The Alpha Princess & The Werewolf King

Chapter King Rasheed part 2

Chapter 15: King Rasheed 2

POV: Gianna

Everyone was silent. All eyes were on us. Then I hear it.

“Awe baby are you ok?” Octavia’s voice screech.

My eyes scrunched in dissatisfaction.

I released Rasheed and he stands up bowing to me slightly. I’m still embarrassed so I bow back and walk toward my parents.

“Sweetheart, I am so proud of you. You are going to be a great leader. You showed everyone that you are loyal to the crown, and you will protect it. I’m so proud of you” Dad says.

I nod and tell them I am going to walk around and mingle with some of the other Alpha’s.

I see Trigger talking to a few younger Alpha’s and I walk towards them, hoping to squeeze my way into the conversation, but before I can reach them, I hear some stupid Alpha talking.

“Did you see how she caught him, I bet he was embarrassed that he not only fell, but also a woman caught him.” An Alpha says.

A growl escapes my lips.

“Embarrassing? Is that so? How is it embarrassing when the new King is taking on all the voices in his head? Tell me something when you became Alpha did you feel overwhelmed? I am sure you did, now multiply that by one hundred. That is how much OUR King took on all at once. As far as a woman catching him, well that is my duty. I Gianna Antonia Federico, the future Alpha of Golden Paw Pack dedicate my life to my pack as well as my King. Would you say the same Alpha?”

“Well said Alpha Gianna. I wouldn’t expect anything less from you, a true Alpha. I was wondering if you would accompany me for the first dance as you are my savor.” King Rasheed smirks at me.

“Of course!” I say.

We walk away and he leads me to the dance floor. “Aren’t you and the future Queen Luna supposed to dance first?” I ask.

He says nothing and we meet in the middle of the dance floor. The music starts to play and for a second, I am startled at the song selection, “beautiful as you” by All-4-one. Rasheed smirks. He puts one hand at the small of my back and the other gently grabs my hand. I place my right hand near his shoulder and the other in his hand, and we begin to dance.

As soon as we begin to sway, it was as if everyone slowly disappeared, and we were there by ourselves. Rasheed stares into my eyes and I feel so connected to him. He pulls me closer, and both my arms instinctively go to his neck. He places his hands firmly on my waist. I don’t want this dance to ever end. I am in a tranquil state of mind right now, and being in his arms I feel all tingly, you know in a good way.

POV: Rasheed

It feels so good having her in my arms. I can’t explain it, I swear I feel tingles every time I move my hands. It’s as if she is pulling me in with her delectable smell.

As we are dancing, I have the sudden urge to kiss her. I feel like I am floating on air, and I try to gather all the courage to bend down and take her lips to mine.

She’s staring into my eyes, and I feel at home. I bend down about to kiss her when I hear someone clear their throat.

I snap back to reality and see everyone staring at us, I completely forgot people were here. The song ends and Gianna releases her hands from around my neck, steps back and bows slightly to me. As she is walking away, I don’t want to take my eyes off her gorgeous figure.

I feel a hand slap me on my shoulder and I turn to look and see Trigger smiling all goofily.

“You know Octavia is pissed right!” he says.

“Shit, I completely forgot about her, I better go and find her.” I groan.

“Or you can go and talk to Gianna, and I’ll keep Octavia distracted for a little bit.” He suggests.

I nod and make my way to her, and she is talking with my father about some new ideas she wants to implement in her pack.

“Excuse me everyone, Gianna can I speak with you for a second?”

She nods her head, and we walk to a secluded balcony.

“What’s up your majesty?” She beams.

“You know any new ideas need to be looked over by the King, and since I am the new King, I wish you speak to me and not my father.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, I wasn’t trying to belittle you I was just bouncing ideas off him. He is very wise. You are very correct though. My son is getting out of the hospital in a few days, but I was hoping you could come shortly after that so we can have an official sit down about my ideas.” She says.

I love the way she lights up, when talking about her pup. I can’t wait for us to have pups of our own.

Dumb Rasheed, she is not your Luna.

“You got that right you are dumb” Zane my wolf says snarky.

“Shut up mutt” and I push him to the back of my mind.

“Well, it’s getting late, my dad linked me and said we are leaving. I will see you soon about our chat.” She winks at me.

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