The Adam Code Back to Eden

Chapter 1: Numar District

JACK INHALED HIS VAPOR he read the letters on the sign hovering over the entrance to the establishment. ‘THE ARENA.’ The blue lights of the club seemed to go off everywhere with flashes of brilliant luminescence. He removed his trench coat and folded it over his arm. The bass from the speakers was driving him away from the dance floor, towards the bar where he saw what looked to be his contacts drinking at a nearby booth. He checked his phone; the two ladies, appearing to look something like two Vipers (clubbers), matched the description. There was a flashing laser show that was reflecting off the walls and their bodies, giving them the appearance of artificial beings of light. Jack looked at the bar. The Holo Bars (hologram bars) were the newest thing to hit Megacity. The whole idea was that the bars were all connected to the grid. Vipers (clubbers) would sit at the bar and appear as a hologram at another bar in a different district on the grid. Jack tapped on the screen. One could talk to the hologram projected located on the other side of the city. He looked, and there was a hologram of a blonde girl sitting at the bar. Jack approached the bar. She noticed him and gave Marlow a seductive alluring look.

“Grats (greetings), want to chat a while? I’m in the 12th sector.” Jack gave a polite smile and hit a button, and the girl vanished.

“Not really.”

He didn’t want to be seen, especially this evening. Jack looked over, at the two Viper’s(club girls). Pasn`e and Siri were staring at him from across the club.

Pasn`e smiled and rubbed the Siri’s shoulder. Jack rolled his eyes and signaled the bartender.

“Three, royal sapphires.” He pointed to the two ladies, and they both looked at one another, laughed and signaled him over to them. The bartender nodded and prepared the drinks and then he smiled at Jack, lighting the top of each glass with a sonic lighter.

“That’s 30 units bud.”

Marlow watched the flames dance around as if the fire was Charmed by the music itself.

Jack walked over to the table carrying the shots with him. Both of the women had bluish hair and white painted on makeup. The one with green eyes spoke out first. Jack instantly recognized the Language, it was Tresnian when she talked to Jack.

“Uni, a Siri lo etu datu?”

Her partner smiled and rubbed the girl’s shoulder’s as she translated.

“She said, it’s Siri, and you’re late.” The other female looked at Jack. He pulled out his TPS ID and showed it to them. It was a silver UCOA citizenship number with an authorized laser imprinted code. She took her device and ran it over his TPS. Blue letters confirmed Jack’s assumed identity.

…. Jack Ryan...

…. DOB: March 5, 2135…

…. TPS: L1398-646-354…

. . . District assigned: Numar…

…. POA: 162 N. 65th Avenue...

She handed it back to Jack, her eyebrow raised to one side.

“it’s legit. I’m Pasn`e , Let’s get down to business, shall we?” Jack took note of her accent, Eurotrash dialect.

“It’s all plesh(good). This is premium NTT, it’s plasmic(out there) and the grip (the top) on the Numar black market. Your buyers won’t get this type of hype (product) anywhere else.”

Jack looked at the cylinder and then handed it back.

“We vanced(prepared) a very splay (cool) gram (program) for you.”

Jack replied, “Turtle told me you’re the two lady’s to talk to if I’m in need of something special.”

Pasn`e looked around the room then at her friend. “Tempting, Jack, very, but, anybody who buys first has to ride first if you know what I mean.” She moved closer to Jack. Her lips almost touched his before she turned her face to kiss Siri instead, and afterward whispered something in her ear.

She gave a devilish look at Jack. Pasn`e grabbed Siri.

“We need to fresh up (freshen), be back in a sec.”

The two girls got up from their seats and headed to the lady’s room.

Jack was watching the two girls from behind. He sarcastically said out loud.


In the lady’s room…

Siri was applying lip liner and pursing her lips, staring into the mirror that flashed ads before her. Pasn`e was checking her hair and moisturizing her hands.

“So,” Pasn`e said,

“Think this is our guy? Anyway, We won’t know for sure until we administer the PFH (Plasma-flora-techra-hydrate). He’ll play nice on that until we finish. We’ll perform the marker test and get the hell out.”

Siri nodded using her long fingers to apply her mascara.

“I’ll rendezvous with the marker at the appointed time. Still, he’s kind of prim (cute).”

Pasn`e borrowed Siri mascara while Siri fixed her risqué outfit. Pushing her breast up into her blue dress.

Pasn`e gave a grin showing her teeth and dimple.

“I know he reminds of one of those Synthoids (Robots that look human) in the lower district.”

She put the mascara container close to her mouth and played with it a bit with her lips.

Siri laughed.

“Well, this is our third marker.” Siri crossed her fingers bringing her hand to her chest.

