The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 13: Fighting With Odin!

It was just after six in the morning when Kenzi woke up on the couch alone. She never slept this late, even when she had nothing to do she was always up at between two and two thirty. She stretched and her hand brushed against something silky and cool beside her. Holding a single dahlia in her hand a smile spread across her face. Its beautiful lavender petals and darker center popped before her eyes. Sitting up she lifted the beautiful flower to her nose. Not having its own scent, it borrowed the scent of early mountain morning. She had to laugh when she noticed the dirt all over the floor and the big paw print in the middle. Her wolf picked her a flower though it came from her very own garden it was a thoughtful gesture. At least he knew she would like it, she wouldn’t have planted it if she didn’t. Stretching out she smelled the flower one more time before she got off the couch. Kenzi had lots to do today. The bakery was to open back up tomorrow and things needed to be prepped, she also had to get things ready for dinner tonight. Teagan was coming on the account that it was her twenty-first birthday today. She also needed to get the dirt cleaned up off the floor. Placing the flower in a little vase she put it on the kitchen table. She would figure out how to preserve it later. Maybe she would encase it in resin, she took a few courses online and had all the supplies. She sent photos to the artist that ran the program and she said her work was flawless and she should keep it up, she could sell it. Kenzi didn’t want to sell it though, she just liked making it for fun, when she had the time to do it.

Adonis was walking along the path behind the houses on the way to the dock, when he looked over and saw the flower sitting in a vase of water on the table. A smile spread across his face, and it grew wider when he heard Odin grumbling in his head. I can’t believe you picked a flower from her garden! Odin huffed. You’re just pissed that I thought of it and you didn’t! Adonis shot back. That’s cheating! Why are you fighting with me? I’m not fighting! Oh really? I’m not! You’re right you’re not fighting, you’re pouting! I am not pouting! Odin growled at him. Are you sure about that? I’m not pouting! Now who’s a fucking liar! I hate you! No you don’t! Yes I do! Why are you being like this? Being like what? A petulant child! I am not! Odin huffed at him one more time before he blocked him. And that’s not being a child?

He proceeded to walk towards the dock, he was trying to figure out the best way to do something. He had spent most of the evening cuddled with her on the couch in wolf form. After the initial shock, she seemed quite ok with it, she even fell asleep cuddling on his back running her fingers through his fur. He hated to have to leave her, but if he didn’t get back to the house before the others he would hear about it. As quietly and carefully as he could he moved her onto the couch and wrapped a blanket around her, the flower was an afterthought. He saw them in her garden and if she didn’t like them she wouldn’t have planted them. Next time he’ll get her flowers from the flower shop.

Showered and dressed Kenzi was heading out the front door when she ran into the wall of Adonis’s chest.

“Holy buttered biscuits!” She blurted, as his arms wrapped around her to stop her from falling backwards. When she felt his chest rumble she pulled her headphones off and looked up at him. Her body hummed to life, enjoying the feel of him. She pulled her other hand off his chest before she got the urge to feel any more of his muscles than she already was.

“Morning Adonis!” Her cheeks were flushed, but she wasn’t sure if it was from embarrassment, his embrace or the thought of running her hands over him. Images she’s never had before began to enter her mind.

“Good morning Kenzi! Are you on your way out?” He asked, still laughing, he didn’t remove his arms right away, he wanted to enjoy the feeling of her a little while longer.

He did however notice her signature cuffs around her wrists hiding her little secret, these ones were different then the last pair he saw her wear. They were a black leather wrap cuff with studs. How many pairs did she have?

“Yeah! I has to go to the bakery and ged startded on prep for opening tomorrow. And then the grocery store, Teagan is coming for dinner tonight and I has to ged ez-zry-thing ready.” She replied,

“Oh, well that answers that question” He couldn’t help the disappointment he felt and dropped his arms to his sides.

“What quest-shun? You di-dint ask me anything. Are you ok? Do you need sum-thing?” She asked, hiding the disappointment that washed over her when he dropped his hands.

