The Alpha Twins Rejection

Chapter Chapter Fourteen - Ashley's P.O.V

Zac wasn’t joking when he said he had planned on spending the entire day in my bedroom. I am confident they would have wrapped me in cotton wool between him and my father and put me in a bubble-wrapped room if they could. By mid-afternoon, I snapped, “Zac, I know you are just trying to protect me, but if we don’t get out of this house soon, you are going to be the one needing protection”, I growled menacingly at him with pent-up frustration.

“Ok, Ok. No need to bite my head off, sweetheart,” Zac replied, his calloused hands raised in the air in mock surrender. “What do you want to do,” he continued, eyeing me wearily.

“Anything that doesn’t involve sitting listlessly in my god damn room”, I replied grimly. Zac waggled his eyebrows at me suggestively. “You are insatiable,” I mumbled while putting on a pair of skinny jeans and a crop top. Time to get outside and meet some of the River Run Pack I thought. “I am Beta of this pack; I have not done my duty to River Run pack nor the other packs which have arrived today. Our fathers must be run off their feet Zac” I grumbled.

Time to put my big girl panties on and get shit done. Zac huffed and mumbled about stubborn women but naturally followed my lead and got ready to leave the packhouse. He had been in a strange mood all morning. I put it down to what the day was and didn’t give it much thought.

I headed towards the packhouse conference room, mind-linking my father on the way. “Hey, Dad,” I said happily. “Hey sweetheart, how are you feeling? You really shouldn’t have left the hospital so soon” He spoke solemnly, his words laced with overriding concern.

“You can’t keep me locked up forever,” I huffed back in nervous exasperation. “Besides, today is an exceptional day, is it not?” I enquired. He let out an audible sigh, and I could picture his massive frame dropping in resignation at my words and relentless determination.

“It is,” he said in a low-pitched voice. “I am heading up to see you. Are you in the conference room with Alpha Rayne and Alpha Kane still?” I asked timidly, a small bubble of hope blooming in my chest. I genuinely wanted to meet the enigma that was the twins.

“Sorry, sweetheart, they had to leave suddenly about twenty minutes ago. Something about a personal pack problem,” he said. “Ok, see you shortly,” I replied evasively, desperately hoping that he didn’t detect the disappointment in my voice.

Zac and I occupied an hour or so conversing with our fathers in the conference room; it felt good to be at least back to devising strategies instead of being cooped up in a bed. We had grudgingly agreed that I would not go back to complete Beta duties for another seven days, but I wouldn’t give up my perimeter runs and had to promise that I would take it easy and keep Zac with me at all times.

I rolled my eyes at the three men in the room and was ready to excuse myself when there came a frantic knock at the door. My father quickly rose from his chair and strode confidently towards the door. When he opened it, a man whom I had never seen before entered hesitantly.

“Alpha Miller, Alpha Rayne and Alpha Kane have just informed me via mind-link that there have been alleged sightings of a rogue wolf a few kilometres from the perimeter. They have gone out with their Betas to check it out along with some of your men,” He said while trying to regain his breath.

It was apparent how his chest was heaving that he had run all the way here to inform us. After he had forcibly settled his ragged breathing, he let himself scan the room. It was pretty comical seeing his breath hitch in his parched throat as he took in my form, standing opposite my father. He didn’t hide the bewildered surprise in his intelligent eyes nor the casual way he allowed them to roam over my body.

I noted his eyes widening when he took in the sight of the numerous scars running the length of my torso along with the recent wounds. He took in a hissing breath. Beside me, I heard a deep rumble and turned to meet Zac glaring ferociously at the newcomer as if he could brutally murder him that instant.

“Zac!” I mind-linked, giving him a stern look. My dad took in the situation and coughed, bringing all attention back onto himself. “Thanks, Dad,” I said with a chuckle of unspoken words. “Beta Miller will escort you to Alpha Rayne and Alpha Kane to see if they require assistance. Thank you for bringing the urgent message,” Dad said to the agitated man now standing before us. Before he left the room, he allowed himself one last glance in my direction, so I winked slyly at him. A corner of his generous mouth twitched up into a slight smirk.

He couldn’t have been much older than Zac, I thought. He was good-looking too. There must be something in the water at River Run, I thought with a snort.

When Beta Miller and the mystery man had left, I promptly turned to my father. “Who was that? I earnestly asked. I felt ignorant for not introducing myself before he had left.

“Sorry Ash, it slipped my mind that you haven’t met any of the River Run pack members yet! That was Jace. He is Alpha Rayne and Alpha Kane’s Delta,” He replied thoughtfully. “You will get to meet everyone at the Ball tonight, and I will make all the necessary introductions then,” he continued.

“What if we don’t want to attend,” Zac said suddenly, genuinely shocking me with his words. Before my father could ask his meaning, Zac shoved his hands into his pockets and walked out. Dad and I just stood motionless for several minutes, no doubt wondering at Zac’s words.

After what felt like an eternity, I turned to my father and solemnly assured him that we would indeed be attending. My political duty as Beta and the future Luna of this pack, I had to do my duty of liaising with and forming alliances with other packs. It was an essential part of my job to make and scrupulously maintain them.

I briefly hugged my father and then made my way out of the packhouse, looking for Zac. I could have used the mind-link and asked him where he was but knew him too well. He would be in the kitchen looking for something to eat. I made my way downstairs, letting the delicious aromas from the kitchen guide me.

As I had suspected, he was seated at the kitchen island with a big piece of cake sitting before him. I chuckled at his predictability and walked past him to the coffee maker. Lord knows I could use a caffeine fix right now. Placing my cup under it while it worked its magic, I turned my attention to Zac.

