The Alpha Chose Me

Chapter 213

I showered, ate breakfast and was currently finishing off my coffee. I was sat at the kitchen table in a world of my own.

“Did you call her?” Jake asked.

“I sent her a text half an hour ago but she hasn't replied. Maybe she’s busy”. Getting to my feet I rinsed out my cup and placed it in the sink.

“Doubt she’s too busy for you. Call her and tell her you want to meet for coffee. I have to go but remember if you need me call me”. He kissed the top of my head before leaving out the back door.

Making sure my purse was in my bag I grabbed my car keys just as my phone vibrated.

“I'm in town sweetheart. Do you want to meet for coffee here? Maybe do a little prom shopping?’

I forgot about prom. Come to think of it I didn't even have a dress yet. I quickly texted her back letting her know I was on my way.

My stomach was still in knots. Every time I thought of seeing my dad I felt sick. Was there a specific reason as to why he was here or did he just want to see me?

Eighteen years is a long time to wait. I mean why not try and be apart of my life sooner? What was the reason he waited? Why would he think I would want him to be in my life now?

Did I want that?

Sighing I turned on the radio and tried my hardest not to think about it. I knew deep down what I had to do. If I wanted answers then I would have to meet with him.

And I'd be lying if I wasn't shitting myself.

Pulling into a space I turned off the engine and grabbed my bag. My gran wouldn't have all the answers but at least it was a start.

I just wish I was told sooner that he was in town.

“I ordered for you”. She smiled as I took the seat across from her.


“Leah about last night-.""

“Let me say this first". I smiled at the barista as she placed our coffees on the table. “My emotions have been all over the place recently. More so because of my wolf making her appearance. My dad showing up here has threw me and then to find out he wants to see me”. I paused.

“It's a big thing sweetheart and if I have upset you then I apologise”. She placed her hand on top of mine. “I seem to be upsetting you quite a bit recently. This is your decision and I'll support you on whatever you decide".

“Why didn't you just tell me?”. I asked taking a sip of my coffee. Blonde roast cappuccino, my favourite,

“I wasn't sure how to bring it up. I kept you in the dark for many years and believe me Leah it was for your safety. I wasn't sure how stable your dad was back then. After loosing your mom-..

“You could have at least told me you were in contact with him".

“He wrote me a letter a few months back. I didn't read it in fact I haven't even opened it but I knew by the hand writing and no return address that it was your dad”.

“But you've been in contact with him for weeks?" I asked. “Ym only assuming because of Jake's parents”.

“I bumped into him at the garden centre. Your dad isn't a bad man sweetheart, he was just lost".

“What happened when you bumped into him?"

“I couldn't believe it was him. I knew there may have been sightings of him but to actually have him stood in front of me after all this time". She sipped her coffee before continuing. “When your mom passed your dad and I didn't part on bad terms. Bare in mind your dad was still a young man when you were born”.

“What he wasn't ready for a child?” I rolled my eyes.

“No honey that's not what I mean. Your dad very much wanted you. He couldn't wait to be a dad”. She smiled.

“And then mom died”. I swallowed the lump that appeared in my throat. “And he left’.

“Yes sweetheart he left. He left because he couldn't face bringing you up without your mom. He didn't want to live anymore Leah. He spiralled down a very dark path and it wasn't safe for you".

“50 he just let you take me. What about my other grandparents or his pack. He is an Alpha isn't he?" I still couldn't wrap my head around this.

“Your grandparents didn't have a say, no one did. Your dad let his wolf take over completely. Best thing for you at that time was for me to take you away”.

“so they didn't bother about me either”. They obviously weren't dead or she would have said. “Some family I have".

“I'm so sorry this is how it's turned out. I never really thought about the years to come. I acted then and now and went with it"

“You didn't think I'd ask about my dad?". I frowned. I appreciate everything my gran had done for me but I wasn't sure I could deal with all the lies and sneaking about anymore.

I was an adult, I could handle the truth. It seemed the people I surrounded myself with did nothing but lie. The ones I loved most always hiding the truth.

“I didn't tell you about your dad because I wasn't sure you would ever meet him. I thought it was the right thing to do”. “That's bullshit and you know it".


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