“If this newest intel is correct, then we’ve found our marker and drinks are on me afterward for a celebration.”

Pasn`e shook her hand.

“You’re on. “Remember the kick is when the PFH will take effect on him in the program.”

Pasn`e pressed her earring COMS. She looked around the bathroom making sure she wasn’t being observed.

“Are we operational and ready to go.”

And man’s voice sounded on the COMS.

“Roger, that’s affirmative, were in position.”

Pasn`e nodded, and both girls left the room and headed back to where Jack was seating.

Siri, and Pasn`e both smiled as they walked back to the table.

Pasn`e looked at Marlow. She lit a cigarette and blew the smoke past Jack. Jack was watching the DJ and the rest of the Vipers all dancing.

Pasn`e had Siri up next to her, and their breast almost seemed to be touching each other.

Jack noticed and looked down then back at the two and gave a fake grin.

Pasn`e continued.

“My contact, Turtle, said you were pretty splay (cool) Anyway, But, tell me, Jack, what’s a guy like you doing in the Arena nightlife? I mean you a bit old for this scene.”

Pasn`e looked Jack deep in his eyes staring him down. Then she smiled tapping her cig out then slightly turning her head and brushing her blue hair to one side.

Jack replied.

“Turtle and I go back a few years, I’ve heard in the Warping world that Turtle can get the best RIP (retinal implant programming) in Megacity.” Pasn`e looked deep into Jack’s eyes trying to read any trace of dishonesty. Jack lit a cig and looked back at the girls and then drew in a long breath.

“He’s an old connection from the lower sectors of Numar. He used to always get me the best grip (product). Jack put his rubbed his forehead then scratched his eyebrow.

“Anyway, I worked with a few dealers in the lower side. White haired guy, kind of tall, maybe you know him? He goes by Birch.

Jack looked at the girls trying to spot any recognition in their eyes after saying the name.

Pasn`e shook her head. Never heard of him. You said the lower district. Huh?”

She blew out the fire from her and Siri’s cocktails.

“Well, we know Turtle knows you, so that’s good enough for me. As far as the other guy never heard of him.”

Jack played it off.

“Well, anyway Numar, as they say, is always six degrees of separation from everyone else. We did some heavy Warping in the past together. He’s a real splay(cool) guy.

Jack bit his lip and then made a half toast to the girls, and then slammed his drink down.

He remembered the months it took to plan this meeting. Jack remembered chasing Turtle down past a few small shops in the Chinese sector finally tackling him in a heap of garbage. His watch emitted a taser shock to the Turtle’s chest, rendering the assailant unconscious. Yeah, he was a friend alright, thought Jack. (Three hours of threatening the guy with six months in a cyber freeze container. Turtle squealed like the true rat he was. This was the payoff and meeting these two girls now before Jack.

Jack thoughts flash forward, and he blew the smoke out of the side of his mouth.

“Well, my business is my own, but let’s just say Turtle has shown me just how profitable the nightlife of the Numar district can be.”

Pasn`e laughed. “Jackie boy you have no idea.”

She winked at Jack. She then turned to see Siri at the bar ordering more drinks and headed back towards the table.

Siri was walking towards Jack.

There was much more taking place than meets the eye. Siri listened to Pasn`e and Jack talk. She stared out across the club remembering her missions with Pasn`e and the other marker’s they tested. She looked at Jack. There was just something different about this marker. She couldn’t quite place her finger on it. It was more like her gut was telling her something. She and Pasn`e were getting to be pros at this gig. The guys were always easy to butter up and seduce. She was tired of this mission and wanted to find this Marker and complete her objectives. She even was wondering if this Marker was all the Alliance said he was. She was going through scenarios in her mind. She stopped and watched Pasn`e stroking Jack’s chest with her finger. She wasn’t going second guess herself or what she came to do, and, why she was here. Her life was different now. She regained her composure and smirked at the two. She left the table and went to the bar for more drinks.

Siri returned to the table caring more royal sapphires. Pasn`e grabbed the glasses and passed them around between the three of them.

“Let us drink to a beautiful beginning, Jack.”

Jack lifted his glass, “today Numar district, and tomorrow Megacity.”

Pasn`e and Siri laughed while they looked Jack over. Jack had broad shoulders and sharp features with dark hair and bold, yet soft eyes. His eyebrows, robust and thick. His hair was straight dark brown and well groomed. Jack was an attractive man. Most at first wouldn’t take him for a cop. His sports jacket and shirt matched and his burgundy shirt that fastened in the center like that of a Catholic priest. Metal, synth leather belt that settled loosely to one side. Showing off his prowess figure, and sleek, muscular form. This gave him a grungy, yet well-groomed sort of appeal. Over his jacket, he wore a trench coat with a wide lapel in which a metallic strip in the center on each lapel of his jacket running down in a straight line.

