The Alpha Bond

Chapter 51

Song rec- Out of the woods, Taylor Swift



Happy birthday to me

We reached the entrance of the staircase and got out of the car. Hades mumbled some spell and the staircase appeared.

“You know what to do. Go up the stairs, climb on the boat, and put on the seatbelt. It will automatically take you to the shore. Once you’re on Earth, get out of the caves from the third portal. You’ll be inside a café inside the royal territory. From there, just book a taxi to the palace.” He explained, handing me some money and a ‘breath underwater’ bracelet.

“Thank you…..Dad,” I smiled.

“Never thought I’d hear those words from you,” he said, surprised.

“Never thought I’d say them either but you finally did a father-worthy thing today,” I replied.

“I have my moments. Now, go back to her and tell her we say hi,” he said.

He didn’t have to tell me twice. I climbed up the stairs in no time and wore the bracelet on the way. The boat was already there when I opened the door. I quickly hopped in and put on the seatbelt. The boat automatically started rising and took me to the shore. Every step went by agonizingly slow even though I’m practically running and I guess speed telling you this. Anyway, I found the portals in the cave and went inside the third one, just like Hades said. I was now inside a closet, hopefully in the café Hades was talking about. I remember the last time I was in a closet. A smile graced my lips at the memory.

I opened the door of the closet and, thank the Lord, I was in the café. Considering my shitty luck, I almost thought I took the wrong portal. I quietly slipped out of the café ignoring the few stares I got. On the street, I saw a car with a ‘taxi’ sign parked and so I walked towards it.

“Can you please drop me to the palace?” I asked politely.

The driver sniffed the air and gave me a look.

“You are not a werewolf. Who are you and why do you need to go to the palace?” he asked.

“I’m a friend of ear-Princess Cyra. I have some important business with her,” I replied.

“Are you here for the wedding then?” he asked.

What wedding? Oh no.

“Yes,” I answered anyway.

“Fine, but just so know, I’m going to keep an eye on you. Think about even touching our princess and you’ll be dead,” he warned me.

Damn, her people are very protective of her. She’ll make an amazing queen, not that I ever doubted that.

We went to the castle quietly with the driver giving me suspicious glares the whole way. I’m sure he was looking at me more than he looked at the road. When we reached the palace, the driver opened his window to talk to the guards.

“What’s the purpose of your visit?” the guard asked.

“The guy at the back says he’s a friend of the princess and has to discuss something with her,” the driver answered.

After that, the guard and driver mind-linked and the guard gave him a tight nod.

“Come with us. We’ll escort you to the princess if you get approved to do so. Till then, you can wait,” the guard said stiffly and I nodded.

He took me to a garden in the front of the palace and I sat on a bench there. The guard was right behind me, probably mind-linking someone. I saw many maids run out and into the palace with huge bundles of decorations.

“Why is the palace in such chaos?” I asked one of the maids.

“The princess is getting married the day after tomorrow and there’s so much to do!” she exclaimed and left.

Just then, I saw a royal car come in and park exactly in front of the palace door. A well-built man came out of the car and held his hand out as a giggling Cyra took it and stepped out. She looked absolutely regal in her blue sundress and black heels. Her long hair was open and coming down in waves on her back. She still barely had any makeup on but considering how beautiful she already was, she didn’t need any.

I sucked in a breath as I saw her hand on his arm. She’s getting married. My whole body was tense. She looked so happy and my heart broke. She’s fine and she’s getting married to someone who’s not me and she’s happy. I mean, I did tell her to do that and I can’t possibly blame her for it but I can’t help but get heart-broken looking at her with someone else.

She suddenly sniffed the air and turned around. Our eyes met and I masked all my emotions. She whispered something to the man and walked towards me.

“Princess Cyra, he said he was your friend and had something to discuss with you,” the guard said.

“He is, I’ll take it from here. You may leave,” she said composed like the princess she truly was.

“Are you sure you don’t need an escort?” he asked.

“No thank you. I’d like to talk with him privately,” she said.

The guard nodded and left. Cyra turned towards me and motioned me to follow her. She led me to a secluded part of the garden.

“So, how’s the groom? I hope he’s treating you well because you deserve nothing less than perfect,” I said while her back was still towards me.

“He is,” she said turning towards me.

Well, happy birthday to me.



My poor baby! I can't believe Cyra is getting married! Damon told her to do that but who would've thought she'd actually go through with it?! Maybe it was political pressure with her being the queen. But still this is so frustrating.

Breathe in, breathe out!

It's all going to be okay, right? They are going to end up together.....hopefully 🤞🤞

Let's hope for the best and I'll see you next year my precious readers <33

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