The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 23: Kissed A Girl!

“That is quite the garden you have” He said, when he saw it the first time in wolf form he couldn’t help but wonder how she manages it all.

“Thank you! I like to be outsigh-d, so I finded a hobby that I can do while I’m out here.” She replied smiling at him,

“You never stop moving do you?” He asked,

“No, not really. The world is moving and I move with it” she said,

“Keeps you out of trouble too” He said laughing at her expression,

“I don’t ge-t into trubble!” She replied,

“No?” He arched his eyebrow at her,

“No, maybe a liddle bit when I was younger, but not so much no more” she said,

“What do you do when the world gets too loud for you?” He asked,

“I ge-t louder” her reply was simple.

“Your music!” She nodded her confirmation,

“Jus cause my headphones are on….does-dint….mean the music is always playing. Sum-tines I’m dancing to the songs in my head, but I hear what ez-ry-body says. I know there’s sum-thing wrong with me, I hear them talking boud it. When they ge-t too loud, I turn the music on. Then it all goes away, and you can’t stay upset when you’re dancing, I’ve tried but it….does-dint….work.” She said. He watched her as she paused on that one word. Looked like she was deciding something in her head but he couldn’t figure out what it was. Giving his head a slight shake he put his focus completely on her.

“For the record I don’t think there’s a damn thing wrong with you. The more I learn the more I’m certain of that.” He didn’t need to see the blush to know it was there. He didn’t like that she could hear the things people said about her.

“Do you want to sit here or on the dock?” She pointed to her swing on the deck.

“I think the swing. It’ll be easier for you” He replied, and he didn’t want to give her the option of sitting further from him, the swing, she would be nice and close. He waited for her to be seated before he took up the rest of it.

“I think I need a bigger swing” She teased,

“Hey now, what are you trying to tell me?” He laughed,

“That you’re big” She giggled,

“Well, then in that case, you need a bigger bed to” her musical laughter, made his smile get wider.

“Could always jus use your bed” She said, his eyes widened.

“We could always just use my bed, and I would take you up on that offer, but it didn’t make the move. I haven’t had the time to replace it yet.” he replied,

“Oh, that’s too bad….wait what offer?” She looked at him her eyes wide,

“The one where you just invited yourself into my bed….again” He said looking back down at her. He could feel the heat coming off her as the flush engulfed her face and spread down her body.

“This is the panty talk all over again” she muffled behind her hands. “I am, I am” she added, feeling his gaze on her. He could only laugh.

“And you say I say things.” He said grinning at her,

“You shame-less-ly flirt and you’re relent-less, my face is going to be red forever.” she countered,

“Your face is red? You told me you sometimes forget to wear panties and then invited yourself into my bed….twice. What about my face? And the visions I have in my head, all the time” He feigned torment,

“I think you’ll be fine. Shame boud your lack of bed though, looks like you’re sleeping solo….on the floor.” He broke out laughing.

“It’s like that is it?” She giggled while nodding her head. His little mate was sharp as a tack. “Well then, we’ll just have to share yours until I get my own” Her eyes snapped to him, then she looked away as the blush across her face darkened, though she couldn’t hide the smile at that thought.

“I’ve nev-ver had Con-conv-co....” Kenzi released a small sigh as she struggled with what she was trying to say but finally gave up. “I don’t talk to many people, when I do it’s not like this.” She took a drink of her water.

“You just haven’t met the right people,” He replied. What else has she never done? Let’s find out!

“Let’s play a game” He said,

“What kind of game?” She looked at him curiously, this intrigued her.

“Never have I ever, you ever play?” He asked,

“No, I has nev-ver playded that game.” She looked at him. How innocent is she? We’re about to find out!

“The game should be played where all parties are drinking, but circumstances prohibit that on your part. But the game is simple, you start by saying ’Never have I ever’ and say something you’ve never done. If someone has done something you’ve never done, they have to drink and tell the story.” He explained,

“That sounds preddy s-imp-ple” He smiled at her,

“It is simple, we’ll start off on an easy one. Never have I ever….stolen a car” He said,

“So if I’ve done it I would drink?” He nodded, then his eyes widened when she drank.

“You’ve stolen a car?” He asked,

“It was a ass-cident and it was one tine” she replied,

“Kenzi, how do you accidentally steal a car?” He looked at her, he picked something he thought she would never have done. Maybe she’s not as innocent as she looks! Odin howled in his head.