Siri beam deliciously.

Jack stood up and put his arm around both of them.

“My lovely ladies, if this is as good as it claims to be, we could be spending a lot of time together.”

Pasn`e laughed, “I’ve secured a private booth where no one will disturb us. Follow us, this way Jackie.”

“My name is Jack not-“

“Jackie…”He rolled his eyes and followed them. He looked around the room taking in everything. Jack wasn’t stupid, he knew the drill. He had no backup. This was an undercover sting operation. His job was to confirm, buy and record the illegal transaction. Mathews, his boss, was explicit with his instructions to Jack.

Jack kept his hand on Siri’s hip as they guided him through the mass of Vipers(clubbers). Half of them out of their mind on alcohol and other recreational amusement. No one could blame them. They were young, and their parents, their parents before them went through hell for many years before after the great decimation. They were a lost generation. They were considered Generation M. The lost souls of Megacity. They became Warpers, Vid heads, Alcoholics and Addicts and Rovers in the endless nightlife the Numar district had to offer. They were considered Eurotrash by the less sympathetic ears of the UCOA.

Siri and Pasn`e seems to just slip through the crowd using their sexy, lean bodies. Jack followed close behind the two girls.

Jack wondered if the NTT deactivation shot was going to do its job. The last thing he wanted was to get hooked on this stuff. He knew it was taking youth out in large numbers.


He recalled the time when he was chasing two assailants down in the China Town Sector of the lower district. He called in for backup. But, decided to take matters into his own hands. He fired into the air, and everyone around him hit the ground. Jack had a clear shot and took it. The assailant dodge around the corner.

Flash Forward…

He smiled at the two girls. That’s how he found Turtle which led him right to these two before him. He knew somehow deep down these were just pawns in a much deeper and darker chess game. Jack didn’t care about the Pawns. He was going for the king on the board, and this score would be his metaphorical ‘checkmate.’ All Jack needed was a name and TPS and his long nights at the office and undercover would soon come to an end. Who knows, maybe even a few more units in his bank account.

They passed the large crowds of dancers all in their own little worlds. There was all manner of types at the club Arena. Jack passed a few girls displaying their skin Art(Tattoos) that were fluorescent and changed colors with flashing club lights of the room. He surveyed the room and smirked at the dancers displaying their individuality through the use of all sorts of manner of piercing and facial/ body disfiguration. He passed through the packed club with holograms suspended in mid-air. They were hovering above Jack as he walked under one of the hologram images of viper’s dancing over his head. There were some Synthoids serving drinks. Jack noticed their recognition code tag. He tapped Pasn`e, she stopped and put her ear to Jack’s face. Jack yelled away from her ear enough for her to hear.

“When did the arena get Droids?”

The music was lurid, and the bass in the room made it hard for Pasn`e to hear Jack.

She yelled back cupping her hand over her mouth.

Oh, Yeah right. Not sure, You into synth-flesh Jack?

Jack yelled back his voice was drowned out by the music.

“Never thought this place would have them.”

She nodded and pointed with the movement of her head to move in the direction of Siri.

The DJ was building his song to a climax, and everyone was around him yelling and screaming with fist clenched and up in the air. With the timed, rhythmic beat of the music and obnoxiously loud bass. He looked over and his shoulder and noticed two men. Then after a moment they would occasionally look his way. Jack noted that those two guys definitely stood out from the crowd. Pasn`e suddenly touched Jack’s shoulder.

“Jack don’t lose us, Ok?.”

She took his hand and continued to direct him through the maze of people steering him into a secluded part of the club. They walked in the booth.

As soon as Siri closed the door, the bass rumbling through the halls was quietened. Jack was retracing faces through his mind trying to figure out who those two men might be.

Siri and Pasn`e looked at Jack. Their faces were catching some of the play of light from the diffused lit room.

“Shall we begin then?”

Pasn`e soon reached into a bag and held the device out. It was a small object with slits on the sides that blazed blue. She reached into a black satchel and brought out a small pouch. She opened the packet, and she handed Jack the iris implant.

“It’s top technology. The implant works with the impulses of light on the iris and loads images on the back lens of the pupil. Ok, If you didn’t know how it worked, that’s RIP training 101. Turtle told us you were only familiar with warping.”

Jack held his drink.

“Sure, Just moving my product line up so to speak. I’ve was acquainted with Viding at a Party of my ex-girlfriends pad. What turtle meant, was…”

“ Im rather new to selling RIP not using it.”

She licked her lips and continued.

“ Ok, good to know Jack. The last thing we want is Corp cop getting into our business.”

Pasn`e stared at Jack for a moment. Jack looked back at her, then she hit his chest and started laughing.

