The Alpha Princess & The Werewolf King

Chapter Twins

POV Rasheed:

What is taking this woman so long to meet me at the hospital, she said she was on her way. I’m just going to meet her halfway and we can walk to the hospital together.

“I’ll be right back with the Queen; she seems to get distracted as of lately.” I tell a doctor.

“Rasheed… I am….” Gianna’s anxiously mind links me but is broken.

“G… Gia…Gianna, you better answer me what is wrong?” I try to mind link her back, but I get no response.

I rush to her office and find her just about to hit the floor.

“I got you beautiful. I got you baby!” I tell her.

I take off rushing to the hospital not caring who I bump into on the way there. We arrive at the hospital, and they get her into a room and start running some tests on her immediately. I am an utter mess. I see Luna Belle and Alpha Anton rush in and look around to see where they have taken their daughter. I wave them over and they come rushing to my side.

“Is the baby, okay? What about Gianna? How’s my baby girl? Oh, Anton why does the power of the babies always knock her out?” Queen Belle says.

“Gianna is fine, but we don’t know if she is pregnant yet, we were coming to find out if she was because she had nausea all morning.” I tell them.

“Oh, Rasheed she is pregnant! Remember, us Fae’s can see a glow around pregnant being. Hers is very faint, which is why you probably haven’t noticed it yet. She has passed out when she was pregnant with Onyx as well.” Queen Belle tells me.

My baby is pregnant, my beautiful wife is pregnant. We’re going to have a baby? I can’t explain how happy I am right now. I am overjoyed, I run over to my in laws and give them a big hug. I have tears gathering in my eyes and then the doctor comes out of Gianna’s room with a sullen face. I am instantly on alert. Did she lose our pup, is she okay? I need to see my wife, my Queen, my everything now! I can feel the anxiety that Zane is giving off to see his mate.

“Your majesty…” The doctor starts to say.

I growl ferociously making him drop to his knees and bear his neck.

“Just tell me, is my wife, okay? Is my pup, okay?”

I force out while trying to hold back from shifting.

“The Queen is fine; she is still resting, and I will talk to you about the pregnancy once she is awake. Everything is going well though. I apologize for my face your majesty we just lost a pup in the NICU, and I have to inform the parents. You all are welcome to go and see the Queen, just please try not to overwhelm her once she wakes up. Once again, I apologize. I will be back shortly.” The doctor says.

I don’t know If I want to kill or hug this doctor, for having me think something is wrong with my wife and baby. I walk into Gianna’s room and take a seat next to her bed and grab her hand.

“My beautiful wife, you scared the shit out of me never do that again.”

“I wouldn’t have scared you if I wouldn’t have passed out.” She chuckles.

“G you’re awake.”

“Yes, I am now stop yelling, my head is killing me and why are you smiling so damn much.” She glares at me.

I let go of her hand and the excitement is just so overwhelming. I mind link the doctor and he comes in a few moments later.

“Ah Queen Gianna you’re awake. I have some very good news for you and the King.” The doctor says.

“I’m pregnant?” She looks at the doctor quizzically.

“Yes, indeed you are but the news does not stop there you’re majesty. You two are pregnant with Twins.” The doctor beams at us.

Twins, we are having twins. I cannot believe it. I will have three babies soon. I kiss Gianna on the head and sit down. I cannot contain my excitement right now and I am bouncing in my chair like a little kid waiting for a present.

“Rasheed…. Let go of my hand if you are going to be this damn hyper. Your about to rip my arm off.” Gianna hisses at me.

“Sorry love I am just so excited to have more pups. The more the better.” I kiss her again.

The doctor comes back in with a machine and tells us we can see our babies. He turns the screen on and squirts some jelly onto Gianna’s stomach and then I see the most wonderful image ever. My two pups on the screen, or two little blobs with rapid flickering.

“What’s that?” I point at the flickering images.

“That’s their heart beats would you like to hear their heart beats?” The doctor asks.

“Yes” we say in unison.

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