“It parkded besigh mine at the gas station, and when I came out I didint think anything of gedding in the car. It lookded jus like mine and the keys were in it. So I takded it” she started explaining,

“When did you realize it wasn’t yours?” He asked,

“When the very angry puppy in the back seat made hisself known. I drivded right back to the gas station and said sorry to the guy whose car it was. He laughded and said he th-ough-t he lockded his keys and his dog in the car and callded Frank to open it. That was a good thing, cause I lockded my keys in the car for the fourth tine that week. It’s how the tally board at the garage gedded starded.” She finished,

“There’s a tally board? What’s it counting to?” He couldn’t hold back his grin,

“If I ge-t to fifty I owe Frank a cake….I’m sidding at forty four. But it’s not my fault. You ge-t out of the car, you lock the door and shut it, it’s jus what you do. Sum-tines my keys are still in the car when I do it though” she answered, holding back a laugh.

“It’s your turn” he said,

“Sum-thing I’ve nev-er done um….Nev-er has I ev-er….swimmded in a lake nak-ed” she said after she looked towards the lake. He took a drink and her eyes went wide and her jaw dropped.

“I was sixteen and Jackson bet me that I would strike out at a party with this girl. I did. We drove down to the lake, and it turned out half the school was there to see. I stripped in front of everybody. I was taught to stand tall, hold my head high and walk with pride. So I stood tall, held my head high and proudly walked my naked ass right into that lake. Jackson howled the whole time. It was….fucking cold. It was only after I did that that the girl gave me her number. I ripped it up in front of her and took her best friend out instead. It was a little vindictive of me, but I was stupid and sixteen” Her eyes were dancing with amusement after he finished his story.

“The first girl must has likded what she saw” Did she just flirt with us? I think so!

“The first girl was the reason my naked ass ended up in the freezing cold lake. My turn never have I ever kissed more than one girl on the lips” when he saw her eyes widen, his did as well. He was trying to see how innocent she was and that was proving to be difficult.

“Does it count if they kissded you?” She asked,

“Yes!” He answered,

“Does kissing the same girl twice count as more than one?” She bit her lip,

“Yes!” His mind was spinning at what she was going to say after he watched her take a drink,

“Then I’ve done it three tines. I was sixteen and Teagan was hasing a party. I was pose to stay in my room, but I wanded to know what was going on. I was passing by the kitchen and this girl jus grabbded my shoulders and went to press a card to my lips but it fell and she ended up kissing me. I said sorry and that I wasn’t pose to be at the party. They were playing a game and they teachded it to me. The same girl went to pass me the card only for her to drop it again. Then she said sum-thing to her friend and her friend walkded up and kissded me. Teagan gedded mad and kickded me out and I sat at the park for a couple hours.” He might not find out how innocent she is, but he can find out a bit more about her past.

“Did you eventually go home?” He tried to keep it light,

“Teagan wou-dint let me back in. Said I wreckded her party and ez-ry-one preddy much lef after she kickded me out. Joe finded me on a park bench at three in the morning after he closded the bar and bringded me home. I stayded with them for a couple days. Gerty gave me one of his shirts, said I could keep it. I still has it, it’s light grey with long sleeves. Used to has a lion piture on it, but I wearded it so much that the piture is gone and it’s full of holes. How has you only ev-er kissded one girl?” She asked, looking at him, he gave her a smile.

“Kissing is an intimate action, and I swore to myself that I would never do anything intimate with someone unless I truly cared for them, it wouldn’t be fair to myself or whoever I was with. The one girl I kissed, we had an amazing connection then I lost her, that was three years ago” he replied, he shifted slightly on the swing so he was facing her more.

“I’m sorry!” Kenzi put her hand on his arm. She was repeating the two words he pronounced for her in her head when it registered what he said.

“She didn’t die sweetheart. She just disappeared, left, moved, vanished I don’t know.” He brushed a strand of hair from her face and let his thumb graze her cheek. “I looked for her, but when I began to lose sight of what she looked like it was time to let her go.”

“I’ve never been in-ti-mate with no one eizer. Adam and I has kissded, but it’s never gone past that. Never felt right. The last few tines he touchded me, made my skin crawl. It felt really wrong.” He couldn’t help the smile that hit him, she had accepted the bond between them already. He couldn’t help but wonder when she did that.

“Never has I ever has sex!” She looked at him confused when he drank. “You said you were never….with no one”

“Sex and intimacy are two totally different things” he replied,

“How is it di-dif-fer-rent?” This is where her innocence is!

