The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 14: Unhappy Birthday!

Kenzi was rushing around her kitchen trying to get everything done on time for her dinner with Teagan tonight at six. It was 5:30 now and she still had half an hour to finish up and get ready. Making dinner for the boys next door put her a little behind but she felt it was worth it so they didn’t have to eat burgers again. Kenzi wondered if Patrick was stingy with their fries like he was with hers. She doubted it, but still the question was there. She also hoped they liked it, she tried really really hard, but it was difficult to cook for people when she didn’t know what they liked. What if they had restrictions on what they could eat? The thought troubled her for a bit, but there was nothing that could be done about it now. She would also have to remind them to be careful if they go into the woods. While she was dropping off the food she heard angry snarls and growls, she was used to hearing the wildlife but she wasn’t sure if they were and it might be startling for them.

Turning her attention back to her own dinner Kenzi checked to make sure it was ok and cooking properly. They were having lamb chops, lemon garlic asparagus and butter herb polenta. She didn’t like any of that but it was Teagan’s favourite. She hadn’t heard anything back from her when she asked her this morning if she was still coming for dinner, but Teagan doesn’t always reply back to her. She knew her boyfriend James wasn’t coming for dinner, he never comes when Teagan does. Teagan said he didn’t like her and that’s why he never comes. She’s only met him twice, but he seemed nice and had a friendly smile both times she saw him, but Teagan said he was just trying to be polite. And she was stupid and a slut if she thought it was anything other than that.

She was also making Teagan’s favourite cupcake, an espresso dutch chocolate cupcake with a molten center and maple buttercream frosting, with edible pearls. Checking her table setting one more time, to make sure everything was set perfectly and ready, she rushed upstairs to finish getting ready. Her sister liked perfection, nothing could be out of place. She really tried, and hoped her sister would be happy with what she saw.

“Holy crap! That girl can cook” Tyler commented, after he finished his dinner.

“You tellin me, I don’t know what I like better, her cookin or her bakin” Jackson seconded,

“She is extremely talented at both” Elijah agreed,

“And she gets told all the time that she can’t do either” Adonis stated,

“That cause people stupid. They threaten by her. Her can cook an bake an her frickin adorable. That girl a triple threat. You seen her Eli, tell me I lyin” Jackson said,

“She is quite beautiful” Elijah agreed,

“Right! You gonna be a fat Alpha, the only fat Alpha.” Jackson commented laughing,

“You’re gonna be a fat Beta with how often you think you’re eating over.” Adonis fired back,

“Yeah, it gonna be great. We be a fat pack” Jackson replied, laughing harder at the scowl Adonis gave him. Adonis couldn’t lie to himself and say that won’t happen. He knew it was a possibility once the rest of his pack tried her cooking. He’d never be able to get rid of any of them. He and his mate will never get to dine alone.

“That bullshit, I the only one that hasn’t met her yet.” Tyler complained,

“Technically Elijah hasn’t really met her yet either. He’s just seen her” Adonis caught the look between Tyler and Jackson when he said the name.

“The fuck you an Odin fightin bout this time, that we trash the house an I drinkin whisky out a mug” Jackson asked as he took a drink,

“Odin introduced himself to her last night” Adonis replied, when he looked up three sets of eyes stared back at him with shocked expressions.

“How that go?” Jackson asked,

“He stole her dinner, she pushed him trying to get it back. When he pushed back, he knocked her down and she realized what she was doing and hid under a planter box. She ended up getting injured and he wouldn’t leave until she came out.” Adonis explained, skipping a few details. Somethings they just didn’t need to know, like the second dinner Odin mooched or them cuddling on the couch till the wee hours of the morning.

“Her push him? Like push him, push him?” Tyler asked, his eyes wide. Adonis nodded. “That wild! That crazy, but that wild”

“Yeah, that a big puppy” Jackson agreed,

“He’s been fighting with me all morning. He’s not happy that I haven’t been doing anything to protect her from….” Adonis didn’t even want to say the word.

“That’s not your fault. We don’t know what happened to the girl that disappeared.” Elijah replied,

“Her poof!” Tyler interjected,

“Poof poof?” Jackson looked at him.