“It’s ok, just wanted to see if maybe you wanted to get dinner tonight. The diner’s burgers are great and all, but….”

“They’re not really dinner, it’s more of a lunch food, and one can only eat so much pizza” She finished for him.

“Yeah and I haven’t figured out where my pots and pans are yet” He added,

“I’m sorry I can’t tonight….um” she bit her lip, debating on what to do. She knew what she wanted to say, but she didn’t know where the line was that crossed into cheating. Offering dinner was just being neighbourly right? Yeah, it was! Neighbours said it all the time, if you need anything let us know.

“If you can wait till tomorrow, maybe I could cook you sum-thing” she offered,

“Unfortunately I can’t tomorrow, I have business in the left city, and I won’t be back till late Saturday night or early Sunday. Thanks for the offer though, that was really sweet. Have a good one Kenzi!” He walked off her porch and started back across the lawn.

“You too!” She called after him.

Well that didn’t work for you! He could hear Odin laughing in his head. What the fuck is your problem? I don’t have a problem! Bullshit, you’ve been a fucking prick since we left her last night! Have not! Fuck you Odin, you want to act like that, then go fuck yourself and stop talking to me! Adonis put his own block up to ignore Odin. He didn’t need his shit right now, he had enough things going on, the last thing he wanted to deal with was his furry beasts fucking tantrum. Though he won’t leave him blocked for long, Odin had a tendency to be vindictive when he did that. The last time he blocked him for an extended period of time, Odin ripped his car to pieces. With his men busy with their tasks and assignments, Jackson back at the camp,Tyler hunting down information on the missing girl that disappeared after pressing charges against Adam Walsh, and Elijah was running interference with Alpha Leon and Eric. He had to finish unpacking and moving in, but he was tired and angry and wanted his mate.

Adonis didn’t sleep at all last night, he tossed and turned, he got up several times and went and checked on her. The thought of just crawling back onto the couch with her crossed his mind several times. When he saw those scars on her wrists, a sickening thought crossed his mind and now it was haunting him. Someone strapped her down, what if they did something to her? She might be a virgin, but things can still be done. Maybe that’s why she wasn’t ready, maybe that’s why she was still a virgin. He could hear Odin growling in the back of his mind, pushing to get through the block. What? Adonis growled at him. Don’t think like that! You saw the scars Odin! I did! Someone did something to her! You don’t know that! You don’t get scars like that unless you were strapped down! Grabbing the first box he saw he chucked it across the room. It crashed against the wall and broke open the contents clanging all over the floor. Found the pots and pans! Odin stated. FUCK!

Kenzi made it to the bakery and instead of parking in the front like she usually does, she parked in the back and used the back door to enter. She started on dough, for bread, buns and baguettes. Then she would do cinnamon buns and donuts. Then move onto the batters for cookies, brownies and muffins. These batters could be made well ahead of time and stored in the big fridge until she needed to use them. She would come back later tonight to make the pastry dough and finish up whatever she didn’t get done this morning. She was also mentally preparing herself for what people were going to say after the bakery had been closed for a few days. The falling star festival was also coming up and so was the sweetheart festival. She has yet to hear word on how many cakes she would have to make for that. Taking a deep breath, she hit play on her phone and started her work.

Elsewhere in town Jackson had just walked into the hardware store. Standing at the counter waiting for someone to show up and help him, he went back over his list of materials he was going to need. After about fifteen minutes he looked around for someone again. He saw a bell that said ring for service, but he hated those bells. They set Ko off, the last thing he needed or wanted was him barking in his head. Don’t nobody work here? He thought. Ring the bell! No! Why not? You gonna bark? Um….! That why not!

“Hello?” He called out as he walked up and down some of the aisles.

“Hello?” He called again, still no reply. He walked outside to see an older man late 50’s to early 60’s trying to shift a few things around in the garden center he had.

