The Alpha Bond

Chapter 52

My dear readers,

the wait is finally over! Now you can finally know what happens next. Ps; Happy new year! I really hope this year would actually turn out good, atleast for some of you if not all. Ilysm and happy reading!

Song rec- That's the way I loved you, Taylor Swift (this scene was inspired by this song




Congratulations on your wedding

“He is,” she said turning towards me.

“He’s kind and sweet and funny. He’s an alpha’s son, so he’s very familiar with the royal environment. He’s hardworking and perfect for his role. The people love him and have already welcomed him to the royal family with open arms. My entire family loves him and even my uncles and dad approved him. He’s also responsible and knows how to take a lot of pressure, which is a really important quality for his role. He treats me really well and I like him. He’s so romantic and made a gorgeous proposal. He’ll make an amazing husband,” she continued.

I closed my eyes and did my best to lock all my emotions in. Why is she telling me all this?

“and a perfect beta,” she said.

“Cyra stop! I’m happy you moved on and that you’re living a happy life but please don’t….wait what?” I said.

“He’d make a perfect beta,” she repeated.

“Beta?” I looked at her confused.

“Well yeah, the ‘groom’ will become the beta when I become the queen considering he’s Vi’s mate,” she said giggling.

I stared at her for a solid minute before I hugged her and she squealed.

“You, my dear earthling, are a bitch!” I glared at her.

“Do you know how scared and heartbroken I was? Do you know how much it ached me to see you with another guy and then you come up and narrate an entire paragraph on how amazing he is just to tell me he’s your be…” I scolded her but was broken off when she suddenly kissed me.

It only took me a second to respond to her touch. Sparks flew rapidly as our bodies moved in sync. Goddess, I missed her so much. It’s like drinking water after five years. I forgot how good she felt, how perfect she tasted. She wrapped her legs around me and I held her weight. We just kissed for a few solid minutes.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered breathlessly after we broke apart.

“Don’t ever do that to me again earthling,” I replied equally breathless.

“Aw, I missed you calling me ‘earthling’ hellion,” she giggled.

“Was that the only thing that you missed?” I asked playfully.

“No, I also missed my infinity necklace. Can I have it back?” she asked.

“What necklace?” I asked sheepishly.

“The one you stole from me,” she said pointedly with a smile.

“You knew?” I asked amused.

“Well if you steal something and don’t want anyone to know that you stole it, you should hide it better,” she stated.

“I’ll keep that in mind next time. If you saw it, why didn’t you take it back?” I asked.

“The same reason why you didn’t take your jacket back,” she giggled and placed a small kiss on my lips.

“Do you guys want to have a double wedding?” someone suddenly asked from behind.

Cyra shrieked and jumped out of my arms.

“No and when did you come here?” she asked.

“Somewhere in the middle of the kiss. It was so amusing to find you so lost in each other to not even notice my presence,” the girl giggled.

“Hi, I’m Violet! You must be Damon, Cyra’s mate,” she extended her hand and I shook it.

“Yes, I am. You are Cyra’s cousin I assume? Congratulations on the wedding,” I said.

“Thank you,” she said and I glared at Cyra playfully.

“Well Vi, what were you doing out here?” Cyra asked smugly smiling.

“When Kabir came inside telling me you were outside with a guy, I was intrigued. First I was like; Cyra with a guy? Is she in trouble? Is she doing drugs?” Violet answered.

“Why would you assume I was doing drugs instead of seeing someone secretly?” Cyra asked shocked while I laughed.

“You? Seeing someone? Please, you didn’t even get interested when I browsed some of the hottest celebs with you,” she explained.

“Jiju, don’t worry, your girl would never cheat on you,” she continued.

“Jiju?” I asked confused.

“Oh, my mate is Indian so I’ve just gotten used to calling and hearing ‘jiju’ and ‘bhabhi’ for brother-in-law and sister-in-law respectively. Plus, it’s way more fun,” Violet explained.

(This is solely done because I really want to write Vi call Damon ‘jiju’. Don’t mind me :))

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