Different! Sex is raw, and rough it’s pure want, with little emotion, no attachments, just physical. It’s an itch that needs to be scratched and nothing more. Intimacy is desire, passion. It’s giving everything you have, giving everything they need. It’s an emotional connection.” He explained as best he could the difference between the two.

“I’ve never done eizer. I’ve only ever….kiss-ed.” She said, looking at him seeing if she got the word right.

“There’s no rush,” he responded, with a slight smile.

They sat looking out at the lake for a bit before he broke the silence. He was moving the swing back and forth and couldn’t help thinking that they would be doing this a lot during their life.

“I’m curious, what game did they teach you?” He asked,

“Suck and blow” she said,

“I don’t think I’ve ever played that” the game sounded familiar but he wasn’t sure. Play….ed, play…ed, play..ed, play-ed!

“It’s….play-ed with one playing card, one person sucks the card to their lips and gives it to the uther person, the second person sucks and the first person blows, if the card falls they kiss and the one res-resp….who droppded it loses” She did her best to explain the game.

“I’ve definitely never played that game” he said,

“Well if you did then you would has kiss-ed more than one girl.” He started laughing. Little flirt!

“That’s true, I would have. Never have I ever played suck and blow” he said,

“I could teach you,” she said after she took her drink.

“You could teach me?” His smile was getting a bit bigger. I think I just found my opening Odin! Howling with excitement in his head. What the fuck are you waiting for then?

“Yeah! If you want” she looked at him

“Alright then, teach me to play” He said, her eyes lit up. Slowly getting off the swing Kenzi went into the house. A few minutes later she came back with a deck of cards.

“Your cards have cookies on them?” He asked, grinning.

“They’re cute! I was going to buyded some with cakes on them but then I finded these ones and likded them bedder” She replied as she took her seat facing him.

“Tell me how to play the game,” He said holding up one of the cards,

“It’s easy, I suck then place the card on your lips, then you suck and I blow at the same tine. It should be done with more people, but it can work with two.” She explained,

“Sounds simple enough. I’m game to try it, but I’m not sure how well this is going to work. I’m a little bigger than you” That was a problem, even sitting down she was considerably smaller than him. She wouldn’t be able to reach high enough to place the card on his lips without hurting herself.

“Oh, I know!” She carefully got up, lifted her dress a bit and slid into his lap to straddle his waist, instinctively his hands went to her hips. His eyes widened, when she was now sitting in his lap facing him.

“There this will be bedder. What? What’s wrong? Did I do sum-some-thing wrong?” A confused look crossed her face as concern that maybe she screwed up flooded her, when she saw the slight shock on his face.

“Nothing! Nothing at all” He wrapped his arms around her holding her in place. As far as he was concerned she came up with a perfectly reasonable solution to their problem. Good luck not grabbing her ass! Shut up! Horny human! Coming from the wolf that wants to bite it! I still do!

Holding the card to her lips he watched her suck in. Her slightly indented cheeks pronouncing her delicate cheekbones even more he was captivated by the sight. Maintaining the suction to keep the card in place Kenzi slowly took her hand away. Her eyes danced as she leaned forward to pass the card to him. He sucked in as she gently blew on the back of it, when she pulled back he couldn’t hold the card and it fell in between them.

“You lose! You has to keep the suction” she laughed,

“Alright, I think I can do this” He said as he picked up the card,

“Like the cimanone buns?” She teased,

“Ha ha, funny girl. One more try, this time I start” He said. Holding the card to his lips he sucked in. She leaned forward to accept the card and he passed it to her.

“See, told you I can do this.” Her eyes danced with merriment as she looked at him, still keeping the card suctioned to her lips.

“Alright, give it back” she leaned forward to give it back, and not wanting his opportunity to pass him, he let the card fall between them and claimed her lips instead.

Startled at first by the sudden explosion that rocked through her, her body hummed to life, a fire igniting deep inside and started burning through her. Kenzi found herself leaning into the kiss, wanting more, needing more. Her hand gripped his shirt pulling him closer to her, while her fist rested on his shoulder. His body vibrated with anticipation and excitement. Her lips felt better than he imagined they would and were softer than he remembered. One arm around her waist pulling her closer to him, his other hand threaded through her hair tilting her head back slightly giving him better access. Her mouth moved under his, taking from him everything he wanted from her. His demand, his need matched hers. Unable to breathe and the need for oxygen becoming paramount, the kiss broke. Breathing hard, neither moved away from the other.

