The Alpha Twins Rejection

Chapter Chapter Twenty - Nine -Ashley's P.O.V

Dinner with Alpha Smith and his beautiful Luna Liz was a tad awkward; having no idea what Kane or Rayne had told them about me, if anything. I didn’t want to be the one to inform them of my rejection of their sons if they had chosen not to inform them already. I was grateful that their mother was being an absolute saint keeping the conversation flowing about mundane things such as the weather. She was a true Luna I thought with a fond smile.

Even if they didn’t know the real reason why I was here, Alpha Smith knew who I was. Hiding wasn’t an option, being the only female Beta to exist and the fact that I am Alpha Smith’s daughter. The whole pack and neighbouring packs would know of my visit by now I thought with a snort. Neither pressed the issue though nor asked about my presence thankfully. What I was doing here was a subject for another day, I thought, making myself appear busy by pushing my food around the plate and nodding when I thought polite.

The twins hadn’t bothered joining us for dinner, their loss I thought. Liz had made a sumptuous five-course meal, something I wondered if she prepared for all her guests. Having driven nonstop for hours, I was grateful for the wonderful home cooked meal. Because the twins hadn’t given me the address for several hours after the initial phone call, I hadn’t bothered to stop to buy anything to eat and was starving.

I had been too tense and lost in my thoughts, still was. It naturally occurred to me that I could have been driving to the acceptance of my rejection, and I had to admit that idea had panic setting in. Would they return my rejection? Was I too late? Was that why they were not attending dinner? Were they trying to come up with a way to break it to me? Dinner passed in a comfortable blur, I was sure they would have caught me more than once wringing my cloth napkin tightly under the table. If they did, they didn’t say anything thankfully.

By the following morning I was a bundle of nerves. Not having slept a wink. A part of me had expected to be treated with weariness but not cold indifference. Kane and Rayne had introduced me to the members of their pack at training that morning when I had shown up to the centre, carefully introducing me as a visiting trainer from Blood Moon.

When they dropped my name, you could have heard a pin drop. Every single eye in the room suddenly snapping to mine. It seems like I was in for an entertaining morning I sigh. It didn’t take long to realise I wasn’t wrong. I had more than my fair share of males (and females) hitting on me as soon as Kane and Rayne had advised them to disperse onto the mats with their training partners and begin.

In no time, a considerable sized group instantly surrounded me, all eager to learn new moves and watch as I spared with my paired partner, a River Run delta called Mace. Mace was around 6′2, well built and just as handsome as the twins. He had a boyish, cocky charm, and I knew straight away he was someone that I could see myself easily being friends with.

“Want me to go easy on you Princess,” he asks, chucking a humorous wink my way. “Why? scared I might hurt you,” I reply teasingly, which had the small crowd snickering. For the rest of the session Mace and I spared and shared fighting techniques with eager recruits until it was time for lunch. The twins had spent the morning intentionally ignoring me, with their mouths anyway. Their eager eyes were a different story. I could constantly feel them on me. I knew they must be hurting, especially their pride, so I allowed them to maintain their distance. For now.

After training, I made my way back to the packhouse and was greeted by Liz. “How was your morning Ashley?” she asked with a kind smile on her face. “It was great to meet new people and help with training,” I reply promptly with a matching smile. The twins and their mother were chalk and cheese. While she was an open book, they were more like a riddle, waiting to be cracked. “How was training this morning? I hope you have settled in well,” she asks with an arched eyebrow. Not one to beat about the bush, I informed her that her sons had ignored me mostly, much to her evident disapproval. I hated ratting on them but thought they could use a kick up the arse from their Mother.

“Liz, can I ask you something?” I continue carefully. “Of course, you can, Ashley,” she replies swiftly. “Did Kane and Rayne tell you why I was here?” I politely ask, trying to sound more confident than I feel. Liz takes a deep breath and then places her delicate hand on my shoulder. “To clear up a misunderstanding,” She says with a wink. Shit. So she knows about the rejection, and yet she is still so lovely and welcoming. What a wonderful woman, I think. It must be hard having someone who rejected your children under the same roof. I am not sure I could be so understanding if it were my sons, I think.