Jack pointed back to the two of them and back at himself and laughed as well.

“Oh, Me… that’s so, unsplay of you.

Pasn`e looked at Jack.

“Relax, We know you’re with Turtle. Just love shaking (kidding) you a bit.”

Siri was behind Pasn`e playing with her hair and shoulders as she continued.

“This is not your typical RIP implant; this is the newest virtual iris upgrade. Once the program executes, there is no turning back for your future clients. If you want a different program, let me know. There are at least 30 different programs the supplier can provide. If you want a custom job, that will cost you extra. Keep in mind it takes about a week to produce a new environment and experience for your clients.”

Pasn`e held the small device in her hand.

“This is where the blow (excitement) begins. Your desires and dreams will all be filled in the next 30 seconds. Our product line is the best in all twelve districts. Our NTT is the purest grade available on the Numar black market.

Siri handed Jack a small device and gave it to Jack.

“Go ahead see for yourself, Jackie.”

Jack looked at the girls and then loaded the iris implant in the small disc shape wedge of the device. He clicked the button. A few seconds later a reading appeared on the objects small green lighted screen.

‘.99 purity.’

Jack handed the device back to Siri.

“It’s the best sample I’ve seen in a while.

Siri grinned and looked at Pasn`e

“Let’s blow up and get stellar! (high).”

Pasn`e and Siri proceeded to both put the implant in their eyes. It was a small, thin, see-through screen the size of the human iris. Jack toasted the girls. “To new encounters.”

“What was an elitist doing here hanging out with a Eurotrash video head?” Jack looked at Pasn`e

“What’s with your girlfriend. An elitist?

“How do you-“

Pasn`e finish the sentence for Jack.

“How does Eurotrash viper like me know the elitist dialect?”

Jack responded.

“Umm, yeah.” He put his head slightly down then titled it back to the side examining her reaction.

Pasn`e took his vapor and blew a plume of smoke into Jacks’ face. Then handed it back to Jack.

“You assume too much Jackie.”

“She’s real splay, you know, makes me laugh at life, and all the shit we have to put up with as citizens. She, well, became my playmate, and I learned to speak Tresnian from her over time. It’s a very mutual symbiotic relationship.”

Jack nodded at her and finished his drink.

“She speaks the common language as well.”

“She is a bit shy though.”

Siri smiled at Jack and gave him a demure look.

Jack gave a glancing smile and looked over Siri.

“Oh, her shy, yeah right?”

The Tresnian language was the UCOA unique way of separating itself from society with an elitist language. All upper-class elitist went to different, specialized schools than the masses, learning the language. Tresnian was developed to unite megacity, but in its early developmental stages, the UCOA saw they could have some advantage over the public. Jack was examining Pasn`e and Siri’s interaction with one another.(Siri was here, an elitist hanging with the likes of Pasn`e . Eurotrash and elitist never mixed.)

He looked over Siri and felt empathy and compassion for her. She’s probably some rich Centorium districts daughter, and she may even have a high bounty for her return.)

They all finished their shots. Siri gave a smile and said, “maz, pa’s din tu lo pin.” Pasn`e translated,

Jack focused his attention on Pasn`e .

“She said she is going to enjoy this.”

Jack responded, “dintso”(thanks)

“I actually know a small bit from my clientele.”

Pasn`e perked up with the excitement of bringing higher paying clients to the table.

“Well, then maybe my suppliers and I can work something special for you. Any names? Come on, I won’t tell.”

Jack took his hand and waved back and forth.

“let’s say ladies I value my life too much for that.”

Pasn`e prepared everything on the table before Jack. She opened a bag and prepped the products. Pasn`e would occasionally give a glance at Jack. Her eyes did all the talking for her. Siri took the black cylinder and prepped the device.

“This is where your users become your best friend’s.”

The iris implant contains an advance .010 illegally enhanced release. Your Clients need to follow the instructions to prevent over dosage.”

Pasn`e took out a cube and laid it on the table in front of them.

The cube soon brought into view, a hovering data image of the construction of the RIP. (retinal implant programming). As she talked, Jack was getting the idea that some major players were involved and this was bigger than he expected. Besides, Jack knew the cardinal rule in illegal sales of NTT. Pushers are never users. She pointed to the small micro pack on the iris implant.

“This is a pre-programable NTT release micro packet. The user can preset his or her desirable emotional state. We have planned an exceptional experience for you, Jack. Siri took the device load the implant and then taking the cylinder she pressed the button. Her RIP implant lit up fluorescent blue, giving her eye is a robotized look to them.

“See you soon, Jackie boy.”

She then froze and did not move.

Pasn`e took the cylinder from Siri’s slightly quivering body. Siri’s eyes were instantly dilated and glowed from the black lights. Pasn`e looked at Jack.