“You-you lose!” Was the only thing she could think to say when the kiss ended and her breathing slowed enough for her to speak.

“Maybe, kinda feels like I won though” he breathed out, brushing his lips across hers. When they parted he was tempted to kiss her again, but settled for another gentle brush passed them.

“Guess you can’t say you’ve only kiss-ed one girl now” She said, he smiled at her, again tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

“I guess not” he replied, though yes he could. He’s still only kissed one girl, he just got to kiss her twice.

“Do you always crawl into people’s laps? Not that I’m complaining.” He added running his hands down her thighs, her eyes continued to dance and a smile played upon her lips.

“I guess! Goes with inviting myself into some-one else’s bed” She said, as the smile broke upon her face. He released a deep laugh.

“You can invite yourself into my bed anytime, I wouldn’t turn you down” Her cheeks pinkened,

“You don’t has a bed for me to invite myself into” she countered,

“I’m getting a bed!” He stated, a grin spreading across his face.

“Until then, never has I ever sleepded in some-one else’s bed with them” she said, causing him to laugh again, he leaned forward, holding onto her to get his glass to drink.

“I’ve only ever done it once, and that was when I woke up in bed with you this morning.” Her nose crinkled, she didn’t know why she liked that, but it made her feel special.

“I hope I didint snore” She said,

“No, you didn’t. But you do talk in your sleep. You recite recipes. It’s adorable” He teased,

“I do not!” She huffed,

“How do you know? You’re sleeping” he countered,

“You drool!” She fired back, causing him to laugh,

“Well that would be your fault sweetheart, if you didn’t smell like the bakery I wouldn’t have drooled.” This time she laughed.

“Never have I ever fallen into a hole I dug” He laughed at the look on her face. Though she couldn’t deny she did that, she couldn’t even argue. Leaning forward one more time he grabbed her water so she could drink.

“That’s your fault, you sta….star….scarded me and that’s nothing, when I dug the hole for the apple tree I fell in it four tines. I didint dig it three feet deep. Some-tines I ge-t lost in the music. I dancded myself off the dock, I don’t know how many tines. I’ve wreckded a few phones and so many pairs of headphones. I learnded to stop wearing them and put the music on loud when I’m standing out there.” He thought she was joking until she said the last part.

“So if I ever hear a splash?” He asked,

“Me in the lake again, never has I ever almos been hit with a shovel” She said laughing at his expression.

“Lets not forget you were the one that almost hit me with it” he shot back, but took his drink. “Never have I ever danced myself off a dock”

“Hey, if I didint jus tell you that you’d has never knowded” She took her drink,

“Until you danced yourself off the dock. You also forget that when I pulled you out of the hole you were all wet” He laughed, causing her to giggle. He was running his hands up her legs when he accidentally, maybe intentionly, lifted the hem of her dress and revealed the scar on her right leg.

“How did you get this one?” He asked, trailing his finger up the scar that started at her ankle. Her body shivering under his touch.

“Um….I was three and Teagan and I were walking along the sigh of the road, we were going to get….the mail and I was looking for tre-treas-ures. Teagan said I fell down the….um….the um….road hill?” She was using her hands to try and show him what she was talking about.

“Embankment?” He guessed fighting to bite back the chuckle that wanted to escape. The hellbeast howling in his head wasn’t helping. Road hill!

“Yeah that….but….I swear….” Kenzi hesitated, her brow furrowing.

“What?” He asked

“It felt like I was pushded, but Teagan says I must has hit my head and I member it wrong, but I don’t know. I gedded tan-tan-gled up in some barbded wire. Teagan ran to get….help. I don’t member much after that. I woke up in the hospital and they were telling me I wasn’t pose to live with that family no more cause they did some-thing bad, but they…. wouldint….tell me what they did. Teagan said it was cause they didint come looking for me cause they didint like me. I was too much of a….” She cut off right there, but he knew what she was about to say, she was about to say that she was a burden.

Fidgeting with her fingers Kenzi realized she was still sitting in his lap and went to move to get off when he wrapped his arms around her and held her close to him.

“Who found you?” He asked, running his hand up and down the right side of her back, she cuddled closer to him, enjoying the motion of his hand.

“The doctor said a trucker finded me and bringded me to the hospital” She answered, her explanation of the scar left a few unanswered questions, there had to be something more to that story than what she knew or remembered. Fell my ass! Odin grumbled. If she remembered being pushed, then she was pushed! That bitch of a sister pushed her! That bitch of a sister left her there! That bitch of a sister needs to go! I agree!

