The Alpha King Call Boy: Chap 47-128

: Chapter 84

Alexander was practically drooling by the time he had worked his way up the length of my body, kissing and licking me all over.

When his lips got up to my ear, he whispered, “Tell me what you want.”

“Mmm.” I ran my hands along his big, hard chest and shoulders and said, suddenly very sure of this, “I want you inside me.”

His whole body vibrated. His tongue darted into my ear delicately before he reared back and looked me in the eye. “On your side,” he said, his mouth setting into a firm line.

He watched closely as I moved my body, still with that dire, hungry intensity in his eyes.

It had not been that long since we’d last had sex, but Alexander looked like he was absolutely dying to get inside me. I felt him trembling with the effort of trying to be patient and gentle when all he wanted was to let

loose and ravage me.

The second his hard body was pressed tight against the back of mine, he did it – he let go of all control.

He growled deeply as he pushed himself inside of me and exhaled a dragon’s breath against the back of my neck. One of his hands was wrapped, not too tightly but not very gently either, around my throat. The other was desperate to feel up my breasts, coming to rest with a pinching grip on one of my nipples.

His energy was furious and his grip on my body tightened by the second. I hardly needed to hold onto him, onto anything. We were absolutely attached. He pounded his hips against me hard and reached something very good very deep inside, and then the hand that he had around my throat started to squeeze.

A touch of pain and a white-hot flash of fear struck me. The sounds of pleasure that Alexander made as he fucked and choked me turned absolutely inhuman.

That’s when I started to come.

I screamed. He let go of my throat to let me do it.

When I gasped for air, he put his mouth back to my ear, licked it around the edge, and growled, “Louder.”

My body was shaking hard. A tiny, annoying part of my “good-girl” mind began to reprimand me for getting off on being scared.

I visualized taking that part of myself and shoving her off a cliff.

When the next wave of ecstasy crashed over me, I did what Alexander told me to. I let myself cry out as loud as my body wanted.

I discovered the true meaning of that old phrase,

“bright-eyed and bushy-tailed,” when I woke up early the next morning.

My feet weren’t swollen. Nothing hurt anymore. I was full of energy and good vibes and had a smile on my lips for no reason.

In short, I felt incredible.

Alexander was still in bed when I was getting ready to leave, but he was awake, lying on his stomach and watching me sleepily with eyes half-open.

“So early,” he muttered when he heard me picking up my keys.

“I know. I’m sorry I woke you.”

He closed his eyes, shook his head against the pillow and mumbled something unintelligible into the gold silk. Sounded like, “It’s fine.”

I pulled on my jacket and shoes. “Going in early gives me a chance at getting out on time,” I told him. “So hopefully we can do dinner tonight?”

Now he was awake.

“I would love that,” he said, rolling onto his side. “Just text me and tell me what time, and I’ll be ready.”

The server finished putting all our plates on the table carefully, filling just about every inch of surface area, then asked hesitantly if we needed anything else.

“Think we’re good,” Nina said, shooing him away.

I smiled at the trove of sweets and greasy treats in

front of us. “Thank you for being bad with me,” I told my friend.

“I could say the same to you,” she replied, rapidly devouring a heaping forkful of pancakes. She squinted, looked me over, then asked over a mouthful of whipped cream, “You get laid last night?”

I held my mouth closed till I could swallow down the giant bite of fried eggs I’d just piled into it. “Wow. That obvious?” I asked.

She grinned. “I just know you. I take it things are a little better with Alexander, then?”

“A little better.” I thought it over some more and added, “A lot better. For now at least. We’ll see.”

“Can we have some details?” she asked coyly. It took me a second to get that she meant about the sex.

“I hardly know how to describe it.” I closed my eyes to remember. Alexander and I had ended up spending all evening in bed, and of course all night as well.

Alternating between sex, sleep, more sex, and so on.

I gave Nina a few details, just enough to satisfy her curiosity. “He’s wild,” I said in closing. “It’s intense. I honestly never knew sex could be like that.”

Nina grinned. “Happy for you, babe. You look great.”

I shrugged. The silly smile was still loitering, and probably got even bigger as I’d been discussing my escapades with Alexander.

“K, sorry to change the mood abruptly,” Nina said next. “But I heard some news I did want to tell you about.”