“Let me help wit that,” Jackson called as he walked closer to him. His uncle taught him if someone is struggling with something, don’t ask if they need help, just offer to help.

“Well thank you kindly” the old man replied, letting Jackson take over what he was doing.

“Ain’t there someone that can help you?” Jackson asked as he moved more things around for him.

“I wish, my granddaughter comes and helps when she can, but for the most part no” the old man replied,

“The hell not?” Jackson asked,

“Fear of retaliation!” The man said,

“What?” Jackson’s head snapped up, that was the stupidest thing he’s ever heard. Who would retaliate against someone for a job? Don’t know!

“There’s a few businesses in town that can’t get employees. The flower shop, the auto shop. Hell the diner and the bar can only ever keep two other employees at a time if they’re lucky. Poor Barbara at the school has the most seniority but has been passed over for promotion multiple times.” The man explained.

“Why?” Jackson asked, that didn’t seem right.

“The downside of going against Mayor Winston I suppose” The old man scratched his chin.

“Jackson Monroe” Jackson held out his hand,

“Harvey Blidel” The old man introduced himself as he shook.

“What did you come for Mr. Monroe?” Harvey asked,

“It’s Jackson or you can call me Jackass like my lil brother does, but I don’t like Mr. Monroe. I’m fixin up some old cabins, Lil Kenzi Cakes say come see you, if I need anythin,” He replied.

“Fair enough, Jackson it is. Do you have a supply list?” Harvey asked, he arched his eyebrow at him when he heard Kenzi’s name, but said nothing.

“Sure do!” He handed Harvey the list he was going to need. Looking over it his eyes widened.

“I’ll have to see what I have available, I can guarantee you right now though that I don’t have all of this.” Harvey replied, going over the list again. They started moving back towards the store.

“That ok I don’t need it all right now, but I take what you got” Jackson said,

“Well all right then” they walked back into the store towards the counter. Harvey looked up what he had on hand, while Jackson waited.

“Who that lil cutie?” Jackson asked, looking at a picture on the wall of Harvey and a younger Kenzi, she was maybe 16 but still had the same bright smile on her face.

“That’s my granddaughter, she’s the baker for Sweet Talk Bakery” Harvey replied, Jackson watched the smile spread across the old man’s face as he referred to her.

“No kiddin! That lil Lil Kenzi Cakes, frickin adorable. I met her the other day. Her a real sweetheart!” Jackson replied. Harvey was about to say something, but stopped himself when Jackson didn’t say anything after calling her that.

“She is a real sweetheart! Sometimes I think she’s the only one left in this town” Harvey agreed. “I can get you this much in a couple days, but the rest will have to be ordered, it’ll come in smaller quantities though” Harvey told him as he gave him the number of what he could get now.

“Soun good!” Jackson replied.

“You lookin for people?” He asked after a bit

“Are you offering to work here?” Harvey asked in return,

“Unfortunately I can’t, but I know people lookin for work” Jackson replied,

“Yes I am” Harvey answered,

“What bout them other business they lookin for people?” Jackson would have to run this by Adonis, but he figured he wouldn’t see an issue with it. These people protected Kenzi, only seemed fitting they get protected as well.

“I believe they are, but I don’t think there’s anybody in town that will go against the mayor” Harvey answered. Jackson nodded. Not yet anyway! He thought. Their pack members would need jobs, he knew Cage and Xander liked building. But Mike and Derek liked working on cars, and all four were getting restless just sitting around.

“I will call when your order is ready to be delivered” Harvey said as he finished up what he was doing.

“Great, how you wanna settle the bill? I can pay for it all now or over time as the deliveries made” Jackson asked reaching for his wallet,

“As the deliveries are made” Harvey replied,

“Soun good! Thank you Mr. Blidel, you has yurself a good day” Jackson said, taking his hand off his wallet.

“Seeing how we’re on a first name basis, it’s Harvey. I’ll be in touch, you have yourself a good day as well.” Harvey replied, giving him a warm smile. Stepping out of the store he could see the mechanic across the street, working on a vehicle and several more waiting to be serviced. Pulling out his phone he called Adonis. He was going to wait till later to have this discussion, but this wasn’t right at all.