“Good thing for that trucker” He pressed his lips to her head.

They sat cuddled like that for a bit, talking more and laughing, he was rocking the swing and could feel her relaxing more into him, at one point he was sure she started to fall asleep, but was fighting it.

“I think you’re almost ready for bed” he continued gently running his hand up and down her back, being careful not to touch the left side.

“No, I’m still awake” Her voice was quiet and laced with sleep,

“You’re gonna fall asleep” He replied,

“No, I’m not,” she argued, trying to suppress the yawn.

“So if I leave you for five minutes you won’t be asleep?” He asked, snuggling her closer

“No, I’ll be wide awake” she mumbled,

“Nice try sleeping beauty. Come on let’s get you to bed” he gathered her in his arms and carried her in the house.

“I can walk” though she protested, it didn’t stop her from holding tighter or cuddling more into his arms. He did stop by the kitchen to get the other half of the muscle relaxant and then he headed back up to her room so she could get ready for bed.

“What time do you need to be at the bakery tomorrow?” He called, he was lying in her bed waiting for her to come out of the bathroom. Are we going home? I haven’t decided yet! Another night in our mate’s bed? We’ll see!

“3:30, why?” She called back,

“Because I’m taking you to work tomorrow” he replied, she opened the bathroom door and looked at him, he could see the hesitation on her face.

“No, no, no, you can’t do that. No, you don’t has to do that. I has my car, you don’t need to do that.” She said, shaking her head.

“How are you going to get there if I take your keys? I’m not going to let you drive.” He inquired, tilting his head to the side.

“I’ll figure it out, but you don’t need to take me. I’ll walk, or I’ll….I don’t know how I’ll get there, but it’s ok I’ll figure it out.” She said her hands twisting the hem of the grey t-shirt she had changed into for bed. It fell to her mid thigh exposing her slender legs. Yeah, he was going to have a hard time going home if that’s what she decided was going to happen.

“It’s all figured out, I’m not going to let you walk” he saw her breathing increase, when he heard her heart rate pick up, he grew a bit concerned.

“I’ll stealded a car,” she blurted. Why won’t she let us help her? She doesn’t like to burden people! Why is she on the verge of panicking! Because she thinks that’s what this would be! Make her unpanic! I’m trying! Try harder! Shut up!

“You’re not going to steal a car and you’re not going to walk. I will take you and that’s final. Sweetheart it’s ok, it’s not going to be a bother. You are injured, I’m not going to risk your back spasming and you getting more injured. You are important, you are not a burden nor are you burdening me. Now come to bed” he pulled back the covers for her.

Not seeing another choice she checked the closet door twice and then slowly crawled into the bed beside him. What’s with the fucking closet? Odin asked. I don’t know, she wouldn’t settle down the other night till we checked it as well. One day he’ll ask her, but now she’s tired and needs to sleep. He tucked her into his side, her head resting on his shoulder. Running his fingers up and down her arm he felt her relaxing against him. He was curious to know what Jackson thought about Adam, but he had no intention of getting out of this bed, until she kicked him out. I don’t think that’s going to happen! Why’s that? She’s sleeping! Odin happily exclaimed. He looked down at his tiny dancer and sure enough her eyes were closed and her breathing was soft and even. She wasn’t tired though! He could hear Odin laughing in his head. He shifted slightly, her fingers clenched around his shirt.

“No, stay with me!” She mumbled out, and snuggled in closer to him. He looked down at her tiny hand gripping the fabric and he noticed she was still wearing her cuffs. If he hadn’t been in her bed she might have taken them off, but she was hiding the scars from him. The story of the scar on her leg had many questions swirling in his mind, he wondered what the story was behind the ones on her wrists. Guess we’re not going home! That’s too bad, I was looking forward to the floor!

Adonis woke up the next morning at two, to something tiny shifting under him. You have to stop sleeping on top of her! Odin spoke groggily in his head. He lifted his head and looked down and was greeted by the grey fabric of the t-shirt she wore to bed last night. How is your fat ass not crushing her? I don’t know, but don’t be a dick! If she wasn’t comfy, he doubted she would sleep like this. Kenzi was sleeping on her stomach with his arms wrapped around her, one hand resting on her waist while the other was around her shoulders. Their legs were tangled together, and at some point he lost his clothes last night. Though they went to bed around eleven and only slept for a few hours, he felt well rested. She stirred again under him and he rolled onto his side.