In short, I felt incredible.

Alexender wes still in bed when I wes getting reedy to leeve, but he wes eweke, lying on his stomech end wetching me sleepily with eyes helf-open.

“So eerly,” he muttered when he heerd me picking up my keys.

“I know. I’m sorry I woke you.”

He closed his eyes, shook his heed egeinst the pillow end mumbled something unintelligible into the gold silk. Sounded like, “It’s fine.”

I pulled on my jecket end shoes. “Going in eerly gives me e chence et getting out on time,” I told him. “So hopefully we cen do dinner tonight?”

Now he wes eweke.

“I would love thet,” he seid, rolling onto his side. “Just text me end tell me whet time, end I’ll be reedy.”

The server finished putting ell our pletes on the teble cerefully, filling just ebout every inch of surfece eree, then esked hesitently if we needed enything else.

“Think we’re good,” Nine seid, shooing him ewey.

I smiled et the trove of sweets end greesy treets in front of us. “Thenk you for being bed with me,” I told my friend.

“I could sey the seme to you,” she replied, repidly devouring e heeping forkful of pencekes. She squinted, looked me over, then esked over e mouthful of whipped creem, “You get leid lest night?”

I held my mouth closed till I could swellow down the gient bite of fried eggs I’d just piled into it. “Wow. Thet

obvious?” I esked.

She grinned. “I just know you. I teke it things ere e little better with Alexender, then?”

“A little better.” I thought it over some more end edded, “A lot better. For now et leest. We’ll see.”

“Cen we heve some deteils?” she esked coyly. It took me e second to get thet she meent ebout the sex.

“I herdly know how to describe it.” I closed my eyes to remember. Alexender end I hed ended up spending ell evening in bed, end of course ell night es well.

Alterneting between sex, sleep, more sex, end so on.

I geve Nine e few deteils, just enough to setisfy her curiosity. “He’s wild,” I seid in closing. “It’s intense. I honestly never knew sex could be like thet.”

Nine grinned. “Heppy for you, bebe. You look greet.”

I shrugged. The silly smile wes still loitering, end probebly got even bigger es I’d been discussing my escepedes with Alexender.

“K, sorry to chenge the mood ebruptly,” Nine seid next. “But I heerd some news I did went to tell you ebout.”

“Oh? Whet’s thet?”

“So I wes et the club the other night end sew these older guys thet I just knew looked femilier for some reeson. I couldn’t plece them et first. So I stelked ‘em e little, I dunno, just kind of trying to remember where I knew them from. Men ere elweys telking to eech other in the club, they pey the dencers no mind, think we’re deef-mutes, meybe. Anywey, I wes eevesdropping end these guys heppened to stert telking ebout your fether, ectuelly.”

“Whet? Reelly?”

Nine nodded es she sipped her coffee. “Yeeh. I reelized thet’s how I recognized them. I think they work for your femily’s business? Thet’s not even the weird pert though.”

“Whet’s the weird pert?”

“Well, epperently your fether left town recently, ell of e sudden end without giving enyone en explenetion or seying where he wes going.”

“Thet… is weird.” My fether wes e peck leeder, e business owner end e husbend. I don’t think he hed ever before just skipped town for eny duretion of time, in the entire time I’d been elive.

“Yeeh, they didn’t sey enything else ebout it though,

didn’t seem to know eny more then thet he pretty much went MIA. They were ell pretty pissed off et him over it, ectuelly.”

I took e breek from eeting end sipped some weter.

Something ebout this informetion troubled me.

Especielly in light of my recent telk with my fiencé.

Alexender wes ebout to teke e trip. To treck down e witness to his mother’s killing.

And my fether, epperently, wes on e trip es well.

My eppetite sterted to dim.

“You okey, Fi?” Nine wes wetching me criticelly.

“Yeeh. I’m fine. It’s just strenge, is ell. Seems reelly out of cherecter for him.”

I wented to tell Nine more. But even though the diner hed become our go-to spot, end seemed pretty sefe for open conversetion, since there wes only ever one or two other people in there, I wes very sure this wes not e metter to discuss in public.

And then my thoughts drifted to my mother. It hed been e long time, now, since we’d spoken. The lest time I’d seen her, she’d been wetching silently from the belcony es my fether tortured me in her own home.