“Poof poof poofety poof! Her din’t jus disappear her hidin, an don’t wanna be foun.” Tyler replied,

“What do you mean?” Adonis asked,

“I track her trail to last year, seem to change names ever six months, not sure her even in the country nomore. But her goin through that much trouble to stay hidden. I ain’t gonna expose her. So I look back at the case. They drag that girl name through the mud, made up lies bout her sayin her lie bout him so he can do the same to her. Got threats from people, went to the Chief an he try to stop it, but Mayor Winston kept tyin his hands, an the judge don’t do nuttin bout it. His daddy has deep deep deepety deep pockets.” Tyler explained.

“Fuck!” Adonis breathed out.

“The fuck we do now?” Jackson asked,

“Plan B” Adonis answered,

“What’s plan B?” Elijah asked,

“Show him what it feels like to hurt. Show him why you don’t put your hands on a girl. And show him what happens when you fuck with one of ours” Adonis replied. Twin glowing liquid gold eyes stared back at him. Holding sinister smiles on their faces the twins always liked plan B. It meant fun times lay ahead.

Kenzi sat at her kitchen table waiting for her sister to show up. Teagan was supposed to be there for six but it was now 6:30. Kenzi would check the clock on her wall then the time on her phone to make sure they were both telling the right time. Teagan’s jus running late, that’s all. Busy at work and cou-dint leaf jus yet! Kenzi thought, rationalizing why Teagan was late. Teagan was never late for anything.

“I’ll give her five more minutes then I’ll call her. Maybe she gedded the day misxded up, it happens.” She does it all the time, it’s why she writes stuff down. Straightening out her table again making sure everything was perfect she checked the clock one more time, then her phone, and she continued to wait.

Adonis was watching this from the darkness of the woods. You talking to me? Odin asked. Though he shifted to his wolf he still maintained control Odin wasn’t one to pass up letting the wind blow through his fur. Don’t know! His reply back was simple. Sorry! What was that? You heard me! No, I didn’t. It sounded like you calling yourself the biggest fucking asshole in the world! Yeah, you were right. We couldn’t do anything until we knew! Now that we know, plan B. The twins are already at the bar with their chaperone! I thought we liked Elijah! We do, he’ll keep them in line until it’s time to let them go! What are we doing? Sister is supposed to be coming for dinner, I want to see what she looks like! Why does she look worried? I think her sister is late! Or the sister stood her up! If that’s what happened he’ll be extremely upset.

Checking her phone for the fifth time, it was now after seven. Taking a deep breath Kenzi dialed the number calling Teagan.

“Teagan! Are you….” she began to say, but abruptly stopped. Adonis had moved closer to the house when he heard her voice.

“Oh, you made uther plans? More important plans!” Looks like we were both wrong Odin, she was blown off! That’s just wrong!

“But it’s my….you prom….no, yo-you’re right, it’s not important, it’s jus a day” What is today that it’s not important? Alarm bells were going off in his head. Something about today was special.

“No you’re right, it would be selfish to think people should jus drop what they’re doing” He could see her lip starting to quiver a bit, but she held back. She was fighting to control what was threatening to take over. He could see the pain rip across her face, and hear the sadness in her voice. When does she get to be important? Odin asked, whimpering in his head, her sorrow pained him to see. Seems like everyone else gets to be important but her.

“No, there’s nothing else. Sorry to bother you. Has fun with your friends. Bye!” He watched her pull the phone away from her ear. Her breathing became harder and uneven as she looked at her table setting. Sorry to bother you! That bitch was supposed to come for dinner! I’m gonna bite her! I’m gonna let you! He watched her shut her eyes tight, her hands shook as they covered her ears, trying to quiet the screaming she heard in the silence. Adonis watched her fight to keep control, but what he heard next almost broke him.

“Don’t feel it, it’s jus a day. Don’t show it, it’s not important. Don’t be selfish, don’t be a burden. Don’t feel it, it’s jus a day. Don’t show it, it’s not important. Don’t be selfish, don’t be a burden.” She repeated these words over and over again as she sat in the chair, rocking back and forth. Are you fucking kidding me? Selfish….she’s selfish? Did selfish get a new definition? A burden Odin, a fucking burden. Who the fuck would ever call her a burden? He pulled himself away from the house, he needed to run fast and hard. His urge to hunt her sister down and rip her to pieces was strong.