“What tine is it?” Her sleepy voice broke the silence of the morning.

“Um….two” he replied after he blinked at the clock a few times.

“Do you want to shower first?” She asked, rolling onto her back and rubbing her eyes.

“You go ahead, I’m not sure I’m awake yet” He replied, putting his head back down trying to resist the urge to kiss her perfect little pouty mouth.

“You might want to cover your eyes then,” She said.

Crawling out of the bed slowly, he threw his arm over his eyes when she turned on the lamp on the dresser, picking her clothes for the morning she caught sight of his bare chest in the mirror. Her breath hitched as her eyes roamed over him. Something within her stirred as she took in the sight. The well defined hills and valleys of his smooth sculpted broad chest, the bulge of each bicep, moving down to his washboard eight pack abs. Each chiseled inch of him screamed masculine, power and dominance. But his touch was gentle, soothing and protective. She’s never seen a naked male physique in person before, he was breathtakingly handsome. She also now understood why all his shirts seemed painted on. The fabric strained to cover all that muscle. Her face flushed when her gaze dropped even lower to his waist. Averting her eyes she grabbed her clothes and headed as quickly as she could to the bathroom, mouthing ‘wow’ when she shut the door behind her as a ripple of excitement tore through her.

Her skin was hot and flushed, and she could feel a dull throbbing between her thighs. Kenzi stood staring at her reflection in the mirror. Twice now she shared her bed with a man, this time she wasn’t drunk, but why didn’t that bother her? Shouldn’t it feel wrong? Why doesn’t that feel wrong? Why does it feel so right that he’s in her bed? Why does it feel like that’s where he belongs? That’s where he’s supposed to be? A man whom she kissed, the scene last night playing out in her mind. She crawled into a man’s lap, he kissed her. But she kissed him back, she knew it was wrong, but it didn’t feel wrong, it still doesn’t feel wrong. It feels like his lips were made for hers. The memory of how his lips felt against hers made her body heat up even more. Another shiver ran up her spine, grabbing the counter as the throbbing intensified. Nope, don’t think boud it! She thought about it. Don’t think boud the not toadlly but mosly….nak-ed….man lying in your bed! He was beautiful, built to perfection. Don’t think boud how he had his strong, warm, gentle hands on your body! Kenzi could still feel them on her body, like they were imprinted there. Don’t think boud his soft lips moving over yours making them his! She knew they would be soft. Don’t think boud it though! That was all she could think about as she turned the shower on, maybe she should have a cold one, she heard somewhere that’s supposed to help, and boy did she need help, her thinking thoughts were in overdrive. I’m in trubble!

He only lowered his arm when he heard the shower turn on. She liked what she saw! Odin snickered in his head. His skin felt on fire as her eyes roamed his body, he froze to the bed trying so hard not to move and just let her look. He’s looked at her many, many times. When he picked up the scent of her attraction to him, his eyes blackened at the tantalizing aroma. It took everything to stay in the bed and not go to her, not take what he so desperately wants to have. It was gettin harder and harder to keep his control. The ripples of anticipation and excitement ripped through him testing his limits pushing him farther and farther. With nothing really standing in his way, he could make her his. Focus on the bond that was building stronger and stronger the more time they spent together. He would spend as much time as he could with her today. She had an appointment with Doctor Martin today at ten, and there was something about a festival tonight, maybe she would go with him. A date! Yes Odin a date, our mate deserves to go on a date! Has she ever been on one? I don’t know, most likely not! Humans are stupid! They can be! He also wanted to talk about what needed to happen to Adam, claim his territory and call his pack home.

Getting dressed after finishing her shower, Kenzi was mentally preparing herself for what she would see when she walked back out of the bathroom. She doubted he would put his clothes back on just to take them back off again to shower. Maybe she has a shirt that would fit him, she’d have to check the closet. She had a couple big t-shirts, they were comfortable to sleep in, but she wasn’t sure if she had big big ones. They were big big on her, but a lot of clothes were. Maybe she should make breakfast, he might be hungry and he probably wants coffee. She’ll make breakfast and coffee and then she’ll head to the bakery to get started on everything. Walking out of the bathroom lost in her own thoughts she walked towards the closet, opening the door she placed the chair in front of it. He watched with curiosity as she stayed as close to the door frame as possible while she searched for something in the closet. What is with the fucking closet? Odin huffed. When she came back she was holding a few men’s t-shirts.