“So, you wanna tell me what’s up or should I start guessing,” I asked in a gentle voice. “Nothing,” he replied, not bothering to look up from his untouched cake. “You are a dreadful liar,” I said flatly. I advanced the short distance around the kitchen island to where he sat and snaked my arms around his body. As soon as I did, it was as if his rigid body melted into mine, giving up all the tension his body had felt.

I wouldn’t force him to tell me what was on his mind. I could already guess. I held his impressive body tightly until the coffee maker made a little chiming sound to let me know that my coffee was ready. I sighed wistfully and carefully placed a small kiss on his golden hair before releasing him.

Before I had a chance to move off, he had spun around in his chair like lightning and grabbed me by the waist, pulling himself up quickly and crashing his lips to mine with an urgency I had never felt before. Moments later, he prematurely ended the heated kiss and pulled away, examining my eyes with an overwhelming sadness I never wanted to see in his blue eyes ever again.

Zac tried to sit back down, but I ruthlessly crushed my body to him, not wanting the contact to be lost. My eager lips found his, and my tongue darted in, wishing to taste him, wanting to consume him. Before I knew what was happening, Zac had scooped me up and was striding towards the stairs that led to my bedroom. I did nothing to stop him. I desperately needed him as much as he needed me, and technically I was supposed to be taking it easy today, I thought with mild amusement.

It didn’t take Zac long to reach the room with long, determined strides. I could feel his hard erection pressing into my backside with each desperate step and didn’t know if I would make it there before I ripped off the clothing that separated us.

I was so turned on by being carried like a trophy to be claimed. I was almost purring in his arms, despite the twinge of pain in my stomach produced from being bent around his body. When we reached my room, we didn’t bother undressing. I hastily unbuttoned Zacs jeans while he did the same to mine with deft practice. He shoved me gently over the table that sat in the corner of my room and roughly shoved his cock deep into my folds with a feral growl.

There wasn’t anything romantic about the way we coupled today, and there was no comfort. Just raw desire threatening to consume us. With each thrust, I could feel the delicious tension building inside of me, I slipped an eager hand between my legs and started frantically rubbing my clit. The move had Zac rumbling deep in his chest with appreciation. He pumped into me several more times, biting the back of my neck as he cane deep within me.

The sensation had me coming undone around him while I softly called out his name, fisting the blanket into my hands as I rode the waves of sensual pleasure that spread through me like wildfire. Fuck, Zac always knew what I needed. I slowly untangled myself from his secure grip and made my way to the bathroom to clean up.

“Told ya I would keep you in your room,” he said smugly to my retreating form. “Arrogant bastard,” I said sarcastically over my shoulder.

After I had had a quick shower, I walked back into my bedroom to see Zac sprawled out on my bed, fast asleep. He looked so adorable with a slight scowl on his lovely face. I couldn’t bring myself to wake him. It was so typical of Zac. He always fell asleep after sex. Something I was always envious of, I sighed wistfully.

I decided to head over to the training centre for the rest of the afternoon. I made my way over to my cupboard and pulled on some sweat pants and a crop top. Time to meet some new werewolves, I thought, pulling my long silver hair into a high ponytail and putting my joggers on. I winced at the angry scars that glared back at me in the mirror but squared my shoulders and left my room none the less. I could live with scars, I thought. I could live with people wondering about them also. What I couldn’t live with was the pity that I always saw in peoes eyes when they seen the. I pulled my mask of indifference down and strode confidently towards the prying eyes. Best to rip the band-aid off now and let everyone see the Beta they whisper about.

Walking into the training centre, you could have heard a pin drop. Everybody had ceased what they were doing and were all staring in my direction. I forced myself to stand up a little taller and made my way to where my father stood, talking with two males. Thankfully everyone went back to their own business, and I was able to relax a little. It was almost disconcerting how many bodies had filled the room today. I certainly was not expecting so many pack members to attend the Ball but then remembered that River Run had accepted the invite, which would likely explain the number increase.

I reached my father momentarily, and he stopped mid-sentence and introduced me to the gentlemen he stood with. “Alpha Mossimo, Alpha Noah, you would both recall my beloved daughter, Beta Ashley” He beamed with fierce pride as the words escaped his mouth. Both replied affirmatively and extended their hands to mine. “It is nice to see you both”, I nodded politely in reply.

“I was going over the security for the Ball tonight. Would you care to assist those who need it on the mats, please, Ashely,” my father asked. I nodded my head and farewelled the Alphas. It would be great to introduce myself to rival pack members before the Ball, get to know some new faces I thought cheerily.

“And find mate”, Callie said from the back of my mind. She had been sulking the past day, not wanting to talk to me. I didn’t mind the peace at present, so I hadn’t forced her. “You do this every year Callie, forget it. We are too old to find our mate. Do I have to unpleasantly remind you I turned eighteen over six years ago?“I replied sullenly.“Don’t give up on mate,” she replied sadly. “I gave up years ago,” I replied tersely, ignoring her unhappy whine. The reply had Callie howling mournfully inside of me with pent-up frustration and anger.

Gently rubbing my temples, I continued around the room. I was stopping every so often to give pointers or to introduce myself. It wasn’t long before training was over, and I made my way back to the packhouse to rouse Zac and start to get ready for the Ball. My nervous stomach began to roll with anxious anticipation of what might unfold. I ducked into the bushes and unceremoniously spewed up my lunch. Shit. Could this day get any fucking worse, I thought bitterly.

Thanks for reading, I hope you like my story thus far xx I am hoping to have chapter fifteen available tomorrow, thank you for your patience with me and my story xx

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