The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 22: Life Is A Test!

Adonis had to pry her off of him, promising her he would be right back. Maggie stepped in, but he could see it wasn’t the same, her eyes were wild with fear, any noise and she was jumping and flinching as wave after wave of pain rocked through her. He needed to get her to see the doctor, but he wasn’t sure after what she went through that she would allow him to touch her. He stepped away from her for a few minutes to call Elijah, fill him in on what happened. He heard a commotion on the other end, Elijah yelling at Tyler about biting him again, some cursing, crashing, thumping and then the line went dead. Guess Adam dies now! Shame! He went back upstairs to see his little mate clinging to Maggie for dear life.

“It’s not your fault. You did nothing wrong. He said it was over. What he did is not ok” Were the only words Maggie spoke to her, over and over. Taking her back into his arms he sat in the little room with her, holding her close to him. His arms wrapping around her like a shield of protection against the outside world. She became invisible to it. Everytime he shifted she’d hold tighter to him, thinking he was going to leave her again. Everytime she shifted he’d hear her whimpers of pain.

“You need to be checked over by a doctor, sweetheart.” She shook her head no. She didn’t want anyone else touching her, she didn’t feel safe if anyone else touched her.

“I know this doctor.” Again she shook her head no.

“I’ll be right here the whole time, I won’t leave you.” She hesitated this time, but still shook her head no. It’s what he figured, there was no way anyone was touching her right now.

An hour had passed, and her breathing and heart rate returned to normal, though she still clung to him.

“I didint ged my fries” She mumbled into his neck,

“Not yet sweetheart, I promise you’ll get your fries. You need to be looked over by a doctor first.” she shook her head.

“How about you just meet the doctor? Let him see you” Adonis was running his fingers through her hair. His voice was calm but his mind was anything but. He thought of a thousand different ways to end Adam’s life, but he had a feeling Tyler and Jackson might have beat him to it. “He won’t touch you unless you say, and I’ll be right there”

“You won’t leaf?” She asked, clutching tighter to him, holding onto the safety she found in his embrace.

“I promise!” He replied. Nodding her head she finally agreed, he slowly got to his feet still holding her to him. “We’re going to have to go down to the kitchen, there’s not enough room, in this little room”

“I liv-ed here for two years, until I movded into my house,” she said. He looked around the small room, it had a bed and a small bathroom and that was all it had, what else did she need he guessed, the kitchen was down stairs.

“Comeon sweetheart!” Slowly he led her out of the room and down the stairs. He got her seated on one of the stools away from the mess in the kitchen and went to get the doctor.

Walking back into the kitchen he came to a stop in front of her. Her eyes were wide as she looked up at him. It was the first time he got a good look at her. The blood that had spilled from her nose, lip and forehead now dried upon her face, as soon as the doctor was done he would get her cleaned up.

“They don’t know why it does that.” She whispered as she tried to hide the black blood on her face. Odin whimpered in his head, he wanted to curl himself around her and not let anyone come near, but he knew this is what needed to be done. She looked past him to see an older man. He was tall like everyone she’s been meeting lately, tan skin maybe mid to late 50’s. Brown hair that was slightly greying and light green eyes, he was quite striking. Though he offered her a friendly smile, she was still slightly cowardly towards him. Her eyes would dart between the doctor and Adonis, making sure he wasn’t going to run from the room. She wasn’t sure what she would do if he did, but she didn’t want it to happen.

“This is Dr. Martin, I asked him to come take a look at you” Adonis answered. She bit her lip not really sure what to do, she peeked around Adonis again to look at him. He moved so he came more into her vision and did a quick visual assessment of her, before he spoke. Like Adonis promised he stayed close to her. He felt her lean into him, but she never took her eyes off the doctor.

“Hi Kenzi, as….Mr. Bradshaw said I’m Dr. Martin. I would like to take a look, make sure you’re ok, but only if that’s ok with you.” The doctor again offered her a friendly smile, putting her a bit more at ease.

“Hi Dr. Martin, I guess that would be ok,” she replied, looking up at him. She went to get up, but he stopped her when he saw the grimace cross her face at the movement.