“No, please lady’s first.”

Pasn`e winked at Jack and repeated the same gesture as Siri. She froze, and Jack noticed her hand slightly shaking from the sensation. Jack grabbed the object and took a deep breath. He thought to himself. Privacy and trust with Viding were an absolute must. He had heard of cases where everyone in the room was robbed using the RIP and Viding. Jack made sure the door was secure. He sat back down. This one time and it would be over, and everything he worked for was about to manifest itself.

“I hope my backup plan works.”

His mind went back to the meeting with the chief of the UCOA drug enforcement agency.

He opened the sterile package and gently placed the implant over his left eye. It felt like a wet contact lens, and Jack could see the symbols superimposed over his vision. The diagram appeared superimposed over jacks own vision. Strange symbols popped seeming to float over Jack’s vision. Jack notice the program starting to boot. There was a flashing blue light. Jack knew it was time to press the Vid stick. Siri and Pasn`e were waiting for him. Jack took a deep breath and turn on the Vid stick.

All three of were standing in a matrix of light that formed before them. Jack looked around as the program began simulating the room before him.

He saw the two girls lying on a round bed with pillows around them. He could look out from Jack tried stepping out of the enclosure, and everything went black. He returned to virtual space, and the background seemed to flash for a second. Pasn`e and Siri called him over. He felt the release of what he thought was the NTT which was starting to course through his veins. Jack smiled and felt like he didn’t care anymore about his mission or what he was doing at that moment.

Pasn`e looked at Jack. Her pupils were large and dilated.

“Yeah, how you feeling? Stellar, huh?”

Jack gave a Cheshire cat’s grin and fell into the arms of the both of them.

Pasn`e shouted.

“Yeah, Baby”

“This program gets, even more, splay Jackie.”

She used her hand and made a motion, and a console appeared. She moved her finger down and selected a screen. Music came on, and the digital room was playing some technosonic(combination of both vibration and techno.) music. Jack looked around him and above them was a dancing display of light. It was beautiful swirling changing in pattern and movement. The mandala took him deeper with each change of interlocking patterns of light and vibration. It seemed to be metaphorically pulling Marlow into the patterns and revealing hidden architectures within.

Pasn`e pulled Jack’s body closer to her own.

“I love coming here to this place Jack. Don’t you? I mean, I feel so connected to you and Siri. How could anyone not live without this Jack.”

She was rubbing his shoulders and moving with the music.”

“How do like the Hype (product) so far? Is it what your clients hoped for? Do you crave for more Jack?”

Our product can literally put you anywhere and simulate any environment.” She rubbed his chest.

Jack replied, “I’m so ripped right now. Yes, I feel the same.”

Jack started rubbing Siri and Pasn`e.

“I Feel like I connect to you and the very fabric of time-space.”

Jack started laughing hysterically looking towards the mandala hovering above them.

(Jack thought for second that in the actual world that he, Pasn`e and Siri were all frozen in a room not moving. It’s was like the life he was living was an illusion and this state was a reality he never considered.)

“I Mean, I came here to do something, but I’ve forgotten what it was, now that I’m here.

Pasn`e ’s rolled to the back of her head. She bit her lip and turned to Siri.

“He’s ready, let’s finish what we came here to do.”

They continued massaging and kissing one another. Siri went to the control panel floating in the air. She nodded at Pasn`e then she smiled tapping a few buttons. The implant on Jack’s eye released the PFH (Plasma-flora-techra-hydrate) into Jack’s system. He was Enraptured with two soft creatures at his whim to do what he wanted and desired.

“do you enjoy Siri and me together with you Jackie?” She laughed, and they both looked at Jack. For Jack, it was the happiest he felt in a very long time. He was laughing, and the drug made him feel alive. The feeling was so invigorating, he indeed felt alive. Siri pulled him towards her. She kissed him, and the program seemed to let their bodies and energies merge. Each touch was erotic and pleasing. It was if each sensation of touch affected the mind both on the physical and a more primal level. Jack lay on the couch, and he felt as if he became part of everything he touched. Jack tried to remember what he was doing here with these lovely girls.

The way the program worked was that everyone could feel the sensations of each participant. Pasn`e spoke to Jack, “the second release is called the kick.” Her voice to Jack started to sound alien and synthesized.

Jack’s face was frozen with pleasure.

“You see Jack everything is not what it seems, dear. We have to be sure, you understand now, right? You won’t remember any of this Jack. We know you’re a cop.”

Jack couldn’t breathe and was laughing uncontrollably.

“You bitches are going to kill me, I love it.”

Jack’s broad smile started to hurt is cheeks. Jack’s color seem to drain out of his face Pasn`e spoke. She laid him down on her lap. Siri spoke in the common tongue to Jack.