Finishing up the last box for the kitchen, Adonis threw it in the living room with the rest of them. His mood hasn’t improved and he might have broken a few dishes as he was putting them away, which only pissed him off more. One glass he just chucked across the kitchen after he dropped four other ones. If he kept this up, he would have to replace all the dishes. Placing both his hands on the counter, he took a few breaths to calm his racing mind. If he wasn’t thinking about the scars on her wrists it was the ones on her back and wondering how she got those. He was thankful that Odin decided to keep his mouth shut, he wouldn’t be able to deal with him right now. His phone ringing brought him out of his head, a quick check of the caller ID he saw Jackson’s name flash on the screen. Eric had tried to call him a few times, he didn’t want to talk to Elijah, but Adonis was in no mood to talk to him right now either.

What?” He barked into the phone.

“What do you mean?” He listened as Jackson explained what Harvey told him.

“The Mayor’s black listing them?” He asked, that didn’t seem right, but it made sense. Can’t go after the business itself, go after anybody that tries to work there. Forcing the owners to work alone, they’ll either crack under the pressure of it or they’ll work themselves to death. It was actually pretty smart. This town relied on those businesses, they always had work to do.

“I want three of us at every business, the owners are never to be left alone.” These owners were her family and they protected her, they would have the protection of the pack. Not normally how it was done, but they weren’t normal wolves if they were important to his mate, they were important to him.

“Send Cage and Xander to the hardware store today and send for Tommy, he can go as well” he replied when Jackson said he was thinking of sending Cage and Xander there tomorrow.

“Send for Gage as well. He’ll fit in at the auto shop” was his reply when Jackson said he would send Mike and Derek to the mechanic. His men are getting restless and they need to keep busy. Things happen when demons get restless.

“Send for who we know can fill spots. They won’t be easily pushed around.” He added.

“The bakery is a different story, no one works there because the town thinks there’s something wrong with her” he said,

“If I knew who fucking did it Jackson, I’d put their fucking head on a spike in the middle of town square!” He felt his anger rising again.

“That would be why they refer to me as The Devil” he replied,

“No Jackson you can’t crush the whore with the church bell….not yet anyway. Besides, she doesn’t have the intelligence to turn a whole town against her and from what I was told she is not from here. That rumour has been going around for a while.” He couldn’t help the grin that spread across his face after that. Even he had to admit crushing a whore with a church bell was funny.

“She has plans!” He was a little disappointed by that, he wouldn’t get to see her again till Sunday. He had the meeting in the city and then the welcome party for him, plus he wanted to check out the hotel he had acquired, it apparently came with an owner’s suite.

“I don’t know what a Falling Star Festival is,” he huffed into the phone

“Read the fucking sign then!” Causing another sigh,

“She probably would know! But she’s not home, she had things to do today. The bakery is opening up again tomorrow” he said,

“How the fuck do I know where her car is? I’m standing in the kitchen right now missing half the fucking dishes” he growled into the phone.

“Because I fucking broke them” his anger rising again,

I do not have anger issues and you’re a fucking asshole” he yelled into the phone. Maybe he did have anger issues. And I’m having a tantrum! Fuck you animal. I’m still not talking to you! Good, I’m not talking to you either!

“Where is it?” He opened the cupboard by the fridge and saw a bottle of whisky and a bottle of bourbon. He went to reach for the whisky but pulled the bourbon instead. It’s a yummy drink on a bad day after all. Grabbing one of the four remaining glasses in the cupboard he poured himself a tall drink and took a long swallow. The amber liquid burned his throat a little as it went down, but it was just what he needed.

“Yeah!” He replied into the phone then hung up.

