The Alpha Chose Me

Chapter 168

He was leaning against my car when I left for school. I could tell he had been out running, no shirt only a pair of shorts and sneakers.

“Don't you ever get a cold?" I asked as I approached him. I was cold just looking at him and it was still drizzling with rain. “Another perk”. He grinned.

“You sneak out on me this morning?”.

“I didn't sneak out I went home for a shower and breakfast before a run’.

“Do you always run without a shirt on?" I unlocked my car putting my bag on the back seat.

“Not always”. He smirked when he caught me staring. I couldn't help it. His chest was so defined and chiseled. Rock hard abs, the outline of his V.

jake Taylor was nice to look at.

“I have to get to school”. I averted my gaze already feeling the heat on my cheeks

“Can I see you tonight?”. He asked.

Since when did he ever ask?


“Will you come to my house. We could chill and watch a movie?”.

“Only if you feed me”. I grinned. This wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be. My head wasn't filled with constant doubt. He was trying and I appreciated the effort.

“Deal”. He winked. “Can I message you throughout the day?”.

Wow! This was new, I wasn't used to him asking instead of just doing.

“Sure but-..". He was on me before I could finish my sentence. His grip tight around my waist, my breath caught in my throat. Msi Py

“Ym trying so fucking hard to be nice and gentle but-.". He buried his head in my neck inhaling deeply.

This was the Jake I was used to. I wasn't mad because I liked the thrill, the excitement of how rough he could be. The dominance and power that radiated from him turned me on.

“You smell so f*****g good". His grip tightened.

“I have to-..".

“The full moon is approaching babe”. He latched onto my neck, the sharpness of his teeth scraping against my skin.

My eyes closed every thought in my head gone. I couldn't focus on anything but what his mouth was doing.

“You're going to hurt baby, the burning, the ache you'll feel-..”. His tongue lapped at my skin, the ache in the pit of my stomach arising.

We shouldn't be doing this, he knew it as well as I. This was dangerous especially with how close we were to mating. “I-Jake I-.. I need to-... stop”. I placed my hand on his chest my eyes opening. My mind becoming clear, my body slowing calming down. Our eyes locked, my cheeks scarlet.

“I want you so fucking bad". He brushed his nose against mine.

“You know we can't”. I whispered.

I couldn't believe I was the one stopping it. I was usually begging him to touch me. But we were outside in the rain, anyone could walk by and see.

“I have to go”.

“Ym taking you to dinner tonight”. He pulled back, I instantly missed his warmth, the closeness of his body against mine. “Not that fancy place again”. I made a face causing him to laugh.

“Dirty fries and a burger”. He rolled his eyes.

“You know me so well". I grinned. “But right now I have to go or I'l be super late".

“Be ready for 8".


I made it to school just as the bell went. Rushing up the stairs and throughout the hallways I reached my locker to grab my books.

Students were still walking around so I knew that bell was only the first warning. I had chemistry first, I was excited to catch up with Ryan.

Closing my locker and zipping my bag I cursed when the second bell went. Dammit. Chemistry was on the other side of the building.

Rushing about like an idiot I turned the corner bumping into a hard chest and falling flat on my a*s, the books I was carrying flying up in the air.

I didn't need this right now. I couldn't be any later than I was.

“Just the person I wanted to see”. The stern voice reached my ears. Of course I would bump into him when I was running late. He stood arms crossed while I picked myself and my books off the floor. A***e!

“My classroom, now Miss Wilson".

“I have class sir”. I frowned.

“ll write you a late slip”.

Whatever! Following behind him I was racking my brain trying to come up with a good enough excuse for not turning up yesterday.

I couldn't exactly tell him I was the mate of an Alpha werewolf and we were having a rough time. He would have me took away in a straight jacket and locked up.

As he closed the door I stood awkwardly in front of his desk. I really didn't want to miss any chemistry. I couldn't afford to. Not when finals were soon and that's the class I needed to pass.

“Care to explain why you didn't turn up yesterday?". He took a seat behind his desk giving me the death stare.

“I wasn't feeling great sir". That's the excuse I was going with and he did see me yesterday so maybe he would fall for it

“I see and did you get your guardian to phone the school and explain?” He asked.

I was eighteen. I had my gran but I was my own guardian. I was legal. “I didn't". This wasn't going great.

“That's the policy Miss Wilson. You can't just go awol and then expect there not to be consequences”.

“Ym fully aware and it won't happen again”.

“You don’t have long left at this school Leah. Try and not fuck the last few weeks up okay".

“What?". Did he just swear?

“Get your head down and work your ass off for the last few weeks. You don't realise how f*****g smart you are. Your last assignment was spectacular, I would love to know how your mind works”.

okay so this had suddenly changed and not in a bad way.

“I sent your paper to Yale”.

“You what?".

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