The Alpha Chose Me

Chapter 169

“I got an email about your application from my contact. He couldn't stop raving about it so I sent him your paper. They want to offer you a place”.

Holy f****g god was he being serious?

“You failed to mention that you applied by the way"

“It was a spur of the moment kind of thing and I wasn't sure if I was too late, obviously I wasn't". I couldn't believe this. I got accepted into Yale.

“Oh no your application was too late but they want you. They think you'll be a great asset to them’.

“They do?". I whispered.

“You've got something Leah. All I ask is that you don't waste it by not doing anything with it".

Reality set in. I couldn't go to Yale, I couldn't be that far from Jake. The thought was nice while it lasted but I knew it could never happen.

“Can I go to class now sir?".

“You don’t want to be stuck here Leah. Yale is a brilliant university. Not many students get accepted on a late application. Really think about it before you make any decisions".

There wasn't anything I needed to think about. Jake would never let it happen. We were just starting a fresh, I couldn't leave. The closest I was getting to university was the community college here or online courses.

“Ill see you at 4 for your detention. We'll chat more about it. Maybe I could give you a little guidance”. He smiled.

“Maybe”. I shrugged. “Can you give me that late slip so I don't end up with more detention?”.

He wrote out the slip handing it to me. “Don't be afraid to do what you want. It's your life, put that brain to use, make something of yourself”.

“Right”. I left his classroom feeling deflated. I literally just got the best news ever and I couldn't accept the offer.

Chemistry was chemistry. I was getting a lot better, quicker at solving equations. Ryan was being Ryan, the life and soul of the party.

Alanna wasn't here today. Another day all by myself and in the downer I was in I had a feeling it was going to be a long day. “When you getting that cast off?". Ryan asked.

The fucker had already finished his work and refused to help me because he knew I could do it.

“A few more weeks why?".

“Just asking”. He shrugged. “You wanna do something this weekend?".

“What about footballz”.

“Baby the season is almost over, One more game and it isn't for another few weeks. 'm at the top of my game”. He smirked. “Fair enough”. I finished the equation I was on. “Can I tell you something but you can't tell anyone?”.

“Has it got anything to do with the bummer of a mood you're in?" He asked.

“Hey”. I shoved his shoulder. “'m not in any mood”.

“'m kidding”. He grinned. “You can tell me anything shorty. I won't say a word or judge. You aren't pregnant are you?". “What, no". I huffed. “Y'know what never mind”. Like I said Ryan was being his usual self and I loved him for it just not when I was trying to be serious,

“I want those equations finished by the end of this class. So keep the chatter to a minimal”. Mr Robinson looked right at me before giving me a knowing nod.

What was it with the teachers in this school and me. I wasn't the only one talking yet I always seemed to be the one they pulled up.

“seriously though is everything okay?”. He whispered.

“It doesn't even matter” I sighed continuing with my work.

“Come on shorty don't be like that. I was only joking. Tell me what's going on”.

“seriously it's nothing”. I smiled.

“Tell me". He groaned. “Let me put a smile back on your face”.

“Mr Smith do I need to move you seats?". Mr Robinson asked.

“No sir, sorry sir. I was just helping Leah with a question’.

Good save but Mr Robinson didn't look convinced. Not that he could say anything. Ryan was his best student. The boy could do chemistry in his sleep.

“Very well". He sighed. “Just keep the noise down, don't make me tell you again’.

“You got it sir”. Ryan winked at me. “Tell me please”. He whispered.

“I got into Yale".

“shut the fuck up you didn't?". He grinned

“Mr Smith”. Mr Robinson yelled. “Out of my class now".


“But I-..".

“Now Mr Smith and take your bag with you”.

Mr Robinson wasn't playing around today. I wonder what was wrong with him today. He always seemed so chilled.

“Come find me at lunch shorty”. He packed away his things before leaving the class.

The morning dragged, I had no one in my classes to talk to but it wasn't necessarily a bad thing because I got my head down and got on with it.

I had lunch now and then a free period. Double English last and then detention. Yale was still fresh in my mind. I still couldn't believe I got accepted. My stomach was in knots, this was a massive opportunity and I couldn't take it.

packing away my books I made my way to the cafeteria. I spotted Ryan as I joined the queue, he was sat with some of his football friends.

I wasn't sure why Alanna wasn't here and Lacey I hadn't seen in weeks. Something was off but it was none of my business. I would find out when she was ready to tell me.

Reaching the front of the queue I smiled at the lunch lady. “Fries and salad please”. Picking up some chips and water I added them to my tray. “Thank you”. Making my way to where Ryan was sitting he bounced to his feet taking my tray from me. “There she is, the Yale snob”. He grinned. “That's right my girl got into Yale". He placed my tray on the table before slipping his arm around my shoulder.

A laugh fell from my lips until I realised how loud he was being. Jake wasn't aware of this and this school was full of his pack including Jessica who was staring right at me.

She wouldn't tell him would she?

“A vale snob". Rocco snorted. “Well done though’.

“Damn right a Yale snog”. Ryan laughed

“Okay, okay”. I sighed taking a seat. “Can you maybe not announce it to the whole school. I did tell you not to tell anyone. My eyes locked with Jessica’, she smirked at me.

Of course she was going to tell him.

“I got excited for you. Sorry shorty”. He took his seat turning his attention to Rocco's sister.

This was going to be so bad especially if he hears it from someone else.

“Let me guess he doesn’t know?". Rocco asked.

“No he doesn't but he will now”. I sighed looking back over at Jessica. Great she has her phone out. “I wish people would just mind their own business”.

“Don’t worry about her". She said. “People like that don't get far in this world. She's just jealous”.

“Yeah well she's been on my case since I got here. Always trying to get one up on me”. Pushing my plate to the side I opened up my chips.

“Talk to him I'm sure he'll understand”.

“He won't, he doesn't even know I applied. It was a spur of the moment type thing. I did it when we weren't talking and I was dead set on going. Didn't think I'd ever get in”. Huffing I groaned when my phone started to vibrate.

“Better late than never”. Rocco smirked.

“Yeah thanks for that". Getting to my feet I walked away from the table for some privacy.

“Hey”. I answered.

“Outside now".

The line went dead.

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