“How about you stay sitting? It would be more comfortable for you.” he suggested, she nodded her head in agreement as Adonis helped her settle back into her seat. He started by looking over her throat and the near perfect marks of Adam’s hands on her arms. She flinched and pulled back when he went to check her cheek and both Adonis and the doctor bit back growls. He skipped over that for now he would come back to it. Adonis helped her lean forward, and lifted the back of her shirt to show the doctor her back. His eyes widened at the bruise he saw beginning to form. The mark was a ghastly dark red and only looked to be getting bigger and darker. He bit back another growl when he saw the scars as well. What the hell had this little girl gone through? Dr. Martin looked at his Alpha, and shook his head but went back to checking her over.

“I can not tell much about this now, it hasn’t fully formed. It could be a lot of things from something as minor as a bruised muscle to something more serious like a bruised kidney. How did this happen?” The doctor asked her, before she could answer that it was just an accident, Adonis replied instead.

“A really stupid idiot did this, to make himself feel like a man.”

“Are there any other marks?” The doctor asked her, he saw the bruise on her ribs and figured there had to be more. Kenzi hesitated for a bit but she lifted the front of her shirt to show him the ones on her torso, but it appeared some more would be appearing soon. At the sharp intake of breath from the doctor at the marks, she didn’t dare lift her head to look at him. Adonis stiffened beside her, and that alone told her he wasn’t happy.

“It was jus a ass-cident, he didint mean to” Her voice was quiet. The doctor looked at Adonis, then looked back down at her.

“Of course it was,” the doctor replied, Adonis glared at the doctor. He stupid? Odin huffed in his head. Does any of that look like an accident? Dr. Martin looked at Adonis and shook his head.

“Apologies Alpha, but I don’t believe she will let me continue to examine her if I say otherwise” he spoke to Adonis through the link.

Made sense now why he was agreeing with her. She would get upset, and that would be it, he was trying to build a rapport with her, get her to trust him.

“I made him mad. It was my fault. I th-ough-t he said he didint want to be together, but I didint unerstand. I didint know” She looked up at the doctor, he only nodded at her.

“When and how did you get the initial injury to your forehead?” The doctor asked. He pulled up a stool sitting down in front of her, it would make her more comfortable if he wasn’t towering over her.

“Last week. Adam movded me to the side too fast and I lost my bal-ance and smackded my head on the corner of a cub-burd” she replied,

“Do you mind if I take a look at it?” He asked, she shook her head no after she thought about it for a moment.

“I don’t mean to make him mad, and it wasn’t like this when we starded dating. He was nice to me.” She sat there and let the doctor take a look at her.

“Did you have any dizziness or headaches?” He asked, she shook her head,

“It’s cause I woud-int sleep with him and he th-ough-t I was sleeping with someone else. But I wasn’t, I wasn’t. I wasn’t sleeping with nobody” She said, the doctor’s eyes snapped to Adonis who seemed just as shocked by her statement as he was. The closer he stood the more she seemed to relax, the more willing she seemed to let the doctor look her over and the more she was willing to tell.

“Well, there’s no shame in waiting till you’re ready. You said this happened last week?” He asked, it was hard to tell how bad the initial injury was, the new discoloration and damage to the area prevented him from seeing it clearly. What he could see showed signs that it was still slightly red around the gash, it wasn’t infected but it wasn’t healing as fast as it should have been if it was seen to by a doctor.

“Um….yes” she replied, as she sat there as still as possible and let him clean the wound, hoping to get a better inspection of it. She would flinch and pull away when he tried to use something that would cause stinging. He pulled an amber bottle from his medical bag and placed it on the table. Adonis eyed it wearily, this would burn like hell if he were to put it on her. He hated the amber bottle, they all hated the amber bottle.

“What’s that?” She asked, looking at the bottle.

“It’s used in the field when someone can’t get to a medical center for proper treatment. It kills the infection and it burns really bad.” Dr. Martin informed her. Her eyes went wide as she looked from the bottle to the doctor then back to the bottle. She pushed herself into Adonis and away from the bottle as far as she could. Before she could protest the doctor added.

“It’s just a precaution, but you need to sit perfectly still so I can see if it is needed.” Nodding her head, she sat perfectly still, never taking her eyes off the bottle that sat on the table next to her. He worked quickly but carefully to get her cleaned up, never saying anything about the colour of her blood. “This should have been seen too. Sutures were needed. It’s too late now, and you’re going to have one helluva scar. But it looks very good, you’re taking really good care in cleaning it and it’s healing. With the hit from the floor, it will just take longer, maybe four weeks to be fully healed.” The doctor told her, satisfied with what he was looking at, he placed the amber bottle back in the medical bag and chuckled when she released a relieved sigh.

