The Alpha Bond

Chapter 49



The jacket

“Mom, I’m going to the forest,” I said and ran out with a diary in my hands.

I ran to my favorite spot in the forest. I sat down and took a deep breath. Then I started writing in my diary. All these entries are directed to him. It just makes me feel closer to him somehow.

“Remember when you asked me what your scent was for me? This is what you smell like Damon; the fresh green grass and trees of the forest. You smell like home,” I wrote with tears glistening in my eyes but never falling.

After I completed the entry, I opened Damon’s letter and read it. I found the letter in my bag a few days after I came back. It’s funny how I did the exact same thing for him. I left that and my infinity necklace for him. Technically, he stole that necklace but even when I saw it, I didn’t bother taking it back. I’ve worn it since forever and I may not even have mentioned it before as wearing it was second nature for me. With that thought, I started reading the letter;


Dear earthling,

By now, you’d be back on earth; with your friends and family, where you belong. Thank you so much for reminding me what love feels like. But as luck would have it, the people I love always leave me. I don’t know if I can ever come back to you, but even if I don’t, I’ll always love you. Princess, be the queen you are meant to be and rule with everything you have. I’m positive you’ll be amazing. Live your life to the fullest, for both of us. I know you’ll miss me, but try to move on. I know you can do it, after all, you are so strong. So strong, that you left your life so that your parents could stay together. So strong, that you managed to get the most hidden potion in hell. So strong, that you almost beat me in combat, and that is a huge compliment considering I have a ton of pure muscles, if you know what I mean. Also, don’t you dare ruin your life over a guy, even if that guy is a handsome, mesmerizing gentleman. You are gorgeous and fearless (that’s the best Taylor Swift reference I could do), so be the strong, beautiful, amazing Cyra I left you as.

I love you, always and forever,

Your hellion


“I love you too Damon, always and forever,” I whispered to absolutely no one.

After that, I just stared at the moon for some time. It was super bright today. The moon had always fascinated me, and not just because I am a werewolf. I mean, how can something powerful enough to kill so many people by controlling the tides give such a soothing sensation when you look at it? It’s intriguing how we have never seen a whole side of it even though it had been in the sky since before humans even existed.

Cyra, are you coming back? Dinner is ready,’ my mom spoke through mind link.

Okay, on my way,’ I answered.

I gathered my stuff and left for my home. I reached there quickly. I went to my room to freshen up and then met everyone in the dining room.

“Sup sis! I made ‘jalebi’ for dessert today. It’s an Indian dessert and is absolutely delicious,” Aiden told me as I entered.

So, apparently, Aiden took cooking classes while I was in hell and Alex took up basketball. They are now like nerd x sporty twins but are still very close to each other.

“Great! I’m starving,” I exclaimed.

“Cyra, tomorrow you’ll be doing some paperwork with me,” my dad said.

“Uhh, why?” I groaned.

“Sweetie you have to learn the bad side of being an alpha too. Or you can just find a mate to do it for you,” he glared at my mother.

She stuck her tongue out at it and I just laughed. God, I love my family!

After dinner and dessert, which was amazing by the way, I went up to my room and crashed on the bed. Training, then study, and training again all day long makes you really tired. I put on my favorite jacket (yes, that jacket) and took out the picture of my parents from my drawer. I flipped it and traced the words,

Don’t lie to me’

They always made me smile. With that smile on my face, I went to sleep. Life is not the best, but I’ll survive.

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