Cleaning up after a dinner she didn’t eat, Kenzi tried not to think, she tried to keep it all shut out. She was drained, mentally and emotionally. The night took its toll on her, it took everything in her not to break, not to crack. It was all she wanted to do, but she feared if she started, if she let herself go for just a minute the tears and the cries would never stop. She would drown in them. A sharp knock on the door brought her out of her head. Who would be here? Hesitating for a minute longer, when the next knock sounded angry and impatient. She moved towards the door, but still hesitated to open it. Her fear spiked, as the knock turned into an angry persistent pounding on her door. Taking a deep breath, she pulled the door open.

“Adam! What are you doing here?” She asked, a little surprised to see him.

“Are you stupid? I need a reason to come see you now? It’s your birthday and like the good boyfriend that I am, I came to see you.” Adam snapped at her. “It doesn’t look like anyone else came though, told you it wasn’t important, it’ll never be important.” he added as he looked at the uneaten dinner on the table still.

“Teagan made uther plans.” She whispered, he saw the hurt cross her face.

“No one cares that it’s your birthday Kenzi, I’m only saying this to protect you, maybe next time you’ll listen to me and not bother” he replied, adding “Now your feelings are hurt, and I have to deal with you” he roughly pulled her into his embrace causing her to release a startled gasp at the sudden movement, this only aggravated him further.

“You cooked? I thought you were going to order out?” Adam asked as he once again looked at the table, his hands tightened around her arms.

“You-you said you weren’t coming, I-I-I di-dint know you were coming or I-I would has. I-I-I di-di-dint know you were coming.” Kenzi started to panic at the increase in pressure. She was fighting back the whimpers and pained cries as the bruise began to form.

“How about I’m here because some big guy in the bar the other night threatened me.” Adam snapped, giving her a slight shake.

“Wh-wh-what? W-w-why would he do that?” Kenzi tried to step back a little, but the grip he had on her arms wouldn’t let her move away from him.

“Yeah, that’s a good question. I asked myself the same thing. I asked myself why would this guy throw Cody in a dumpster after he called you a slut. Do you want to know the answer I came up with?” Kenzi shook her head vigorously, already knowing what he was going to say.

“No you don’t want to know, or no you already know?” He asked, staring down at her. She just shook her head again.

“I-I-I di-di-dint do any-any-nothing, I sw-sw-wear I di-di-dint do any-any-noth-ing” She pleaded with him, still trying to pull away, his grip becoming tighter and tighter.

“So you didn’t tell people that I gave you those marks? Cause he’s saying he’s gonna find the son of a bitch that did” Pulling her closer to him.

“I-i-it was a as-ass-cident, it w-wa-was jus a as-ass-cident. I d-d-don’t ezen know who you’re talking about” Kenzi tried fighting back and pulling herself away harder. No wonder he was angry when he showed up.

“Why are you pulling away from me? Are you trying to break up with me?” He hissed at her, his face growing red. Her eyes widened and she shook her head violently.

“N-n-n-no! No, no I’m not. I swear I’m not.” She spoke, her voice breaking as the fear spread through her.

“Then why are you pulling back from me?” He demanded,

“You’re scaring me” she blurted, the look on his face told her that was the wrong thing to say to him. It was the truth though he was terrifying her, she’d rather face the hungry wolf from last night, then Adam.

“I’m scaring you? I’m scaring you? You’re afraid of me? You stupid little ungrateful girl.SMACK! The slap across her face was sharp and it stung. It caught her completely by surprise. She couldn’t even react. She felt the taste of blood enter mouth as she held her cheek with her hand.

What the fuck is wrong with you?” Throwing her backwards she stumbled and crashed her left side into the counter before falling to the floor. Sputtering and coughing trying to draw air into her lungs. Clutching her side she was barely able to move without jolts of pain coursing through her. Kenzi’s body lay in a heap on the floor, her face twisted in agony waiting for it to subside. Silent whimpers escaped past her lips as she begged it to go away.

Everything I do for you and this is how you treat me?” Adam yelled at her, his rage was out of control, he kicked her swiftly in the ribs that just collided with the counter and she cried out.

