The Alpha Chose Me

Chapter 90

Grabbing a coffee from the cafeteria I headed towards the library. I had an hour to kill before my next class so getting a head start on this wasn't a bad idea. Pushing the door open I smiled at the librarian as I went to find a seat.

just my luck Jessica and Holly were here. Rolling my eyes at her glare I took a seat at the furthest table away from her. She still didn't like me but she needed to get used to the idea of me being here. I wasn't going anywhere,

it had been forty five minutes and I was ready to knock her out. The constant giggles and sly comments that she thought I couldn't hear. Was she ever going to give up?

I had grabbed a few books that I would have a look through tonight. I wanted to prepare myself for this, I wanted to prove I was as good as Mr Gallagher thought I was.

“Who even wears glasses now. I mean contacts duh”. She laughed.

Lifting my glasses I rubs at my eyes. Her screeching voice was giving me a headache. This girl was damn right mean and I had no idea why Holly suffered her.

She was never going to stop. It was petty really. I get that she had been with Jake but that was before I moved here. She was a werewolf, her mate would be out there somewhere.

“She's not even that pretty”. She laughed.

packing my books away I placed my bag over my shoulder. I had to leave before I said something I wouldn't regret. Heading towards the cafeteria to get myself a fresh coffee my eyes landed on Alanna. Some paragraphs are incomplete if you are not reading this novel on Visit to read the complete chapters for free. She was sat at a table with Lacey. Collecting my coffee I made my way towards them. I owed Alanna an apology for snapping at her this morning.

“Hey Leah”. Lacey smiled pushing out a chair for me to take.

“Ym a moody cow. I sighed. “I'm sorry for snapping at you Alanna’

“Period?” She asked.

“Can you tell?” I huffed.

“You went from crazy to emotional in a split second”. She laughed.

“I get really horny on mine”. Lacey shrugged.

“Lucky Jack’. I smirked.

“It drives him crazy more so because he can smell it and I won't let him touch me”. She grinned.

“Wait they can smell it?" I whispered.

Both girls started laughing. I didn't see what was funny. It wasn't pleasant in the slightest.

“Alittle bit of blood is nothing to them”. Lacey smiled. “But for some reason they love it". She made a face, probably the same one I was making. Periods were natural but it didn't mean we liked them.

“What are you gals doing tomorrow?”. Alanna asked.

“Date night”. Lacey winked.

“I've got Ryan's game”.

“You both suck. I wanted a girls weekend”. She sighed.

“Come to the game there's a party afterwards”. My phone vibrated.

“Does Jake know you're going?”. She asked.

“Does he need to?". Checking the message he sent I tried to hide my smile.

“Better not still be in that shitty little mood of yours! I got you snacks you're staying at mine tonight’.

“No he doesn't". Lacey said. “But I would maybe say to him". The bell wrung signalling the next class, both girls stayed seated, “You not going to class?”. I asked getting to my feet.

“We're ditching are you coming?”.

“I can't”. couldn't miss chemistry not when I was already failing.

“Suit yourself”.

I should have skipped.

Maths was boring. Mr Clark was sick and the substitute wasn't interested. He didn't care that I couldn't write down the equations but still expected me to have them done by the end of class.

Of course there was no way that was happening. As the bell wrung I skipped my way out of class before he even noticed. “Yo shorty”. slinging his arm around my shoulder he steered us towards the cafeteria. “You defo coming tomorrow?”. He asked

“Ill be there. My stomach growled as we reached the front of the queue. “I'm starving today". Picking up a slice of pizza I grabbed some fries and Cheetos. Paying for my lunch we made our way to his usual table.

“so I did a thing". He said scratching the back of his head. I already knew what that thing was.

“Yeah but you didn't ask her to the game’. Putting some fries in my mouth I noticed his frown.

“should I have asked her to the game first?”. Taking a seat next to me he stole some fries from my plate.

“Yes dummy”. Rolling my eyes I picked up my slice of pizza and took a bite. “But it's okay she's coming with me”.

“Ryan you gotta see this”. One of his football friends grabbed him by the shoulders. Jeremy I'm sure his name was. “Outside! The dudes in a freaking Ferrari".

Who was in a Ferrari?

“Who?". He asked.

“Jake fucking Taylor. He's here to see coach. I hope he's coming to the game tomorrow”.


How many fan girls did he have?

Turning to face me he smirked. “Isn't there like a thing with you two?”.

“Keep looking at her like that and that thing will snap your fucking neck”. He growled.

The color drained from his face. I physically saw his Adam's apple bob. Rolling my eyes I took another bite of my pizza.

“I-l wasn't-...."

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