“One of these might fit,” she said, thrusting the shirts into his hands. “They were super soft in the store so I buyded them and they’re com-comf-fff-y….comfy to sleep in.” She added, after seeing the look on his face.

“Thank you!” He replied, accepting the shirts. It made him feel a lot better knowing that these didn’t belong to someone else.

“Do you want some breakfast?” She asked, her cheeks pinking. He was standing in her bedroom in just his boxer briefs. Trying not to let her eyes wander down his body anymore than she did when she first saw it, but her eyes might have once or twice….three times at the most. How could she not look? He was standing there, right in front of her and he was big. He dominated the entire room, however he didn’t look out of place, he looked like he belonged there. She forced herself to try and keep her focus on his face, it wasn’t working for her. Her eyes would wander down his body taking in as much as she could, then they would snap back to his face and she would flush more. He didn’t miss the slight hitches her breath would take.

“Rule number one right, don’t go to the bakery hungry. Breakfast would be perfect” he replied with a crooked grin spreading across his face. Cause we’d turn down her cooking? Like hell! He moved slightly closer to her and her body stiffened, he could see her fighting not to look, fighting not to touch. He liked the way she looked at him, he liked the way her cheeks darkened at his close proximity and now more than ever he wished he could hear what was running through her head.

He found it odd, normally he could hear the thoughts of others, they were vibrations in the air he could pick up on, one of his very special talents and it has come in handy a few times. But with his mate he was utterly in the dark as to what she was thinking. Her thoughts carried no vibration, no frequency he could tune into, he’s tried several times.

“Ok” that was it, that was all she could think to say, her mind went blank when he stepped closer to her. Every thought disappeared as his intoxicating masculine scent flooded her. She had to get out of the bedroom to stop herself from giving into her sudden urge to run her hands over him, clasping them tightly together in front of her. Her cheeks twelve shades darker than before, Kenzi turned quickly, leaving him standing alone in her room. What the hell was she thinking? Whatever it was got her all flustered! Yes it did! He couldn’t help but hold one of the shirts to his nose. They smell like her! We’re gonna smell her all day! One of these had better fucking fit!

He came down the stairs freshly showered, to the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and bacon. His mouth watering immediately at the scent, if his tail was out it would be wagging right now.

“How long was I showering?” He asked, when he spotted the table. Bacon, eggs, hash browns and french toast covered the surface.

“It does-int take long to….woah!” Her eyes widened and jaw dropped when she saw the shirt on him.

“It’s a little tight,” he said, trying not to laugh. No the shirt did not fit, but he was determined to wear it, and had to force it past his chest.

“That does-int hide nothing” the shirt hugged his body. Every curve of every muscle, every bulge, every ripple was on display, from his sculpted pecs to his washboard abs under the tautly stretched and abused fabric.

“Are you ogling me?” He asked, he couldn’t help the shiver of excitement that ran up his spine as her eyes roamed over him.

“It’s hard not to. You can see ez-ry-thing” she replied, no matter how hard she tried she couldn’t take her eyes off him.

“You’re not even ashamed!” He commented, with an unintentional shake of her head her cheeks went pink as a grin spread across her face, no she was not.

They walked into the bakery kitchen at 3:30 and the first thing she noticed was the clean kitchen, sadness crossed her face until he wrapped his arms around her and held her close.

“It’s ok sweetheart, taking care of you was the most important thing. I had some….friends help clean this up.” He said,

“Why would they do that?” She held his arms to her, she didn’t understand why people she never met would help her.

“What happened to you was not ok. They were not ok with that and they felt obligated to help.” He replied, still not understanding why, there wasn’t much she could do about it, it was done. Letting him hold her for a second or few longer she went to turn the ovens on to warm up. After washing their hands they moved the racks of bread dough from the fridge that didn’t get wrecked. It needed to warm up to room temperature before it could be kneaded and baked. She would need to make a lot of things over again. She pulled the ingredients for muffins and cupcakes and pie dough as well as cookies and brownies. They worked all morning getting everything ready for opening today. He continued his relentless flirting, any excuse he could think of to touch her he did. He was keeping an eye on her as well, he knew her back had to be bothering her, but she was fighting through the pain of it. He would catch a grimace here or there, hear a sharp intake of breath, but she still kept her pace going. With the added work of the Falling Star Festival tonight she had more on her plate then usual.

“You’ll be a baker yet Mr. Bradshaw” she laughed as he was on his way back from one of the ovens with a batch of cupcakes.