He checked the time, it was just after three in the afternoon, he still had time to tackle his bedroom, before he went to grab a bite to eat at the diner. Pouring himself another tall drink he brought it with him as he went upstairs. Why are we even unpacking if we’re going to be living with her soon? Adonis proceeded to open boxes, ignoring Odin’s question. Stop ignoring me! Odin huffed. He hung his clothes up in the closet. Hey, stupid human! Adonis just carried on what he was doing. HEY! Odin yelled in his head. Ooo I’m Adonis, big stupid smelly human. I can ignore the wolf in my head! Trying his hardest not to react to Odin’s taunts, he took another drink. Drink yourself stupider good thinking! I think I’m better than everyone cause I’m an Alpha! Look at me, look at me one of the most feared Alpha’s in the world, yet my mate scares the crap outta me! Taking yet another drink to keep himself calm, Odin was only getting more persistent. The downside of sharing your head with another was they knew what buttons to push and how to push them. Have to help my mate, from her abusive relationship, how you ask, by sitting on my ass and doing nothing. Just gonna keep letting her get beat!

The glass in his hand shattered, at the last part Odin said, his blood flowed from the shards that cut into it. You stupid fucking idiot. Did you ever for one second fucking think about what happened to the fifth fucking girl that pressed charges against him? She fucking disappeared! And? Was it because she just left or did that mother fucker do something to her? Didn’t think about that! If he did something to her, then Kenzi is his next target and she’s not safe if she leaves him! YOU’RE DOING NOTHING! Right now doing nothing is the only thing I can do to keep her safe. I can’t move on him, or I expose us all. Don’t think for one minute I like it. Don’t think for a second I don’t want his head. Don’t you ever question it. I want his blood spilt not hers, but until Tyler can fucking find the girl my fucking hands are tied. I am also trying to not expose her to another pack of werewolves and get us established! Ok, that was a dick thing for me to say! FUCK YOU ODIN! Fuck you and burn in hell! Adonis cut the link after that, he was done talking to him. Walking into his bathroom, he pulled the shards of glass from his hand cursing the whole time.

A few hours later he was now sitting in a chair in his room, with the three quarter empty bottle of bourbon next to him. His bed lay destroyed on one side of the room, while the rest of the boxes were torn open and the contents were scattered everywhere. He might have lost his temper after his fight with Odin and threw a bit of a tantrum. She was right there his to protect and he couldn’t do a fucking thing to help her. When has it ever taken Tyler this long to get information before? Is it taking him too long or is he just being impatient? Reaching for the bottle he took another drink. He gave up on glasses and went straight for the bottle after he broke another one putting it down a little hard on the counter.

Lost in deep thought he missed the movement from her house the first time, but he caught it the second time. He didn’t notice it until now, but his bedroom looked straight into hers. He watched her dance her way through her room and start undressing. Without a second thought she removed her shirt and her pants. His eyes blackened as he took in the sight of her beautiful, bountiful body. He followed the curve of her more than generous breast down to her flat stomach to her very round bottom. His mate was blessed with all the right curves in all the right places. His grip on the armrest tightened when he saw the large bruise, but he couldn’t keep his focus on it. She revealed her body to him and he was lost in the look of her. The only things stopping him from seeing everything were a pair of grey cotton boy shorts that perfectly hugged her and the matching grey cotton bra straining to contain her. He tried to look away, he really did but he couldn’t take his eyes off her.

She took her hair down and he watched as it tumbled down past her elegant shoulders. Unconsciously he licked his lips as he took in the sight of her a whimper escaping past him. A deep hunger brewing inside, he gripped tighter to the armrests on the chair he was sitting in. Her movements never stopped until she saw her reflection in the mirror. A look of dejection crossed her face for the briefest second, before she forced the smile back onto it and continued with what she was doing. What was that look about? Odin whimpered, he didn’t like that look upon his mates face, he didn’t like that when she saw herself it made her sad. She was perfect, flawless in his eyes, why would she be sad? When she turned her back to the window he saw the scars on her back clearly, there were many, so many, too many. Etched across her skin in every direction. Scars like that were caused by one thing, his blood boiled all over again. Who the fuck would lash her? Odin growled out in his head. When she disappeared into the bathroom, he grasped tightly to the chair he was close to falling out of with how far forward he was leaning. He blinked a few times, but the image of how her body looked was carved into his memory. He should have felt ashamed for staring the way he did, but he didn’t feel an ounce of guilt. She was his mate, he was allowed to look, he was the only one allowed to look. Then a thought occurred to him; if he could see her, then she would be able to see him. Would she be the type to look? He might have to test this.