“The thing to remember is that your clothes, your body it’s all an illusion, Jack.”

Siri put her hand on Jacks and their two body’s merged.

“NTT makes your body and my body and Pasn`e s like community property.”

“the trick is to go with it. Ride its wave. Let the drug take you where it wants to take you, and we all get there.”

She started massaging Jacks broad shoulders. Then was playing with his hair. He looked at her, and it seemed that time stood still and he could see eternity in her eyes. A symbol of the universe bound up in the image of a woman sitting before him.

(Why am I here again…?) Jack thought to himself, but each thought just seemed to melt in his mind’s eye. Nothing was making sense except being with these two girls. Jack was trying to pull his thoughts together.

Her voice was slow and rhythmic. The room started to spin for Jack, and it seemed reality was breaking apart in front of him. He felt as if time and the universe where there in front of him and everything was infinite. Jack was getting deeper. Siri and Pasn`e almost seemed to be pushing him deeper and further. His mind went from a calm lake into a deluge of violent thoughts and fear set in.

He felt it was too much, the feeling was overwhelming, and he wanted to snap out of it.

Siri spoke.

Jack, you’re stellar (high)right now. We are running some small test on you.” She was laughing and talking to Jack.

“Jack NTT is symbiotic if you feel anxious we, in turn, all do. Just go with it. Ok?”

Pasn`e touched his head. The center of his brow.

“Your thoughts travel like waves on the water and interacting with everything here Jack.”

She pulled him back on the simulated couch, and they held Jack down.

“relax and breathe.” Jack tried pulling himself away and resisted.

There was a blurred voice that he could just barely hear in the room.

“Data analysis completed.” Jack finally was starting to think straight again. He remembered what he came to do and who Jack was and why he was there.”

They started laughing. Pasn`e spoke up.

“Jack you’re paranoid.”

“It’s too much, ” Jack screamed, “it’s all too much, I’m starting to losing it.”

Siri looked at Pasn`e

Once inside the program, a user couldn’t tell the difference between reality and dream. The sensitive receptors in the eyes connect to light and vibrations directly through the optic nerve to the brain. It was a reality of its own and add a few more elements of a narcotic you have yourself a very nasty cocktail for addiction on Megacities hands. Jack knew why he came there to meet with these dealers. The fact hit all too clearly. These newest designer drugs locked the user in completely 100%. Jack tried to focus, but his short-lived joy now had become a long-lived game of his own personal hell.

Pasn`e looked at him and nodded at Siri.

“Jack, have you done this before?”

“Listen to me is this your first time Viding?”

Siri looked at Pasn`e I think he’s at max capacity. Jack heard the faint sound of a computerized voice again.

“Running Marker 301.”

A few moments later the voice in the program sounded.

“running PFH stabilization and checking for Marker Qualifications.”

Siri was looking at Jack.

“It’s a Match sir. We have a marker match.”

He felt the Anti-NTT kick in. He remembered the doctor at headquarters giving him his shot. The doctor told him to be patient, and the NTT deactivation shot would eventually kick in.

Jack felt his consciousness move into blackness and the sounds and sights of the room slowly faded away. Jack suddenly found himself back in the booth, and the girls were still frozen. After a few moments, Pasn`e soon came out of her trance and got her bearings. She took the insert from her eye, “what in the hell happened in there, Jack?” She leaned over to Jack’s face.

“You’re having a reaction to the NTT. That’s very rare and only occurs with first time users.”

(All the while knowing that Jack wasn’t on NTT but, PCT, which temporarily lowered the user’s willpower. It was used in the field by agents. Pasn`e new also the drug had some nasty after effects as well. Jack was def showing all the signs and symptoms PFH.

Jack was sweating and panting. He was out of the program finally and could feel the blood flowing through his veins. Jack took the implant out of his eye and felt nauseous. He loosened his collar and fell to the floor, panting, trying to catch his breath. He could hear his heart beating and pounding in his head. As the girls watched him. His heart raced, and he stumbled out into the club and the men’s room. Knocking some of the dancers out of his way. He splashed water over his face then he paced himself to the bar for a drink. He leaned his head on the bar, sweat dripped off his brow. He regained his composure and wiped his face. (Those bitches tried to kill me!) His heart racing.(What the hell happened to me in there?)He looked at his face in the mirror and then made his way to the bar. He sat and stared at the bar and ordered a drink. The barkeeper looked a Jack while cleaning some glasses.

“You alright buddy? You look like crap.”

Jack finished his drink, and after a moment he nodded to the barkeeper and got up from his chair.

He slowly arose checking his balance and walking back into the room he saw Siri still entranced her eyes not blinking, and tears were trailing to the sides of her cheek bones.