“I don’t like the doctor’s office, it’s besigh the dentist and it has a giant fish tank blocking the two waiting rooms, and the fish freak me out. They just stare at you big eyed and nev-ver blinking with their mouvs opening and closing. It’s very scary….and the doctor’s kinda grumpy” She replied. Adonis had to fight back a laugh at the expression on the doctor’s face. At least she didn’t do the fish face like she did at breakfast!

“Ok, I’m going to schedule an appointment to see you tomorrow. I’ll perform a more thorough examination of your back and the other major injuries I saw. But right now you need to be home resting.” Dr. Martin said she was about to protest but Adonis shook his head, telling her not to even try. She didn’t understand what all the fuss was, it would heal, they always healed. She was chewing her lip, she didn’t want to bother anyone, she tried not to bother anyone. Being a burden was selfish, she didn’t want to be selfish.

“I didint know there was a uther doctor’s office in town,” She replied instead, looking at him.

“I’m taking over the current doctor’s practice. He’s planning on retiring, which is probably a good thing, I heard he’s kinda grumpy.” Dr. Martin replied, her cheeks slightly pinked as she looked at him, a sheepish smile crossed her face.

“Alright, I will set up an appointment for you for ten am tomorrow” he said, again she was about to say something but Adonis answered first.

“She’ll be there!” He replied,

“Good, now you need to go home. Take it easy and do nothing strenuous for a few days while your body heals.” The doctor said,

“Sounds good to me doc. She works too hard anyway” Maggie spoke from the doorway.

“But….but….but” she tried to protest, but again Adonis shook his head, and she fell silent.

“Sweetheart you can barely move, I don’t think you’ll be doing much more today.” Adonis placed his hand on the right side of her back for support as he helped her to her feet.

“But….but….but….” She protested, as he moved her away from the table.

“I am going to prescribe a mild muscle relaxant, it will help relax the muscles in your back and an anti-inflammatory. Judging by your size, the muscle relaxant will make you very drowsy.” He said, taking out a pad of paper. “Use ice, twenty minutes every two hours and rest, plenty of rest.”

“Come on, it’s time to go home” Adonis said as he moved her towards the door.

A quick stop at the pharmacy where he ran in quickly and grabbed her prescription and some pain killers, they headed home. She sat quietly in the front seat, biting her lip and fidgeting with her fingers. She’s going to bite that thing off!

“What’s the matter sweetheart?” He asked glancing at her,

“It’s ok, It’s not important!” She replied looking out the window. She rubbed her eyes, the muscle relaxant was taking effect and she could feel herself getting tired, no matter how many times she fought her eyelids drooped.

“What did I say about that? If it’s affecting you then it’s important. Now tell me what’s the matter?” He countered, he knew he couldn’t spank her for that, it would cause her pain when she jumped from the contact he would have to find another way to make her stop saying it. Kissing her works!

“Come on tell me, I can’t help you if I don’t know what’s wrong” he coaxed her.

Biting her lip some more, she still didn’t know what to do. She didn’t want to burden him any more than she already was.

“It’s ok, it’s not important. I don’t um….I don’t want to be a burden to you anymore than I already has” she replied.

“Hey, don’t say that, don’t ever say that” Adonis pulled over to the side of the road. She is not a burden! Odin was raging in his head at what she just called herself. Quickly getting out of the vehicle she watched him move around to the passenger side. He would have pulled her into his lap in the front seat but that would have hurt her. Opening the passenger door, he unfastened her seat belt and gently turned her to face him. Brushing the stray hair from her face he cupped her cheek.

“Now you listen to me. You are not a burden to me, you could never nor will you ever be a burden to me and I don’t ever want to hear you call yourself that again understood?” His emerald green orbs stared deeply into hers, she nodded her head.

They stood like that for a while. He waited for her to say what was on her mind. Only a handful of people ever made her important, but he got the impression she never spoke about anything that bothered her. If she didn’t want to be a burden to him, then she probably didn’t want to burden them either.

