The Alpha Chose Me

Chapter 208

Nothing was happening and we had been at the training ground for almost 2 hours. I was cold, hungry and becoming frustrated. Too top it off it had started to rain.

“This is pointless”. I sighed.

“It's not pointless baby. We have to find what triggered her so we can bring her out’.

“Bring Jessica here”. I smirked. “Pretty sure that'll bring her out".

“Leah”. He warned.

Rolling my eyes I crossed my arms over my chest. “We've been at this for 2 hours and nothing has happened. Can we just go home?".

“Roll your eyes at me again princess I dare you". His eyes fell into slits causing the hairs on the back of my neck to stand.

I bit my tongue. The need to roll my eyes again was there. The thrill building in my stomach to see what he would do. “Good girl. Now what do you think triggered her?”.

I had stopped listening the minute good girl fell from his lips. Suddenly feeling the need to be praised my thought's drifted off as I sunk my teeth into my bottom lip.

I wonder if he would praise me in other tasks? I wonder if he would praise me during sx?

“Leah?” His tone sharp he dragged me out of the hole my mind was going into. “Baby you have to concentrate”. As he took a few steps towards me my eyes darted to the T-shirt he was wearing.

The only thing I could concentrate on was how wet and see through his white tee was becoming. How it was starting to stick to the deliciousness that lay underneath.

“Baby”. He groaned.

I shook my head blinking a few times before my eyes landed on his. “What?” I grinned.

“You're at it princess”. He moved fast grabbing me around the waist and pulling me flush against him.

A giggle fell from my lips.

Oh god what was happening to me? I didn't gigele and yet here I was giggling like a school girl.

“Enjoy it". He whispered placing a kiss on my forehead. “And relax this isn't a bad thing. It's kinda nice not being at each others throats".

He was right about that. I smiled at him before leaning up and placing a kiss on the tip of his nose. “Can we go?” The rain was getting heavier and neither of us had a jacket.

“How about I take you for a burger?” He slid his hands down my arms before slipping his right hand into mine and lacing our fingers together.

“And dirty fries?" I grinned.

“Maybe”. He pulled me closer as we walked back to his truck. “We just need to nip home first".

The car ride back home was quiet. Both enjoying the silence and being in each others company. I was happy. Not that I wasn't happy before it just felt different.

My heart felt full.

“Gave anymore thought on what you want to do once you graduate?”.

And there goes my happiness. I hadn't really gave it much thought recently. It used to be all I could think about and now, now I put it to the back of my mind.

I shrugged. I gave my chance away at the university I wanted to go to. I basically had a guaranteed in and did nothing with it. I threw it away for Jake.

“Do you want to go to uni?”. He asked.

“No I gave him a small smile. “Its too late now anyway".

“Did you want to go to Yale?”.

“Yes”. I couldn't lie, didn’t see much point in it when he knew that's where I would have went.


“Can we not do this?" I asked. I could already feel the atmosphere changing.

“Do what?".

“You know what 'm talking about. We've had such a good morning and I don't want to ruin it"

“You gave up the opportunity to go to Yale for me. If you really want to go I'm sure we can sort something out”.

“I wanted to go but now I don't. My life is here, my home is here”. I paused already feeling the butterflies in my stomach at what I was about to say. “You're here”. I whispered.

“I love that you think that princess but I don’t want you blaming me for giving up the chance to go. I don't want you to regret it later down the line".

“But I won't".

“You're not going because of me. I didn't have the right to make you do that. Truth is I was scared. I didn't want you so far away from me. It would have drove me crazy”.

“I get that now”. I leaned over taking his hand in mine. “Don’t get me wrong I was tempted and even got as far as being accepted but I chose not to go. I chose you. You didn't force me to stay here jake. Deep down I knew I wouldn't be able to handle the distance”.

“I want you to be happy babe”. He brought my hand to his mouth placing a kiss on my knuckles. “That's all 'll ever want". “Ym happy”. I whispered.

I was finding it hard to keep my eyes open. I had been sat on the couch for almost half an hour while he did what he had to do. A yawn escaped my mouth as I stretched out my arms before making myself more comfortable.

Jake's house was always warm making it that little bit easier to fall asleep.

Alanna had yet to text me back. Probably nursing a hangover or still sleeping.

“Sorry baby. You good to go?".

Rubbing a hand over my face I shook my head no. “Can we skip lunch and go out for dinner instead?”.

He grinned before lifting my legs and taking the space. “Can't be bothered?” He asked.

“Too comfy”. I yawned.

“How about you pick something to watch and I'll sort you out with some snacks?”. He passed me the tv remote.

I frowned. “Are you not staying?"

“I need to nip out and see my dad. Saves me doing it later. You can come if you want?". Again I struggled to concentrate on what he was saying.

Right now I couldn't think of anything other than the soft circles he was drawing on the bare skin of my ankles.

“I think it's best I stay here”. I diverted my gaze to my hands. For some reason I felt too embarrassed to look at him. I didn’t understand how to deal with what I was feeling. I feared I'd lose control and make an arse of myself.

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