The Alpha Princess & The Werewolf King

Chapter Help

POV Gianna

It is now May, almost June, and I am four months pregnant. Werewolves only have six months of pregnancy unlike the nine months for humans. I just found out I am having a boy and he is growing good. Dad is finally coming around that I will keep this baby. The moon goddess frowns upon abortion no matter what circumstances arise, and so do I. Every life deserves a chance and that is what I am given this little wolf.

Sierra and mom have planned a baby shower for me, and I am looking forward to it. It will be next month closer to my due date. The doctor says they will induce me the day before my birthday. Since Werewolves shift on their seventeenth birthday it is too risky for me to remain pregnant. Which is ok, my due date was originally the day after my birthday.

I am more focused on my exams next week. I am graduating early and heading to college at the university on the human land. They have one of the best medical school programs in America. That is my goal. Finish school, become Alpha and be the best mom I can be.

I’ve already forced myself to believe that I will not have a mate. I already have an heir. No one will want a damaged and used mate anyway, and I cannot guarantee I could love my mate whole heartily.

I am walking past my dad’s office, and I overhear him talking about Flint.

“I don’t care we need to protect our land now that she is closer to her due date. He must not know about his child. He murdered our people he will be killed onsite if spotted. Gianna does not need to know any of this, she already has a lot on her plate.”

Murder? He was the one who murdered the warriors? He killed my people.

“Ahhh….” Pain shoot through me. My stomach hurts so bad.


My dad swoops me in his arms and rushes me to the pack hospital. The pain is so bad, it feels like someone stabbed me with a burning hot knife in my vagina and stomach.


We reach the pack hospital, and I am rushed back to stop the contractions. I feel a sudden urge to push, I can’t stop the urge. I give into the urge and the doctors are screaming for me to stop pushing. I can’t stop pushing. I feel something slip out of me, and I know it is my son. I am terrified, it’s not time for him to come.

They cut the cord and rush him to the NICU. Everyone is working so hard to make sure he survives.

I feel a gush of warmth ooze out of me, and I hear a doctor’s voice yelling my name. I try to respond but the darkness takes over me.

I am in pitch black darkness scared out of my mind. Am I dead? I see a beam of light and I walk towards it.

Something in my mind tells me it’s going to be ok. The light become bigger the closer I get. I hear the most amazing voice, and a smile crosses my face. It’s him, my love, my Lucas. I run faster tears clouding my sight, I can’t let him go. I need him, I need my best friend.

I see Lucas and all my worries disappear. Is he really here? Was it all a dream? Lucas takes me in his arms and rubs my back, trying to console my breaking heart.

“Lucas you’re here” I sniffle.

“No, you are here beautiful. You look so perfect, look at you. You’re a mom” He coos.

Realization hits me and I begin to panic. He already knew I gave birth, and he embraces me again.

“Shhh Gia, it will be ok, he will be ok. That’s why the goddess brought you to me. We are in the voided plane. It allows us afterlife people to reach out to those who are living but in a traumatic state. You and your son will be put through numerous challenges, but just know you will make it through all of them. I will be watching over you and Onyx.”

“How did you know I was going to name him Onyx?”

I never told anyone what my son’s name would be, it came to me in a dream one night. I was having another nightmare about Lucas and just before he died a little boy appeared holding onto Lucas and he said “mommy it will be ok Lucas is in a better place. It is going to be just you and me, Onyx, but it’s time for you to wake up now mommy. It’s almost time to meet me.” I was so startled by how real it felt.

“Your son is very powerful; he will be a great Alpha. Now you need to get back to him. It is going to be a long battle, but you are strong, and I believe in you beautiful.”

“Lucas… Please don’t leave me, I need you please. I love you.”

“I’m sorry beautiful, but I need to go now. I love you too.” And just like that he was gone, and I was waking up.

“Lucas, Lucas where are you?” I screamed as I woke up, I snatched off my oxygen mask.

“Sweetheart calm down, the doctors had to give you some medicine to stop the bleeding, you began hemorrhaging. They were able to stop the bleeding and control everything. Are you feeling up to meeting your son?” Mom coos.

I nod my head and start to get up. The nurses assist me to a wheelchair and wheel me down to the NICU.

“Now sweetheart your boy is very tiny, and you cannot hold him yet, but he is a fighter, and the doctors say he will pull through. He will need to remain in the NICU for some time due to the under development of some of his organs.” Mom states.

I nod my head in understanding. We reach the NICU, and my heart feels like it is being squeezed. He is in a private room compared to all the other babies. He is so tiny; he can fit in my hand. My boy, my sweet Onyx.

“Why does he have a red glow around him?” I ask the nurses.

Confusion is all I see on their faces. “Red glow?” a nurse asks.

“Sweetheart that’s probably the lights they use to keep him incubated.” My mom responds very quickly.

I guess she knows more, the triplets after all were in the NICU for a few days after their births.

“Oh, ok mom” She seems to relax a little bit.

“Sweetheart you need to name him. Have you thought of a name yet?” She asks.

“Yes, Onyx Lucas Federico.” I proudly say.

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