The Alpha Princess & The Werewolf King

Chapter Orange slices

POV Rasheed:

During the day I stick strictly to my duties as King and a father. At night I am a single man, I go out until the early hours of the day. I started hanging out with Jasmine, the girl I met at Lavish a few nights ago. She is human and caters to my emotional needs. Tonight, I am going to give into my physical needs since Gianna and I are no longer intimate.

I smell orange slices and I am not sure who is near my door. I am on edge instantly, just before I get up and see who it is Trigger and Alex bust in, no knocking, nothing. Just walk right in like they own the place.

“What can I do for you both?”

“What is going on with you and Gianna?” Trigger asks.

“What do you mean?”

“You know what we mean Rasheed. You two have been so distant the pack is starting to see it. Look I know things are difficult, but you two are acting like you are not even mates.” Trigger says.

“She cheated on me, that pup she was pregnant was not even mine. That’s why she had an abortion to get rid of it! Besides I found someone else who makes me happy, and Gianna knows how unhappy I have been.” I growl out.

“WHAT! Gianna NEVER cheated on you, and she did not have an abortion. She had an ectopic pregnancy. I was with her every day after you lost your memories. That girl puts everyone else’s needs before hers. Did you know when you were gone that she did not take credit for any of the big business moves. She said that you had everything already arranged and she just had to sign them. She worked tirelessly every day and night and only stopped working to take care of the kids. Don’t get me started on the attack, that happened just mere hours after you left, where she fought without her KING because he was being an ASS. Do you really think Gianna doesn’t know you are messing around on her? Why don’t you just reject her and save her the heartache. I am sure she is trying to hide all of this away from everyone, so they do not see her “Weak”. Your such an idiot.” Alex screams.

“She never cheated on me?” I say in a whisper.

“NO!” Alex huffs and storms out the room.

“Man, you are going down a slippery slope. You better tell Gianna about this chick your dealing with and fast. Alex is pregnant and her emotions are all over the place. She might just go and tell her.” Trigger says.

“Alex is pregnant? Congrats man. I see we will be having two new pups in the next few months. Storm is pregnant as well. I hear you though and I will speak with Gianna a little later.”

POV Gianna:

I’m finishing up some paperwork and finalizing some things for Storm and Alex’s baby shower. I can’t believe they are due on the same day. They both told me the same day as well. We all decided to have the baby shower together and it will be in four months when they are both a week away from delivery. I am hyper focused on designing the invitations when I am interrupted by a knock on my door.

In walks Rasheed with a solemn face. I already know I am not going to like this conversation. Is he going to reject me? Tell me I am not fit to be Queen anymore? Tell me he wants nothing to do with our children? That last question will break me. How could he not want our children? I would fight to the death for my kids.

“Can we talk?” He asks.

“We can. Close the door.”

“What if I was with someone else?” Rasheed blurts out.

My heart stopped, I begin to feel dizzy, I have to grab ahold of my desk, so I do not pass out from this question. I thought I could handle anything, but now I am not sure.

“Then I would reject you, so that you can be happy. If I no longer make you happy there is no need to be together. I have conditions though.”

“No Gianna, I will not accept rejection.” He is quick to say.

“I will not tolerate cheating; I am not a door mat, and you cannot come as you please. Just reject me if that is the case.”

Rage is coursing through me, and I am trying to suppress it.

“I thought you were cheating on me and that is why you did not tell me about the pregnancy. Then I thought you had an abortion. You were seven weeks pregnant, and I was away at that point. I thought you cheated on me, and I did something stupid.” Rasheed says.

“Cheat on you, you have got to be kidding me. I am in love with only you! I have been since the day I set my eyes on you. I was almost eight weeks pregnant, I got pregnant the night before you left. I tried mind linking you after I had surgery, and no one would respond. Do you know how humiliating it was to ask a warrior to drive me home, because I had no one to help me. Then I came home, and you were giving me the silent treatment. I felt so alone. Then the next morning you called me dirty like I was some nasty whore you were sleeping with.”

“I cheated, I cheated on you. Next sexually but I needed comfort, and I could not get that from you. I’m so sorry Gianna” He rushes out.

“Get out!” I scream.

Rasheed tries to get up and give me a hug, but I push him away.

“Baby, I’m sorry” Rasheed is almost in tears.


He does not budge; I cannot be in the same room as him. I will kill this man. I am not in control of my emotions. I walk past him, and he grabs my arm. I use my forcefield and he goes flying through the wall into the hallway. Trigger gets hit by some debris, and he locks eyes with me.

“You knew didn’t you” I ask.

My eyes turn royal blue as I search through his brain to see if he will lie to me. He just puts his head down.

“He told me today.” Trigger says.

I run past him and down the stairs at lightning speed. I need to run; I need to get out of here. I want blood. I want to kill this man I dedicated my life to. My fur is spouting from my arms before I reach outside. I finally get outside, and I shift as soon as I feel the air brush against my face.

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