The Alpha Chose Me

Chapter 212

“Sorry”. I took a sip of my wine. “Need to see if I pass my exams first".

“Ym sure you'll pass with flying colours. So how have you been?”

“How long have you been in contact with my dad?". I couldn't do the small talk anymore. I needed to know, I had questions. “How about we eat first and then I'll answer all the questions you have”.

was she stalling?

“shouldn't we wait for George?” Just then I heard a car pull into the drive.

“Food looks great Miss Wilson”. Jake took the seat next to me grabbing my hand under the table.

“Please eat, George won't mind if we start without him".

We ate, we had small talk and I think I had a little too much wine. My head was a little fuzzy and I felt slightly buzzed.

One thing I missed was my grans cooking. I cleaned my plate and could have easily asked for seconds.

“Coffee Leah?". George asked.

“Ill help”. Jake got to his feet and followed George to the kitchen.

I guess I was having coffee.

“I miss having you around”.

“I wasn't the one that wanted to move out”. The look in her eyes made me instantly regret what I said. “Sorry” I sighed.

“I thought I was doing the right thing”.

“By leaving me homeless?” I frowned.

“You're where you belong now Leah. I went the wrong way about it but you and Jake are meant to be. I heard your wolf made an appearance”.

How did she know?

“Not really”. I shrugged.

“Have you felt her since that night?” She asked.

This isn't why I was here. I didn't want to talk about my wolf. I was done with the small talk and stalling. I loved my gran but it was hard not to be annoyed at her when she kept things from me.

“Why is my dad here?".

“He wants to see you”.

“Why now?” He had every opportunity to meet with me in the years I was growing up. Why was now so important?

“He is your dad Leah".

“He's not my dad, he's not anything. He didn't want to be in my life then so why should I give him the chance now?”

“He lost his mate sweetheart. The effect that has-.".

“I lost my mom. He can't use the excuse of mom dying to up and abandon his daughter. I don't want to see him". I pushed my chair back and got to my feet.

I wanted to go home. I wasn't ready for any of this.

“Leah please-.".

“nd why all of a sudden do you want us to meet? I was never allowed to mention him when I was younger. He was never a topic in our conversation. Have I just to forget all that?"

“Please sit back down”.

“I want to go home”. I didn’t want to talk about this anymore.


“I'm fine I just want to go home”.

“Okay we'll go home”.

Maybe I was overreacting but I needed a clear head and time to think on it. This was a big thing and I had to do this for me and not to please anyone else.

“Please don't leave things like this honey”. My gran placed her hand on my arm. “My intention was never to make you upset”. “I just need time to think, to process what's going on’.

Did I overreact to much?

Should I have put on my big girl panties and stayed?

Truth was I wasn't sure what I wanted. I was dead against not seeing him. He was nothing to me, he meant nothing but the more I think about it the more I talk myself into doing it. And the more I talk myself into doing it the more I talk myself out of doing it.

My head was a mess, filled with what ifs and buts.

I couldn't sleep because I couldn't shut off my mind. I had tossed and turned from the minute we came to bed.

“Babe”. His voice low and full of sleep.

“Ym just going for some water”. I pushed the covers off but his arm snaking around my waist stopped me from getting up. “Tell me what's going on’.

My body instantly relaxed. The tension I felt after tonight leaving my body. “I can't sleep, my mind won't shut off".

“Turn onto your side facing away from me".

I did as I was told.

He pulled me flush against him his arm resting against my stomach. He was roasting, his body heat like a protective blanket. “Better?”. He asked.

“Better”. I whispered already feeling my eyes becoming heavy.

I woke up in the exact same position I fell asleep. To my surprise Jake was still lying next to me. That rarely happened.

“Am I being childish?" I asked turning to face him. I knew he was awake.


“Unreasonable then?"

“What you're doing is thinking way to much about it. It's your decision. Some paragraphs are incomplete if you are not reading this novel on Visit to read the complete chapters for free. Don't make up your mind based on pleasing others’. He leaned over placing a kiss on my forehead. “And don't feel guilty about what you decide. I know how big your heart is baby".

“Part of me wants to meet him and part of me hates him". A yawn escaped my mouth as I rubbed at my eyes.

“How about I take you away for a few days, take your mind off everything”.

“As much as I love the sound of that I can't. I have to put my big girl panties on and face this head on”.

“Big girl panties?”. He smirked.

“shut up”. I grinned. “'m going to go and see my gran. I feel bad for the way we left things last night".

“I've got a few errands I need to run this morning but if you need me call me”. Leaning in he placed a kiss on my lips. “You got this”.

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