“I lef a mess in the kitchen. I didint clean anything up. Maggie’s gonna has to clean it up. It’s not ok, it’s not ok that I did that, she works so hard” his heart broke for her. She’s the sweetest thing on this earth! Odin whimpered. Yes she is, she gets beat up, but leaving a mess for Maggie isn’t ok! He gently gathered her into his arms and placed a kiss upon her forehead. That’s not ok! No it’s not!

“It’ll be taken care of. Don’t worry, sweetheart!” He assured her, she pressed more into him unintentionally. He didn’t care that he was standing on the side of the road, his mate was distressed and she needed his comfort, he would stand there all day if he had to.

Running his hand up and down her arm, allowing the bond to take a stronger hold between them, what was once jolts of electricity became surges. He let the feeling wash over him, consume him, her scent swirled and danced around him. When he heard her gentle breathing, he looked down to see her eyes closed. She was cuddled into his chest, her face slightly turned up. Her features soft and delicate, he trailed his thumb across her cheek, her skin turning pink at the gentle caress. Even in sleep her body responds to him, she is not fighting the bond that is forming between them. He wasn’t even sure she was trying to fight it, she clearly didn’t want to. As carefully as he could, he placed her back in the seat and buckled her up. Tipping the seat back so she could rest more comfortably, before he climbed back in the driver seat. The doctor wasn’t kidding when he said the muscle relaxants would make her tired.

Pulling up in front of her house, he was greeted by Elijah. The look of concern that crossed his face when he saw her cuddled in the front seat.

“She’ll be ok Elijah” Adonis said as he got out of the truck.

“How bad is it?” He asked,

“The pack doctor showed signs of concern over her back and a few of her previous injuries. He gave her a muscle relaxant and said it would make her tired. He wasn’t lying, she started feeling the effects almost immediately. She is also supposed to take it easy for a few days, nothing overly strenuous while her body heals” Adonis moved around to the passenger side of the truck.

“She’s so little I’m not surprised, might have to just give her half, or a milder dose.” Elijah said,

“It was the mildest one he prescribed” Adonis told him,

“Tyler went after Adam. He’s in the house now and the living room needs to be replaced again” Elijah informed him, Adonis looked at the bandage around his hand. “He bit me again, are you sure he doesn’t have rabies?”

“Is it breathing?” Adonis asked, not even hiding his amusement at what Elijah just said.

“He’ll be lucky if he can touch anything again, but yes. And we owe Patrick a new window” Elijah commented,

“Shame! Where’s Jackson?” There was no way he would have been breathing if Jackson was present.

“Still at the camp, he doesn’t know and Tyler doesn’t want him too. He’s afraid Jackson will kill him” Elijah replied.

“Jackson will find out. Especially when he has to rebuild the living room for the third time and replace the window for Patrick. We’re going to wreck this town.” Adonis said, trying not to laugh at that.

“Maybe if you all stopped taking out your anger on the living room, it wouldn’t need to be rebuilt so many times” Elijah countered.

“Maybe!” Adonis nodded, he knew Elijah was right, the poor defenceless living room couldn’t stand up to their anger when one of them went off.

“What about Jackson?” Elijah asked,

“Don’t worry about him! He’ll understand why he wasn’t informed right away. The choice was clear: you had to stop Tyler from making a mistake.” Adonis looked at his little mate in the passenger seat. Her battered little body curled in a ball, sleeping through the worries of the world. “But assure him that when the time comes and it is fastly approaching Adam belongs to him. Tell him it needs to be an accident and to think grisly” Adonis added, Elijah nodded. Hoping his Alpha was right and that would be enough to satiate the demon in Jackson’s head.

Opening the passenger door he carefully unbuckled her so he could gather her in his arms. She immediately curled into him, burying her face in his chest. Nope she’s not fighting it at all! Odin was overjoyed with his mate’s response to him. He could feel him jumping around in his head. Settle down prancy paws! Adonis couldn’t deny that this excited him as well. Moving quickly to the house where Elijah was waiting with the door opened.