With shaking hands, he took out his badge and laid it on the table.

“by order of the UCOA, you’re both under arrest. Tell me who your supplier is! I need names and TPS’s now!”

“and my goddamn name is Jack, not Jackie!”

Pasn`e looked at the badge then back at the door behind Jack.

She was trained well by the organization. She acted shocked than scared. Jack unknowingly was playing into the whole game flawlessly.

Pasn`e played along all the while knowing that Jack was clueless to what happened in the VID session. PFH wipe his memory of most of the details, and she knew the side effects would kick in. Jack was finding out for himself.

“Now Jack just freeze out (be calm). Real splay(cool) okay?”

Siri came down out of the program finally. She had a look of confusion at first until she saw the look in Pasn`e s eyes. Jack shined his badge in her face.

“Happy returns, Sister. TPS id, now, citizen!”

Then Pasn`e opened her mouth to speak.

“Jack there’s something way bigger going on here. More than meets the eye.”

“Yes, what’s going here is you girls are both Slated (hooked), that’s an incredibly dangerous, No! fucking deadly, amount of neuro cake, that your pushing on the Numar streets!”

Jack took out his blaster and pointed it at the girls.

He continued, “you’re both under arrest for selling illegal amounts of NTT in the Numar district.”

Pasn`e resisted, Jack pinned her to the booth. He was close to her face, and he was still sweating profusely.

Pasn`e pleaded, “we’re not the suppliers, we swear, they have us work with new buyers just to get them off. Take me in, but Siri knows nothing. I swear, Jack.”

Jack held his watch at an angle and spoke.

“Circa, perform a scan on neurotoxicity levels in my bloodstream.”

There was a pause, and then a light flashed.

Circa replied with a synthesized voice.

“Jack there is a weak MRS Magnetic resonance signal) for me to get a proper analysis of your blood Neurotoxicity levels. My system requires a full MRS signal.”

Jack held the pistol on the two suspects. His brow knotted showing his frustration.

“damn it!”

“I’ll prepare a sample and send it ASAP.”

Jack was getting his sensory cuffs out for the suspects. He placed them on Pasn`e then next Siri.

Jack was interrupted by his flashing watch.

… Incoming call.

… Incoming call.

He huffed and kept his eye on the two girls. He first ignored the call with his eyes fixed on the two suspects. Jack looked at the watch buzzed again, and the light blipped once more. Jack took his vape out answered the call. With shaking hands, he worked the cigarette to his lips.“Citizen Marlow here.”A holographic image appeared in front of him transmitting from the watch. A man with a beard and tie hovered over his wrist.

Jack responded, “Captain Mathews.”

Mathews replied in a rough tone.

“Marlow, we need you at UCOA headquarters, asap.”

Jack moved away from the girls pointing his finger at them both. He waved his hand over the holographic image, the image of Mathews soon faded away and Jack continued the conversation by audio. Jack responded, “Sir, with all due respect, I’m close to finding the supplier and shutting down their operations. I need to bring these two suspects in for questioning.”

Mathews responded, “I’m sorry Jack, I have my orders we have a situation here. I need you to drop what you’re doing and head in now. You have your orders, report at once, Mathews out.”

The two girls were fixating on his conversation and said nothing.

He turned them around and removed the cuffs.

“I need names and TPS’s! One week or I’ll take you both in, understand me?”

She nodded, and he let them both go. They walked off and turned before leaving the room.

Siri Said,

“See you soon Jackie!” She winked at Jack and then disappeared into the crowd.

Jack put the cylinder in his pocket and went back into the club. He grabbed the bag of evidence and headed for the door. He noticed two men following him out from the bar. He turned the corner and waited pressed up against the edge of the building. The two men passed him and went down towards seventy-fifth. Jack followed them. He couldn’t size them up the men turned around and headed back to the club. He took his watch and was trying to catch an image of the men, but there were so many people passing by, Marlow on the street, couldn’t capture their TPS ids. Jack breathed a heavy sigh and disappeared in the midst of people headed towards their destinations. Jack had lost all track of time while under the influence of the drug. The legal limit of NTT was .003 ml. Jack took the iris implant from his jacket and placed it on his watch. He gave a command,

“Circa, I need a lab analysis.”

