The Alpha Bond

Chapter 42



But where?

(A/N: I’m summing up everything that led Aaron to hell in one chapter as I know many readers would just want to skip to the Dyra part. This chapter is very fast-paced, however for those who would like to know more about what happened, I’ll probably add another chapter about him as a bonus chapter, if you’d like to read it.)

~After Hades took Cyra~

Why did Hade’s face seem so familiar? It feels like I’ve seen him before, but where?

“AARON! Why did you write the blood taking place part in our paper? We already knew that we wouldn’t need that piece of information. If it wasn’t there, Cyra wouldn’t have got to know about it and she’d be safe today. It’s all your fault!” Cyrus growled at me and stormed out of the room.

I was taken aback by his words.

“Aaron…i….you know he doesn’t mean all that. He knows it’s not your fault. You tried your best to save us and there was no way you would have expected this to happen. No one had. Please don’t take his words seriously. He’s just really angry and doesn’t know what he’s saying. I’ll go check on him,” Celina told me and went behind her mate.

I know he didn’t mean them, but he’s not wrong. I do feel responsible that Cyra was taken away. But that was not the only thing I was thinking about.

“Aaron, stop, you’re overthinking this. None of them truly believes that it’s your fault. You know how protective Cyrus is. He says stupid things when he’s angry,” Amara hugged me.

After that, she led me to our room. All that time Hade’s face revolved around my mind while the guilt pushed my thoughts to connect the dots.

“I know you’re thinking about it again. Sleep it off; I’m right here with you,” Amara said. She knows me too well.

I complied and laid down with her. I needed to gather my thoughts. I fell asleep very quickly with Amara stroking my hair.


“Our son is perfect! It’s a pity we’ll have to let him go,” a man smiled at me.


“Take care of him. He’s your son gifted from the gods. Treat him as your own,” a beautiful lady handed me to my mother.


“Aaron, you are not truly our son. You were gifted to us by the moon goddess,” my parents told me.


I woke up suddenly. It was the same dream I’ve been seeing since my childhood. It had been so long though that I almost forgot about that. That man though, seemed familiar.

All of a sudden, my brain connected the dots.

“What’s wrong Aaron?” Amara asked me.

“I figured it out!” I gasped.

“Figured what out?” she asked confused.

“Amara, do you remember I told you that I’m not actually my parent’s son? That I was gifted to them by the moon goddess? She said that I was a son of the gods. All this time, I had flashbacks from my past. I remembered my blood father’s face vaguely. When I saw Hades though, it all clicked into place. I’m Hade’s son!” I explained.

“WHAT?!” she exclaimed.

“I know this is crazy, but it all makes sense,” I said.

“But you have a wolf, and you don’t have devil powers and why would he do that?” she rambled.

“I think the moon goddess gifted me with a wolf, my powers are suppressed and because of a god prophecy,” I replied, already connecting all the dots in my head.

“Well, what does this mean then?” she asked worriedly.

“I think I might be able to open a portal to hell and get Cyra back, or at least help her there or something,” I answered.

“Aaron, I can’t let you do this. It’s too dangerous,” she whispered.

“I’ll be fine, but we have to save her. She’s practically our daughter, our princess. I promise I’ll come back to you. But first, I have to figure out if I can even do something,” I stroked her cheek.

“You’re still feeling guilty, aren’t you?” she asked.

“I can’t not feel guilty about it Em. I’ll never be able to forgive myself if something happens to her and I hadn’t even tried to save her,” I replied.

“Fine, but you have to promise that you come back to me,” she said.

“I promise,” I smiled.

“We’ll tell the others tomorrow. They must be really upset right now,” she said and I nodded.


It’s been two years since Cyra was taken away. After we told Cyrus and Celina everything, hope shimmered in their eyes. Obviously, they were more than ready to do everything to save their daughter. When we received Cyra’s letters, the hope only amplified. Since then, we’ve been doing continuous research and experiments to find a way to get to hell. Yesterday, it finally worked. With tremendous amounts of training, I’ve managed to get in touch with my devil powers. I have enough powers now that I could open a weak portal to hell.

Cyrus and Celina wanted to go in so bad, but they could not as living souls cannot survive in hell without special protection. As for me, I get some leeway for being Hade’s son.

Even though I’ve come inside hell, I have no idea where I am going or what I am doing. I’ve come across some people, mostly dumb creatures who think they can fight, but nobody knows anything useful to me. Yet, I’m still walking.

“I haven’t seen you around before. Did you just complete the redemption torture?” someone asked behind me.

“And you are?” I asked.

“Vanessa, but I have tons of other names I’m known better for. Now newbie, what are you doing?” she smirked.

I smelled her scent. Witch; not surprising. She looks a bit pale though, like she’s just done some huge spell.

“I’m looking for someone,” I reply, knowing she’ll be able to sense lies.

“Who? Maybe I can help; I know a lot of people around here,” she said.

“You probably don’t know her, but if you wish to help, would you mind pointing me towards Hade’s house?” I said, desperately needing help.

“Now why would you go there? The only people there are Hades and Persephone. Both of them are well known but you genuinely don’t think I know this girl you’re looking for. It could be Cyra, but nobody knows about her being here…” she mumbled to herself, which I would not have picked up if not for my wolf.

“You know Cyra?” I asked surprised.

“How do you know her?” she asked suspiciously.

“I’m from her family,” I replied, not fully trusting her.

“Tell me your name and I’ll tell you her location if you are from her family and mean her no harm; it’s a witch promise,” she said.

“Aaron,” I simply stated, knowing a witch can’t be broken.

“Her uncle?” she asked.

“Yes, how do you know so much about her?” I asked.

“I’m a friend of her partner for the mission. I helped them out to open the skotádi tomb,” she replied.

“Wait, are they going to get the potion of immortality?” I asked.

“I don’t know, but probably,” she replied.

“They are going to need a drop of pure god’s blood for that, which they won’t have,” I exclaimed.

“So, at least one of them would have to die! We have to go fast then since it’s already been days,” she exclaimed.

Without further questions, we rushed to the skotádi tomb. She opened a small entrance for me and I went in. The vamp door and alpha wolf doors were already open. At the final door, I saw Cyra about to kill herself.

“ CYRA, STOP!” I shouted and she turned around.

“Uncle Aaron?” she gasped.

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