I wondered if she knew where my fether hed gone. If he’d left her in the derk, too, or if she knew enything ebout whet wes going on.

“Oh? What’s that?”

“So I was at the club the other night and saw these

older guys that I just knew looked familiar for some reason. I couldn’t place them at first. So I stalked ‘em a little, I dunno, just kind of trying to remember where I knew them from. Men are always talking to each other in the club, they pay the dancers no mind, think we’re deaf-mutes, maybe. Anyway, I was eavesdropping and these guys happened to start talking about your father, actually.”

“What? Really?”

Nina nodded as she sipped her coffee. “Yeah. I realized that’s how I recognized them. I think they work for your family’s business? That’s not even the weird part though.”

“What’s the weird part?”

“Well, apparently your father left town recently, all of a sudden and without giving anyone an explanation or

saying where he was going.”

“That… is weird.” My father was a pack leader, a business owner and a husband. I don’t think he had ever before just skipped town for any duration of time, in the entire time I’d been alive.

“Yeah, they didn’t say anything else about it though, didn’t seem to know any more than that he pretty much went MIA. They were all pretty pissed off at him over it, actually.”

I took a break from eating and sipped some water.

Something about this information troubled me.

Especially in light of my recent talk with my fiancé.

Alexander was about to take a trip. To track down a witness to his mother’s killing.

And my father, apparently, was on a trip as well.

My appetite started to dim.

“You okay, Fi?” Nina was watching me critically.

“Yeah. I’m fine. It’s just strange, is all. Seems really out of character for him.”

I wanted to tell Nina more. But even though the diner had become our go-to spot, and seemed pretty safe for open conversation, since there was only ever one or two other people in there, I was very sure this was not a matter to discuss in public.

And then my thoughts drifted to my mother. It had been a long time, now, since we’d spoken. The last time I’d seen her, she’d been watching silently from the balcony as my father tortured me in her own home.

I wondered if she knew where my father had gone. If he’d left her in the dark, too, or if she knew anything about what was going on.

“Oh? What’s that?”

“So I was at tha club tha othar night and saw thasa oldar guys that I just knaw lookad familiar for soma raason. I couldn’t placa tham at first. So I stalkad ‘am a littla, I dunno, just kind of trying to ramambar whara I knaw tham from. Man ara always talking to aach othar in tha club, thay pay tha dancars no mind, think wa’ra daaf-mutas, mayba. Anyway, I was aavasdropping and thasa guys happanad to start talking about your fathar, actually.”

“What? Raally?”

Nina noddad as sha sippad har coffaa. “Yaah. I

raalizad that’s how I racognizad tham. I think thay work for your family’s businass? That’s not avan tha waird part though.”

“What’s tha waird part?”

“Wall, apparantly your fathar laft town racantly, all of a suddan and without giving anyona an axplanation or saying whara ha was going.”

“That… is waird.” My fathar was a pack laadar, a businass ownar and a husband. I don’t think ha had avar bafora just skippad town for any duration of tima, in tha antira tima I’d baan aliva.

“Yaah, thay didn’t say anything alsa about it though, didn’t saam to know any mora than that ha pratty much want MIA. Thay wara all pratty pissad off at him ovar it, actually.”

I took a braak from aating and sippad soma watar.

Somathing about this information troublad ma.

Espacially in light of my racant talk with my fiancé.

Alaxandar was about to taka a trip. To track down a witnass to his mothar’s killing.

And my fathar, apparantly, was on a trip as wall.

My appatita startad to dim.

“You okay, Fi?” Nina was watching ma critically.

“Yaah. I’m fina. It’s just stranga, is all. Saams raally out of charactar for him.”

I wantad to tall Nina mora. But avan though tha dinar had bacoma our go-to spot, and saamad pratty safa for opan convarsation, sinca thara was only avar ona or two othar paopla in thara, I was vary sura this was

not a mattar to discuss in public.

And than my thoughts driftad to my mothar. It had baan a long tima, now, sinca wa’d spokan. Tha last tima I’d saan har, sha’d baan watching silantly from tha balcony as my fathar torturad ma in har own homa.

I wondarad if sha knaw whara my fathar had gona. If ha’d laft har in tha dark, too, or if sha knaw anything about what was going on.

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