The Alpha Chose Me

Chapter 91

“I suggest you piss off then”.

“Got it, you're a legend by the way".

Shaking my head I let out a loud sigh. Was there really any need for that? Glancing at Ryan I saw the smirk he was trying to hide.

“You Ryan?". He asked.

Ryan was my friend and if he thought he was going to scare him off he had another thing coming.

“Jake”. I warned.

“I hear you're the quarter back”. He said.

“Yeah I'm pretty good”. He grinned. I could see a hint of a smile playing on Jake's lips.

“Big game tomorrow. You ready?”.

“Born ready”. He smirked. “Gotta make sure I live up to the best".

jake started laughing. “Need any advice give me a shout. You mind if I steal her for a sec?”.

He was playing nice?

“sure thing". Ryan grinned.

Pizza in hand I followed him outside. What was he up to? Taking a seat at one of the benches I followed suit.

“What are you up to?". I questioned.

“Coach wants me to attend the game tomorrow”. He shrugged. He knew fine well that's not what I was talking about. “And?".

“What can't I be nice?". He smirked. “He seems alright’.

“He is, I'm going to the game tomorrow with Abby".

“Ill take you”. Checking his phone he typed away furiously. “Right babe I have to go see the coach about tomorrow. Il be here when you finish”. Getting to his feet he held out his hand for me to take.

I was well aware of the stares. Placing my hand in his I giggled when he pulled me to him. “People are staring”. I whispered. “Good then they'll know you're mine”. Kissing my forehead he pulled back. “I'l see you at 4. Be good princess”. As he walked away I couldn't help but stare at his a*s.

That boy was fine.

Not being able to control my smile I headed back inside. Surprise surprise Ryan was sat eating my Cheetos.


“50 you and Jake Taylor". He grinned wiggling his eyebrows.

“shut up”. I could already feel the blush on my cheeks. It really wasn't a big deal. We were just two people hanging out. just as I sat down the bell went signalling lunch was over.

My last two classes dragged. If it wasn't for Ryan being in my chemistry class I would have went stir crazy.

“Defo coming tomorrow?”, Ryan asked holding the door open for me. The rain had stopped the air muggy.

“Yes we'll be there. You better not suck’. I teased. I could see Jake before I saw his car. He was leaning on his bumper, shades covering his eyes.

“Gotta lot to live up to”. He smirked. “I'll see you tomorrow I've got one more practice before the game”.

“Bye”. I smiled walking slowly towards Jake.

Lana didn't bother her arse to come to school at all. She ditched the full day all for bloody Pete. She better hope for her sake and mine my gran doesn't find out.

“Princess”. He smirked giving me a nod before getting in the drivers side.

“Hey”. I smiled slipping my bag from my shoulder and getting in,

“50 about tonight”. He started the car pulling out of the school parking lot.

“What about it2". I had a feeling tonight wasn't going to happen.

“My mom wants you to come over. She's throwing a family dinner”. Scratching the back of his head I grinned when I saw the lightest shade of pink on his cheeks. Some paragraphs are incomplete if you are not reading this novel on Visit to read the complete chapters for free. “My family, Jacks family and Petes family will be there".

I was confused.

“It's to welcome you into the pack”.

That was a big move but I didn't understand why the other families had to be there. I knew my gran couldn't come and that would mean I would be on my own. This is what it was coming down to. My life was going to change

“Babe if you don’t want to go it's okay”. Laying his hand on my thigh he squeezed gently. How could I not go? His mom was the sweetest and I didn’t want to upset her.

“What time should I be ready?” I asked.

“I'll come get you around 8. Simple dinner and a few drinks". He winked.

“Okay simple dinner. I smiled. A simple dinner wouldn't include two other families. As he pulled up outside my house I undid my seatbelt.

“I don't want this to be to much for you. I promised we'd take it slow. Taking my hand in his he kissed my knuckles.

“It's fine I want to”. I was being welcomed into his pack and that was a big deal for him. I could handle this. “Have you seen Lana today?" I still had to apologise for snapping at her.

“Where do you think she is?". He smirked.

“Don't you think they're taking it a little to fast. I mean she doesn't even know what she's getting herself into. What if she doesn't want to be with Pete for the rest of her life. Lana isn't the settle down type”.

“she'll find out when the time is right”.

“What like I did”. It was out before I could stop it. “What I mean is, to put it politely she fucks them and chucks them". That was the only way I could explain it.

A laugh fell from his lips. “Trust me babe she won't chuck him. The bond is to strong. Doesn't matter if they fight she'll still want him. When she's mad she'll still want him and when he f***s up she'll still want him". Placing another kiss on my knuckles I had a feeling this wasn't about Lana and Pete anymore.

“nd when he fucks up 'm sure she'll be there". Brushing my thumb over his hand I gave him a small smile.

“Your gran going somewhere?". He nodded.

Turning round I noticed my gran and George walking down the driveway. She was carrying a suitcase. “Want me to wait?". He asked.

“No it's okay I'll see you later”. Grabbing my bag I got out closing the door behind me. He didn't move.

“Hey honey how was school?” Closing the trunk of her car I frowned. Where could she be going? She smiled behind me waving her hand at Jake.

“Going somewhere?". Chewing my bottom lip I glanced at George.

“George is taking me away for the weekend. A nice little log cabin’. She smiled. George seemed to be taking up all of her time recently.

Shaking my head I cursed myself for even thinking that. She was happy and that's all that mattered. “You're going away now?". I asked.

“Yes honey it's a long drive but-... oh god your appointment. I completely forgot”. She sighed running a hand down her face. “It's okay Jake is going to take me. I lied. I wasn't going to ruin her weekend and I'm sure if I ask him he'll have no problem taking me.

“Oh honey I am sorry. I knew there was something I had to do I just couldn't remember what it was’.

“Honestly it's fine. Go enjoy your weekend and I'll see you both when you get back”. Kissing her cheek I smiled at George. jake was still parked at the bottom of my driveway. Waving my gran off I laughed when he got out his car. “Just because she's away doesn’t mean you can come in”. I teased.

“That's exactly what it means princess”. He winked slipping his arm around my shoulder.

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