The Alpha Bond

Chapter 20



The Staircase to Hell!

“So, are you ready to enter hell?” Hades asked me.

“Oh yes, been waiting for this to happen all my life!” I said sarcastically and glared at him.

He may be the devil, but I’m also an Alpha. I ain’t afraid of him.

“Wow, I thought you’d be easier to handle than your parents, guess not.” He shrugged and I rolled my eyes.

“Nevertheless, you have to come with me, young lady. You really don’t have much of an option now.” He said and I sighed.

He started walking and I followed him. From what I could make out, we were in a really dark cave. The only source of light was from a scepter Hades now held and his red eyes. He was still in normal clothes though and almost looked like a normal man.

“So…you’re different than I imagined,” I said.

He turned around and raised an eyebrow. “What did you expect? Some evil-villain-looking guy dressed in ridiculous clothes with scars and a mean, cruel personality?”

“Well yes,” I replied.

“Humans have a thing for being dramatic. They believe whatever they think is right. Just because I have to punish spirits for their bad deeds on Earth, doesn’t mean I’m evil. Also, if you can evolve, so can we.” He said walking again.

“Says the guy who made a deal to make my parents his servants for forty years,” I replied.

“Hey, might I remind you that your grandparent came to me, not the other way around? And mind you, extending life is not that easy, even for me. I just took a pay for what I did.”

“Whatever. Why forty years though?” I asked.

“Well honestly, I don’t care about the time as long as they, or now you, finish a mission I want you to. The quicker you complete it, the quicker you can go back. I just knew it wouldn’t take more than forty years.” He answered.

“What mission?”

“Save something for later. As for right now, we are here!”

I took in my surroundings. We were at the end of the cave and the edge of an ocean. The water was really blue and looked enchanting in the dark reflecting the moonlight.

(This is what I imagined it to look like:

“This is hell? I mean I get that you just told me not to make assumptions, but this is amazing. Maybe hell won’t be that bad.” I asked surprised.

“No, this is how we get to hell. For hell, your assumption might not be that far off.” He said. I knew this was too good to be true.

Hades closed his eyes and began chanting something. Then, a beautiful boat emerged from the water in front of us. It had space enough for about five people and had carvings on its surface. It also had a door. Hades opened it and let me in. Then he handed me a blindfold and a bracelet.

I took it and raised an eyebrow.

“Hell is for dead people. However, I want you inside alive so the bracelet would allow you to survive there. If you take it off, you’d die, so don’t do that.” He explained.

“And the blindfold?”

“Well, entering hell through this portal is not public knowledge. But, it is the only way one can make it in there alive. So, we have to go through it but you can’t see it; too risky for me.”

“Okay, I guess…” I said.

I sat on one of the chairs.

“Seatbelt,” Hades said.

“Why would we need a seatbelt in a boat?” I asked putting it on.

“Water pressure,” he smirked.

“Oh ri……wait what?” I asked.

“Put your blindfold on,” he said.

“No, seriously what does that mean? We can’t have water pressure on the surface of the water! Unless….” I said.

“Okay smarty-pants, now put the damn thing on,” he said and I complied.

As I expected, the boat staring sinking low and low and low. The entire ride was silent; mostly because we were underwater. The ride went on for hours until it finally came to a stop. I heard Hades chant something again.

“You can take the blindfold off now,” he then said.

I did so and took in my surroundings. We were at the bottom of the ocean. The boat was in front of a platform. But the platform was really small in the middle of nowhere.

Hades opened the door and motioned me to follow. I did as I was told and he stopped me right when I got off. I raised an eyebrow.

“You know you can speak, right?” he said.

“Okay, that’s new information. Why are we in the middle of nowhere though?” I asked gesturing to our surroundings.

As if right on cue, the platform opened up and transferred into a twirling staircase, with us standing on the top.

“May I present to you, The Staircase to Hell!” he exclaimed.

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