“I won’t be home. And I won’t be going into the city tomorrow” Adonis said on his way in. If he had his way he wouldn’t be going back to his house period but she was definitely not ready for that. Elijah nodded, placing her keys on the table inside the door, and closed it behind Adonis. Making his way up to her room he placed her in the bed and went to move away only to discover she had a death grip on his shirt. Her grip would tighten every time he tried to pull the fabric from her. When the hell did she do that? I don’t think she wants us to leave! I think you might be right! So what are we going to do? A smile graced his face. She’s clearly not ready for us to leave so we won’t. He gently moved her over in the bed and laid down beside her. Cuddling her in close to him she rested her head on his shoulder, keeping the fabric of his shirt in her clutches. We didn’t want to leave anyway! No, we didn’t! Again if he had his way, he’d never leave the bed, though they might need to get a bigger one.

An hour had passed and he was lying there his fingers trailing up and down her arm, going over in his mind what she said to the doctor. Adam beat her because she wouldn’t sleep with him. Was he trying to force her too? Maybe he thought if he beat her enough she’d just cave and fuck him! What happens if it was? One can only take so much before they give in! Their relationship is over, he is no longer someone she’ll ever have to worry about again! Holding her closer to him he pressed his lips to her forehead, she stirred for a second then settled back down. Her grip on his shirt had loosened that if he really wanted to leave the bed he could, but he didn’t really want to. There was no place he wanted to be more than where he was right now. This is where we belong! Yes it is! He found home, and he would never leave it. He closed his eyes as he laid next to her, listening to her breathing, he felt himself beginning to drift. Her scent engulfed him, wrapping around him like a warm blanket. Beckoning him to just let go. Nuzzling into her, she leaned closer pressing against him, her hand relaxed fingers splayed across his chest, he drifted off into a light sleep.

A few hours later Kenzi’s eyes opened and she scanned her room, a wall blocked her view of one side. Where did the wall come from? Why was she in her bed? Blinking a few times she stretched out her back, but she flinched and brought a sharp intake of breath into her at the pain that shot through her, curling herself into a ball she tried to ride it out. It all came back, the whole day crashed down on her. The wall in the bed moved beside her gathering her gently in its big strong arms. Since when did walls has big strong warm arms?

“Shh sweetheart, just breathe, just breathe….I know.” It pained him to see her in so much pain. Adonis reached over to the bedside table and grabbed the bottle of pain killers popping one into his hand. He helped her sit up, so she could take it. Leaning her back into his chest he held her until the pain subsided.

“Did I invite you into my bed again?” She asked in between whimpers as she continued to feel jolts of pain run up her back.

“You no, but the death grip you had on my shirt did. I could have wrestled it away from you, but that would have woken you up and hurt you in the process, I didn’t want to do either” he replied, trailing his thumbs up and down her arms.

“I fell asleep?” She asked,

“On the ride home. Dr. Martin wasn’t kidding when he said the muscle relaxant would make you tired, you were out like a light after ten minutes,” he spoke softly as he continued the soothing motion up and down her arms.

“I’m sorry!” She felt a bit ashamed he had to take care of her, he probably had other things he wanted to be doing.

“I’m not, I fell asleep in bed with a beautiful girl in my arms” he watched the pink flush spread across her cheeks as he placed a kiss on the side of her head.

“Are you getting hungry?” He asked,

“A liddle, but I need a shower more, I smell like the bakery” She said,

“I know, it’s mouthwatering and if you weren’t injured I would devour you right now” her cheeks darkened as her jaw dropped,

“The things you say” She looked up at him eyes wide,

“It’s not my fault you smell so good and that’s nothing, that blush would never leave your face if you heard half of what I thought” her eyes went wider and her cheeks grew darker. He could feel her body heating up, he couldn’t help but wonder what racy little thoughts were running through her head at this moment.

“Ok I need to shower and you need to ge-t out of the bedroom” the pain in her back was slightly better as she moved away from him. Though the second she did it, it was like her body protested and screamed for him. She felt the air get sucked out of her and a coldness settle inside. Not understanding the feeling she ignored it and continued to crawl off the bed.

“Are you sure? I can be helpful” He offered while still lying in bed. The butterflies once again took off inside of her.

“Yes I’m sure, if you want to be help-ful you can take the steak out of the fridge” she said pointing to the door.

“Fine! But if you need help, just call. I have no problems being of assistance” he got up from the bed, her cheeks flaming red and walked towards the door. “I mean it, all flirting aside, if you need help, call” she could only nod her head, all words were completely lost. He walked out of her bedroom and she released the breath she was holding. All her thinking thoughts came back with a vengeance, swirling around in her head, leaving no room for the fear she was feeling at the thought of being alone.

