The Alpha Princess & The Werewolf King

Chapter And so, it begins

POV Flint

I can’t believe I slept with the princess. She is the most precious thing on this earth. The way her soft skin caressed my body last night and the way we moved together. She is perfect. I vow to dedicate my life to her. I’m going to meet with her father and let him know that I ask for her hand in marriage.

I don’t belong to her pack so I must request rights to come onto her land. After getting approval from the Alpha, I am escorted to her pack house. Being half demon, I can feel her presence near, as if she just left. She has not shifted yet so there will be no mate bond yet. I reach the Alpha’s office and prepare to ask for my beauty’s hand. I am hoping to take her home today if all goes well.

“Good morning, Alpha Jones. My name is Flint. I come to ask for your daughters had in marriage and take her back to my pack.”

“HAHAHAHA, you got to be kidding my young buck, do you even know who my daughter is? She is the future Alpha of this pack! She is not going anywhere, and she has not even shifted yet. Who are you to try and take her away? You should know how sacred the mate bond even if you are a half bred.” He spat.

“I understand where you are coming from Alpha Jones and I mean no disrespect, but last night your daughter gave her body to me, I must be given the right to become her chosen mate.”


Anger courses through him. The door suddenly opens and in walks my beauty. With grace and poise, along with another beautiful older woman I am assuming her mother.

“Gianna Federico! What nonsense is the mutt speaking? Have you mated with him?” He growls.

The color drains from her face and her eyes welled up. My heart is breaking seeing her hurting.

“I don’t know daddy; last night is all a blur I remember going to club Lavish and had a few drinks and dancing. Aaron took Storm and Sierra home and that’s all I remember. I do remember seeing the man last night and waking up in a hotel with him, but I do not know who he is.”

I couldn’t believe it; she didn’t remember our night of passion. I am in shock. I stood there looking like an idiot. Disappointment clearly covering his face. Gianna and her mother are told to go to the pack clinic and be tested for drugs that may still linger in her system. As if I were to drug her pfft. It was just the Alpha and I left in the office.

“Now listen here you little shit. You will leave my land and never step foot on this land again. If I find you on my land, I will kill you where you stand. Do you hear me?” He roars.

I get up and make my way to the exit and I hear him mutter “hand in marriage, ha, I would never allow my daughter to be with a demon” All I see is red. My wolf is pushing forward, and I know I need to get off his land before I lose control. I make it to the pack border when a warrior pushes me and says “we don’t allow demons on these lands” I lose it and Jax takes control. He kills several warriors before running off into the woods. I am now wanted for their murders. There is no way my beauty will take me as a mate now.

POV Gianna

It’s been a month since that night, and I still have no recollection of what happened. Apparently, I was drugged and had sex, I feel even more disgusted. It’s now Valentine’s Day and I am visiting Lucas’ grave. I feel so empty, I would do anything to be in his arms right now. The snow crunching on the side of me brings me back to my senses. “I thought I’d find you here” Aaron says.

“I miss him so much it hurts Aaron!” Tears well up in my eyes and I blink quickly so they don’t fall. I need to be strong. I’m an Alpha for goddess’s sake. My emotions have been very hard to control lately.

“Oh Gia, your mate will come a long and you will forget all about Lucas.” Aaron says.

“That’s just it, I don’t want to forget about him, my heart belongs to him, and I don’t want to give that away. That means he will be forgotten, he died protecting me. He died so I could live.” I balled my eyes out. Aaron pulled me to his chest and held my tight while I balled my eyes out.

After a few minutes I started to calm down and with a final squeeze I let Aaron go. He is such a good brother. “Let’s head back it’s cold out here.” He says. I place the flowers on the ground and as I stand up, I become dizzy and faint.

I wake up in the pack hospital with two IV’s and what looks like a fetal monitor on. my belly. I look around the room and see my mom with tears in her eyes and my dad with rage written all over it. Unsure of what is going on I call out to mom.

“Mom...” I croak out.

“Oh, sweetheart your awake, Anton look she’s awake.” My dad doesn’t even look at me and I begin to tear up. He has never ignored me, and it looks like he is upset with me. What is going on?

“Good, let’s go Belle!” my father doesn’t spare me a glance as he stands up and heads for the door.

“Dad? Did I do something to upset you?” I ask tears falling from my eyes.

“Yes, Gianna you did! You got pregnant by that half- bred. I can’t even look at you. How are you going to be taken seriously as an Alpha when you have a baby and no mate? Do you know how hard it was to convince the council to have a woman as an Alpha?” He growled and walked out of the room.

All I heard was pregnant. I am pregnant!

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