A vehicle door slamming pulled his attention from the window he was still staring out of. A small hope built inside of him that she would come back out of the bathroom not wearing anything. He looked around his room, FUCK! Looks like he was sleeping on the floor tonight. Grabbing his mattress he pulled it from his room and headed down the stairs with it.

“The fuck happen?” Jackson asked as he took in the sight of the giant claw marks in the mattress.

“It didn’t make the move” was all Adonis said as he pulled the mattress outside.

“I see that!” Jackson left it there. The last time he saw Adonis’s mattress like that was after him and Odin got into a fight the day they graduated. He didn’t even have to check his room, he knew it was just as destroyed. That boy need his mate Ko! Yup!

“Him an Odin fightin again? Saw the mattress” Tyler asked as he walked into the house. Jackson nodded.

“He need his mate or this house gonna fall down roun him” again Jackson could only nod.

“He gettin more aggressive an violent. The fuck we gonna do?” Tyler asked,

“I don’t know, but somebody gonna get hurt” Jackson replied,

“I starvin the fuck we got for dinner?” Tyler asked, changing the subject.

“Nuttin, we din’t plan dinner for the rest the week jus yesterday” Jackson answered,

“The fuck din’t we?” Tyler looked at him,

“Cause we big stupid!” Jackson looked back at him,

“So burgers again. They good an all, but I need some real food. Chicken, pork chop, whatever the fuck that smell is that’s comin from over there. I’ma bout ready to go over there ask if I has some too” Tyler pointed in the direction of Kenzi’s house.

“You tellin me. That girl killin me. When he move in wit her, I’ma be smellin that everday, they ain’t ever gettin rid of me.” Jackson agreed,

“Is that so? You have your own mate to cook for you” Adonis asked as he walked in for the last part of what Jackson was saying.

“Love Drea to death, but her cookin gonna kill me one day.” Jackson shot back. Tyler only nodded.

“The fuck you noddin for, like Ella any better. Her put you in a medical ward” Jackson fired at Tyler.

“Yeah….twice! That suck. I ain’t trust her cookin nomore, her say her cook somein, I get scare. I don’t wanna die, but if I don’t eat it her cry an that worse. We eat out a lot.” Tyler agreed. Jackson erupted into laughter at the look of fear that crossed his brother’s face over his mates cooking.

“You don’t know how bad it is. Her kill a frozen pizza. Burnt the outside, inside still raw an frozen. Don’t know how. Stop her from cryin I still ate it. Regret it, but ate it. Before we start eatin out all the time, I ate a lot of things I prolly shouldn’t of” Adonis couldn’t help but laugh.

“Can’t say that boy don’t love his mate. Not sure I still eat Drea’s cookin if I end up in the medical ward though” Jackson commented.

“Why all the dishes in the garbage?” Tyler asked as they walked past a box full of broken plates and glasses on the way to the kitchen.

“Adon broke ’em all as he was unpackin” Jackson replied, looking at him over his shoulder, eyebrow arched.

“I’m fine! ….grrrRrrrr….” Adonis said, a slight growl escaping.

“You not fine, you gettin more an more aggressive an violent” Jackson turned to face him.

“It’s nothing!” Adonis replied. Jackson was right though he was becoming more and more aggressive.

“Nuttin! You tellin me if I go check yur room right now it won’t be destroy” Jackson fired at him.