“I don’t deserve this shit, especially from some pathetic little girl like you, maybe I don’t wanna be with you anymore. You’re stupid, disfigured and a disappointment. Not to mention a huge drain on me both mentally and emotionally.” He turned to leave and there was nothing she could do to stop him. Nothing she could say to make him stay, the only sounds she could emit were tiny cries as every move she attempted to make sent more pain crippling through her. It stole her voice and blinded her sight, the only thing she could do was lay crumpled trembling on the floor. She heard her front door open then heard it slam shut. Don’t feel it. Don’t show it. Don’t be a burden. It’s not important. Don’t feel it. Don’t show it. Don’t be a burden. It’s not important. Over and over again in her head. This is what happens when you feel, this is what happens when you show. This is what happens when you burden people. It’s not important. What she feels is not important. She was not important. If she didn’t get upset that Teagan didn’t show up, if she didn’t tell him he was scaring her, then she wouldn’t be in pain right now. She could be enjoying a nice quiet evening with Adam. This was all her fault and she will never show it again. She will never burden another.

Adonis ran. He ran hard, he ran fast. He didn’t slow his speed once. His feet thundered across the ground, his heart pounded in his chest, his breath coming in hard puffs burned his lungs. He didn’t stop, he didn’t slow down, he left everything he was feeling on the forest floor. The anger, the hatred, the loathing, none of that would help his mate. She needed someone to show her she was important, she needed someone to show her she mattered, that she wasn’t a burden. Her thoughts, her feelings were important. He would erase the pain, the sadness he saw there. He never wanted to hear those words come out of her mouth ever again. Done yet! Yeah I think I’m done! He began to slow his speed, his mind clear, his anger released. My turn? Depends! On? Are you going to hunt the sister? No! Odin! I won’t, promise! Your turn then! Releasing control to his beast, Adonis took the backseat and let Odin burn his anger and run back home. We sound like an earthquake! Yes we do! I’m hungry! Go hunt something! What she make for supper? Odin no, you are not mooching food off her two nights in a row! She gave you supper! I didn’t mooch it! Was it good? It was the best thing I have ever eaten in my life! Can I just see her? I won’t mooch! Liar! What? Can you blame me? She needs us, Adonis! Don’t mooch! Fine, if she offers though I ain’t turning it down! And you say I’m going to be fat! We’ll be fat together! What was his mate doing to him? He was going to crave her food as much as he craves her.

Odin watched the house from the shadows in her backyard, looking to see where she was. So many smells swirled around him, mostly good, but there was one that he didn’t like. Men’s cologne hung in the air, it was masculine, heavy, pungent. The boyfriend! He couldn’t hide his displeasure towards this. She never said the boyfriend was coming over when he spoke to her earlier. Maybe she didn’t want to upset you! Odin moved closer to the house, growing more and more concerned. She left the door open. Anything can just walk in! He poked his head in the house when he didn’t see her in the kitchen he walked further inside. Anything like a seven foot wolf? Adonis asked, Odin clearly didn’t see the irony in what he just did.

“What are you doing here?” His head snapped to the left at the sound of her melodious voice. Visibly calming at the sight of her standing on the bottom stair watching him. He took in her appearance, there was no laughter in her eyes instead she looked on the verge of tears and was still fighting to keep control of them. She was wearing a loose fitting long sleeved shirt and nothing else. She was drowning in the material, it hung off one shoulder covering just above her knee. She’s wearing someone else’s shirt! Odin huffed. I think it’s a comfort shirt Odin! The shirt was light grey, and old. The graphic on the front was no longer recognizable, and it was littered with holes, it looked well worn. A comfort shirt that belonged to someone else! Odin huffed again. In time she will be wearing one of ours!

“Are you hungry?” She asked, her voice soft and quiet held traces of the emotion he felt coming off of her. He nodded slightly and she carefully took the last step down and slowly moved towards the kitchen. Up her right leg they saw a long scar. It started at her ankle then disappeared under the shirt. How did she get that? More secrets! Why does it look like she’s favouring her side? I don’t know! Did something happen when we weren’t here to protect her? It better not have? What’s wrong with the side of her face? They took in the sight of her left cheek. It was red and looked slightly swollen. What the fuck? Was his mate struck? Did the boyfriend show up while they weren’t here and do something to her?