Kenzi came down the stairs forty five minutes later freshly showered and Adonis couldn’t help the smile that hit his face when he saw her, she looked mesmerizing. Her plum coloured hair hung past her shoulders in loose wet waves and she wore an ombre blue maxi dress that moved like fluid against her body.

“Feel better?” He asked,

“A liddle bit. What are you doing?” She replied, as she looked at her set table.

“You’re just in time for dinner” He said, still smiling at her. Her eyes snapped to him in surprise. A small smile playing on her lips.

“You made dinner?” She asked looking back at the table, her eyes lighting up at the bowl of fries.

“Don’t get excited, it’s just steak and fries” He replied, her smile getting bigger.

“That’s my fav-orite” He watched the slight blush spread across her face.

“It’s your favourite? And here I was worried you’d think I cheated because I was too lazy to peel potatoes but I did promise you fries” she shook her head, when she looked back to him her eyes shimmered in the light of the kitchen. I don’t think anybody ever cooked her dinner! I don’t think so either!

“Your oven is a little intimidating though, I tried to burn myself a couple of times.” She released a musical giggle when she looked towards her oven then back at him. He no longer wondered how she could cook and bake so much. She had a super oven working with her, and he did burn himself a couple times.

“I can cook a whole Thanksgiving dinner with it. I’ve never done it but I can.” She replied with a smile lighting up her face.

“You don’t entertain a lot do you?” He asked,

“Patrick and Maggie come over sum-tines and Frank and Barbara and sum-tines Joe and Gerty and Harvey, but most of the tine it’s jus me. I can see how hasing an oven like that can seem um….I like it and it has come in handy quite a few tines. Or maybe I’m….” he stopped her right there,

“You don’t have to defend your oven choice to me Kenzi. Let’s eat” Kenzi went to sit at the other end of the table, but seemed quite shocked when he put her plate in the spot beside his and held her chair out for her.

“I am going to insist you eat the steak before the fries though” he said sitting in the chair beside hers.

“Has you been talking to Patrick?” She asked her eyes widened,

“No, I was in the diner the day you “negotiated” for your fries. I overheard the conversation.” He replied,

“You did go into the diner? I didint see you” She said,

“I wasn’t going to, but I was lured in by someone’s sexy little dancing ass” Her cheeks went pink, at the thought of him watching her dancing that day. She knows people watch her, but this was the first time the thought of being watched was enticing. Picking up her fork and knife she cut into the steak and took a bite. She made a little moan, it melted in her mouth, it was juicy and tender, a perfect medium rare.

“Soo good!” She complimented him,

“I can’t cook much, but I can grill a steak. I was raised by an Albertan and he’d kick my ass if I messed it up.” She looked at him, her eyes questioning.

“This is where I have some explaining to do,” he replied.

Adonis told her as much as he dared to tell her. He was a twin, a carbon copy of his brother Evan until he was four. He told her of the changes he went through. He told her how his family treated him, how they called him The Devil. About meeting Jackson and Tyler. Then he told her about Cameron, Steve and Kennedy. She sat there silently and listened to every word he spoke. He didn’t tell her about the abuse or the beatings he went through, but a look crossed her face and it told him he didn’t have to.

“You don’t like them very much, your dad and your brothers?” She asked,

“Cameron said one day I will learn to look upon them with indifference. I’m still waiting to learn that one. I didn’t talk to them again until after my mother died when I was fifteen. I didn’t even go to her funeral and it’s not a decision I regret. I don’t view them as my father or brothers. They are not my family. To say I don’t like them is an understatement. I loathe and despise everything about them. They still treat me like I’m the defective one and yes they still refer to me as The Devil today” he replied,

“Maybe they treaded you like that, cause you scareded them. Maybe you were nev-ver pose to look like them and the changes you went through were jus you being who you were pose to be. Life is a test Adonis, it’s only after you take it do you ge-t the lesson.” She countered,

“Then I’m failing,” He said. Maybe we should have studied!

They sat in silence for a bit before she spoke again.

