The Alpha Chose Me

Chapter 209

We couldn't have s*x and yet I couldn't stop the intrusive thoughts.

“Baby". His voice soft he reached for my hand. “Look at me".

I couldn't. I could already feel how red my face was becoming. I was struggling handle this.

“I won't be long”. He got to his feet kissing the top of my head before he left.

I liked that he didn't pressure me into talking about it. That would only embarrass me more. How could I talk about something I had no control over?

I sorted myself a hot drink and turned the tv on. Not that I seen much because it wasn't long before my eyes grew heavy and I fell asleep.

Stretching out my limbs I rubbed my face before opening my eyes.

“Alanna?” I frowned.

“Finally”. She looked up from her phone. “You snore really bad”.

“I do not”. Sitting up a yawn escaped my mouth. “Is Jake not home?".

“He's still with my dad. We're going for lunch I'm starving".

“Hungover?”. I grinned.

“Dying a little inside”. She made a face. “Never drinking again”.

Rolling my eyes I sat up swinging my legs off the couch. “Pretty sure I've heard that before”. Pulling on my sneakers I got to my feet. “Good night then?".

“It was alright”. She shrugged. “You didn't miss much”.

“Hm”. I muttered.

“Okay it was more than alright but seriously you didn’t miss much”.

“No what I missed was the last big night out with my friends before we go our separate ways".

“still pissed he took you home?”.

“surprisingly no and no I'm not pissed at him either”.

“Oh hallelujah”. She laughed. “We all had bets on who Jake would fuck over first".

I frowned. “What does that mean?".

“Oh come on. We all know you play a big part in his mood".

“I do not". Did I?

Rolling her eyes she slipped her phone into her bag and got to her feet. “You drive because I think I may still be drunk”. “Where are we going?". I started the car reversing out the drive and onto the street.

“You decide”. She lay her head against the window. “I swear hangovers get worse as the day goes on”. Laughing I turned on the radio and decided on the coffee shop. I hadn't been in forever and their muffins were delicious. “so what happened after you got home last night?”. She asked.

“We went to bed”. I wanted to talk to her about how I was feeling but the embarrassment was killing me.

I know deep down I had nothing to be embarrassed about but even the thought had my cheeks scarlet. “That's it?".

“Well yeah

“No arguing?”.


“Bullshit”. She laughed.

“We don't always fight y'know". Sighing I slowed down as the lights turned to red.

“Why's your face red?”.

oh god.

“Itis not". I huffed.

“Did something else happen”.

“You're kidding right?”. As the light turned green I took a right turn and pulled up outside the coffee shop. “somethings different about you”.

ignoring her I turned off the engine and undid my seatbelt. “We went to bed and slept". Opening the door she followed suit. “Hey are you okay?". She asked.

“Yeah all good”. I smiled pushing the door open and stepping inside. “Should we sit in a booth?”

“That one so I can people watch”. She smirked.

It wasn't long before we were tucking into our food and gossiping like old sweetie wife's.

“What's your plan for after graduation?’ I asked.

She shrugged. “I'm not going to uni, didn’t apply. Probably help out with the pack more".

How was she so cool about having no plans?

“He told me I could go to Yale".

“shut up”. She sat upright in her seat. “What did he say?".

“That if I wanted to go we could sort something out”. I pushed my now empty plate to the side. “But I don't want to go”. “Is that the truth or are you just saying that to keep him happy?”.

I wanted chocolate. A muffin or a brownie. The brownies were just as good.


“I don't want to go. I mean I did but things have changed. Do you want a muffin I'm craving chocolate so bad”. “Are you sure you're okay?". She asked for a second time.

“It seems me triggering my wolf has also triggered some more feelings for your brother”.

“Totally normal’. She grinned.

“Is it really because I'm struggling to act normal around him”.

“How so?"

“You don’t want to know”. Cheeks flushed I averted my gaze.

“You're right I don't want to know". She made a face. “Other than that how are they making you feel?". “Besotted, head over heels, heart flutters. Should I continue?”.

She burst out laughing. “This is a good thing. Aren't you tired of always being at each others throats?”. “Funny he said the same thing. Told me I've to enjoy falling in love with him”. That only made her laugh more.

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