and Kennedy don’t know,” Adonis answered. That was a mystery, but whoever it was had The King personally looking, meaning they were someone important and he wanted them found.

“You should take her” Jackson suggested,

“What?” Pulled from his thoughts Adonis looked at Jackson,

“You should take Lil Kenzi Cakes. I understand the town shut down that week. All businesses close to give the owners a break. Beta Morgan told me, they put it in place, so Kenzi don’t get overwork. When the bakery firs open, her start at six. But it got so busy that her had to keep startin earlier an earlier jus to keep up. People come from all over the world to go to her bakery. Stupid Mayor build festivals roun it. Cept people don’t come for the festivals, they come for the bakery. You mated to a world famous baker an we all gonna be fat.” Jackson had given him something to think about. He wasn’t aware the town shut down for a week. Has she ever taken a vacation? Probably not Odin, that would be seen as selfish! We should take her! We would be able to keep an eye on her, and not having to work she would be able to rest and relax! And have fun with us! Yes Odin, she would be able to have fun with us! Great idea, so glad I thought of it! Idiot! Yes you are! Asshole! You’re that as well!

Stepping back in her house as she was getting the last of breakfast out of the oven, their mouths were salivating. Cinnamon buns, turnovers, strudels, french toast, donuts, croissants. Sat upon her counters, next to stacks of pancakes and waffles, plates of bacon and sausage. Bowls of hashbrowns, omelettes, berry compote, cinnamon butter, maple syrup. How long were we getting the table for? She’s magic!

“Did I over do it again?” She asked looking at all the food, then to the men who just stood in her doorway, trying not to drool. They could only shake their heads.

“Yup, we gonna be fat” Came Jackson’s voice though the link

A knock to the front door sounded and she went to answer it as Jackson and Adonis set up the second table. Tyler and Elijah showed up right behind them with chairs and a box full of plates and mugs. Alpha Byron and Beta John had woken up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee and bacon and were helping set the food on the table, but were at a standstill until the second one arrived.

“How did she make all this?” Beta John asked,

“Her magic!” Tyler replied, nodding his head as he placed the chairs around the tables. She may have super oven, but his sister was a magic little baker in his eyes.

“No offence Alpha Adonis, but your pack is going to be fat” Alpha Byron couldn’t help laughing when he saw Adonis nodding his head.

“I am coming to this realization as well,” he said.

“Good morning Mr. Malone, Mr. Morgan, please come in. Hi Bradly.” Kenzi still couldn’t remember what Tyler told her the head wolf was called and the only thing that came to her mind was apple. But after his reaction to her saying that, that was clearly not what he was called.

“Good morning Kenzi! How are you today?” Alpha Malone asked, his apprehension subsiding when he saw the beaming smile she carried on her face.

“Good, I made breakfast. I hope you’re hungry, I think I overdi-ded it jus a little.” She said as she motioned towards the tables. Their eyes widened when they saw all the food.

“I have been trying not to drool since my eyes opened. You can smell it from next door” Beta Morgan remarked.

“Try being in the same house and smelling it. I woke up drooling” Beta John countered. Beta John was probably the most serious werewolf they have come across, but he was completely relaxed and cracking jokes.

“I thought Eli was Mr. Damn Serious all the time” Jackson mumbled to Tyler under his breath.

“No shit!” Tyler mumbled back. Though the others couldn’t hear their comment Elijah did and he shot them a glare, causing both Jackson and Tyler to crack grins.

“Ev-rybody sit, help yourselves” Kenzi motioned towards the tables as she grabbed the coffee, sugar and cream. Adonis made sure he directed her towards the table as well. She needed to eat too. He took his spot at the head of the table and pulled Kenzi into his lap. Only nine chairs after all! Odin laughed in his head. She looked around a little alarmed by this, it was one thing when it was just the five of them, but she had other guests now.

“Sshh sweetheart, let’s put some food on that plate.” No one else at the table seemed at all bothered by how or where she was sitting and she began to relax more into him.

“Waffles or pancakes?” She asked him,

“French toast” he replied, when the plate was passed to them. A smile played upon her lips as she loaded their plate with food. There was no way she was going to eat even a quarter of what was on the plate, but she was feeding a hungry werewolf as well and they liked to eat.

The conversation flowed, and laughter was heard. No one brought up the events of last night and for that Adonis was grateful. He wasn’t one that liked to brag of his conquests, there were no winners in war. The innocent died so the guilty could pay a price. He did take the ceremonial dagger, and it was put amongst his collection. The addition of this one brought his total to thirty four. Thirty four packs annihilated, and not an ounce of guilt he felt, no wonder he was called a soulless devil. He felt her fingers on his arm and when he looked at her, she was smiling brightly. Maybe he wasn’t soulless after all, maybe he just hadn’t found his soul yet. He kissed her shoulder and she fed him a bite of french toast. Drawing him back into the conversation, and everyone’s plans for the day. Jackson was heading back to the camp to continue working, with the bakery not open Tyler was going with him. Leaving Adonis and Elijah with the visiting Alpha’s and their Beta’s.

“What are you thinking sweetheart?” Adonis asked, when he noticed she was deep in thought.

“Bourbon brais-ed back ribs, homemade macaroni and cheese with bacon, and roast-ed parmesan cauliflower for dinner, with cookie bat-ter brownies for dessert.” They all stared at her wide eyed. No one said a word for the longest time.

