The Alpha Bond

Chapter Chapter-19




~~~~When Hades came~~~~~

I looked at the time, two minutes were still left until 4 a.m. I am very scared, and angry but also grateful for the time I got to spend with Cyrus. I want to go to hell for him. He gave me the life I have now and I’d give it up in a second if it means to save him.

“So umm guys, did you guys decide who is going from you both?” Elliot asked.

“I want to go, Cyrus,” I told my dear mate.

“What? No, Celina, I can’t let you do that. I’m supposed to protect you. Plus, all this was to let me live. You should not bear the consequences.” He said.

Before I could answer, there was a flash of light. We all had to close our eyes and opened them when our eyes adjusted. Hades was standing in front of us.

Red smoke was around him. He was wearing black clothes, but it was just plain jeans and a T-shirt. He had jet-black hair and red eyes. He was well-built. His muscles flexed under his clothes and if he wasn’t the devil, he could swoon any woman. When you think about it, he probably still does though anyway. Other than that, he looks perfectly normal, I mean not like an old god at the very least.

“Oh c’mon, you knew about this for ten years and you still haven’t decided yet! This is going to be annoying. Anyways, if you haven’t figured it out already, I’m Hades. Now which one of you should I take?” he said in his deep voice.

“Me, take me,” Cyrus said.

“No, take me. I want to go instead of him!” I said.

“I’ll come with you instead of my parents,” Cyra yelled suddenly as she walked inside.

“Great then! I’ll take you, it’s time anyway. Plus, I’m done with hearing them argue” Hades said.

“NOOO!” Me and Cyrus yelled in unison. I growled, my wolf was coming to the surface to save her pup from the danger.

We both quickly ran towards our daughter but we were too late. Hades stood beside her chanting something and an orb surrounded them, preventing us to reach Cyra. Then with a flash of light, they both vanished.

Just like that, my daughter had been taken away from me to a god knows how dangerous place. I sank to the floor with tears in my eyes.

“Nooo!” I shouted.

This wasn’t supposed to happen! Hades was supposed to take either me or Cyrus, not Cyra! Our little baby can’t go through all that. This is wrong. This wasn’t supposed to happen.

Cyrus’ growl got my attention to him.

“AARON! Why did you write the blood taking place part in our paper? We already knew that we won’t need that piece of information. If it wasn’t there, Cyra wouldn’t have got to know about it and she’d be safe today. It’s all your fault!” he yelled and stormed out of the room.

I took a deep breath and calmed my mind for a few seconds.

“Aaron…i….you know he doesn’t mean all that. He knows it’s not your fault. You tried your best to save us and there was no way you would have expected this to happen. No one had. Please don’t take his words seriously. He’s just really angry and doesn’t know what he’s speaking. I’ll go check on him,” I told him and went behind my mate.

Aaron only nodded before I left. I followed Cyrus’ scent and found him in Cyra’s room. He was sitting on the bed with a piece of paper in his hands. Tears were rolling down his cheek. My heart, which was already broken because of losing our daughter, broke a little more at the sight.

“She wrote us a letter. She planned all of this,” he whispered.

I sat down beside him and read the letter.


Dear Mom and Dad,

I’m so sorry to do this but I have to. I know it must have broken your heart to see me go but it’s going to be okay. I wanted to go instead of you. It was the only way to save you. You both are amazing people and deserve an amazing life. You’ve taught me that I must always care about others and that putting others before you is a part of being an alpha. Well, that’s what I did. You both have and are doing so much for everyone and the entire werewolf world needs you. Except that, you two also need each other. You told me about how mates are our other halves. You would have never been able to survive without your other half. As for me, I’ll be fine, and I’ll be back. It’s a deal of forty years, right? So I guess I’ll see you then, or maybe even before if I find a way out. Till then, you both can take care of our kingdom and I’ll take over when I’m back.

Also, Mom, Dad, I want you both to live your life. Carve an amazing life so that you’ll have great stories to tell me when I come back. I know you’d be probably very angry at me right now, but hey, at least you have forty years to calm that anger down before I come back.

I love you both so much and I’ll miss you guys.

With love,

Your darling rebellious daughter,

Cyra <3


Tears rolled down my eyes after reading this. Why does she have to be so considerate, caring, and brave? She’d make an amazing alpha.

“Violet found two letters on her bed when she came back. One was addressed to her and one to us. Cyrus said.

“She left to protect us,” I said.

“But that wasn’t her job, it was ours. We were supposed to protect her. We were supposed to keep her safe. We were supposed to go. I failed at that…I failed to keep my little angel safe and now she’s working for the devil. It’s my fault,” He rambled.

“It’s not Cyrus, listen to me it’s not. You know how stubborn she is. If she wants something done, she won’t rest till that happens. Even if we knew she’d plan to do something like this, which we couldn’t have known, there was barely anything we could’ve done. Even if we locked her in her room, she’d probably have escaped.”

“This wasn’t supposed to happen,” he sobbed and held me in his arms. My tear flew along with his.

“I know, but if life has taught us something, it’s that we can’t control what happens and that it will keep banging us with the most unexpected things. But all we can do is deal with it. We have solved many tough situations before and we’ll do it again. We’ll get her back,” I spoke, not only consoling him but also myself.

He nodded and we stayed like that for some time to calm our wolves down and clear our heads.

We’ll get her back, somehow.

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