“Don’t push me Jackson, it won’t end well for you” Adonis replied through clenched teeth,

“Maybe, but I might wake you up firs though. You gonna hurt somebody. You already gettin angry an I ain’t do nuttin yet” Jackson countered. He could see Adonis fighting to control himself.

“Ah hell, this gonna get ugly” Tyler said as he backed away from the two of them. Before another word was said Jackson’s fist shot out and connected with the side of Adonis’s face. He stumbled back from the unexpected contact. He looked up in time to avoid the second one. ….grRrRrRrr…. A low rumble was heard, then Adonis lunged at Jackson tackling him to the ground. They threw each other all over the floor of the kitchen. Tyler was trying his hardest to stay out of the way. When Alpha and Beta went at it things broke. He was moving to get by, when Adonis planted both feet on Jackson’s chest and pushed him back. He crashed into Tyler, sending him through the kitchen table.

“You ok lil brother?” Jackson asked, never taking his eyes off Adonis.

“Yeah! Table broke my fall” Tyler groaned slightly, getting up. Adonis lunged at him again, Jackson side stepped him pushing Tyler out of the way in one direction while throwing Adonis through the patio door in the other direction. Getting back to his feet after he smashed through the door, he shook the glass out of his hair, only to charge back at Jackson taking him to the floor in the kitchen one more time. They scuffled some more before they brought it into the living room. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. Colliding with each other they broke the back off the couch and Jackson slammed into the coffee table breaking it under his weight. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. That still didn’t stop the two men from trying to pummel each other. Fists flew, legs kicked and growls were heard all around the house.

Elijah walked in the front door in time to see Jackson tackle Adonis into the entertainment stand and for Adonis to throw him through the banister on the stairs. THUD! He rolled down them, landing at his feet on the floor.

“Hey Eli! How it goin?” Jackson asked, looking up at him breathing hard, blood pouring from his nose and lip.

“What the hell is going on?” Elijah asked as he took in the state of the living room. Adonis stood in the middle of the room breathing just as hard, wiping the blood from his mouth.

“Aggression control!” Tyler replied, getting up from the floor after he was thrown into the wall just before Elijah walked in. “The fuck in the basket? Smell good!” He added as he took a big whiff.

“I don’t know it was on the front step with a note” Elijah replied,

Sorry boud not being avalble here tonite.

Thawt Thot Maybe you all wud like sum-thing that not burgers or peezza.

Hope it tasts ok, I trid reely hard.

“She made dinner for us?” Adonis asked, looking at the basket, his stomach voicing its happiness over the delicious smells that were now filling the house.

“Appears so!” Elijah answered, though he never took his eyes off the note. Questions, so many questions swirled his mind.

“Not sure what we gonna eat it on, we trash the rest the house an Adon broke all the dishes” Jackson added as he stood up, wiping the blood from his nose.

“I don’t care, it smell really good, an I fuckin starvin” Tyler remarked, Jackson could only nod. Elijah moved into the kitchen seeing the rest of the damage to the house as he placed the basket on the counter.

“I fix it tomorrow,” Jackson replied, walking in behind him. Adonis grabbed the only four dishes they had left from the cupboards. They all looked at him, with questions in their eyes but none of them dared to speak. Instead they started emptying the contents of the basket.

“Told ya her a sweetheart, even gave dessert” Jackson said as he pulled a small cake from the basket and put it on the counter with the rest of the food.

“The fuck is it?” Tyler asked as they all looked at it with hungry eyes.

“I don’t know but I smell raspberries and vanilla” Elijah replied,

“Betcha it that raspberry whippy vanilla cake her talk bout the other day.” Jackson answered, nodding.

“It chicken!” Tyler exclaimed excitedly when he pulled a lid off one of the dishes, his stomach growling with approval.

“Roasted parmesan cauliflower” Adonis added when he took the lid off another one.

“Roasted carrot an tato,” Jackson’s stomach joined Tyler’s in voicing its excitement over the food.

“Let’s dig in before it gets cold” Adonis said, didn’t have to tell them twice.

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