“And you don’t mind me being here, in your house,” I ask, somewhat shocked. “I have a feeling things will work out, Ashley. Just give the boys time,” she replies thoughtfully. I nod and then excuse myself. After training all morning, I am a sweaty mess and am looking forward to jumping under a hot shower to relax my muscles.

The rest of the week flys by in a blur with a similar routine daily. Training with the twins, lunch with Liz, followed by more training and then left to myself of a night time after dinner as the twins have business to attend to. Apparently. They don’t give me any time to get to know them, let alone have a conversation with them.

Their eyes are always on me, though, and I notice that if any males show any interest in talking to me, they are quickly asked to run errands or are partnered with someone else. Kane and Rayne are possessive even if they don’t know it, and it is starting to piss me off because they won’t talk to me or accept the rejection. I have no way of knowing how they actually feel about me or what they have decided to do. They have no right to be possessive. “Amen” Callie spits. “We have been here for a week and I have not met their wolves or been claimed” she hisses. Typical Callie, I think rolling my eyes. “Give it time Callie, we hurt them” I reply. “No, you hurt them. Not me Ashley” She says between gritted teeth. Great, just what I need. Another person pissed off with me.

Sure, the twins have every right to be angry at me right now, but they can’t continue to ignore me and bury their heads in the sand. It is about time we started to work things out; otherwise, there is no way I was hanging around to continue getting the silent treatment.

Another thing pissing me off is how sisters Eve and Jessica look at Rayne and Kane, simpering every time they walk past them. After being persistently ignored for several days and noticing the twin’s eyes on me, they have taken to glaring at me. If I weren’t an outsider, I would have already put the bitches in their place as it was I didn’t know how much more bullshit I could take from either of them before I snapped. Either set of siblings. I was here to work shit out, not have them treat me like dirt in front of their pack.

After training Friday morning, Mace informed me that there would be a party that night and had insisted that I attend. Since Kane and Rayne were still ignoring me, I willingly agreed. Sitting at the dining table having lunch with Liz, I decided enough was enough. The twins would have until Sunday to talk to me, and then after that, I would go home. My heart could only take so much and I needed time to heal from Zac, not have my heart ripped out further with hostility. I had come here seeking forgiveness for my hasty rejection and to allow myself to get to know the Alpha twins. It hadn’t been easy swallowing my pride to do the right thing. It seemed it was all for nothing.

“Do you think you would be able to take me into town, Liz?” I ask hesitantly. “Sure dear, what do you need” she enquiries.“Mace has asked me to attend a party tonight, I have nothing suitable to wear and was hoping you might like to come dress shopping with me? I reply. “I’d love that. Give me five minutes to change, and I will meet you out front”, and with that, she was out of the kitchen in a flurry.

Less than five minutes later, Liz reappears and motions for me to join her in the car. We make the short journey into town, and spend the next two hours going from shop to shop trying on different dresses. “I am sorry if I am taking up all your time, Liz,” I say. “I just don’t know what sort of party it is or what I should wear,” I continue. “Knowing the young ones, you are better going for comfort, something you can dance in,” She replies with a conspiratorial wink.

I laugh and decide on an emerald green wrap dress that comes to just above my knees and shows off my cleavage nicely. The green makes my unusual lilac coloured eyes pop. I smile at my reflection in the mirror. “If this dress doesn’t have my boys forgiving you tonight, I don’t know what will,” Liz says heartily with a low whistle which makes me chuckle. Kane and Rayne have an incredible mother.

Once back at the packhouse I head for my room and take a quick shower, wanting to get ready for the party. It is being held at the training centre, so I won’t have to go far at least. Hastily drying my hair, I style the silver curls loosely and allow them to fall softly down my back. I keep my makeup light with smokey eyes and nude lips; my mother told me once that my eyes alone made me beautiful, so I always tried to make them the centre of attention when I applied makeup and nothing else.

An hour later, I nervously check my reflection out in the floor-length mirror. Not having any friends in River Run, and with the twins barely speaking to me, I agreed to allow Mace to escort me. As I reached for my clutch purse, there was a loud knock at the door. “Come in,” I call out hesitantly. I wasn’t sure attending the party with Mace was a smart move and was torn about the decision but also didn’t want to go on my own. In the end comfort won out.