The watch lit up, and a hologram moved a ray of light over the iris implant. His watch read, ‘object analysis scan completed.’ Jack put the implant in a small bag and sealed it. He would get the results in a few hours and hoped to crack this whole thing soon. He had been on this case for several months now and finally was making some leeway. UCOA pressuring him to finish the undercover operation soon. The UCOA and his boss were putting more pressure on Jack to get results and find names and make arrests and close this case. Many thoughts entered his mind, but food stuck out more than any other idea. Jack realized he was hungry and wanted a quick bite of synthshi. Jack pulled out his phone and looked at his fake TPS. He was so annoyed that his Lieutenant pulled Jack from of one largest bust in the Numar district. Now Jack was back to zero, and they would send another agent on the case. Still, he couldn’t figure out in his head. Lieutenant Marlow needed a long night’s rest, and he wanted to go back to his apt overlooking Numar. Either he was right in front of the primary source or something else was going on, but Jack couldn’t quite place his finger on it. His mind was running through all the details as he walked the streets of the Numar district. It was the darker side of town. If you wanted VID or RIP, this was the place. The UCOA tried outlawing and arresting VID users and RIP a few years ago. Since then they allowed the .003ml, but there was a new movement on the rise, which called for illegal amounts of the NTT.

Jack pulled out the plastic bag and held the sample

In his hands. Now at least he knew more about how the dealers enhanced the micro-packets. More than that, Jack finally had the evidence he was after. All he needed was the Labs to confirm his suspicions.

Meanwhile somewhere in Numar District…

Pasn`e and Siri blended into the streets of busy

Shops and landers Passing by. Siri grabbed Pasn`e

and pulled her to her lips as two cops walked by.

“We found our man. After all these months

We’ve found him. Turtle was the perfect intel


Pasn`e looked both ways in the streets.

“We need a place to lay low for a few hours until we meet at the Rendezvous point at 2300 hours.

Pasn`e took hold of Siris’ hand, and they found their way the club, The Relax Pad located on the west, lower side of Numar. A woman met them at the door.

“Ah, ladies come in…have a few drinks, check out the beautiful merchandise and newest synthoid models.”

Siri looked at Pasn`e . Her face contorted.

“This is your hideout, a synthoid club?”

Pasn`e pulled her hair back and pinned in up.

“Relax, neither Jack or the authorities won’t look here. Let’s have a drink to celebrate finding our marker.”

Siri grabbed her cigarette, as models were parading around them. Pasn`e looked at Siri and laughed. She took the cig from Siri then handed it back. Pasn`e seem to brighten up and glow.

Siri cheered her partner and looked at Pasn`e .

“Thomas Birch, Jack mentioned Birch.”

Pasn`e looked down at the counter then back at Siri. Trust me that drip(Square) hasn’t a clue whats going. Jack simply saw what any beat cop would.”

“He will never suspect a thing. This is way more complicated than anyone could have imagined.”

Pasn`e looked around and had a delicious look in her eyes.

“Well, Since we’re here, we could always partake in some of this cyber entertainment? I’ve heard these Synths are highly functional if you know what I mean.”

Siri ordered a drink at the bar looking over the men and woman synths. She responded to Pasn`e .

“Never been into synth-flesh, you go have fun. Pasn`e had a devilish look on her face as she took the hand of one of the men. Pasn`e slammed shot back and banged it on the bar counter.

“Well, redheads were never my type anyway.”

She gave Siri a peck on the cheek and disappeared with the synthoid/ beef-bot.

Siri stared into space looking so often at the door then she remembered looking into Jack’s eyes. She remembered what Pasn`e whispered in her ear earlier that night with Jack.

“now there’s a man you could enjoy.”

Siri diverted here thoughts. Very, Soon she was just about to enter the second phase of the operation. Everything was setting into motion. So many months of searching and her inside Intel paid off. She knew the info leak was bigger than Turtle and it had to have come from somewhere in the UCOA. Soon she would complete her mission even if it meant losing her life. Siri began talking to herself playing with her drink in her hands.

“Who are you, Jack Marlow. Why you? Why the did UCOA choose a cop of all the potential markers in Megacity?”

“Whats the connection with Birch?”

Siri knew about Birch. She met him in a UCOA raid near the Tansar area.

Siri excused herself removing her white makeup. She took removed her blue wig and threw it in the garbage and finally revealing a face she was more familiar with. She walked out of the restroom and found her place at the bar and looked into the mirrored walls seeing herself. (Pasn`e was right. She wasn’t partial to redheads either.)She Laughed as she watched the holograms dancing before her. It would be a long night, and soon she would have to put her training to the test. Siri took a pill case from her purse. She needed a boost of energy and jumpers were just what she needed.

The bartender came out from the back. Looked around.

“Where did the viper go! I made her drink!”

Siri spoke up and smiled coyly.

“Royal Sapphires my favorite. I’ll take it.”

An Hour passed, and Pasn`e soon came out with a smile on her face. Siri signaled her over.

“Lets, bolt out of here, I have a meeting at 2300 tomorrow, I need to be rested.”

The girls left the bar. Then all of a sudden they changed directions after seeing a familiar face they recognized.”

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