The Alpha Princess & The Werewolf King

Chapter Welcome home

POV: Gianna

Tomorrow I am bringing my baby boy home. My sweet Onyx.

I am currently in his nursery folding a ton of clothes, I made sure to wash all his clothes, so they won’t irritate his skin.

I am stacking diapers, when in walks Icing and Nova.

“What are you doing?” Icing asks.

“I’m getting the nursery ready for your nephew. Would you like to help?”

“Sure!” she exclaims.

We are almost done and in walks my dad and the girls run out snickering. He goes to touch one of Onyx’s outfits and I growl.

“Sorry dad, I didn’t mean to.”

“You sounded just like your mother when she was pregnant with Aaron. It’s called nesting sweetheart; she was so protective of his room. She wouldn’t even let me in there for a while. It was worse with you, her little princess.” He says with a chuckle.

“I wish things were different, but things happen for a reason. I only hope when I meet my mate, he will be willing to accept Onyx, if not I will have to reject him.”

I sigh feeling dejected. I give him a sad smile and he gives me a big hug.

“Don’t worry sweetheart, your mate will be above and beyond your expectations.” Dad smiles.

I am all finished, and we go and grab some lunch.

Today is the day! My baby boy comes home. The doctor says I can bring him home in a few hours. They just want to run some more test on him to make sure everything is ok.

It has been a rough few weeks with my little man in the hospital.

From us finding out he has underdeveloped lungs and then for him to catching MRSA. It has been very trying.

I have tried to remain calm, but in reality, I am freaking out. My mom has been very helpful though. She has been telling me everything I should be doing and trying to prepare me for his homecoming.

I have arranged gifts for all the staff that have taken care of their future Alpha. My mom and I put tons of stuff in their baskets, gift cards, candies, candles, vacations for them and their families and a thank you card. I cannot express how well they have taken care of me and my beautiful boy.

I also arranged for the whole staff to have a catered buffet meal.

My parents and I grab all the baskets and we head over to the hospital to bring my baby boy home.

Since I have been coming every day and noticed things, I thought it would be so cute if the hospital staff in the NICU lined up while the parents bring their baby home. Kind of like a graduation ceremony from the NICU. Something to make the parents feel loved.

I hand out all the gifts and then head to Onyx’s room.

When I walk in, I see a huge banner saying Congratulations Gianna. I am so overwhelmed I bust out into tears. This staff has truly gone above and beyond their duties. I am forever thankful to all of them.

I walk over to Onyx and get my little man ready to go home. I get him in his car seat and look around his room. I am so happy I will not have to see this place anymore, but very thankful.

As I head towards the door. I see all the staff lined up and I cannot stop crying. It truly does feel like I am loved by so many people, whether I am the future Alpha or not. This was the right thing to implement. I shake so many hands and give out tons of hugs. It took us a whole hour to get out of the hospital.

I strap Onyx into the car and get in the back seat. I know it is only a quick car ride but still it’s his first car ride. When we arrived home, a huge party was going on. I was fuming mad. I growled from the back seat.

“What’s wrong Gianna?” Mom asks.

“What is going on? I don’t want anyone around Onyx just in case something happens.” I huff.

“They just want to see their future Alpha’s pup Gianna.

It will be ok.” Dad says.

I huff again. “It’s not that I don’t want the pack to see him, it’s that I don’t want him to get sick from all the germs in the air. It is different when it is a preterm pup compared to a regular pup. Their immune system is not all that great.”

“I will tell them all to leave.” Dad sighs. “It’s ok, I will address them.”

I get out of the car, and as expected everyone rushes to the car. I use my Alpha aura to command everyone to step back. They all back away while going to their knees and bear their necks.

“I am so sorry for using my command, it is something I wish not to use, but Onyx is very tiny and needs time to develop a better immune system. I will allow you all to see him from a distance. Please allow me room to get him from the car. Then join me in the backyard for the viewing ceremony.”

I knew everyone would want to meet Onyx, but I needed to do this on my terms not the packs. I had arranged a ceremony where I would have a camera facing the platform and it would be projected on multiple screens for the pack to see.

Dad grabs Onyx’s from the car handing him to me. I walk to the entrance of the pack house, and we head to the ceremony. It is decorated with tons of blue steamers and balloons. The food is baby inspired. It is like a huge baby shower. I walk to the stage and begin my speech.

“I’d like to thank everyone for their patience and apologize again for using my Alpha aura on you all. I would like to introduce you all to Onyx Lucas Federico” I turn him slightly and remove the blanket from his face. Everyone is cheering.

I see dad’s Beta, Lucas, and Sierra’s father, look at me with tears glistening his eyes and a huge smile on his face. I look to the sky and smile, knowing Lucas would be honored to have my son named after him.

After a few hours I took Onyx to his room and showed him around. I sit down on the recliner and just stare at my beautiful boy.

“It’s just you and me now Onyx!”

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