“You’d be the only one that showded up to eat dinner then.” Standing on her tippy toes she took small breaths as she pulled a plate from the cupboard and set it down on the counter. Kenzi was trying not to feel the pain that was shooting through her body at the movements she was making, but it was becoming harder to control it.

“Do you want to eat insigh or outsigh?” She asked, looking at him. He looked towards the table on the deck and then looked back at her.

“Ok, I’ll be out in a minute” he headed back outside and waited for her to show up. She looks so sad! Odin whimpered. I know! He watched her carefully from his seat at the table. That was when he smelled it, something delectably tantalizing.

Looking down at the table he saw a cupcake, licking his chops he sniffed at it some more. Don’t do it Odin! But it smells good! Don’t! Just a taste! No! Just the frosting! No! Smells like chocolate and maple! Odin! She’s drinking bourbon! Bad day! Not being able to resist anymore, Odin caved and devoured the cupcake on the table. She’s not going to feed you anymore! I regret nothing, that was tasty! You’re such an asshole! Still don’t feel bad! Did you eat the fucking wrapper? It had a wrapper? You asshole!

“Did you eat my cupcake?” Kenzi looked back and forth between the pitch black wolf and the table that now only held a puddle of drool. He shook his head no, causing her to narrow her eyes on him.

“There’s frosting on your face, you big liar. I don’t think you’re pose to has that. It has ca-caf-coffee and chocolate in it and I don’t think that’s good for ca-ca-c….wolfies. If you ged sick, that’s your fault.” Looking away from him she released a deep sigh, then slightly grimaced at the pain it caused her. “Please don’t ged sick!” She whispered quietly, putting the plate of food down in front of him and something else on the table.

What’s that? It’s a birthday candle! A birthday candle? I think today’s her birthday. You just ate her birthday cake! Oops! You regret it now? I am an asshole! She sat down on the deck, Odin whimpered beside her.

“It’s ok, it wasn’t important. You should eat before it geds cold.” She said, never looking at him. He watched as she picked up her glass and took a swallow. Kenzi had gone back inside to get changed into some dry clothes after she fell off the dock again and decided she wanted to wear her favourite shirt and she had also forgotten the birthday candle. She was going to blow the candle out on her birthday cupcake for the very last time. Adam and Teagan were right, it wasn’t important, it was just another day and that’s how she was going to treat it from now on.

Odin nudged her with his head and she gave him a bit of a scratch before she told him to eat again. Eat Odin! I’m not hungry! Yes you are, you’re just upset! You’re right, I am. It smells good! Odin dug into the meat on the plate first, then the asparagus. She watched him bite into it only to spit it out. Then try it again, only to do the same thing.

“I don’t like asparagus eizer. It tastes like grassy twigs. No madder what I do to it, it always tastes like grassy twigs. People say it’s pose to taste like broccoli, but I don’t know where they gedded that from” Odin looked at her then looked back at the asparagus on his plate. Grassy twigs is about an accurate description. If she can’t make it taste good then it tastes bad! Try the other stuff! Giving up on the asparagus he tried the polenta only to have it stick to the roof of his mouth. He didn’t like that either. Oh Goddess, mush of death! Adonis was howling in his head, as Odin kept trying to lick it off the roof of his mouth, but it was stuck worse than peanut butter. You fucker, you knew what that was! Serves you right, eat her birthday cupcake! I felt bad! Only after you found out it was her birthday! I can’t help it, her food is delicious, except the mush of death and the grassy twig!

“Don’t like the polenta eizer? Neizer do I. It’s Teagan’s fav-av-rite meal. Rosemary lamb chop, with lemon garlic asparagus and a budder herb polenta. I don’t like any of it. I like steak and fries.” She took another drink, Odin watched her listening to what she was saying.

“Teagan was pose to come for dinner tonight, she promisded. She’s my sister, but she made uther plans….that’s ok though, they were more important” she gave him a sad small smile nodding her head. That’s bullshit, its her birthday and she made that stupid bitch’s favorite food and she didn’t even show up!

“Can I tell you a secret?” She looked over at the pitch black wolf and watched him nod his head. “Today’s my birthday, I turnded 21. I’ve nezer has a birthday party, and tonight would has been the first time I ce-cel-bratded my birthday with sum-one. Before you eated the cupcake, I was going to blow the candle out one last time. I’m jus gonna treat it like a uther day from now on, it’s not important and….that’s ok.” Her voice broke at the end. Now I feel really bad! Odin whimpered. They sat in silence for a little while before she spoke again.