“I nev-ver said the test was for you. Maybe it was for your family. Why was it after you changded did you meet Jackson and Tyler and not before? If you nev-ver had them would you has met Jackson and Tyler?” She asked, he hoped she didn’t really want an answer to that, cause he had no clue. That and he never thought about that before, had his family not driven him to the border that day would he have met them?

“So who gave my family the test?” He asked instead,

“Maybe it was Fate. Your family didint assep you, so Fate put sum-one in your path that would. Your dad watchded you grow up listening to a uther man call you son, and watchded while his sons treaded you like their brother. Your brothers watchded two boys with no ob-oblig….ties to you, treat you like family, not cause they has to but cause they wanded to. The test was for your family Adonis, not you and they failded. Maybe they were nev-ver pose to be your family and Fate was jus ficks-sing it. Fates not always bad, sum-tines it’s res….um….res-respo…. does good.” She replied. He studied her for a moment, he’s heard her trip over her words a few times, she knows what she wants to say, but saying the words seemed to be difficult for her. She also gave him something to think about.

Dinner done and cleaned up, he really wasn’t interested in leaving yet and she didn’t seem too interested in having him leave.

“Do you wanna drink?” She asked,

“That would be great thank you” thinking she was going to offer water or something. He was surprised when she started pulling liquor bottles from one of her cupboards she crouched in front of.

“Whisky, scotch, bourbon or tequila?” She asked looking at him,

“You have a whole liquor cabinet in there” she smiled up at him from her position on the floor. She faltered when she went to get up, a bolt of pain shooting through her back and he was by her side in a second.

“I got you sweetheart, shhh, lean into me, I got you.” Listening to him she leaned her body against his. His arm went around her, rubbing small circles around the tense muscles on her right side. Helping her stand up he kept his arm around her holding her close to him. He could feel her muscles relaxing and the grimace that once held her face was easing up, the grip she had on his shirt was loosening.

“We should put some ice on your back” He said,

“I think there might be some in the freezer” she gritted out. Moving away from her long enough to get the ice and a towel he stood back in front of her, gently placing it on her back, she used him to brace herself.

Twenty minutes they stood there for. Twenty minutes he kept his arms around her, one hand with ice on her back, his other continuing to rub small circles doing whatever he could think to help with her pain. He held her close, not wanting to let her go. She was where she belonged, she was his to protect, his to keep safe, his to make feel better. He felt her melt into his arms, he could feel her move closer to him. He iced her back, switching hands as one began to freeze. He ran his fingers through her tresses, how soft and silky they felt as they easily slipped through his fingers. Twenty minutes she stayed in his embrace, in the safety she felt in his arms, holding onto him tighter, snuggling deeper into his chest. Her mind raced, with all the reasons this was wrong and why she shouldn’t be doing it. But one argument won against them all, it feels so right. If something feels this right, then how can it be wrong? How can it be wrong if it felt like she belonged there? How can it be wrong if it felt like his arms were made to wrap around her? She didn’t understand it, but she felt drawn to him, she felt a pull towards him and she wasn’t even trying to fight it, she didn’t want to. For the first time she felt like she belonged somewhere.

“Is that ok?” He asked as he moved the ice from her back to the counter.

“A bit” she replied,

“I think you might need another relaxant” he said, still holding her to him,

“I don’t want to fall as-sleep again” She said, looking up at him. She wasn’t ready for the night to be over, if she took one it’s done.

“Maybe half now, then the other half when you’re ready to go to sleep.” He suggested, brushing a strand of hair from her face. He wasn’t ready for the night to be done yet either, but her comfort was more important.

“Ok, but if I fall as-sleep you has to wake me up” She agreed,

“Ok, I will wake you up” he moved to get the muscle relaxants for her and cut one in half. Giving her a glass of water he watched her struggle to choke it down. Even half was still pretty big for her. Two big gulps of water later she finally had it down.

“That tastes gross,” she said, sticking her tongue out, making him laugh.

“You still want that drink?” She asked,

“Please, but how about I get it this time?” He offered, reaching down and grabbing the bottle of whisky. She nodded, smiling. That was probably a good idea. When he only brought down one glass she looked at him.

“You can’t have any. I’m not a doctor, but medication and alcohol don’t mix.” He said,

“Aw nuts!” She huffed.

“Would you like to sit outside?” He asked,

“Yes, I would love to sit outsigh-d” she replied, moving towards the back door.

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