“That soun fuckin delicious, what time dinner?” Tyler asked, causing Jackson to erupt into laughter beside him.

“Six” she answered,

“I be here,” Tyler nodded. Like fuck we missin that! Bal agreed in his head.

“Yeah, me too!” Jackson agreed, he wasn’t missing that either. She looked around the table at everyone else. The others nodded their heads.

“I has to get to the butcher” her excitement bubbling over again at having dinner guests and before he could stop her she was off his lap and running out the door.

“She’s highly excitable!” Alpha Byron exclaimed, as they all stared at the open door.

“Excitable? That little girl is ready for lift off” Beta John retorted,

OW!” Came a yelp from outside,

“How come no one telled me I wasn’t wearing any shoes? I step-ped on a rock,” Kenzi exclaimed when she slightly limped back inside. One by one their eyes dropped to their plates trying to cover their laughter when she spoke.

“Sorry Lil Kenzi Cakes, thata real dick move on our part” Jackson said, as he tried not to laugh.

“That’s ok, but it really hurts,” She said, looking at the bottom of her foot.

“Uh Lil K!”

“Yeah Tyler?” She looked at him

“You ain’t wearin any pants either” He replied, his shoulders shaking as he continued to look at his plate.

“I thou-ght I was missing something” She said as she looked down at her bare legs. That did have the room erupting with laughter. Getting up from his spot at the table Adonis ushered her back towards it.

“But I has to get to the butcher” she protested,

“After breakfast” he replied,

“But I need ribs” she insisted,

“After breakfast” he repeated, sitting back down

“But….” she tried again

“It will wait till after breakfast” Adonis pulled her back into his lap, and held on tighter before she ran away again. Pulling their plate back in front of her and putting her fork back in her hand he encouraged her to eat more. Stifled laughter could be heard around the tables as they all continued to eat.

Breakfast done and cleaned up Kenzi was in her bedroom trying to find something to wear and going over her grocery list. The more she thought the more she added to it. She needed to hit the liquor store and grab more whisky, another bottle of bourbon and scotch. She needed cauliflower and macaroni and cheese and heavy cream from the grocery store and then to the butchers to get the ribs. She was going to need a lot of ribs, maybe she should get two bottles of bourbon. Maybe she should hit the butchers first and place her order and then she could pick it up after she got the rest of her shopping done. It would give Tom more time to get it ready. The more she thought the more that was a better idea. A gentle knock at her door interrupted her thoughts.

“Sweetheart!” Adonis called to her,

“Yeah!” she called back,

“Are you almost ready to go?” se asked,

“Um….I’m get-ting there” Kenzi looked down at herself, she was still wrapped in a towel.

“Are you still wrapped in a towel?” he asked,

“Um….kinda” she said, looking down at herself again.

“As much as keeping you in a towel all day is intriguing, especially with the endless possibilities of the way that towel could accidentally fall from your body, and as enjoyable as that would be. You need to put some clothes on now,” he spoke. Six shades of red!

“Shameless!” She called back. “If my towel ass-cident-tally falls, it’s cause you pull-ed it.” He chuckled at her response. That is something he would do. It is something he would take great pleasure in doing….repeatedly.

“Maybe that is something we could do later.” Adonis couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face. He could hear her heartbeat pick up.

“Relentless!” Her reply was breathy. Ten shades now!

“Put some clothes on, before I come in there and find a reason for you not to wear any.” He heard drawers opening and closing and rustling as she got herself dressed.

“You would be the reas-son I wasn’t wearing any” She said, when she opened her bedroom door, a deep pink blush still on her cheeks. He stood blocking her exit with his hands braced against either side of the door.

“Could you blame me for not wanting you to wear any clothes?” He watched as her blush deepened, moving down her neck. He watched her take a deep breath, her chest heaved as she looked up at him. Still searching her mind for that one word, and still coming up with nothing. Maybe she was ready, her body responded to him, her mind didn’t seem to be fighting it either. Was she uncertain or was she just scared? Seeing the slight swirls of fear in her eyes, he guided her into his arms.

“There is no rush,” he said. “We have all the time we will ever need. I promised and I won’t break it.” He felt her slight head nod against his chest as she moved closer into his embrace. ….grrrrrRrrRRRrrRrrrrrr…. He heard her giggle, the grin spreading on his face. ….grrrrrRrrRRRrrRrrrrrr…. She giggled some more, ….grrrrrRrrRRRrrRrrrrrr…. More giggling, she looked up at him and her smile was back in place. He brushed the hair from her face, tucking it behind her ears.

“Beta Morgan and Beta John are going to go with you to town,” he spoke,

“Ok” she nodded her head. “Do they need something? I could jus pick it up for them”

“No, Beta John has not seen the town, and I figured you could use help with getting everything for dinner,” he replied. He didn’t want to tell her it was because he felt it was unsafe for her to be wandering around without Tyler right now. Until we know, she isn’t safe! We don’t need to scare her with that! Always threat of retaliation! Though no one ever does! Who would be stupid enough to fuck with The Devil? I know a few! Touche!

“Yeah, I need a lot of ribs. I thou-ght I made too much for breakfast, but not much is left over, I don’t think I made a nuff.” Kenzi agreed, pulling him from his conversation with Odin. Special Lil Button! He could only chuckle at her response.

“You are something else my tiny dancer,” He pressed his lips to her head as he held her closer to him. She was definitely getting better.

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