Without waiting, the door pushes open, and my jaw hits the floor. Boy, did Mace look good out of the sweaty training sweats I usually seen him in.

I mean, he looked hot as in sweats, but something about the more formal and fitting, clothing that transformed the guy from the boy next door to a man you would happily call Daddy!

Mace scrutinizes me carefully, making me recall my manners. Quickly closing my gaping mouth, I draw my eyes back up to his and offer him my arm, “Ready,” I ask tentatively. “To have my arse kicked by Alpha Rayne and Alpha Kane? Sure,” He replies with a nervous chuckle.

“They haven’t spoken more than ten words to me this week,” I reply instantly, rolling my eyes. Only a handful of people knew why I was here, and Mace was one of them. I was thankful that at least the betas and deltas finally understood my appearance.

I wish things had been different and that I was not introduced to River Run as a trainer visiting from a neighbouring pack. “It doesn’t mean they won’t be pissed to see you arrive on my arm,” Mace says, raising his eyebrows at me. “I’m sorry, Mace, if it will get you into trouble, I can go alone,” I reply earnestly. The last thing I wanted was for him to get into trouble over me. He seemed to be at war with himself momentarily before his eyebrows knit together and he stands up straighter “It will be worth it,” he finally replies. “Worth what,” I ask questioningly. “Seeing the look on their faces and everyone else’s, when I arrive with the most beautiful woman on my arm, “He says with a smirk.

Laughter escapes me and I swat his arm playfully before grabbing his bicep and starting for the door. No time like the present I think. Showtime.

Walking towards the centre, the dull thud of music can be heard from the packhhouse and my nerves start to kick in. Mace must sense my trepidation as his grasp on my hand tightens and he tows me along with him. As we enter the hall, it is as if time stands still, everybody stops what they are doing and turns towards us. Great I mumble to myself. Groundhog Day.

“So totally worth it” Mace whispers to me, earning himself a punch in the shoulder when I notice his huge, shit-eating grin. Not wanting to be the centre of attention, I tug Mace along and make my way to the bar, hoping a stiff drink will calm my shot nerves. It looks as if half the pack are here tonight.

I don’t even get a chance to order before Mace suddenly lets go of my arm and takes a stumbling step backwards. Looking up into his face I notice him nervously staring off to the left, his brows creased in worry. Following his gaze, I find the twins leaning up against the far wall, drinks in their hands, but they are not alone.

No, they have bitch one and bitch two hanging off of them. The twins don’t seem to be paying them any attention, but I have had enough of their stupid games, taking a deep breath I make my way over towards them. If I thought Mace looked good, then I had no words for how fucking delicious Rayne and Kane looked right now in their tight faded jeans and white button-up dress shirts.

I almost couldn’t focus and hoped that my raw anger showed more than my arousal. Taking a deep breath I continue wearily approaching them. Their unwavering gaze starts burning into my soul, heating every inch of my skin. Neither of them hides the fact that they appreciate the view, even allowing low, seductive rumbles to leave their muscular chests.

Stopping in front of them, their masks of indifference slide back into place. One of the little bitches trying to drape herself over the twins has the hide to ask me what I want, looking me up and down with a sneer set on her face. I don’t know which sister it is, nor do I care. Ignoring the sisters and the urge to deck the bitch I gaze between the twins “I have had enough of the bullshit,” I say, looking from Rayne to Kane, chin held high. “I will be leaving tomorrow after training,” I continue and then spin on my heel to leave. “Goodnight, Mace,” I say in passing, not bothering to stop.

Closing the door to my room, a small sob escapes my chest. At least I will know that I tried. I may have screwed up by rejecting them, but I didn’t deserve the way they treated me this week. No, I would return home and take over as Luna.

I didn’t need anyone by my side to be strong and would be content knowing that Zac would always have my back and help me run Blood Moon where possible. The thought made me both happy and sad. Sighing, I tug my dress off and curl up in bed, too mentally exhausted to bother removing my makeup.

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