“Can I tell you a uther secret?” Her voice trembled, when he looked over at her, he could see her eyes brimming and no matter how hard she tried she couldn’t blink them back.

“It does-dint feel ok” she whispered, as the tears cascaded down her cheeks. Pulling her knees to her chest she buried her face in her arms, not wanting the pitch black wolf to see her cry. Her little body shook as she shed tears for the first time in a long time. She’s always pushed everything back and buried it, but she couldn’t this time. Between the hurt her heart felt and the pain tearing through her body it was too much and she cracked. It was a vicious cycle the more she cried the more pain she felt, the more pain she felt the more she cried. Not fully knowing the extent or reasons for her tears, Adonis pushed for control and Odin willingly gave it to him; he had no idea what to do. He pushed his head into her arms and let her hold onto him as her silent sobs raked through her body. She will be celebrating her birthday. We’ll make this right!

For what seemed like hours she laid crumpled into him. Her face was buried in his neck. Her body was still slightly trembling, she didn’t think she had anymore tears left to cry, but there was still more pain to be felt. With each small breath she drew into her lungs there was still a lot more pain. She clung to the wolf not understanding how she found comfort in him, why she felt safe and protected. Nor did she understand why he seemed to care for her. But he didn’t like it yesterday when she was scared of him, he didn’t like it when she hurt herself. He made her eat dinner, granted he ate more of it and tonight he let her cry all over his black fur. He cuddled her while she hugged onto him tightly. She sniffled and he moved closer to her offering whatever comfort he could. His tiny dancer has had a terrible day and she needed him. He nuzzled her, his nose in her neck breathing in her scent. Every once in a while his tongue would flick out and he would taste the side of her neck, but she never pulled away.

“Thank you!” She whispered softly against his fur, he pulled back from her enough to rest his forehead against hers. Her eyes were puffy and tear streaks marked her face, but she was still the most beautiful creature to ever grace this planet. She ran her fingers through his fur, and pressed her lips to his forehead. Electricity exploded through him at the contact, his body vibrated. Not where he wanted her to kiss him, he wanted her mouth moving under his, but it was a start. He curled around her resting his head on her side when he pressed into her left hip she released a pained whimper and her body tensed up. Alarmed, he lifted his head and looked at her. He pressed again and he saw the pain rip across her face, it stole her breath away.

Pushing her onto her right side away from him, Adonis began to investigate the source of her pain. He snuffled at the hem of her shirt trying to push it up, but she kept trying to push his head away. ….grrrRrrrr…. Determined to see what it was, he released a small warning growl, when she pushed his head away again ….grrrRrrrr…. Another slipped past him when she tried to back away. Her eyes were wide and her fear was spiking. Good way to end my birthday! She thought. Make a wolfie seven feet tall mad and has him eat you! He moved closer to her, only to have her back away some more however the sudden movements would cause spikes of pain to tear through her. And you said I scared her! I have to see and she’s being stubborn! ….grrrRrrrr…. Releasing another low growl, her breath quickened and she looked for an escape plan. She didn’t want to get eaten tonight. He would move forward and she would scramble backwards. If she could make it to the door she could shut it, as if sensing her plan he moved to block her path. Still advancing towards her, she forgot the edge of the deck was behind her, he moved quickly before she tumbled down the stairs grabbing a hold of the shirt. Hearing the fabric rip as he pulled her back towards him.

Now standing over top of her looking down into her eyes, fear evident on her face. Adonis proceeded to investigate the source of the pain, pushing her shirt up. Kenzi wiggled and squirmed underneath him, still trying to get away, still fighting the pain she was feeling. He had to give her credit, she had fight in her, which made him wonder how many times she had to fight like this. Hooking one paw under her he rolled her onto her stomach then stood on her back to stop her from getting away. Using enough weight to prevent her from moving but not enough to hurt her. She fought against him some more but soon realized it was no use. He was not getting off and she couldn’t get away. She was going to get eaten by a wolf on her birthday, hopefully he killed her quickly. Giving up the fight she gave in and accepted her fate. Upon feeling her stop moving underneath him Adonis continued his investigation into the pain.

