The Alpha Princess & The Werewolf King

Chapter Alpha Onyx

POV Onyx:

It’s been a few weeks since I defeated Flint and mom has decided to move up my Alpha ceremony. Which is quite earth-shattering, my mother is a very calculated woman. She is a super planner, so when she told me and my dad that we are moving it up a whole month we were dumbfounded.

I am beyond excited to take over, they have trained me well for this.

“Hey, Onyx how’s it goingggg?” Savvy asks.

Oh boy, I know this is going to be something I am going to regret helping her with.

“Yes, Savanna what do you need?”

She excitedly jumps herself into a chair in my office with a plop.

“SOOO, I was thinking maybe you can convince mom to let me stay here until after I shift then go and move with them, to train more? Hmm what do you say big brother, almighty future Alpha King.” She side eyes me.

I know what she is doing, she is trying to stroke my ego and it is kind of working. I let out a sigh.

“Savanna, why is it that you want to stay here with us and not move with mom and dad? I can think of a few reasons why, but you tell me why? You will be the Queen of the Faes one day and you are not taking it seriously.”

I become stern with her. My parents put a lot of pressure on both me and Savanna, and I can tell that Savanna just wants to have a good time. As I wait for her answer, I can smell my mother walk past, she tucks her head in and I signal for her to stay silent. Savanna has no idea our mother is standing right behind her, and I want to see if she will put her foot in her mouth.

“Well, mama is mean, she keeps saying “You need to focus on your duties Savanna, Savanna you need to train. Savanna focus. Savanna, Savanna, Savanna! You know sometimes I just want to have fun.” Savanna says.

My mother was going to say something when I very quickly shake my head no. She walks out the door with a smile on her face.

“You know she is just doing this because she sees how powerful you are, you are going to be a Queen one day. You are the Princess of Werewolves and Fae. What mom is doing is exactly what I will be doing if you were to stay here, if not worse. Mom does take it easy on you. You have only had to train with Fae’s and Werewolves. I had to train to fight everything. I will make sure that you do as well. Savanna, you need to grow up. I understand that you are a teenager and want to hang out with your friends, but you also have duties. The sooner you realize it the better. Now come on little sister, let’s go to my Alpha ceremony, that mom has worked so hard on.”

“Onyx you are the best big brother a girl could ask for. I love you big bro.” She says.

I embrace her in a hug, and we head out to the yard where the ceremony will take place. Savanna has run ahead to be with her friends. I get a whiff of something, and my mouth begins to water. I want to follow this tantalizing scent and bathe in it. The smell of caramel is becoming stronger, I am following it out to the area where the ceremony will take place.

“Onyx? Onyx?” My mother calls me.

I hear my mother, but I am hellbent on finding the origin of the smell. I make my way through the crowd and my eyes fall on the beautiful Zoey.

Gabe is going crazy in my head, telling me to mark her right away. I must respect my mate and will only mark her when she says yes.

“Well, it’s about time you figured it out” Zoey giggles.

It is the most angelic giggle I have ever heard.

“Mate” I growl out.

I bring her into my arms, and she whispers into my ear.

“Mark me, right now Onyx. I want you to mark me and I want to mark you.” Zoey coo’s.

“As you wish.”

My canines elongate and I pierce her marking spot, I feel Zoey’s canines puncture my skin and I am in heaven. I can feel the love she has for me, and I hope she can feel my love as well. We pull back from each other after sealing our marks.

“I have loved you the moment I saw you Onyx Lucas Jones.” Zoey pridefully says.

I hear my mother clear her throat and my trance is broken. I look around and everyone is staring at us.

“Well, this is a turn of events. Onyx would you like to come to the stage and introduced your mate and the future Luna of this pack?” My mother beams.

“Sorry for derailing your plans mom.”

She nods her head and smiles brightly at me.

“Everyone this is Zoey Rene Bails, daughter of Alpha Bails of the Blackwood’s pack, and your future Luna.”

The crowd goes wild, and I turn to my mother.

“Do you think we can do the Luna ceremony today as well?”

“Absolutely, my beautiful boy.” Mom smiles.

“Alright everyone please quite down now. Rasheed is going to take over from here.” Mom says.

“Well, that was unexpected.” My father says.

The crowd laughs again.

“But seriously, I could not have expected anything less from my son, he is just like his mother in many ways. Strong, resilient, smart, patient. I can go on, but I think you all get the point. It is an honor to pass on the Alpha title to my son Onyx Lucas Jones. Son, do you Do you promise to protect this pack with your life?” he asks.

“I do”

“Do you promise to stand by your mate to ensure prosperity and strength?” he asks.

“I do”

“With that being said. I Rasheed Michael Jones King and Alpha of the Golden Moon Pack pass my title as Alpha to, Onyx Lucas Jones, Alpha of the Golden Moon Pack.”

I feel the power and the mind links of the pack pass through me and I stagger slightly. I release a breath I did not know I was even holding. My mother takes my father’s place.

“Zoey, please step forward. Zoey Rene Bails, do you promise to protect this pack with your life?” she asks.

“I do” Zoey says.

“Do you promise to stand by your future mate to ensure prosperity and strength?” she asks.

“I do” Zoey says.

“With that being said. I Gianna Antonia Jones, Alpha of the Golden Moon Pack, declare Zoey Rene Bails, Luna of the Golden Moon Pack.”

I move behind Zoey and catch her as she leans back into my arms. Her delicate skin sends tingles to my heart.

“My we present to you Alpha Onyx and Luna Zoey.” My father booms out.

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