“Maybe. What are you doing?” He asked, grinning at her.

“Making falling stars for the feztisval tonight” She replied, as she cut star shapes out of pie dough. With an egg white wash and a sprinkling of sugar she would move them onto a tray to wait for an open oven.

“Why are you doing that?” He asked,

“Mayor Winston asskded me too,” she answered as she cut out more stars.

“You’re supposed to be taking it easy” He reminded her,

“This is nothing, the Sweetheart Feztisval is coming up. I has to make cakes.” She added.

“Sweetheart Festival?” He asked,

“Uh huh, it’s like a second chance at Valentine’s Day. I think it’s more po….people like it bedder, there’s a dance. So you buy a cake to give to your sweetheart then you take them to the dance. The town council picks ten town sweethearts and the town votes. At the end of the night one of them is crownded sweetest of them all. There’s a dance they get to do and they has escorts. Some-thing boud the finder of the town.” Kenzi has only ever received one sweetheart cake and that was from Harvey two years ago. It was a year after his wife died and he wanted to go to the dance. He said he was going to go with the prettiest girl in the whole town.

“This town has a lot of festivals?” He asked, he saw something cross her face when she was explaining the festival to him.

“Yeah, there’s always some-thing going on.” She replied, though the smile was back on her face, whatever emotion she was feeling haunted her eyes.

Ask her, ask her for our date! I will, patience! You keep saying that to me, but you and I both know I don’t have any. Now stop stalling and ask her! I’m not stalling! You’re not asking either!

“Hey Kenzi….” he was cut off by the ringing of her phone. Pulling it out of her pocket, surprise shooting across her face.

“It’s my sister. I’ll be right back” she headed towards the back door as she answered the phone.

“Hi Teagan!” The fuck does it want? Odin snarled at the mere mention of the sister’s name.

Adonis waited till she disappeared out the back door before he followed to hear the conversation.

“I’m at the bakery” he didn’t have to strain very hard to hear it.

“You’re still doing that, I thought for certain you would have given up by now. You know you’re not very good”

“But if I give up I won’t get bedder” This might have been a bad idea Odin! Shhh….I wanna know what the succubitch is saying to our lil button!

“Except you’ll never get better. I’m only looking out for you. You should just sell it already and stop wasting time”

“I….” fighting back the growl that was threatening him, he missed her reply to what her sister said.

“Nevermind, that’s not why I called. You’re taking me for an early lunch”

“Why did some-thing happen?” Maybe she’s moving away! Oh darn, let’s throw her a fucking goodbye party!

“No, how stupid are you? Because I want lunch and decided you don’t do enough for me and you owe me after everything you did to embarrass me. We’ll meet at Firefly at ten” It wasn’t even a question, she just demanded Kenzi drop everything.

“Wait Teagan, I can’t meet at ten. I can meet you after though. I has a doctor’s ap-ap-oi….” Appointment, appointment, come on sweetheart you can do it, appointment! She knows the word, he knows she knows the word and she’s trying. Come on sweetheart!

“You sound like a stuttering idiot, just shut up.”

“I’m sorry Teagan, but I can’t meet at ten” He heard the sadness lace her words, but he wasn’t sure if it was from what her sister said or from her thinking she was being a burden. Someone really needs to rip that bitches tongue out!

“No Kenzi it has to be at ten, just cancel it”

“I’m sorry Teagan, but I was atta….”

“I don’t care what happened to you, it doesn’t matter, it’s not like it’s important. You know you never want to do anything for me, way to screw this up like usual. You only think of yourself, always so selfish” ….grrrrrr…. For me? That bitch just say for me? ….grrrrrr…. The more he heard the angrier he got, the more his hellbeast raged.

“No, no Teagan, that’s not true. I do, I do want to do some-thing with you. I jus can’t do lunch at ten that’s all. There’s The Falling Star Feztisval….” Fighting his urge to hunt the sister down, he stayed rooted to the floor.

“Ugh! Of course it would be something you’d want to do”

“I-I-I’m so-so-rry Teagan, is-is there some-thing else you w-w-ant to do, we could….”

“Oh don’t start thinking of me now. Guess I’m not as important to you. God you’re always so selfish Kenzi. You’re lucky I’m your sister no one else would deal with you, how did Adam ever put up with you? What time is the stupid festival?”

“Th-the fireworks s-st-start at 10-10-10:30 tonight” Her breathing increased, she was fighting to keep control. Don’t feel it, don’t show it, don’t be a burden, it’s not important!

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