The Alpha Princess & The Werewolf King

Chapter The baby shower

POV Gianna:

I have thrown myself into work even more. I am no longer concerned with Rasheed. We have not spoken since that day he told me he emotionally cheated. He has tried, but I am not having it. We put on a front for the pack, but our high ranks know what is going on. Rasheed has a big mouth; I want to keep my personal business to myself. Many have reached out to me to see if I am okay. I tell them all the same things. I am fine!

Today is the day of the baby shower and I of course am overseeing the party planning. We decided on a safari theme.

I walked into the hall and instantly see where adjustments needed to be made. The table clothes were not cream colored like I wanted. They were white. The party start in two hours. I need these to be changed as soon as possible.

I made carrot cupcakes and mini cheesecakes instead of one big cake. The foods are all finger foods.

We have trees, vines hanging from the ceiling, large wildlife stuffed animals.

I have the chairs for the moms to be in the center with a small table for them to place things on.

“Gianna, we found some cream table clothes from a wedding we did not too long ago.” Sierra says.

“Fantastic, give me a hand and put them on the tables please.”

The finger foods arrive as we finish placing the last tablecloth on. The Omegas are almost done setting up the games as people begin to arrive.

I pop to my room to quickly get ready.

I am in the shower and his scent hits my nose. Shit, I do not have any clothes in here with me. Think Gianna.

“Gianna are you in here?” Rasheed asks.

I ignore him and continue with my shower. Once finished I turn the shower off and pop to my closet. To my surprise he is waiting for me in there. I brush past him and grab my clothes. His eyes are lustful, and I can smell his arousal, making me become aroused to.

I snap out of it and get dressed hurriedly. I pop back to the baby shower completely out of breath.

Alex and Storm waddle their way into the baby shower and are awestruck. They both are crying messes. I chuckle and murmur hormones.

My mother hears me and looks at me quizzically.

“Hello sweetheart, I believe you outdid yourself with this one. What no wild animals?” She jokes.

“Nah, I think we have enough” I tell her as I wave my hand around the room.

We both break into a deep belly laugh and I get to the stage to start the party.

“Ladies, thank you all for coming to my double Gamma’s baby shower. I am so honored to have you two as friends. I can’t wait to meet my nephews and spoil them as much as you two spoil my kids. To Alex and Storm.” I raise my glass, and everyone cheers.

“Alright everyone it is time for some games whose ready? The first one is going to last throughout the whole party. You were all given a clothes pin. If you catch someone saying baby, you take their clothes pin and if they have more than one you take them all. At the end of the party whoever has the most wins a prize. I must say these prizes are phenomenal. We will play a few games then we will open gifts towards the end. Enjoy everyone.”

I get off the stage and head towards the ladies of the party.

“What game would you guys like to start off with?” I ask.

“Design the onesie” they say in unison.

I chuckle as we walk over to the table with all the onesies of all different sizes. We have two bins and once you are done you put it in Alex’s or Storm’s bin. I am making two, one for each. I grab the fabric marker and place a piece of cardboard in between so it does not seep through. I write on both, and Alex and Storm look at what I wrote. They both crack up.

“If mommy says no, ask auntie she will always say yes!” My mother-in-law read out loud with a chuckle.

We played a few more games and then they decided they wanted to me and Sierra to play the “my water broke game”. We both get an ice cube with a baby inside. I start to blow and do all I can do to melt the ice. Then I hear.

“My water broke” Storm says.

“Storm you’re not even playing the game, how could your water break?”

Then it hits me, that she meant her actual water broke.

“Aaron, Storm’s water broke how far are you?”

Aaron rushes in with a panicked expression on his face, trying to search for his wife. He finally spots her and scoops her up in his arms and rushes off to the hospital.

“Well, I guess I can pop all their gifts to their room and continue the party.”

“Actually, I think you should do the same for me and end the party.” Alex says.

I look at Alex, then down at her feet. Her water broke as well.

“Trigger, Alex’s water broke. How far are you?” I mind link him as well.

“I’m here, I’m here” Trigger shouts.

He rushes in and does the same as Aaron, swoops his wife in his arms and runs off. I couldn’t hold in the laughter any longer. These two are too comical. I pop Alex’s gifts to her room as well and then I make the announcement.

“Well, as you can all see the expecting mothers are off to have their babies. We are going to end the baby shower here and you are welcome to take any food home. As far as the last prize, the winner is drumroll please. Fae Queen Belle….

Mother, you cannot be the winner, who is the runner up? Former Queen Luna Kay. Oh, for goddess sakes really ladies. Alright for the winner and the runner up, your prize is a week’s paid vacation to Jamaica. Guest, please make sure you all get your giftbags on the way out they have some really good gifts in there.”

I shake my head at my mother and mother-in-law and get ready to leave for the hospital with the girls hospital bags both the husbands forgot.

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