Pushing her shirt up once more only stopping for the briefest of seconds to watch what she would do. He saw the edges of a ghastly bruise on her left hip, that had to be from the last time Adam threw her around. No wonder it caused pain, it was huge. Kenzi squeaked when she felt his cold nose brush against her warm skin. ….grrrrrr…. He released a low displeased growl and a series of whimpers. Removing his paw from her back, he laid down beside her. She’s gonna bolt and it’s your fault! Odin huffed. I had to see, you know I did! Adonis argued back. Her mind was screaming for her to run, but her body stayed frozen to her deck. She saw the sadness in the wolf’s eyes and her heart hurt for him. Instead of moving away from him like he expected her to do she did the unexpected and surprised both him and his wolf….she hugged him and kissed his head again. Is she serious? She has very few friends, Odin! He moved closer to her, licking her neck, and she went back to cuddling against him.

“It’s ok, it was a as-ass-cident. It was my fault I made him mad” She said ….grrrrrr…. Her fault my ass! “You has to stop scaring me. If you want our friendship to work you has to stop gr-gr-ow-ling at me” She scolded him. Now who’s getting scolded! Shut up!

“I has to go to bed now, I has to be up early for work.” Her body protested the movement of getting up, the pain shooting through her was almost unbearable. She sat there waiting for it to subside, before she tried moving again. Taking several shallow breaths, she tried again, this time he got up with her, letting her lean on him for support. I don’t like that! I know, I don’t like it either! What are we gonna do? Let the twins go! It was too late to do anything about it now. He helped her into the house and waited while she cleaned up his plate and her glass. Then he followed her upstairs, staying close behind her incase she fell. Making it to her bedroom she made her way into the bathroom while he stood in the room looking around. It wasn’t big, very modest in size, but Adonis felt very at peace there. It was done in shades of greys and greens, felt very woodsy to him, very homey. She had a large picture of a forest on the wall behind her bed. The wooden furniture all matched and coordinated. She had pops of dark purples and blues around the room to draw interest. The best part was her scent was everywhere.

Adonis looked out one of her bedroom windows towards his house and just as he thought she would be able to see him from her room. Now wondering more than ever if she would be the type to look. This was a theory he definitely wanted to test. He hopped up onto the bed, lying down letting her scent surround him while he waited for her to come out of the bathroom. What are we doing? Isn’t it obvious Odin, we are staying here! Not that I am going to talk you out of it, but why? She’s had a terrible birthday, she needs us, and do you really feel like sleeping on the floor? Who’s fault is it the mattress got wrecked? Yours! Oh! Ok, yeah it is. Beds a little small don’t you think! Oh darn, she’ll have to sleep close to us! Kenzi walked out of the bathroom only to stop dead in her tracks as she stared at the pitch black wolf who had taken up residence in the middle of her bed.

“Well that’s not going to work, you takeded up the whole thing” he had to laugh, most people would have tried to tell him to get down, but not his mate, she was trying to work out how they could sleep in the bed together. He watched as she circled one way around the bed and then the other. He watched as she grabbed pillows and lined them up against the top of the headboard and pointed to the top of the bed. He shifted himself so he was now lying against a wall of pillows. Making sure the closet door was closed, and checking twice for good measure she crawled onto the bed with a blanket. About to use her arm as a pillow when he nudged her with his nose. Moving further up the bed she cuddled into his side resting her head against him.

Kenzi could hear his heartbeat strong, steady and calm, lulling her into sleep. She was tired and drained. Why did she do that? Odin was confused by her odd behaviour towards the closet. I don’t know! It was the first time he noticed the chair sitting next to the door. It was out of place in the otherwise tastefully decorated room. Dark secrets indeed! He thought.

“Good night!” She buried her fingers into his fur and drifted off to sleep, with visions of wolves running in her head. Good night tiny dancer! He watched as she didn’t even fight the sleep that pulled at her. He would make this all better, she would get her birthday, the twins would get the boyfriend out of the picture, and he would figure out how to deal with the stupid sister and the people of this town. Curling around her more he took in her scent allowing it to wash over him, ease his mind and relax his body. He drifted to sleep with visions of his tiny dancer in his head.

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