The Alpha Princess & The Werewolf King

Chapter Teekon

POV Gianna:

It’s early August and my parents are coming to celebrate my mom’s birthday. Things have been pretty good around here. I have been quite tired lately, but I think that is from doing a lot of planning, being a mom and school. On top of that I had a huge order last week for pack members wedding and I had to make my mom’s birthday cake. She loves her a Cleveland cassata cake. I haven’t been taking too many orders myself, I have been delegating a lot of the orders, which has helped me a lot.

“G, mom and dad have entered the grounds.” Aaron mind links me.

“Thanks, I’ll head down and greet them. You coming to see them and the kids?” I ask.

“Nah I’m pretty busy here at the moment, but I said hi when they pulled up.” He says.

I closed our link and get ready to mind link Rasheed when a wave of nausea hits me. I rush to the bathroom and vomit my guts out. I feel warm hands circling on my back and Rasheed’s scent hits me.

“Hey baby, are you ok?” Rasheed asks with a bit of nervousness.

I stand and fix myself in the mirror.

“Yes, I am fine. I was just about to mind link you that my parents are pulling up when a wave of nausea hit me. I’ve been feeling really tired lately, I am going to get checked out at the hospital after I get my family settled. Would you like to join me?” I ask.

“Yes baby, now let’s go and greet your family, I know it’s been a little while since you saw them.” Rasheed smiles and takes my hand.

We made our way outside to greet my parents. Icing is the first to jump out of the car.

“Gianna…. I missed you so much!!!!” Icing screams and launches herself at me.

We break from the hug and Nova and Teekon are next to give me a hug, while Rasheed welcomes my parents.

“Where’s my nephew? I want to see how big he has gotten” Teekon says.

“He’s at daycare, I’ll let them know you three are on the way” I tell my younger siblings as they rush off to find my son.

“Happy birthday mom” I am finally able to say.

“Thanks sweetheart, how is everything going? Any new news for us grandparents?” She chuckles and gives me a wink.

“Not at the moment, we have lunch set up if you want to join us in the dining room” I tell them.

We head into the dining hall and in runs Icing, Nova and Teekon, just giggling away. They have gotten so big since our wedding.

“Hey sis….” Teekon says mischievously.

“Yes, Teekon?” I ask hoping it is not a prank he is trying to play on me.

“I was talking with mom and dad, and I was wondering if I could stay here and start training? I know I am young, but I would love to start young. Dad said you and Aaron started around my age.

Since we moved to the castle, we really haven’t had the chance to train. You know with Werewolves and all. Dad can only do so much since he’s getting up there in age also.” Teekon winks at dad and dad lets out a growl.

“Have you discussed this with mom and dad or are you blind siding everyone with this request?” I ask.

“He has asked sweetheart, we said it was up to you. He was supposed to ask for a formal meeting with you to discuss it, but he is impatient and really excited.” Mom says.

“No worries, you are always welcomed here. I just want to let you know that you will not be staying in your old room though, as a warrior in training you will sleep in the hall with all the other young wolves in training. Once you start this journey there is no more Gianna and Rasheed, you will address us as King and Queen. You will not get any special benefits since you are the former Luna and Alpha’s child nor will you get any for being the sibling of the Queen. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes, Queen Luna Gianna.” Teekon says.

“Very well, you will start training at 5 am tomorrow morning. Until then you will still be looked at as the former Alpha’s son. Now sit your butt down and eat some lunch.” I chuckle.

We enjoyed lunch and I had someone prepare a room for Teekon, our new warrior in training. I am so proud of him. After we let mom and dad get settled in their rooms, the triplets went running around, doing goddess knows what.

“Hey, love you ready to head over to the hospital and get you checked out?” Rasheed mind links me.

“Yes, my love I will meet you there. I’m on my way right now.” I mind link back.

I stand up and I am instantly feeling dizzy, I shake my head to clear the dizziness and it goes away. Yeah, I diffidently need to go to the doctor. I walk from behind my desk and the dizziness is back. I am seeing black spots in my vision, and I know I need to get to my couch before I faint.

“Rasheed… I am….” I tried to mind link him, but I am not sure if it connected with him and before I know it, I am out of it.

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